The Brussels Post, 1940-6-26, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE ednesday,: June 26th' 1940 Seaforth Stops League Leaders In Huron Soccer Brussts• football tam, leaders in the Huron -Perth Football League, took .their first defeat of the season and had the first goal of the season scored against them when they lost to Seaforth last Monday night In a rough-and-tumble game at the Lions Club park. The score was 2-1, ,Because of the rain which fell throughout the period, nvhen the game was being played, only a small crowd turned out to witness the Seaforith victory. The ground was. In comparatively good condi- tion despite the rain. In the sec- ond baif of the game, after Sea - forth had tied the tscore, play be- came pretty rough and referee Joe Magee from Dublin bad a hard time handling the play. The first counter was scored by Steles, Brussels centre forward, about 20 minutes, after the first half had begun. O'Neill, Seaforth centre !onward, tied the score when he slammed home Frank Sills peas in the second half. Sills, who plays outside right, scored the win- ning goal a few minutes before the final whistle on a long kick from some defiance out, The Happy ,Cousins Concert Co., of Elmira will appear at the home of John McGill, Con. 4, Morris, two miles east of Belgrave on ,TUESDAY, JULY 2nd presenting a high class entertainment ,under the auspices of the Belgrave Red Cross Society Jitney Dancing following Entertaln5ment Booth on grounds . Concert to commence at 8.30 o'clock Admission—Adults 40c Children 100 God Save the King. C. .R. Coultas, Pres. C. H. Wade, Treasurer GARDEN PARTY of Duff's United Church WALTON Will Be .Held on THURS., JUNE 27 On the Church Grounds Supper Served from 6 to 8 ENTERTAINERS The. McGregor Old Tyme Concert Party Admission — 35c and 20c REGENT THEA TRE • * • WEDDING • • 'e * * Loca__ew.s Items SMITH -KELLY The quiet wedding took place in St. John's Angiican. Church, with the rector, Rev. F, Watts, officiating, of Mary, only daughter of Mrs. George Kelly, and the late George leel1y, of eighth concession of Morris, to Gar'vtin Smith, son of Robert Smith and the late Mrs, Sm1,61. The couple will make their home in Porcupine. STEWART McNAY A quiet wedding took place at the thonle of Me. and Mrs. John MoNay, In McKillop, when their elder daughter, Annlie, was united in marniage to Alexander Fitzgerald Stewart, •eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart, of Seaforth. Rev. H. V, Workman, of Northside Unit- ed Church, officiated. Mrs. 3. A. Stewart playing the wedding music. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of French bine sink net over taffeta, small blue taffeta hat and shoulder length veil to match, She carried Johanna Hill roses. During the signing of the register the groom's brother, James A. Stewart, sang. ' Followdng the ceremony and a buffet luncheon, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart left by mo- tor for Oshawa, Montreal and Que. bec, The bride chose fpr travelling a navy blue sheer dress and redin- gote with white accessories. They will reside in Toronto. • SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING. --- James Gleason Lucile Gleason The Covered Trailer Added in Technicolor The Singing Dude MON., TUES., WED. Melvyn Doeglas Joan Blondell The Amazing Mr. !Williams Clarence Kolb Ruth Donnelly The hilarious story of Mr. Williams who deserts his law books to become a detective Next THURS., FRI., SAT. Gene Autry Jane Withers Shooting High Marjorie Weaver Robert Lowry Jane and Gene In a riotous roundup of Rhythm, Romance and Action COMING — - Irene Work Is Started On Development Of Huron Airport Two Daylight Shifts Of 25 Men Each Being Employed On Big Protect K`roderich, June 26—Work our the development of the Heron atirport was started on. Tuesday by the Sandy Construction and Machine Works, Goderich. There will be two daylight shifts of twenty-five men each, employed. The work of Cutting down the bush onthe northwest side was commenced, and power machinery `vas started on the runways, One hundred and thirty -live acres will be graded and levelled, and will then be seeded as the runways are to be of sod as specified for the elementary training airports. 60 Acres of Bush There are almost sixty acres of bush to be removed besides five hundred frult trees at the western end of the deli'. The total area will be fenced off with 1,000 rods of woven wire fence. P. L, Whitely, of the Department of Transport, Ottawa, is the resi- dent engineer. The field surveying is in• charge of Murray L. Hether- ingtin, Gaderich, GREY Services of Intercession .Special services 00 intercession for those' serving in His Majesty's forces, an dlfor victory, are lasing held at St. John's •Churcby Brussels, every Wednesday evening it 8 p.m.I Anyone whlo desires to join in these services will be most welcome. Last week was not so bad just a cloud burst on Tuesday night and the farmers' got a lot of work done sowing, buckwfaeat, putting in roots and fixing fences, Ahead Of seven deer was seen on the farm of J, M. Knight grazing with his cattle but when they got the smell of man they made off into Geo. WeisebberS's swamp. 11 was a sight to `s'ee them jumping Mr. I{night'e high wire fence. Lynn Evans has improved :hs looks of his dar'm by ppttiag up a nice fence around his orchard. Lynn is a neat and tidy farmer. By Popuiar Demand DANCE TO BENNY 'PALMER AND WIS MUSIC Western Ontario's Most Popular Dance Band. AT ROYAL -T, Windham Thursday Night, June 27th FOR A MID -NIGHT DANCE Sunday, June 30th DOOR PRIZE — SPOT DANCING 0ADMiSSION --- .-- 50e (DANCING EVERY THURSDAY 14IIGKT) ►NN•N —o— Have Photographs Taken Especially of the Wedding party, Our well equipped Studios and our long experience enables us to give you portraits of the Better Kind and at a moderate price. Burgess Studios Mitchell and Clinton —o— At the Churches 'Services in the United Church on Sunday were conducted by the Min- ister, Rev, H. 3. Mahoney. In the morning a Missionary sermon was preached, celebrating the Tames Evan centenary. The subject for the evening sermon was ' Rever- ence-'' Jack Bates contributed a solo. Services in Melville Presbyterian Church on Sunday were •conducted by the Minister, Rev. S. Kerr, who spoke on "The Prodigal Son" The subject for the evening service was "The Waters of the River Jordan:' Miss Marie King gave a solo. The Nativity of St. John the Bap- tist was marked with a celebration of Holy Communion at St. Jo1im'S Church. Brussels. The rector, Rev. F. Watts was celebrant and preach- er. Mr. Gilbert, a lay -reader, of Toronto, assisted the rector at Evensong. Local Councillor {Enlists Harry; Bowler who has been a member of the local council for the past three years' leaves Brussels Monday for 'Stratford to commence his braining as member of the ma- chine gun unit there. Mr. Bowler came to Canada from his home in Aberdeen, Scotland, thirteen years ago and has been a resident of Brussels for the past ten years. Ten years ago he went into ,the feed business here in partnership with Alec Woodrow and for the past five Years he has conducted the busi- ness, himself, it will now be taken over by Mr. S. Fox. Harry bas al- ways taken a keen interest in the sports of the community. He het played on the football team for eight years and for four years was coach and manager and was also manager of the hockey club for two Years, It was 'with regret that bis resignation was received by the council, and he will be missed by his many friends. Rev. /Win Passes In Toronto "'Omen's Institute The June meeting of the Brussels Women's Institute Will take place on Friday, June 2$ at 3 p.m. in the Library. The Roll Call will be, "A Book or Picture I have recently en- joyed," Miss E. Downing will pre- sent .her report of the District An. nual and Mrs, H. O. Walker will read a paper on "The Greatest. Good to the Greatest Number:' The girls of Mrs. Kitty's class in sewing are giving a short program and are serving tea. A silver col- lection for Red Cross will be taken. Ail the ladies of the community are heartily welcome to this, interesting meeting. —0— Asking For Homes For Refugee Children Applications are being received. by the Huron County Children's Aid ,Society from people who are willing to take refugee children who are coming to Canada from England. In many cases the 'tomes of these children have already been destroy- ed. The children range in age from 5 to 16, and several •applicants for girls • have alerady been received, but homey are urgently needed for boys, Every home will be inspected be- fore the children are placed. This is to prevent them getting into homes where they migbt be overworked or otherwise deprived of the privileges of childhood. The homes must be free, that is people who accept children will be contributing to the war effort of the Empire, as no per- son is to be pail) for taking one or more for such period of time as cir- cumstances may warrant. Huron County can be relied upon to do its full duty in this direction. Applications for children should be ad*r'essed eo Mr. Hr 'i Eduardo Superintendent of Children's Aid Society, Goderiich. !Remember the words of our ;Sav- iour, "Suffer little children to come unto one." BLUEVALE On Saturday death claimed a greatly respected and dearly belov- ed resident of Bluevale in the per - Mary Black. IMiss Black was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Blank, early pioneer settlers of Turnlberry Township. She was born on the Black homestead; just eaett of the village, 84 years ago, where she re- sided through the early years of her life. She accompanied her sister, the late Miss Jean Black, to Tara and Blyth, w'mere Miss Black taught Siclrool and later retired in Win ham', After the deatb of her sister, she returned to Bluevale where she had continued to reside, Miss Black always enjoyed good health. She possesised a keen mind and by daily reading was well informed on all current events, In April she fell at her own home and suffered a Enka tired hip and, did not have su0fi- eien•t strength to overcome she strain! and suffering. 'She is survived by three nephewk. and two nieces, Fleming and Mal- colm Black, Bluevale; Charles R. Black, Gerrie; Mrs. Roy Gad'ke, Fordwich, and Mrs Hemor L. Pletoh, Chicago. The funeral was held front her late residence on Monday afternoon. Service 'was con- ducted by Rev. F. G. Fowler, pas- tor of Knox Presbyterian Church of which she was a member. Dur- ing the service Allan Ramsay sang a solo, Interment took plana in Bluevale cemetery, The pall -bearers were: Fleming, Malcolm and Charles Black, Roy •Gadke, Arnold Lehrer and Mac Scott. ALLIN, Rev. S. James—On Satur- day June 22nd, 1940, et his home, 59 Pinecrest Roel), Rev. S, James Aliin, beloved husband of Ada Duch, in bis 891.11. year, dear father of Cleve G„ Vancouver, RC.; C. Clarke, St. Louts, Mo., and Arthur E., V. Way, S, James Jr., Mrs. F. R. Turner and Mrs. Carl East, all of Toronto. Resting at Chapel et Turner and Porter, 436 Roncesvalles Avenue, until 11.30 Tueisday morning, Faner- al sterviee at Howard Park United Churn, Sunnyside Avenue (at Mar- maduke, Street), Tuesday, June 25, at 2 p.m. (D.S.T,) Interment Park Lawn Cemetery.—Rev. Allin oc- cupied the parsonage in .the years 1696 to 1808, besides supplying the pulpit /several simmers later. Mr. and Mrs, Alen visited in 'Brussels 1939. tie was loosing his sight then and through not able to read Malta, dearly loved to visit his old friends and look over their flower gardens, He was a greet lover of flowers-vieittag the late Mr. Jas. Bowman, ex•M.P, and Expressman Jack Wright who can show some of the beat,"Glads" in town. DIED 1 W 3jN —In Medicine Hat, Alta„ on TueadaY night, rune 25th, 13iphrlam Downing in hie 65th Year, BRUSSEL,S ONTARIO' * * * * * * * * * Schedule Of PEOPLE WL KNOW * * * * * * * * * New Tax For Mrs, K. McCallum le staying with relatives in Walton, • ♦ • Mrs. W, F, ,Siretton and Mrs, Pringle are visiting In Toronto this week. • * Mrs, Ed, Henderson spent Wed- nesday in London and attended the Sullivan -Hicks' wedding. * * * Mrs. W. F. Stewart is spending a week with her son and Iris family in Elora. * * * Miss Ruth Moorhouse was a week- end visitor with her friend Miss Doris McDonald, * * * Miss Thura Gerry of Fort William was a week end guest with Misses Lizzie and Hattie Downing. Miss Hattie Murray 0 ,Seafofeh has been the guest of her friends Messes Lizzie and Hattie Downing.- * * * Mrs, Kerr of Kitchener has been visiting with her son Mr. W. C. Kerr and family, Miss Evelyn Cunningham, Reg. N., Brantford, spent the week end 1.1 her home here, ► * * Herbert Stretton, R.O.A.F., Toron- to was a week end visitor with his wife and daughter Geraldine. s * * Mese, Elizabeth Johnston of Essex was a guest at the home of Mr. aua Mrs. D. R, Cunningham over rhe week end. * * * Mrs. D. Badgley of Brussels spent a few days at the home of Mr. aid Mrs. Wm. Love of Ethel last week and called on other friends, Mr A. Woof and Will McCracken spent a few days last week ile Guelph attending an I.O.O,F. coo• vention. * * * Mrs. W. Ament of Seaforth and Mrs. Coates of London were visiting their relatives Mr, and Mrs. P1ilie Anent and family, * a * Mrs. David Hastings 'went to Petenwa.wa last week to spend a few days with her husband at the soldier's camp, • * Mr. and Mrs. J. Cottrill and daughters, Port Elgin were week end visitors with her parents Mr. and Airs. D. McDonald. National Defence Goes into Effect July 1, To 'Be Collected At Source Ottawa, June 25—Examliles of the owo per cent, national defence tax which was announced'in the budget speech by Finance Minister Ralston and which goes into effect July 1, collectable at the, source of income, follow; Singly person—Income $600 or less. No tax. Single person: Income over $600 and not in excess of $612.24 pay as tax only the excess of the income over $600. So that the income will not be reduced below $600. ,Single person -,Income over $61- 2.24 and not in excess of $1,200, 2 per cent. tax on all income. Single person—'Income in excess of $1,200, 3 per cent, tax on all in - cone. Single person maitnaining a self- contained domestic establishment and actually smppoattog therein as individual connected by blood f ell- tionshlp, marriage or adoption and whose inoosa•e is $1,200 or less, no tax. Single person wholly supporting in Canada a parent or grandparent, blather or Sister under 21 years of age or 21 years of age or over, and dependent on account of metnal or physical infirmity is entitled to a credit of $8 for each dependent. Married person—income $1,200 or less—no tax. Mkrnied person—Husband and wife each having income which combined equals $1,200 or less—no tax. Married person — Income over 11,200 and net in excess of $1,224,43 pay as tax only ?,he excess of the income over $1,200 so that the in- come will not be reduced below $1,209. Allowance For Dependents ',.a Marnied person—Income in excess of 11,224.48-2 per cent. tax on all income. Warired. pennon with dependent child or grandchild under 21 years of age and alset nwholly supporting in Canada a parent or grandparent, brother or sister under 21 years of age or 21 years of age or over and dependent on account of mental or physical infirmity is entitled to a credit of $8 for each dependent. Married person—The credet of $8 for any depedendene child may be taken by either parent under ar- rangement between. themselves. Single person, income $610—tax $10. Single person, income $6'1J --tax $1:2.26. bogie Penson, tax $316.30. Marled person, no tax. Married person, tax $15. Married person, tax $24,62. Married person (with one child) income $1,226 -,tax $24,51„ less cred- it $5, net tax payable $16:52. _.y * * * Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jamieson and son Jack spent Wednesday in Lon - dole and attended. the Sullivan- Hioks wedding. * * * Misses ,Aleen Gibson' and Madalon Speinan of the staff of the Toronto General Hospital were week end guests at their hosnes here. The many o1d .friends of Mae. Geo. Baeker, Turnberry St., will be sorry to hear she is very poorly at present and trope she will be lots better soon. JUST TWO DIVISIONS There has been oompsr100n made. between' Canada and Australia on the tecore of divisions mobilized. ` Ea& country has mobilized two divisions acid sent one abroad Ther@ wets' some eonfeelort caused by an- nouneement of mobilization of a seventh .A.est'ralian division, but ABsit0alia called her new first div- isiou the sixth and the second the seventh, • * Mae. R. S. Hamilton and het sister Mrs, A, Smith left this week for a trip to Quebec from which Mrs. Smith returns to her home in Edmonton, * * * Master Billy Wison of Toronto, Vent Sunday with his cousin Stuart Kerr•. He expects to spend the month of July with Dr. and Mrs. Ken. Jackson near Walton, * * * Mre. Alex Perry who bas been confined; to her bed, at the home of her sister Mrs. Perry, ,john St, is able to be up around the house, we are pleased to repo4t. Mr. and' Mn.s'3, Rozell formerly of 13reeeels *ere renewing old friendships in town and were enter- tained at the home' of 31r. W. J. McCracken and atlases McCracken. ,Mac Cardiff*who *wasp taken 111 when in town and who was taken to Lietowol hospital and operated on for weeendtcitis le convalescing at the home of Lie aunt; Mia E, Spotlit in town. ACisB' Jean *M,*St*rechan, daughter leg' between the knee and ankle. income $1,210 -- income $1,200— income $1,216— inoome 11,226— of Rev. J. T. and Mrs, Strachan of St. Marys completed hers first year. at Uuniversity of Toronto in Hon- our Household Economics with hoe - ours. She again won the Leonard Scholarship valued at $250.00 for general proficiency. She is a niece of Miss. Annie and, Crawford Strachan of town, CRANBROOR. A lagre crowd attended the Gar- den Party, held, at Oranbrook Pres- byterian church last Tuesday even- ing. The program was a changer from other years. Slides of the scenery across eanada and Alaska Were shown by the Canadian' Pacifie Railway ,Co., which was very inter, esjing, Mn Ivor Wiiliamre of Valetta ie 'isitieg with frtendet bore this week, Mr. Walter Brown was visiting with relatives here last w'eeek. We are very Sorry thea little Behold Pride', son of Alvin Pride, had the misfortune or breaking hie