HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-6-19, Page 6THE E ;BRUSSELS f'OST W'iliDN1iSU AY, MINE 12th, 1.340 til
3 out of 4 Jain and Jelly Champions use CERTO
set,, `..f fete -
Mrs R. J. Luna a> Oxford; N.S, —Prize•
wir'ner at Oxford Exhibition—writes; "1
feel, when utaking jams or jellies with Certo,
,hal l am snare of good results: The shorter
boiling keeps the fresh fruit flavour and col-
s our. Several times 1 bare taken the Special
Prise for the most points in Ibis class at our
county fain"
1tlR Il TOLp��� ,="
Under the label of
every bottle of Certo
is a book of 72 tested
',nines for jams and
jellies. Be sure to
follow them exactly.
OtfCK AND EASY—With Certo you
need boil only a minute to two min-
utes for jam --a half -minute to a
minute for jelly.
EcoNOMICAL—Very little juice can boil
away in such a short boil, so you get up
to half again as much jam or jelly.
of the short boil all the fresh, natural
fruit taste and colour is retained,
SO SURE—With Certo you get easy-
to -follow recipes that give sure
CERTO is concentrated FRUIT
PECTIN... the natural jellirying
substance extracted from fruit. EI30
Huron Trustees
Hold Conventon
Interesting Topics Considered
Meeting Here
Criticizes Boards; Officers for
Year Named
The 16th annual convention of
of the Huron County Assooiattoa of
Trustees and Ratepayers was held
in the Library Hall, Brussels on
Thursday afternoon. The president,
R. H. Thtm:psion, Belgrave. was in
the chair and Mrs. R. Davidson.
Dungannon, was secretary.
M. H. •Campbell, pres'iden't or
the provincial association, speak-
ing for the department of educa-
tion, said why boards do not
accept the services offered- is a
problem to -vim. He dealt with
grants for transportation for
which. if two or more schools co-
operate in transpaniting of pupils
to high schools, a grant of 63 per
cent. of the cost will be received
from the department,. He told also
of the grant of 30 per oent. which
may be obtained for dental inspec-
tion from the department of health
if the board has the work done;
purchase of school reapplies for
Punt's, for which the department
allows a grant of 50 per cent. and
reduced fetes at which the sup-
plies mik- be obtained If mercbased
wholesSfe makes the coat almost
He eould not see why the resolu•
Pion regarding school boards con-
sulting inspectors before engaging
a teacher was turned down at lite
Toronto convention,
Tribute 1s Raid
J. 14T. Game, I.P:S., Bruce', paid
tribute to the late Thorndon Mus-
tard, a victim of the A'theuia
d'isas'ter, who was guest spe r at
a convention of the Huron County
trustees here in Brussel-a.
E, C. Begum, I,PjS. for South
Huron, told of the ,progress made
in his inspectorate in which agri-
culture is taught in every school.
H 3, opolre of the project of re-
forea'a'ttton undertaken by a num-
ber of sehoole in his inspectorate
in wlfch one ruts of laud was
di Ly rine section for this
Mr, Bowman, reeve of Brafhsels,
e,asmiled a welrome to the oonven-
I Davidson, Dungannon; committee,
Lyle Hopper, Brussels, and Theo-
dore Heber, Zurich.
A vote of thanks was expressed
to the Brussels Public Library
Board for the use of the hall.
tion from the Town of Brussels
and expressed his interest in the
Election of officers resulted as
follows: Past president, R. 11.
Thompson, Belgrave; president,
Robert Shortreed, Walton; vice-
presidenit, Reuben Goetz, Dash-
wood; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. R.
Why the Church?
The Church is net'nerifeot. it does
allot claim to be. Gut it has discover-
ed and experienced God. The Church
therefore exists' to .bring God to
man and man' to God. 1't exists to set
before main the example, teaching
and help of the perfect Many Jesus
Christ, To aid humanity in its
daily struggle and keep our morale
high is the purpose of the Church.
In order to do all this it needs the
assistance of every Member. If
some stand aside, instead of put
ting their shoulders Ito the wheel the
Church rails that mach, The gather-
ing together of a body of people for
real worship and instruction is an
inspiration, to each and a witness to
the world. The melssage of the
Church has made many a person
what be is and he thanks. God, for
iit. Thine thinking men, good men,
rally to the ellierchs support and in
doing so find that it supports and
helps them.
May Leave School
Provistone enf the Adolescent
School Act on Tuesday was raised
by the Ontario Government to per,
mit studenrt% 16 and under, who are
not required 0 remain in school ffer
the purpose of examination>y, to
enter immediately into fanm and
factory war prodtMMioat work. I'Th•e
Department of Education," said
Hon. Dr, L, Simpson, Minister, "is
notifying all school boards ofie
desire bo meet in e'tr-eng'theningthe
Mime front by encouraging and t as-
. elating our youth to ' their ,palet
in Was war against Hi'tLrlabt dad
all for which it st
Also to Brantford, Chaiham. Goderich, Out, iiamitton, Landed,
Mogan Falls. Owen Sound, St. Catharines, ,St, Mary's, Sarins.
Stratford, Strathroy, Woodstock, i f
Of Interest To
Women Readers
Give This Added livered,
Zip to Delicious
Sponge Cake I •
Why the Bride
Try. this oratarib dub, -to which Receives Gifts
has been added the taste of orange,
as well as of shcnte0tlde and. whipped With all Nature returning to life,
Bream, a beautiiu1 setting is created tot
Rhubarb ;Shortcake that. lovely June wedding 'and incl -
3 eggs dethaily or the showers which
3 tablespoons of lemon juice ( precede this im'ponlant event,
1 cupful of granulated sugar + I wonder if we have stopped to
1 oupdul o'f flour consider' why we ast'frien'de of the
1 4easpoon'Pwl of baltin'g Powder , bride give her a shower. This is
t/s tea'ssiooulfnl of salt one of the prettiest customs that
Beat the yolks of the eggs until has been brought down to us
they are light. Add the lemon juice through the centuries,
and gradually beat' in the sugar. Many, many years ago, in Hol-
land, a beautiful girl gave her �heant
Beat the Whites of the eggs until
they are dry, add them to the mix to a miller—a young fellow who
tire,' and beat it well, Sift togel;•he'r, hadn't much in worldly goods, but
the flour, the baking powder and who was loved by everyone l ecause
the salt. Fold the dry ingredients of his -,imam's% ..He was 'poor be -
lightly into the egg mixture. Bake cause he gave his bread and his
the cake in two layers in 'a modes- flour to the needy.
ate oven. The girl's father forbade the mar -
Filling riage an &told his daughter that she
2 teaspoonfuls of gelatin could not have the dowry he brad
1,4 cupful of cold, water placed aside for her, if she married
1 pint of red' rhubarb cut in small the poor miller. He had selected,
pieces what he considered, a satisfactory
1 cupful of sugar husband: for her—a ,man who owned
Juice and grayed rind of t an a farm, and a hundred pigs.
orange The people, to whom the miller
(soak the gelatin in the cold water had given his bread, heard this sad
to soften it. Cook the rhubarb news and: we're sorry. They got to -
with the sugar until the 'sauce is gett'her and talked the matter over.
thick. Add the gelatin and juice Too bad the beautiful girl would
and rind of the orange, beating the lose her dowry! 'Could they do
mixture well. When it is cold,'place something about it? They didn't
between. the layers of the oaks, and have muck money, hurt each one
heap 'whipped cream on the top, thought of a gift he or sine could
It a pineapple flavor le preferred contribute, so that the miller and
pour beitwen layers and on top this his beautiful giri' could marry and
Ptneaple Sauce have their own home.
2 cups pineapple juice They came: to the girl in a gay
Piece -canon rind procession,—one with an old Dutch
% cup sugar vase, another with plates' dor the
2 teaspoons cornstarch kitchen shelves, and yet another
1 tablespoon water with linens. made on the hand loom
2 -tablespoons' lemon juice at home. After many other gine-
iftsMethod: Hent pineapple juice Bradly came one with a shiny new
with piece of lemon rind about four Pot. 'They s'ho'wered her with their
minutes. Brown -sugar in small pan, gift's' and gave her
stirring until golden brown: Add hot than her 'father 'ever could have.
pineapple juice slowly and stir well. Ansi so_todayt we feel sure that
Cook until sanooth, when, thicken the many brides -to -he must be very
with cornsttaroh rubbed to paste grateful' -to the little Dutch maiden
with wafter (mill -take about 5 min- whose "Shower', set suoh a happy
utes). Add lemon' juice and re- precedesnt, '
move rinds , - -- - C� " ►i'",ro?
Equally good over cottage pud-
ding, 'spice cake, pancakes or
Kitchen Chatter
Like onion flavor? Then don't
lose its id'enti'ty by prolonging the
cooking until it disappears.Cook
MAY n®Itil they turn clear and the
fork says ,they are tender. Firm and
full of' sweet flavor, what a treat! 1
And if yott 'wan't an esipdgiallo
nice job on delicate woollen goods
or when washisig rib'bon%, grate two
or three potatoes into the pan of
wader, old ones will' db. -Some folks
say this method is far eapeelor to
sap, The homy old spud has
more than tee edible merits after all.
Game of rentals
1. The server shalt serve with
bath feet behind the 'baseline, and
within the limits of the 1'ntaginary
ebmtinuation of the cen'treete I. ce
and the side -lines. It is not a
fault it one only of the server's
feet de not tpuch the ground at the
Iiioment at which the ereiwice is
delivered. He shalt place both feet
on the ground immediately .before
serving and shall melt take a ran-
nihsg npr a walking Sart. He shall
deliver {Ire service from the right
and left counts alternately, begin -
fling from ,the right in each of his
e,eyvititng games,
2. It 4s a fault if the street be
delivered from tine gong court, or
1f the Server does not stand as
fl -acted in Law 1, or if the ball
ail•rett drops in the, net or beyond
the searvice line, or it drops' out
Of e0urt or int tile wrong court,
Ii the 'Server, in attempting to
server misses lite ball altogether,
t does net oount a fault; but if the
To Stations tlehawe and East to Cornwall inoluaive, Uxbridge,
Lindsay, Peterboro, Catspbellford, Newmarket, Collfagwood,
Meaford, Midland, North I4ay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Cco reol
and west to Ileardmore.
See handbills for oattptete list of destinations,
Tickets, Traininformation, Return Limits from Agents. 4112 'OB IIANDBILG '*
ball he Vouched, no matter hots
Slightly, by the •racket, a service is
thereby delivered, and the laws
governing the soh;viee at once apply,
3. A fault may not betaken,
4, After a fault, the server shall
serve again from the sante court
from which ire served that fault,
Unless tt was a fault because serv-
ed Prem the wrong count,
5, A. fault May not be claimed
ALWAYS USE CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS •ifs; 1 after the next Service has been de -
A bath slroelkd be a nefive tonie
and a beautitiing treatment as well
as a matter of cleanliness. A. morn-
ing bath is to 'invigorate and awak-
en, while a bedtime bath fs bo in-
duce sleep.
Morning Bath
$ave the water as cool as- you can
stand it. Lie baele before washing
and stre'ch your body thud. Relax
and repeat feriae; ills wakens you
uP. (2) Use gentle, beautifying
pct 'nelive. soap, and scrub yourself
hard to make the skin tingle,' (8)
While was'hJng, exercise Your fuse
and eyes. ytthlsrtling glyes easy
I0cial exercise; Lor the eye muscles
roti the eyes in choles. (4) Dt4nrt re-
lax after washing, but leap out and
give 3oursoif a bride towelling. (5)
Cieanse your Mace with water and
Pat ib an sstrtngen't lotion before
ung -um,
Bedtime Bath
Hot, of course, and add hath salts
tjZat richly feels help draw out'
('8) Pat Three -
Purpose cream into your face to let
—pine essen'c'e 'will
11 Io ire good work Willa the
opetis the pores, (3)IAnto the
water. Lie back', with eyes closed
(4) W6sh leisuPtair-avoid hurried
movemen0s. Have a lazy soak
afterwatelts, with, eyes '-closed and
eottton wool pads soalced . in witch
hazel rf'9t41g 012 them, (6) 'Dry
With 'gentle 'maStt'age tnovesnegits,
(6) Cleanse face, rinse With cold
water, then re-al4ply cream if you
ivish it to remain on overrflighit, ,
Write for my booklet cn BeaiutY
Care, enclosing Dour oneecent
sitantd'g, Please, .elttdr4reter Wile/
Barbara Lynn, Bole 76, :Statim, Mr
Montrea* sue,
infuse 6 heaping teaspoons of Salads Black Tea in a pint of fresh, boiling water.
Ater 6 minutes strain liquid into 2 -quart container, while hot, add 1 to 1344 cups
of sugar and juice of 2 lemons, strained) stir until sugaris dissolved, fill container
With cold water, Do not allow tea to cool before adding cold water er liquid
Will become cloudy. Serve with chipped ice.' The above makes 7 tall glasses..
Most Dangerous
Age r f 6 to 23
Canadian Welfare .Council
Expects Wave of Post -War
Delinquency in Boy8 and Girls
The aftermath of war with its
Social maladjustments- will strike
most forcibly at ,the boy and
girl between 16 and 23 years of age.
Miss Charlotte Whitton, executive
director of the -Canadian Welfare
C'ounddl told the Canadian 'Confer -
once on Social Work as its biennial
convention, in Toronto:
The boy and girl of these ages
"will be the highly vulnerable
centre of the 'war's disintegrating
blown," Miss' Whitton eaid in advis-
ing the conbenttion the tttihe Caned
ing the convention that' the Canad-
ing its delinquency division!' and
hes been consulted recently by
two Provinces "on beaker provisions
for certain, types, of delinquents."
They'll Be Most Vulnerable
Mies Whitton staid the need for
protection of juvenile immigrant's
assumes "difficult angles" with the
possible movement of child refugees
to this continent. "2t iv hoped that
from the continuing negotiations of
the Canedda Natioal Committee on
Refugees, arrangements will be
•concluded with the Canadian Prov-
inces and the child -caring services
of Canada, whereby aid will be as-
sured dor ,these childrear both over -
setas and in Canada," she said
The truckers- are 'busy dsa.wing
gravel for the basement of the Crane
brook Church.
Well -we have had four good. days
and the fawners have been ntakiwg
good use of • then after the long
wet spell.
Mr. and Mrs. Loitveler of, the Hur-
on road near Sea -forth were renew-
ing old' aequainbanbets. in- Grey, Mr.
Loweler taught school at No. 2 Grey
in the early eighties'. He is- now
farming and collecting antiques. He
said that there were very fetal of his
former pupils diving, at least he did
not meet them. But he was berg' wel-
come visitors and we invite hien to
come back again. �=
The annual Garden Panty of Knox
Clumnch, Cranbrook will be held on,
Tueeclay. June 25th, under the atm -
picas of the Ladies' Aid. Supper
will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock
and will be followed by an Multilane,'
edPicture Travelogue of 'the Do -
the Canadian Pacific. Adinission,
minion and Alaska presented by
3'5c and 20e,
Home Improvements
Please Your Family
RUNNING water under pressure to all parts of your
house will make possible the installation of those
modern conveniences so necessary to ttie health and
enjoyment of your family and increase their pride in
their horhe.
A woman spends a good part of each day in the
kitchen. It should be Emco equipped throughout to lessen
her work and make it a pleasure,instead of drudgery.
.For the health of your family a modern bathroom
is necessary. One fitted entirely with Emeo Pittings and
Fixtures will give you most pleasure, service and value.
To allow installation of thesegimprovernents a
Dexo Water Supply System
will pump, under pressure, all the water needed: In
addition, it can be piped to barns and any other needed
EMCO'products are very reasonably priced.
The a Snow-white 20" x412" Enamelled Sank,
illutta-ated above, including faucet ready for
instal'latiota, a s•ts
Sink and Cabinet with iaueet 1 $61.30
(Trap, iron pipe -and fittings extra)
The Duro SpecialL
Pump has a capacity of 250
gala.,per hour; is supplied with a 23 gal. tank
and 25 ors66 Cycle motor. It,costs bnly p$86.00
Small Monthly Payments
The ,,Goverten etat,HousF Improvemenat
Loan Act or Chico Finance Plain enables
you to purchase ammo fixtures, fittings
atut Duro Pumps on the monthly pay -
mem plant over, a period of three years.
Enquiries' givess prompt attention and
estimates supplied without ehaege.
For Sale By —.
Wilton & Gillespie
London Hamilton Toronto • Sudbury
Winnipeg Vancouver