HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-6-12, Page 3"Rush all .deliveries, Jim
barked ,the .Chief . ,. •.
■ �\
,faerii`is�a aasatt pit
:for immediate reports on
all contracts!" Yes, TIME' is
the .:essence of all contracts
4z�{•' t these days! Efficient, fast and
private in War or Peace, Long
Distance Telephone Service is doing its bit
en the }Lome Front. Day and night, .Long
Distance ;stands xeady and waiting.
For:economy, special low ratesapply •
.after.sevenp.m. and all day Sunday.
The Leafs are headed for the In-
ternational League's first division
and theft's the best news. baseball
fans in Toronto and vicinity have
heard in six long years. For there
has been nothing but grief around
Maple Leaf Stadium since 1934, the
year the club last got into the play-
All spring Manager Tony Lazeri
has kept insisting, "We're a better
club than most folks think. We've
got the pitchers and we've gat the
hitters, we just haven't been getting
the breaks. The pitchers have been
doing their part but the hitters
haben't had any luck. They've been
hitting 'the ball right on the pick,
but it always seems ,to go right at a
fielder. The law of averageis will
look after all that in time."
So now the law of averages' is at
last operating in favor of the Leafs'
hitters and the team ,has started to
roll, The only thing that can stop
it is injuries. Jim Walkup, the
curve -bailer who was counted on to
win twelve or fifteen games, this
season, has come dotwn with a
muscle injury in Itis shoulder and
the doctors say he will be out for
another three weeks. On top of
this big Jim Reninger, who has
already won four gamiest and was
one of the clifb's. leading pitchers;
pulled. a muscle In his arm, an in
Jury which will keep him on the
sidelines for at least a douple of
weeks. But to .counteradt these
misfortunes, 48 -year-old "Sad Sam"
Jones, who Joined the club in the
role of coach, has come out of re-
tirement and surprised everybody
with his expert relief pitching.
The frig improvement, of course,
has been in the hitting. Eric Tip-
ton and Dario Lpdigiani are in the
charmed circle with marks of .345
and .309 respectively, and Fred
Chapman, Buddy Gates, Johnny
Tyler and Fern Bell have pidked up
many points• in the Last couple of
weeks. As this is being written
the Leafs have won eight of their
last twelve games, most of them)
away from home, and are new con-
ceded' to be one of the league's
'hottest" teams.
Manager Tony Iiazzem has, cone
tribute& no little to this: splendid
showing by the skill and ingenunity
with which he, has handled the club.
"Ball players .who can't win for you
are so match deadwood,' he declares.
"You might as well get rid of them
first as last"
Putting this theory into practice,
he get and of John Berley and Earl
caldlwell, two veteran pitchers, and
replaced them with. Lea McCt-abb
and Pat OlioLaughlin, Both Mc -
Crabb and McLaughlin have been
able to win right from the first go -
off, He gave Mel Mazzera, an put -
Helder senured thorn the St. Louis
Browns) a year ago for $10,000. his
Bring Your Cream
Brussels Creamery
for the Counties of
W. S. Donaldson
Phone 351-r-13 Atwood
All Sales promptly attended to.
Ch*.aarges Moderate.
For ng rMs O,aeeR em31, Br 1, The 'Post' and they
outright release, lend' farmed young
Billy Soluttewontb, out to VYilmtn'g-
ton. Then he sent Harley Rosa„
who has' been a disappointment at
fleet base',. to Knoxville, nad pur-
Ghased young Bob Latahaw (rpm
Indianapolis as a replacement,
S(LO'll Lahhvier-l; Iwaisn't saltislfied.
."You need a couple of .300 hitters
and three or four more who will hit
between ;280 and .290 before you got
a winning ball club," he, sped "I -need
:another of these ,280 to .290 ]litters
in any infield, So, in an effort to
get that extra batting punch inito
the lineup, he benched the popular
Flea Clifton and assigned Oarl
Fairly to the 'third base spot.
Fairly had gained most a his
exelperdeflae in the Class tB Sally
League and Tory was 'talking a de•
tcided chance with him, But it
seems now .that the move was the
right) one, Fairly blas, been, smack-
ing the ball at a .545 clip and is
currently among the league's, lead-
ing hitters... .
Id the Leafs can maintain a .500
pace for the next two weeks, a play-
off spot seems) alnaoslt a certainty
for then. By thalt time their in-
njured players will again be back on
the active list, and they will be
corning into a softer part of the
schedule where they encounter the
leaguers' weaker 'Nabs,
,Sttiaeting on Jun 10, the club will
play most of its games at night for
the balance of the season, Syracuse
opens the floodlight season with
'games, in Maple Leaf S:ladiu'm on
June 10, 11 and 12. Newark fol.
lows Syracuse on June 13, 14 and
15. The Leafs then go on ,the
road( for a week but retur nwitii Bal-
timore on June 24, 25 and 26. Ws
Jersey City on June 27, 28 and 29
and Buffalo on July 1, 2 and 3. All
night games start at 3.30 p.m. ex-
cept the twliigltt fi'podlig0>It dauble-
headters, usually played on Wed-
nesday nights, which begin at 6.30
o'clock. (Saturday and holiday
doubleheaders are atl`ernoou games
commencing at 2 o'clock.
Silver Bullets •
Mr. Lloyd Geirge, in the Great
War spoke of "silver bullets."
He was thinking ,of the savings
of the people, of the money they
could gibe to provide :food and guns
and shells for the Allied armies.
!Canadians today, in all ranks and
walks of life, and of ol1 ages, get the
opsortunity to provide "silver
bullets." It cornea through War
savings Certificates.
Under this War !Savings 'Certifi-
catae Ilam--,d.esrribed in Govern
merit advegtisang_.itt five dollar cer-
tificate may be purchased for four
dollars; a ten dollar certificate for
edghtt dollars; a twenty -fie dollar
cei-tificaite for )went» dollars; a
fifty dollar certificJate for forty dol
Pars; a one hundred dollar certifi-
cate for eighty dollars'. A gilt -edge
security, and with provisions for
redemption before the date of ma-
turity (they mature in 7% years)
they are' an admirable investment;
simple, Safe, profitable, fitting the
smallest of budgets.
But the real argument tor War
Savings CentiHcatea is the oppontun'.
sty they afford for war service, In
the Great, War we spoke of people
"doing their bit." Here, now, all of
us are given the chance to do "our
bit," People of small incomes, arti-
sans, people too olds for active war
durtiea, even. children -all can strike
a blow In, this struggle by investing
In these securities.
Our Ooyernmen, needs money,
needs it desperately. Only by
money, by vrhat it can raise in tax -
w, by loans, and by these War Sav-
ing Certificates, can it help win the
war. Therefore, if we believe the
things we Ps mess; if we are slncere-
Y anadous'to strike a blow for free -
em, if we want, inahortt, to
from: ,the "nigh;) of barber -
of which Mr. Churchill hes
en iso solemnly, we mast --all of
who can --,buy these certificates.
Irl Britain of they are giving their
ant earthing to help win this, war.
eo Nth Germany they are gibing
taken t are having everything
lib rona then, including their
ant t -{to win this .war, Aro )we
�pable of le*? Are we of weaker
Anker all, a good Investtnenti-
000d' interest on and security for
ur savings-te a email thio
g tie be
mall in this Olivia. email, Pitiful)"
4 oto what wd ask
of those who go fight and die Aor
At this hour, there in a poetry
should' have a grodgnant app
eta io1ui
What have I given, bold sailor of
the sea,
Qn. Barth or Heaven, that you
should) die for me?
What can I give, Oh 'soldier leal
and brave,
Long as I live, to ;pay the life You
wave? e
What 'tithe or pant can I return to
Ohl Sti4ehen heart, that thou
ahould'slt break for me?
The, Wind of Death for you bath
slain )life's flower,
It withereth, God grant, all weeds In
Howick Council
WEDNESDAY, J'CU'N'hi 12th, 184e
ed and pilacei oZ file
Moved by Winter and Strang tiaaa
the Reeve azul the Deprtlty l'1eeve be
a Cananittee to pgroblaso ,suitable
give, for the men of the Municipality,
Who have, or who &hall enlist for
overeeats sea'viee.-Cerriecl,
Moved by Strong a'ndl 'Weir that
the Tender a Roy Vogan, to crush
and haul gravel to any point within
the Township at forty-two cents
per yard, also to load and haul pot
run gravel at thirty cents per yard,
be accepted, and a contract be exe-
cuted accordingly, subject to the
approval of the Department of
Highways. Carried.-
Moved by 111.cC'allurn and Witter
thutt the following bills be paid.
Wsxtxciter, June 5th, 1940 United Mord, Foriwicb,
The Council met in the Town-
ship Hall, according to adjournment.
The nrenibers were all present, the
Reeve, J. W, Gamble in the chair.
The armies of last regular meet-
ing, also special meeting ands Cbusit
of Revision, were read and on
motion of Strong and McCallum,
were adopted,
,Moved by Weir and Strong that
Bylaw No. 5 for the year 1940, as
read the third time, be finally pasts-
assed, Carried.
Moved by Winter and Weir that
By-law No. 6 for the year 1940, as
read .the third time, be finally pass-
ed. -.Carried,
Moved by Strong and Winter
that By -k w No. 7 for the year 1940
as read the third time, be 'finally
passed. - Ctrrried.
Mobed by Strong and Winter
that Isaac Gamble be appointed by
this Council to alt with two Veter-
ans, to be named) by the veterans to
Pr'ep'are a temporary list of the
names of all Howick men who en-
list for overseas s'erbice. -,Carried.
Moved by Weir and McCallum
that the Clerk be hereby authorized
to prepare a By -deny authorizing the
issue of debentures, for S.S. No. 9
to proide funds to rebuild. their
Moved. by Winter and McCallum
that the Report of the School At-
tendance Officer as read, be accept -
rent of Hu11. May
nestling 1.50
Isaac Gambit pt. salary
as Clerk
Wm, McDonald, hauling
gravel, Wroxeter
Ignatius) Strauss, ah,eep
killed by dogs
H, D. Kaufman, sheep
killed by dogs
J. G. Underwood; 3 trips and
other scrvace, San,
Municipal World, collectors
Rolls, Etc.
T, A. Roberts, extra copies
of Finaa,cial statement ,.,
Prov. Treasurer, licenses, for
Twp. Halls, Gorrie
and' Wroxeter
Milton Leonard, bal. salary
as Assessor and notices
1940 ..
William Stewart, cleaning
sheet Fordwich
John Rae, tickets far Simp-
son family to Toronto ,,
Murray the Mover, taking ,
,Simpeon family to
'Charles Perce, takint. Reid
family .tp Nen'bnidge
Road Expenditures
John Montgomery, salary as
Road Supt.
removed promptly and efficiently.
Simply phone "COLLECT" le
John. Montgomery, open-ating
Power Grader 34.61
Nelson Gowdy, operating
power grader 38.70
Garrard Kang, ditching In
Fordwich , 18.00
George Leonard', trucking
gravel 10.00
Reuben Harding, ditching .,1:60
Henry Bast, ditching 4,85
Harvey Williamson, snorw
roads 4.00
Everett. Wright, snow roads 26.10
Wm, McLean, snow roads 1.10
Jos. Kenneth, snow roads..,1.00
Sawyer Massey, blades for
Grader d 17.93
Charles, Pearce, Gear corn -
H. E. Burrows; repias for
Grader 10.95
R. H. Carson & Sun, gasoline
for Grader 76)32
Anson Demerling, repair to
Grader 7.75
Richard! Griffith, snow roads 7.00
Ross .Sanderson, snow roads, 2.00
Herold Grant, snow roads ,... 1.00
Samuel Griffith, snow roads 1;20
Alien Adams, snow roads .. .40
Milton Weitz, ditching 1.60
Nelson Slteurnol. levelling
road -side 4.00
Nelson S'teurnol, dh+awing
stone 6.00
Arthur Forster, grant on
wire fence 82.00
Moved by Weir land McCallum
that this Council do now adjourn,
to meet in the Township Hall,
Gorrie, on the Hfth day of July, or
at the call of the Reeve. -Carried.
Iashc Gmbie, Clerv,
Running Water is an
Everyday Necessity
in Kitchen, Laundry,
Bathroom and Barns
DURO Pressure Water System will furnish an ample supply of water under
pressure to all parts of your home and farm. Without running water.
sanitary conveniences and modern facilities, so essential to health and happi-
ness. are not available to your family.
The cost of EMCO Bathroom. Kitchen and Laundry fixtures and fittings fa
very reasonable and can be spread over a period of time under our Easy
Payment Plan.
EMCO products ape modernly finished, of high quality, and will give year*
of satisfactory service.
A THREE-PIECE EMCO BATHROOM -Tub on Legs. Toilet and Wall
Lavatory with ail Trimmings can be purchased for as little as 563.90
(Son and bon rum and Manes arm)
THE DURO SPECIAL PU1,W, :bona above, has a capacity of 250
gain per hour. With 25 gaL Galvanised Tank and 25 or BO cycle
Motor. It costs only 86.00
For Sale by
TO IO3 to ttuD>,tnti WuROPEGI ran0311vsllt
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