HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-6-19, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
moot's; t
There wild be a '.lawn -social at
Jalmesboves, on :Wedneaday evensiwg,
June 26th, under the,auspices of
Jam'estgWf Pahtitotic Circle.:Supper
will be seaw.ed':irom .6 to 8 p.m. A
play entitled '"Taking :the ,,Count"
wilt be presented ,by the .young
people of Walton. There will be a
dmatw for the lucky atioket oe a
t1vA1t. lAtinessdeu; A,dutts 315b,
Children les. :Proceeds .for ,Patel-
otle work.
will be held pn
FRl'DA�Y .:IUNE'21st '
Cold Meat Supper served tfrom
6 to 8 o'clock
followed by a play
presented by Walton Young People
ADMISS1O141 — 36c and 16c
under auspices of the Ladies' 'Aid of
the Presbyterian {Church
Tuesday, June 25th
Supper will be served
from B to 8 o'clock
An Illustrated Picture Travelogue
of the Dominion and Alaska will be
given by the .Canadian Pacific
ADMISSION --35c Children 20c
Gene Autry Smiley Burnette
South of the Border
'The western you have .been
waiting for
Lawrence Oliber Joan iFontalne
Judith Anderson iC Aubrey Smith
Two great lovers try to
find their •Manderiay
Cary Grant Rosalind Russell
His Girl Friday
Ralph Bellamy Gene Lockhart
is it cricket to steal your farmer
wife from her fiance. The
best comedy pf the season
Pdded attraction
The Singing Dude
in Technicolor
The Amazing
"Where's Grondma"
Presented Here
irhe play, "Where's Grandma" was
presented in the Town Halt on Fri-
day evening by the young people of
Ebenezer •chi rch Brownstown, under
the aespdcea, of the Ladies' Guild of
:St. John's' church. The rector of
the church, Rev. F. Watts presided
icor the program, Delightful musical
nuanbera which, were much apprec-
iated by the audience were given
between the acte, The cast or
characters, 'was as toidows,:-
Grandipa-iAn old lady who first of
all wants to be young and 'second
of all is quite content to "be her
age." Mabel Harman
Gretchen Blake, a young wife
s Margaret Hartman
Bob Blake, her brand new
husbands Bert Garnise
Jack Worley, Gretchen's
brother -.,...,..:....... Elmer Sellers
Lucy King, Jack's swetheart
Helen ,Sellers
Arline Truesdale, ,tire girl
Gretchen wants, her brother
to matey Isobel Douglas
Carol Worley, Gretchen's sister
who has a mind, and opinion
of her owns Leila Agar
Midnight; a chocolate brown
houseman who enjoyes his
uniform very greatly,
A. Charlie Mathews
Datta, wife of (Midnight
"high yeller" and a deter-
mined. female ..,..,,. Helen Turves
Place—the living room of the
Worley home,
Tiane—Phe present.
Actd—The living room about noon
on Sunday.
Act II --The living room. Evening
several weeks later.
Acct III --The ,ding room the next
morning. g
Strawberry Social
An amusing 3 -act pixy
by talent from Browntown
at 8.15 sharp
Lunch, Including Strawberries and
cream '(til be served.
Adults -25c Children -15o
of Duff's United Church
Will Be .Held on
On the (Church Grounds
Supper Served from 6 to 8
The McGregor Old Tyme
Concert Party
Admission — 35c and 20c
Wednesday,. une 19th.1940 BRUSSELS ONTARIO
Achievement pay
PEOPLE WE KNOW s In Huron Prones
.Local , News Items Mr. and Mrs. Wes,. heree in GreatvScafontsz, Tuesday of this week,
E. Cardiff, M.P,,. CI -taws, was a Saturday we .Huron 'County Girls'
llrngagement week end visitor at hie home here.' Achieveanent Day, and the day was
Announcement Mr, Frank Mitchell resumed 1518 further /featured by the junior
The engagement is announced of duties at the East Huron Emporium, fanners' live stook judging contest.
Monday lase. The girls. made use of the agrleul-
V idgrna ]Dllizaebeth, eldest daughter Mrs. A. Wood was in'Toronto last 'Lural• assembly vroom and the boys
of Mi. and'.Mrs'. John W. Partridge `
h eomJbinllng business with held their .session In the town hall,
aliOi Clarence Edward, fourth son of Pleasare. Miss' Flora Duman, Dungannon, in -
M'{: and Mrs, Thomas Connelly. Mrs. Jessie Wesgate of Windsor struetor in home economics for
—°— spent a. few days at the home of Huron Bruce, 'Anniston and. Grey
Mrs. Speir, counties, was, in charge of the
More Brussels Boys Mr. J. T. Wood was renewing old girls, competitions and was assist -
Join the Army friendships in town the guest of Dr, ed by Miss Helen, Passmore, Wo
and Mrs. R. S. Hamilton. men's Institute Branch of Depart -
Arthur 'Thompson, son of Mrs. A. Mrs, Gail and daughter Lillian of meat of Agriculture, Toronto, and
Thompson, Brussel& is another London Weer Sunday visitors. with Miss Florence G. Eadie, director of
Brussels' boy who has joined the Mr, and i12rs, W. J. Stewart.
depart -
army. Herbert )Stretton is the anent, work in the same depart-
flrs•t local boy to join the R:C.AF. Mrs, 'Ro'bt. Davidson spent the meat, ,
week end; with her daughter Mrs. Seventy-eight girls competed in
and he is now In Toronto and Dr. Jackson as Dr. Jaeksoa was call- the various projects, `"The Club
Harry Bowler leaves shortly for ed away on business, Girl Entertains," "Summer Clothes
Stratford to loin the unit there and Mrs. Ales Sparling and son John, For Girls' and "Cottons May Be
Lloyd McCauley, Morris towurhip, le ;St. Maryss are visiting with her Smart" Lea :ere in the projects, in
with the R. C. It, in London. Parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Logan. the same order were M. 3- S.
Mr. Sas. herr ns been
Armstrong, Brussels; Mrs. F. Pains
rather under .theord to for the ton, Blytth, Mas. F. Demerling,
Ei past few days, we hope for a speedy Fordwich; May 7islby, Belgrave
T'recovery. Gladys Johets, Elianville; Mrs. L, J,
Mrs. B. T. Bell of Toronto and Sinclair, Ethel; aeoond, Miss Edith
Mrs. C. Dunbar of Waterloo, spout Pudhner, Seaforth; Alberta 'MeMur-
a few days, last week at the home of ray, Belgrave; Mrs. G. ISamdersom,
O x I Brussels; third, Mrs. F. Balaton,
Blyth; Jean Elliott, Bluevale;; Mrs.
M. Kirby, Brussels, Mrs, 3. H.
Smnith, Biuevale; Ruth Wheeler,
Belgrave. The projects and compe-
titions, are sponsored. by the Wo-
men's Institute branches of the
county. At the 'business meeting
for fall program planning it was
decided to start with the project.
"Being Well Dressed and Well
Groomed." "Meat In, the Menu.''
Winnings by clubs were: First,
Brussels Club, in "The Club Girl
Entertains;" competitors, Helen
Armstrong, Mauna Miller. ,Second
(same project), Ethel Edyth .Beer -
an, Pearl Baker, Third, in "Sum --
mer Clothes For Girls, Seaforth
Club, a whole club skit,
, Awards For Exhibits.
Table set for two, Brussels, Mary
Baeker; "Cottons May Be Smart',"
Bluevale, Flora Mc'av-is'h, •Certifi-
cates, were awarded as follows:
County honor certificates, and
county honor pins, Ethel Club,
Pearl, Baker, Muriel Hackwell, Mr,a
Stanley ,Fischer; Belgrave, May
Frtsby, Certificates of achievement,
Belgrave, May Frisby, Eleanor
Taylor, Ruth Bradburn; Brussels
Helen. Armstrong, Elizabeth Baeker,
Jean ISoott, ,Mary Baeker, Betty
Currie, Velma Duncan, Dorothy
-Huron Football Association.
St, ,Cotumban Vs. Brussels
Victoria Park, Brussels
Game startle Sharp at 6.45 P.M. .
Admission - 15c and 10c
Have Photographs Taken
Especially of the Wedding Party.
Our well equipped ,Sttidio•s and our
long eacperience enables us to give
you portraits of the Bette; Kind and
at a moderate price.
Burgess Studios
Mitchell and Clinton
Ladies' Bowling Club
The Ladies' Bowling Club opened
their season on Tuesday night of
.this week, They are holding a jitney
next Tuesday night and ask all lad-
ies, interested to be on hand at 7.30.
A notice will be placed- at the Post°Glee
OGlce as to any other bo -ling
Of the County of Huron
to proclaim a County ;Patriotic Mass
Meeting to be held in
Agriculture, Park Clinton
Sunday, June 23rd
at 2.30 p.m,
To encourage and assist the Government
to extend its war effort.
Prominent ',Speaker eakto discuss War Subject
p er •
Mass Bands
All Patriotic' Citizens are urged to 'attend.
,Geo Feagan; Walyden
Women's Institute
The Brussels' Women's Institute
will hold its' June meeting an. Friday
afternoon, June 58, et 3 o'clock.
Note the change in date. Mrs,. H. 0.
•Walker, convenor of Education has
charge of .the program and the girls
who completed' the sewing project,
"Cottons may be smart," under the
direction of Mrs, Kirby, will serve
teal se the close, There will be a
silver collection, an>si the ,Proceeds
will be in aid of the Red Cross.
Further particulars next week. A
good attendance is hoped for.
,Home Helper's
Hold Meeting
The. Hoare Helper's meeting of
the United church Missionary Soci-
ety, was held on Friday afternoon,
June 14th. The Scripture lesson
was read by TMs. A, Aranstrong,
prayer by Mrs, ,Smith, Dr, Annie
.Rossi was the guest speaker end
gave a very splendid address on
"Have faith, in God." She also
spoke on her recent visit to Russia
and Finland, Jean Speiram and
Idella Bryans sang a .pleasing duet.
Mrs. Armstrong andcommittee
served tea at the coniclusioD of the
Bride and Groom Honored
A large crowd, gathered In. the
Town Hall, Tuesday night in honor
af. Mr, and Mrs, Bill Stevenson, re-
cent newiyiwedo During the evening
the guests of honor were made reci-
pients,; of shower gd1'.io• accompanied'
by' an ;address read) by Mr. K. Ash-
t',on to:which the groom responded
eWpreseing leis, and his wife's grati-
tude. An enjoyable time was spent
in dancing,
I5E. John's A.F. & A. M.
Installation of Officers •
St John's Lodge No. 284 A.F. &
AM. had Ste annual installation of
,dffieesa' on Tuesday of this week.
Right Worshipful Brother Jamieson
was in charge of the ceremony
enlisted by Brothers Wilton, Kerr,
Matheson, Rann, Martin, Gillespie
and; Bowlman. The folllwtlng are
the officers for the entitling year:
Worebilxtul Master—
Harry J, Mahoney
Inhlaediate Past Master—D. A, Rann
Senior Warden' -Barry C>lon
Junior Warden—Tom Ellis
Selorelary—W. Gillespie
Treasurer—•1L Bowman,
Chaplain{—Noamrsn Hoofer
Sr. Deaooru Marvel, Bryan&
Junior Deacon—O. Whitfield
Director of Ceremonies—
C. Matheson
',Sr. StewardrN. Gerry
Steward Wan. Backer
=Toner G card—MalitIn Murray
Outer ardi John 9yramads
Meetint( 'Wl.rsliipdul:Past
Maeter Whatley Guelph, pree'onted
hie, brother Rev, H. J. Mahoney, with
a Past Mbster's 'Oren 'widele had
pa'eYiouely ,beentevorn by bitneelt
end his father,,
-This Msetnljc Lodge Mitet0 tin the
.,Tuesday onL-or before: the fail Moon.
,All visiting brelthren will ieoelve
hearty welcome,
their mother Mrs. Jas. Speir.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas,, 5, .Ara nstrong
HEROES TO -DAY and sod were 'Sunday visitors at
Forest with with Mr. and Mrs,. J. A. Wil -
Mrs. Bailey of Toronto was a
Those who are familiar, with the "•
isitor at ,tin hence of her sister -in -
early history of Brussels knave quite Mrs. R. S. Familiar and Dr.
well that -this village in Huron Hamad1ton,
County has:jbeen, still is, and will
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Palmer of Wrox-
conthaue to be a place well known, eter sven•t Sunday with their tela-.
and' admired, for its sporting activi• fives Mr- and Mrs, Chas. MerKay and
ties. It is true, we cannot boast of Mita Mary Lott,
a large population, but we can, boast 1 The girl's' softball team defeated
of a„quality and breeding of the
the Blyth lassies to score of 22 to
int 'tants. e'We -are, pnadalcally 17 last Thurerlay evening. A good
free of foreigners, and every female
AP-, cry male a crowd vias• og,,hand-to witness the
isgasllaand .,ev .._. game
dent eman, Mr. Ruasei Fax spent a couple of
These gentlemen. however, some- days lash week ins Brampton visiting
tomes make some glaring mistakes, his sister Miss Ethel who 'has a
and' fail to plexe honour where position there.
honour is due, abf we analyze /Miss, Urea a neiee and, Miss Ethel
why Bruss,efa is sowell known in Shane, are �takinlg care of Mats, Je0eie
sporting circles,, we will be forced I3'elld'day who has .been suffering
to give a great deal of credit to the with, two 'brokena limbs,
football teem, This is a great Mr, Robt, Menzies of Hamilton,
game, it teaches a boy to "give and North Dakota, spent a few days at
take,” and helps him very material- 'the miris Mc
Iy to make a suecess in the battle Donalhod andeof other
niece relativesMrs. inD, Grey
of life. Many an old Brussels township, Listowel and St. Marys.
football player learned to flgkt and I, Mrs• B. Stewart and three daugb-
wdn, right on, the old park that lies ters, ,Arnie, Kathleen and Patricia,
jest west of t::.e milli -darn, of London,, were visitors with Mr.
1 and Mrs, W. 3, Stewart for a few
Now one would naturally think
that this famous old park, should days last week.
be worthy of«being cared for by to Sapper Harold Thomas, R:C.E., Bonet .Margaret Gibson, Mona
town fathers, if they are not foot- London, spent ,the week end, with Miller; Ethel, Delia McInnes, Mae
ball players theanseleb they should i his family. He was accompanied Fischer, Muriel Hadkwell Pearl
be proud of those who are. ; by his friend Signaller Clarence Balser; Wingham•, Lois AAplby;
Who, let me -ask, brought the bigJanvordn, Blyth, Mrs. B. McEwen, Jean Mc -
crowds to town on beautiful even- j When D,r Annie Ross of Blyth Callum, Rhea Sham, Phyllis, Bray;
lugs its the summers past and gone?
wasin town last week she was ac- Elimvale, Gladys: Johns, Audrey
Who filled the restaurant and , conlpanied by her niece Miss Clara Prance, Each girl wile competed
candy stores', and to a lesser degree ' D9cGovvan and a Miss Jackson, a received a• silver elpoon andi each
the gener 1 store's on summer even- guest frons Toronto. leader•choice of butter knife or
Inge when] there was nothing else Mrs. Richardson. and Mrs. Rclyt, sugar shovel. The full list of girls
doing? Any fair minded, resident Damning spene a -couple of days who attended the achievement day
will have to adnit that it was the lest week in Forest. Mrs. Richard- is as follows: "The Girl's Club En -
good old football club. son was assdsting at -a trousseau tea tehtains"--BBelgrave, (May Frisby,
What organization admits 'pill given by a friend. 1 leader; Eleanor Taylor, Mrs, 3. S.
children to the park tree, when Mr, and Mre T. Garner and Mr. Armstrong, Tenet King, Helen
those games are itl Progress, and F. Wedgewoodt of Waterloo, 'Mies Armstrong, Jean Spearan, Elizabeth
teaches them to ''play the game" 1 Theda ,Stb'ne, Mess Hilda Graham, Baeker, Sean, ,Scott, Mary Baeker,
fairly, and later apply these rules in , Mrs. J. ,MklCubah:eon of Toronto Bettie 'Currie, Velma Duncan,
"the big game of life?" again, the i were visitors on Sunday at the Dorothy Bowe, Dorothy Armstrong,
answer is the foot2ia11 club. I Home of Mrs. Jas, ,Speir. I
Margaret Gibson, Glady7s Davidson,
The report is current, and I he. } •Bruseelsi Hockey emthusiasl a will
lieve 1-t 10 true, curt when this I, (Continaned oto Inpaide Page)
bo intereted to knave that their
ball team asked the Council to favorite Syl, Apps,, of the Toronto
grant them the small ,sum of Fifteen111
� Maple, Leafs visits' Brussels rove 1 spent part of the time at the home
Dollars, to keep the grass, our for I Wires, a Lumber Co. salesman call- of Mary Helen Herr,
the season In the ;town palr'k, (tor , lag at D. M4Dlonald's, Mr, F. F. Homsath, Optometrist,
the benefit of both the football and I Mr. and Mrs, Alex Naylbr of Fort has. re/tinned tca hie home in Harris -
the girths softball games+) they were Brie, Mr, and Mrs'. Bailey re Blyth, ton, after having spent some time
refused by these town fathers, Note , Mr, and Mrs. Ben. Neylor and. laugh- 1 (eking a Post Graduate course in
o ne erect
optometry at Toronto p C V y
and the Ontario College of Opoome&
try. The principle subjects eleered
our the course were Recognition of
Denier Diseases, ,Psychology, Treat
ri -eol. of 'Myopia and preab7bbie,
Caanpimetry and Motorises Vision
Mrs. W. H. and Mary Helon Kerr
anti Mr, Tont Meredzean were' in
Sttblfond at .a )3arptisanal Service Int.;
St. Andrew's church. when the "
Youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, J. A,''t
KAY 'reteiviatt his meanie Baroid Iters-
nett Gee, Kay, and •then, to fu ,tefif
where Myst Kenner, •Sr„ mother le
Mrs. Tia* poureh tea, Mrs, (Dr)
Kenner and Miss, Mary Helen Herr
mark you, these same gentlemen do
not hesitate to grant the town band
One Hundred, Dollars without a sigh
or a Murmur. -
The Local ,Football ' Teaut id
willing to put on benefit games 21
any time to assist, any unfortunate,
or arty good cense, and on one oc-
ettsion, they netted) a const4erable
Sum of money for the legion. .
' Should the coonell not relConisliier
iltheir action, and grant the organist -
tape' that rnrried, the geed old' name
o! llrueeela 'Into our, 0t('liarid )Citibie,
wird the' ask tort n'antely'e Only
FIIRtece Deflate to keep, the' •$rand
old) park in a healthy condition, e6
ter Mrs. 119!dGee of.Wlawanosh were
Sunday visitors at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, W. J. F.nocter.
Mr. and; Mas. Champion- and son of
Ne'w Volk ere visiting at the borne
01 lie mother Mrs, Thos,. Chamvicn
Tee visiting lady' Will be better
kneffre as Miss Luella Champion,
one o1 our 1924 ladi' Softball
Miss Hdlta Davison le being con- l
gratulated on, being successful in
her Western t,Fniversdty exams. in
'English, :26 anti' 21; who 'has 'taken'
the course this year in addition. to
'her duties as teacher et S, S test W
Me Sfie7'ling Reading of Windsor
A. D. McDonald, Meat Markets far ars aPdyearanee g alt speht tiesddu5r lit tape • with blit i, Asnistdd ,tits. Ti ay lal servifi
' brussels —• --- Phone 69x It is •possible to (get eePpera' so ig rev
Special Pure Pork 'S.aussges 15c per .` You 'c
close to your eyes *rat , You friends and relatives. i% ,was a ireslitnenhs to the friends (rant Ile(
ib. 4 lbs.- 65c. Our own Cooked Ham f see dollere in the dlstsneo, bephatr nt the lite Mr, Geo, Brown, talo, Winnipeg. Brussels and Strait
50c per ib. A Football TLntltua1 alt; a former resident of Brussels', ar fords relatiaes.