The Brussels Post, 1940-6-5, Page 5THE BRUSSELS FO .r, OF ,iCT Written for the Post By Our Own Corresploncilta ETHEL Early varieties of fruit trees and berry hus res are 1n full bion?oil and present 4 beautiful appearance and shows hopeful promise of an abun- dant fruitage, esti tale re of c t l} - :r d ^.P- de.:-; are ii 1'11 , it ab e.:grey needs,: eery to get busy with the hoe and. anther lnethlods of extermination or •oontroll et weeds and graesda. Due to -excessive eon moisture 'continued by inIteemitont Showers of rein, many farmers bravenot their normal amount of spring grain seed- ing ,accomplished, consequently a l'ar'ge acreage will be seeded to buckwheat an4I , possibly flax as there is likely to be a ready markeit for that crop as a nal' Commodity. Hugh Meleurclay who ,vias a Visi- tor with his sister ells, Geo. Dunbar ole May 241th, ac0onlipaniedt by several Ethel members' of the 'family •conueotdon made a pleasamrtl.nioter trip to their old home, community on'Saturday of the weep end holi- day' and: enjoyed the .illay with rela- tives •end friends in and around Lwlknow. I Joe and Mrs, Ames, Bryan, Ames and Helen Bateman attended the Bryan's family reunion, held) May 34,th at J. A. Bryalrs near Brus- sels. Although it was neceeserily a house panty, Owing to wet weather, the day was happily passed and everyone had a. 'pleasant time. 'Lorne Jardine sustained face lacerations and 'severe bruises and abrasions, of a12200 legs and body when thrown from his motorcycle by being bumped by a Pressing car on the roast between Brussels and 17bheL When returning hone from choir practice at S,S. No. 10 wheel, Orel Twp,, driving her own car Miss Estelle Cur::dngltam had the start- ling experience of coming into close enough proximity which an oncom- ing motor vehicle to demolish a ten- der of her car. .The Cunningham ear stopped but the other car pro- ceeded on its way unidentified. Intending to be helpful, two teen- aged boys. but. inexperienced drivers undertook to. bring George Hutchln- san•'s ne•1v ?n -ton delivery motor truck tram one farm, to another, ,but .d.'id not get very fat, when the out- fit utfit toppled Into the ditch, The boys ee aped unhurt but the truck was coteiderably damaged, The Women's Iuebiltute will meet FOR THE r { • During the last few anonths we have added many new lines to our 'China and Gift Dept., such as Spode and Josiah, Wedge- wood Dinnerware also Genuine English Crystalware, Our Dislay of Odd Pieces excells anything we have ever shown in our china and gift department. See these Beautiful Lines Before Buying C, -111113x ha HARDWARE & CHINAWARE Phone 40 Listowel "The Store With the Stock" on '1hU19day afternoon, next, June 13;41 at 2.30 at the home of Mrs. W. Breantuer, The topic will be preeenter by Mrs. Dennis. There will also be reports of the Girl's Conference at Guelee and the Dis- trict anneal which was held .at Gerrie, Alil the Ladies of the acm- mtmity are invited to attend. BLUEVALE Mr, Cereii2and Miss Verla A:gal' of Strafford visitiedon Fridaywith their uncles and runts and cousins ou .the 2nd; line also took in the play. at Ebenezer on Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mathers, Doris end Wilson of Dublin visited over the week end with- leis father and with their uncle, aunts and cousins and Mr. George Mathers v11"ted there also on Sunday after Aron and Mr. and Mrs.. Melville Mathers and son. Miss' Viola Mothers event, the weep end with her sister in Toronto. Rev. C. Tavener and Mr. George Thompson attended Conference at, SUPERIOR STORE QUALITY SERVICL SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY' Royal York Tea 1/;t Ib -' • ' ' . De rnY neck 33c 3c Macaroni, Ready -cut St. Williams Orange & Grapefruit Marmaid a 32 oz jar 21c Pearl White INaptha Soap • .. 5 cakes for 23c Peter ,Pan Peas 16 oz • • • • . • 2 tins for 17c Many Flowers Toilet Soap 3 cakes for 14o Millett Seed • • • • • ... • • • • • • ,per lb 5c PINEAPPLE WEEK—Get them for canning this week. Boy's Balbriggan Combination Suits................each 39c Men's Summer Combination Suits • • each 49c CLEARANCE of Ladies White Kid Pumps & Ties pr. 98c NOTICE—Customers: Please bring in Discs whether you require silverware or not,. and receive a catalogue of Free PREMIUMS given away free for Gift Bonds, which 'is :a new system. NIGHT 1CLOSING—Starting next week, this store will be closed on Tuesday and Thursday Evenings at 6.30 p.m. and open the remaining evenings. WM. ZIEGLER i-IIGHEST PRICCES PAID FOR PRODUCE Phone 22-11 Ethel, Ont. When in need of Bread & (Pastry Phone 32 TRY THE PALACE BAKERY W. WILLIS BRUSSELS. ONT. I. •,tt Iret, week, Rev. TAYetrer len:1ne-4 tilers till •»Y1ou�day, Mr, •and Airs'• Chas, Beaman spent tee week end with :ler. and 111rs, Arable McKinney et Lelmingtoe. Mr. Tealnt, Shaw prc-acbed on $n11- daY •at Brclwlatohvn: end Bluevele United Oberell, It.ev. C. Taverner wee attending Conterenee at Lon• don. ;kr. Wi!f1e4 lessiewen, Mrs, heli, Frl1Eorle Mr, and Mrs', Sabath of Detroit spent the week end will.. Mr, and, Mrs, Alex MOEwen• Mr, Welter Forest has bought a house in Walton, Mt', and Mrs. For- est orest intend moving there shortly. Mrs, Melville Maulers and Arnold and Miele' Adeline Methene spent Tuesday With Mrs, Samuel 'Woods and Miss Agnes Hastings and Mrs, Mel, Mathers and soon spent palet of env with Mr. end ,MTS. Walter Woods. The Steady end True Mission Circle of the United Chmreh held the re3ulaar monthly meeting on Sabur- dey a'Eteenoon alt the home of Mrs. Herb Shiell, Miss Alba Shiell read the scripture lesson. Miss. Helen Thomson reads a fine piece on -Thew to Budget Our Time." Mrs.. Tavemer urged the girls to pre - wire all tileyeposaibly 'could for the miseion'ary end refugee bales.. Mrs.. Tavernier gave a report of . the VMS: Presbyeriad, stressing 'tht parts pertaining to Mission Band work. Refreshments were served anda sootal time eujoyed. Rev. F. G. howler; B.A., come ducted anniversary services. at Calvin Presbyterian. Church on See day, Rev. John Pollock of Whitechurch preached in the Pres- byterian .'Church here. • Rev, C. Taveaer attended the general •con- fernlce of the United Church henci. in Cenitenn'al United Church, Lon- don. He was accompanied by George Thomson. The pulpit in the United Church ere and at Ebenrezen• was occupied by Robert Shaw. Miss Cosen's o£ Toronto is visit- ine her sister, 1'Irs, C. Taveuer; J. Wesley Beattie and ..daughters, Ethel and Florence, of 'Seaiartli with Mr. and Mrs. 11, F. Garniss Mr. and Mrs. George Donaldson and lis. Wa1eh of Toronto at the Sanderson home here; Mrs.. Pritl-. ham. of Harriston with Mr. and Mrs.' W. S. Davidson; Donegal Stilachen of Brussels with Dia'. and Mrs. Peter S., Mnelewem; Mrs. Alex 'Moffat has returned . to her home here after spending six months with her friend, Mrs. Fagan at Leamington; Mr, and MS's. W. H. AloMinueY, Mr. and Mrs: Charles Beaman and Gordon MYlesser spent Sunday- whet Mr. and Airs. Archie McKinney at Leaming- ton. GREY 'S.'S. No. 3 and S.S. No. 6 are. bolding their annual picnic Thurs- day, June 10th. Ganges to start at 1.00 p,m, Picnic will be held on SS, No. 0 grounds. Conte early and bring your basket, Weil this is June and only about 60 percent of the seeding completed. It ie 'the latest spring seeding that your Scribe can remember in his short lite, We were sorry to hear that George Weseuberg of the 14th cons had to ga to the Toronto Hospital last wreak brut 'hope he will get re- lief and soon be home again. The old friends and neighbors of Mr. Alex Petrie were carry to hear that he died in. Ivitchenee hospital 1.3:;i. Sulrtl4'ty. He was one of, Nature's Noblemen his word was as good ani 111001 -people's' bond. Hie family Ilan the el'ne/nthy of the community in de'e'r' bereavement. Mrs. John McNabb is taking a Course of treatment at Kitchener hospital, wet all nape for 0. aDeedy recovery. GET YOUR •JERMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLE.S0 THERMIQUE End Curl $1,0.0 and -1.50 Including Shampoo Permanent $1,75, $2.25, $3.00 and $5.00 including finger vfave and shampoo 1301ed Finger Wave 25o Shalwpoo 25o Telephone 55X for Appolntynent IRENE PEASE over H. B, Allen's Drus Store i EDNESDAC, JUN>a 5th, 1940 TO -DAY ..... People rely uon THEIR BANKS • L ONG past is the day when a hole in the ground was regarded as the best place in which to keep savings. Modern banking, evolved by man as a convenience to serve his developing needs, now provides the solution. As a depository for his money today the Canadian relies upon his bank. (I, From the days of the old-world goldsmiths of centuries ago, to banks, bank notes and deposit accounts which meet so efficiently the greater business and human needs of today, is a far cry indeed. 11Canada's chartered banks, with their wide distribution of branches throughout the Dominion, now provide deposit and other banking services in line with up-to-date requirements and in keeping with Canada's position as an im portant factor in world trade. In war, as in peace, Canada's Chartered Banks maintain, uninter-" rupted, all their services to depositors, farmers, manufacturers, exporters—facilitating the nation's business—looking forward to peace with freedom as the only sure basis for enduring prosperity. THE CHARTERED BANKS OF CANADA P. BELGRAVE 0.0.10, United Church W. A. T'he Women's Aseoeiation of the United Church at their last meeting arranged to hold a garden party on Wednesday, June 12th. Committees were appointed to make the neces- sary arrangements for program and provisions etc. Next Sunday Bev, J. B. Townend 11111 go to Varna bo conduot Anniver- eery Service's at Blake's Church. In his absence Rev, J. R. Peters, a former pastor in 'Belgrave wdll- conduct the services• in Brick and Bedgrave Churches, Dir. Peters was minister of the Methodist Cir- cuit about 12 Years ,ago. At that time the circuit included Brick, 511311- elene and Belgrave Churches. The regular monthly service at which, a Yomng Metes Choir leads the virgin. was 111e occas,an for a particularly fine congregation, at the United Church on Sunday morning. The Misision Band which now meets during the church worship period also had a laimge attendance. The ]coal Young People's Drama- tic Group presen'te'd its play "Back Again Home Towle' at Smith's Rill on Tuesday night. A communication, from the Mts. Monate* and Maintenance Head- quarters of the United Church has been received by the Belgrave 'Charge which reads as follows; April 25, 1040 Dear Mr. Townem0tl: Cer examlieing th0 final renins for 1010 I nos grealy pleased to see that Belgrave chaaige has made, tar the past three yeah' an Increase, in contributions to the Missionary and Maintenance Fund, This is a venerable aolilevennemt and worthy of Leigh praise, Please accept for yourself and kindly come 70y to your people the hearty cone gratulation and the enema thanks of our Promotion Committee, Cordially ye'n's, ete:o. A, Williams, The C{elgarve,crerg0 includes the Olntnches at Belgrave and Brick B. Wawuno,elt. ATTENTION PLEASE, Will ypu please return 'ell' bottles promptly and if you have tiny 011 the she:lt or in the cellar pieas'e leave out that the driver can collect thee. Very sineeeely yours, Brt1 sets Dairy, ..•••••4.000.0000000 Classified Ads. That Sell 0•••441•• .33++'+44 F'OR SALE— NOTICE— Large seed Peas and Silver Hull Sewed' Hand Wire for sale or ex - Buckwheat apply to change for wean pigs. phone 41-r-23 Stanley Purvis apply at The Post NOTICE— Rawleigh Route DOW open. Real opportunity for lean who wants per- manent, profitable work. Start promptly. 'Mite Rawleigh's, Dept. ML•152-Ic-E. MONTREAL. WANTED Teacher Wanted, for S. S. No. 5 Morris. Alllp]ications to be in be' June 101b. Duties to comlanenoe Sept- ember 1st, 1040 ...5 Edwin Armstrong Secretary- Treasurer S. S. No. 5 Morris WANTED— to purolrese White Leghorn Pullets, 4, 5 and 6 weeks of age. Kindly advise 01e the number you have and the prise you are asking for same. apppy Sams Pattison, Fergus, Ontario. FOR SALE -- Young Young Shorthorn Bulls, ready • for service, Reds and Rous, Herd fully accredited, phone 354•9 Thomas Kerr He'nEryn MEN WANTED -- A good business paying good in- come and With fntnure possibilities. Selling Falmilex Products men and women 011 giber Canada have Sound the secret of sntetesis'. Why don't yon get in on 14 too, 330 O'BLIO' A'D3ON, Ask tor FREE catalogue describing 200 necessity products and plan, PAtMlLEX PRODUCTS 570 St. Clement St., MiO'NTRISAL. FOR SALE — Flower and Vegetable Plants of all kinds at the right price, phone 33-r-17 Mrs, Chas.. Workman HOUSE FOR SALE— Red brick house, corner of Queen and Princess street, Brussels' - apply to phone 34 Duncan McDonald, , Brussels, WANTED - 12 cattle to pasierre, ibts of water for particulars apply to , Elmer D. Bell, Brussels et: Wm. T. Spence, Ethel. FOR SALE-, Red Clover seed tor sale, No. 1 C 2, government grade prices reason- able. phone 23-r-16 Russell Knight The bowoymeon, was on the Sahel 0114 he thought it was. time to get downs t0 ea2Ttll. As they taaeid each other across ,the •supper -',able, Ite Said; "Darting, this slteak tas'*, just like beret leetliev," "'Sweetheart,': she murmured in a soft voice aow9iat strange things you've eaten hi yew. lifer" TO RATEPAYERS, NOTICE The adjourned Court of Revision on the assessment roll weld be re- sumed at the hall on Monday, June 10, at one o'clock. A, MaoDwem, Clerk. MORRIS 2EAt1.e AGO people timed to Ceske ths.esglves taer.rd by .houtt..I ri+o,a the bouso tops. IN *ea ailed that to -,a.7 rou thi dd prot.raM' Lave to ari.aar berora a Coo.a,/sslo,s to ins,nity. 1 NOW -A OAY3 the busbae.. loam uses oar w..r,w.A*.