HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-6-5, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST WBONESDAc, JUINID, 6th 1940 —" •HHS'0R0N11N4o001111941NN11�9H1r09H9iD4919^vV1� SPRING DAINTIES and are now ready to supply you with 'lout toes 58$ 1 GPET VALIJES itll 'IFl I 3ite J $u4r`etg '39 Deluxe Ford Coach, black '39 Deluxe Ford Coach Folkstoras-grey '39 Delue Ford Sedan ,maroon. '39 Mercury Coach, blue '39 Mercury Sedan, maroon ':xe Dleiuxe Ford Sedan, maroon '33 Deluxe Forel Sedan black '38 Deluxe Ford Sedan, dove grey '38 Deluxe 'Ford Coach radio, heater '38 Deluxe Ford Coach radio, heater -blue '38 Delue Ford Coach radio, maroon '38 Standard Ford Coach, grey '38 Standard Ford Coach, blue '37 Standard Ford. Coach, black '37 Standard Ford Coach, maroon 2-'36 Ford Coaches, black '33 Ford Sedan grey ,'36 Ford Coach, grey ''3'5 Plymouth Coach, black '3i Plymouth Coupe, black :2.:35 Ford Coaches '34 Oldsmobile Coupe '34 Studebaker Sedan '34 T er roplane Coach Chevrolet Coach 22C4 Ford Sedans t;^e""-"u�.'•-�u3�.-4s.a:.���t,;,,''-'cel• -...w,ra,a.�•,� '32 Ford Coupe 2-'32 Ford Coaches '3TPlymouth Sedan '30 Chevrolet Sedan '30 Chevrolet Coupe '30 WMppett Coach '2W+ Durrant Sedan '28 P:uick Sedan '23 Chevrolet Coupe '28 Chevrolet Coach '28 Chevrolet Sedan '27 C. evrc'let Coach '27 Chevrolet Sedan '38 Dodge 1 ton Truck '38 Dodge Pick up 2238 Ford 1 ton Truck 3-'37 Ford Fick ups '35 Ford Pick up 935 International 2 ton Truck '35 Ford 2 ton Truck '35 Dodge 2 ton Truck '34 Ford 1 % ton Truck 2234 Chevrolet Panel Deliveries '33 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery 1 Model A Truck 1 Model T Truck a 'r' A --0M. S':x;. , utY;£-.:2��'3 v;:r7"i i 41;,..,',111::14;. Re conditioned Fort on C Jet lit :bzl�i > Fl£yfugarfs' `i ae� U t� PHONE Q1 Tractors .P t7 011,1"+,P, ' ,-g Servi e With A Smile L STOWEL BLYTH Garet Dobbyu, sou of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Debbyn, of town, has been aceseted as a eleik in the office of the military •treasurer, Londe's; Rev. Mr. Sinclair is+ int aUtendance at the annual conference of the 'United Church held in London this week; Mies Addle Bell accompanied her cousins, Mr, .and Mrs. Moreland and Mr. and Mas..'C1!Iff Wallace, to Newark, N.J., tht:s'«eek. Mr, Jas. Newcomb who came over with the party, is rem:.ining ler some time w'tt1, relatives, • 'The resent rafrtr have seriously delayed he sewing of flax in the comimunity. Coreiderabie new ma- chinery such as (pullers and de seeders arrived here this weak after ; much delay in the order being filed. ming to war conditions. The flax industry promises to be quite an a.:.set to the town and community. Gunner Hugh Curing enjoyed e week end at his home here follow- ing five weeks stpent in Kingston trying examinations. He left this wool) for training in Pe•tawama; Mrs. Harry Jiohns•ton, Mrs. V. M. Bray, Mrs. R. E. Shaw, Mrs, Gras- ar,d eles,h Margaret Cowan) spent a couple of days in the Niagara distrtet this week; Mos. Minnie Ly- on; Brandon, Mau., is the guest of her sisters, Mrs, A. Taylor and Mrs. S. H. Chellew, {t i The girls' softball team is prat- tieing several evenings a week sow. i Considerable excavating le under -1 'ally at the store of T. L. Kerwiek pruparetory to enlarging the base- sri,ut. Flax Machinery Arrives machinery was' shipped just out week prior to the invasion of Bel- plan by the Gemn'ans. The machines • had been reported ehipiped at sever - Some of the machinery for The Gordon Flax Mills arrived at Blyth lust weak, in teem of lnil;lens and De seeder. The machinery had been reported ehipi:ed for months but finally arrived. Seeding operation which had been eerlously hampered during .the past weoks by rain, has been proceeding rapidly this week, and it is hoped that the weather velli continue favourable. Not more than half the acreage has yet beeet planted, planted, but several fields which were planted are up and look good. No doubt with warm weather, and pltatiy o' moisture in the ground. the growth will be rapid, Air. Gordon informs us that his New Home for Banff School of Fine Arts The Banff School of Fine Arts has,a new home which is as modern as the splendid work done by the school: The new audito- rium, which was officially opened in January in the presence of educational and other Alberta pleaders, will be the scene of the eighth annual session of the estheol, from August let to 31st, This $50;000 building is made 'of native Rundle stone and is of the chalet dosigii, which harmonizes so well with the surroundings, The theatre has a seating capacity of 700 and a modern' stage fitted with the finest lighting equipment and there aro drowsing rooms, music room, work teams and other meeting reonie for 'smelt groups. The building is truly a co-operative effort, The Parks Department deeded two lots worth $10,000 to the Banff School Board and supplied plans and spectate: tions' free of charge; the .Sir .Ed- ward Beatty donation of $2,500 to the Department of Extension Of the 'University of Alberta made Possible the furnishing and equip- ment of the stage and theatre, al different times, and delaye were beginning to be alarming. but we are informed that the mills are dependent for no more naacbinery from oveeseas. The rem.alutder can be purchased in Canada. Fniend+: "How's business?" Scis- sors Grinder: "Pine! I've never etc], things, so dual!" Bacteriological research in the general field of agriculture and the related industries is now having many important applications, Bac. teleology was developed first iu con- nection w1th human medicine, and, in spite of the fact that out of the bundeedtsof seeeleet only a 'very few are recognized as celestine disease bacteelology is still connected inn the lay of the Canadian, flora.—Dr. J. AS, 'Swaine, Director, Science Ser- vice, Dominion Department af Agri- euliture, Auction Sale An auction sale of church shed0 in the village' of Atwood on Thurs- day, June 01,11, 1040, et 2 p.ni, Pres- byterian Church 9 -rounds. The 3 northerly sheds composed of 3 bents each 50 x 10 and .9 ft. posts or each shed le 48 x 60 It. To be sold in whole or In part. H. A, Medourt, Chairman of Managing Board, Wim• S. Donaldson y Auctioneer. Monday morning, • GET YOUR PERMANENT ON THE NeW ZENITH HEATERLES!3 THERMIQUE a End' Curl $1,00 and -1,50 inofudieg Shampoo Permanent $1;76, $2,25, $3.00 and $5.00 including finger wave and shampoo Dried Finger Wave 25c Shampoo 26c Telephone 55X for Appointment iRENE PEASE over H, 13, Allen's Drug Store Such as Ice Cream Sundaes, Banana Splits ,, MILK SHAKES—Strawberry, Chocolate, Orange & Vanilla 1 Chocolate Milk and Soft Drinks Strictly Fresh Dairy Products At All Times Butter, Milk, Cream and Buttersxtillc AT THE Al DAIRY 2,i • • 1 e epO0000HO0100440/HHt00010H00100oa•0000NQO000A4s0 ._i. ' ,t t.-_ * *, ;< * * * which can only he produced in. the shade. God will let others be great, but keep you amnll He will let others de a work for Him, ands get the. credit for it, but He will make. yew wont and toil on without knowing how much; you are doing; and then, to make your work still more precious. lie will let others get the credit for the work which you Tree 4000, and• th'is will make your rewayxl .ten times greater when Jesus. tomes. The Holy Spirit will 00 .fa strlelt watch over you, with, a' jealous love, and will rebulte you for little words and feelings or for wasting your time, which other Christian's never seem distressed over, So make up your mind that fl -^•1 3s Pr, infinite Sovereign, end h^s. a 1'4l1 t fn .do 431 i•Ie clearer with Hie wli, and He will n'at exp plain to yen a th,oneanci things' aitch may puzzle yaur reason in His clealinas with you God will take yon cit your word; and if you eb ^:ily sell yourself to be IIia slave We w'll wren yon un in a Jealous Ines. stet 1"t ether peyote say and do many things that you rennet do or soy. Settle it forver, that you are to deal directly with the Holy Snirjt, and that He is to hove the Privilege of :lying your tongue, oe chaining your hand, or closing your eves, in ways that others are not dealt with. Now when you are so Possessed with the living God that you ere, in your secret heart, pleas, ed and delighted over this peculiar Obituary tt, * MRS. CHAS. LAURIE The death deterred in Detroit, May 29th of Eliza Annie.. Laurie, •weliew of the lade Dr. 'Chas. A. Laurie, et Hamilton.' ,She was ,one of 13 cbildien of E,avid and E1iva Ann Freeborn Laurie; Mprnington (Perth County) pioneers', where .aiim was born in 1850. leor 17 years 431)'1 resided with her father in Howlett and Gerrie, leaving theee in 1903 for Michigan and Detroit, where she resided until her death. Streak by a hit -and, -run driver she suffered crippling injuries whiolr she bore with 'Christian fortitude until merci- ful death relieved her of pains .to. v,4rich only hypidermich could give relief. She was a sister of the :late James Laurie of Hawick and later of Milbank end who was killed in a runaiway accident there and of Albeit Laurie of Ltsdotwel. A daughter Bertha M„ a graduate of the Gerrie and HanriSton schools was a teacher, in the Deiro t sehonle until her tragic death in 1937. She es survived by a son Relph, As a broth i' «tili'[aln, ,St. Petersburg, and a sister Mee. G, W. Doerr,. wife of the Supt. of De'c'atur, 111- Li,ht, Heat and Power Co, OTHERS MAY, YOU CANNOT 1f God has called you to be really like Jesus in all year spirit, Ile wtil draw you into a life of ereciile- ion, and humility, and put ou you such demands of obedience, that He well not allow you :to 'follow other, Christians, and fm many ways He will seem to let other good peoPle do thing:) which He will not let you do. Other 'Christians and aninieters who seem very religious and use4ul may push tbems'elvea pull wires' and work et:bea ms to carry out their plans, but you cannot do it; and if you attempt it, YOU will meet with such failure and rebuke from the Lord as to make you sorely peni- tent Others can brag on tbemselvee, on their work, ou their success, on their writings, but the Holy ,Spirit will not allow you to do any such thing, and i7 you begin it, He will lead you into some deep mortifica- tion thee will retake 7011 (1ostpise yourself rand all your good works, Others will be, allowed to succeed' in snaking looney, or having a 1e^.,a,ry lrft to them or In having luxuries, but .it Is likely God will keep you poor, because Tie wants You to have something faa- 'better tluaur goal, and, that is a lselpless cletitondence on Hini, that He may have, :the privilege of supplying your needle day by d+ay out of an unseen! treasury,. The Loral Will let others. be honored, and put forward, end keep You hid away 1n obscurity, because He wants, tD produce same 'choice, fragrant fruit for Isis coming glory, persionad, private. jealous guardian - Mile and management of the Holy Spirit over your life. you will have found' the vestibule of heaven. --a Auction Sale On WEDNESDAY the 12th day of June, 1940 there will be offered for sale the household effects of the late Mrs. Mary WIlbee at her late residence In the Village of Brussels among which are the following: Extension table, 0 o1'iales., side board, 2 rockers, 8 small tables, 3 electric letups, electric iron, 3 beds, springs, mattresses, 2 dresers, 3. stand, 1 chest drawers, 2 feather ticks, 3 Dr. pillows, some bedding,. euntains, radio, foot stool, •setwing machine, kitchen, table, glass cup- board, couch, 7 kitchen chairs, Quebec beater, Quebec range, china, glassware, silverware, odd dishes, pots, pans oil stave, oven, washing machine, wringer, boiler, 3 oil lamps cushions, carpet, netts, quantity of linoleum, clerk, flour bcirrei, 3 cream cava, quantity of fruit' and Pickles, sealers, crocks, lawn mow- er, wheel barrow, garden. tools, quantity of wood and coke. other aa'tiolee, too neinerous, to mention, TERMS -GASH There will be also offered fer sale at the same time subject to a re3orve -bid the house and two lots. Ternesc---Ten per cent .purohase price down; the balance in thirty days, lilLetieR D, BL! LL, 13rusetis, Oblarlo Solleiter for Nie=Adininistrwtrix, 14: cold Jackson.. ,.t.uttioneer. ROUND TRIP RAIL TRAVEL BARGAINS From Y i ir., US EIt.,S JUNE 7-8 To CHICAGO $12,55 (Plus EXchange) JUNE S To. WINDSOI,I p. To DETROIT t a� Equally low fares foam all adjacent 0. service oln N. R. Stations, For train g g and returning, see handbills or consult Agents, riakcle, brain Information, Return Limits frons Agen!B, ASX POR HANDBILL FANADIAN ALWAYS IISB CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS