HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-5-29, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST FOREIGN EXCHANGE ACQUISITION ORDER SPECIAL NOTICE Subject to certain exemptions, the Foreign Ex- change Acquisition Order requires every resident of Canada who had any foreign currency or foreign currency deposit in his possession, ownership or control on May lst, 1940, regardless of amount, to sell the same to an Authorized Dealer (chartered bank) on or before May 31st, 1940. Unless an extension has been granted by the Board, any resident who has not complied with the terms of the Order on or before May 31st, 1940, will be in default and subject to the penalties provided in the Order. The Order does not require the sale of foreign securities. Further information and particulars may be obtained from any branch of a chartered bank. FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD District Mourns Passing of Mrs. Samuel Love Sorrow veiled' Wadena and vicin- ity, Net at dusk on Sunday evening, ' when news came that Mrs, Love had • passed away. Mrs. Love was born near Seaforth, Oat., in Huron county, on Manch 31, 1893, and was called' to her eternal resit on Mother's Day. Moy 12, 1940. at the age of 47 years, 1 month and 12' days. In 1916 she came west to visit her sisters Mrs. Lamb and Mrs. Erick- son of Wadena and on March 26, 1919, she was united in marriage to Samuel E. Love of Wadena. This union was blasted. with one laugh ter.. Mrs. Love was a good wife andmother and was very highly respect- ed espected by all her friends and neighbors. The late Mrs, Love was a faithful Christian and took great interest in the church. As a girl she sang in choir, Wended Sunday School and worshipped in Calvin Presbyterian Church at Winthrop, Ont. During her membership with 5the Wadena Gaptist Church she had worked un- tiringly and served well. She has served on numerous committees, as church clerk, president of the Ladies' Aid, teacher of the primary department, and first vice pianist of the church and Sunday School, Mrs. Love also took greet inter- est in the welfare of the commun- ity, being a member of the Rebekah Lodge during its activity in Wa- dena, a member of tiise Michael O'Leary Chapter I. 0. D. E., a direc- tor of the Wadena Horticulture Society, president of the Ladies' Curling Club and a member of the Hasipltal Auxiliary. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, -Samuel E. Love, one daughter, Doris Kathleen, six sist ere, Mrs. Dora Williamson, Mrs. Dinah Toll, Mrs. Elva Hagg, Mrs. Cora Price of Walton, Ont., Mrs. Lilian Murry of Dublin, Ont., Mrs. Jean Erickson of Wadena, Sask., one brother, John. Staples of Blyth. Ont., and a host of relatives and Mends. Funeral services Were conducted on Thursday alteration. May 16. 2 aa the Wadena Baptist Church by Rev. C. Alvin Johnson and assisted by Rev. G. S. Fryklind of Midaie, Sask., and theRebekahs of Foam Lake having part in th'e com- mittal service. Interment took place in the Wadena cemetery. The funeral service' was impres- sive, Rev. Fryklintd reading scrip- ture and leading 4n praYor, Rev. Johnson brought the message, choosing his text from the Gospel of John chapter 14, verses 1 and 2 During the. service Mrs. Wreede and Mrs'. Johnson, with Mrs, Eliason at the piano, sang "God's Way Is the Best Way' 'and "I Have Heard of a Land on a Far Away Strand.'' At the close of the service, Mrs. Elia- son and Mrs. Johnson sang "There's No Disappointment in Heaven," Peace upon her memory. Pallbearers were Messrs S. Cull). of Margo, C. Westby, of Rose Valley, C. Stevens, of Keivingtou, T. Whitehead, H. Fransen and M. MacMillan, of Wadena. Floral tributes were sent by the following: Husband and family, Jean and Clarence, Mr. and Mrs, G. Williamson, Walton, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. E. Foil, Walton, Ont, Mr. and Mis, J. Price, Walton, Mr, and Mrs. 3. Hogg, Walton, Mr. and Mrs, L. Murry, Dublin, Ont., Mr. and. Mrs.J. Staples, Blyth, Ont„ Mr. and Mns, Walter Broadlfoot, Brussels, Ont., Mrs, J. Love, .Walton, Mr. and Mrs, WM. Farquhars'on, Walton, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Learning, Walton, Mr. and Mrs, R, Patterson, Walton, Mr. and Mrs. I. Henderson, Seaforth, Out., Mr. and Mrs. S. Kerley, Toron- to, Ont., Amy Kerley, Toronto, Mable Allen, Saskatoon, Wadena Baptist Church, Baptist Ladies' Aid, Baptist Sunday School, Baptist Young People's Society, Nightingale Rebekah Lodge 121, Foam Lake, Michael O'Leary Chapter I. 0. D. E„ Wadena Horticultural Society. Wa- clena Town Council, Ladies' Curling Ciub,Wadena Telephone staff, high school students and staff, Mr. A. A. Brown and family, Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lowey and family, Vancouver, Mr. ,and Mre, C. A. 1Vestby and Gamily, Rose' Valley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Colby, Kelvington, Mr. and. Mors. M. Benson, Passion, Mina Lenore Erickson, Fonston, Mr, and Mrs: Edwin. Erickson and Maynard, Ross Valley, Mrs. Geo, Purcell end family, Clair, Tom and Dorothy Muir, Mr. and Mrs, Claus Oberg, Hendon, Mr, and Mrs. Theo. Ktland and family, Hendon, Mr. and Mrs. John Erickson and fancily, Hendon, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hail= and family, Hendon, Mr. and Mrs, Irwin ee4,4:004044-040 44•••••••••coree•te0eee••••••A••••••seen '5 • i IsL S IIIl1G DAINTIES i and i we are now ready to supply you with Y ■ ■ Erne !Jambes1 Such as 0 Ice Cream Sundaes, Banana Splits y MILK SElAKES---Strawberry, Chocolate, Orange & Vanilla 0 Chocolate Milk and Soft Drinks Strictly Fresh Dairy Products At All Tirnes Butter, Mills, 1Cieam and Buttermilk AT THE ?UE. ' DAIRY ' A R 490.1H 044,4,e1►A+eebileiO3+r► **i►*1+YA1►*Ae11d4.4+044+•0#•1.44 e e 4 • • lil'191)N6,A: ,. MAX 2901, 1940 GREAT VALUES LOW PRICE3 BARGAINS soissonassztatissagsr '39 Deluxe. Ford Coach, black '39 Deluxe Ford Coach Folkstone -grey '39 Delue Ford Sedan ,maroon '39 Mercury Coach, blue '39 Mercury Sedan, maroon gfr wv. r —v • '38 Deluxe Ford Sedan, maroon '38 Deluxe Ford Sedan black '38 Deluxe Ford Sedan, dove grey '38 Deluxe Ford Coach. radio, heater '38 Deluxe Ford Coach radio, heater -blue '38 Delue Ford Coach radio, maroon '38 Standard Ford Coach, grey '38 Standard Ford Coach, blue '37 Standard Ford Coach, black '37 Standard Ford Coach, maroon 2-'36 Ford Coaches, black '36 Ford Sedan grey ,'36 Ford Coach, grey '35 Plymouth Coach, black '35 Plymouth Coupe, black ,2-'35 Ford Coaches '34 Oldsmobile Coupe '34 Studebaker Sedan '34 Terroplane Coach '34 Chevrolet Coach 2-'34 Ford Sedans Zak • PHONE 161 .•d•,: '32 Ford Coupe 2-'32 Ford Coaches '31 Plymouth Sedan '30 Chevrolet Sedan '30 Chevrolet Coupe '30 Whippett Coach '29 Durrant Sedan '28 Buick Sedan '28 Chevrolet Coupe '28 Chevrolet Coach '28 Chevrolet Sedan '27 Chevrolet Coach '27 Chevrolet Sedan '38 Dodge 1 ton Truck '38 Dodge Pick up 2-'38 Ford 1 ton Truck 3-'37 Ford Pick ups '35 Ford Pick up '35 International 2 ton. Truck '35 Ford 2 ton Truck. '35 Dodge 2 ton Truck -� '34 Ford 11/2 ton Truck 2-'34 Chevrolet Panel Deliveries '33 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery 1 Model A Truck 1 Model T Truck 3 Re -conditioned Fortson Tractors -srs r.'.'+FZ''II . Jacks n Service With A Smile Ltd. LJSTOWEL ICiland, Hendon, Sl.r. and Mrs. Sant Anderson, Eileen and Ronald, Hen- don, Mr. Robert Lee and family, Hendon, Mr. and Mrs'. T. Whitehead and- faintly, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mac- Millan and family, Mr, 3, A. Mac- Millan, K.G. Mr. H. Fransen and family and Miss Stargarrd, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Meury and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Best and Mrs. Russell Sr„ Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Erickson, Mrs. Anna Julien, Mr. and Mrs. Dr - wards and family, Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs. Backlund and Helen, Mr. and Mrs, Taylor Lind- strom and family, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Nicholson and fancily, Mr, and • Mrs. Hayman, Henry and Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Hayunani Henry and Dicic, Mr. ands Mrs. A, Adams and. family, Mr. and Mrs, G. P, Gillespie and Esther, Mr. and Mips. K. Russell and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. Smale, Mr. and Mrs. H. Riner and family, Mr. , and Mrs. L. Green, Mr, and Mrs. Ross' Lee and family, Mr. Green, Mr. Chas. Peterson and family, Mr, and Mrs. V. McAllister, FIr. and Mrs. M. Baer, Pete Johnston, L. ;Stronmberg, Mr. and Mrs. Allister Gan, Rose Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Nolan. Wadena News, Sask. Huron Football Schedule 1940 May 27—Atwood at St. Columban May 28—Seafortsh at Ethel May 29—Winthrop at Brussels May 30—,Mildmay nt Seaforth May 31: Brussels at Astwood Ethel at Winthrop June 1—Winthrop et Mildmay June 3—Brusseis at St. Columban Seaforth at Astwood June 4—Ethel at Mildmay June 28—St. Coluanban at Ju6ne 29—Atwood at Ethel July 1—St. Columban at Seatorth July 2—Brussels at Ethel Atwood at Mildmay July 3—Winthrop of Astwood Mildmay at St. Cohan/ban July 5—Miidmey at Brussels Seaforth at Winthrop July 6—St. Colvmban at Atwood July 8—Ethel at Seaforth June 5—Winthrop at Seaforth June 7—Mildmay at Winthrop Atwood at Brussels J une 8-91. Columban at Ethel Janie 10—Seaforth at St. Columban J une 11—Mildmay et Ethel Atwood at Winthrop June 12--Seaforth at Brussels June 14.—Ethel at Atwood St. Columban at Mildmay Brussels at Wiutinop June 17—Winthrop at St. Columban June 13 --Atwood at Seaforth June 19—Ethel at Brussels. June 21—Brussels at Mildsuay Winthrop at Ethel June 24—Brussels at Seoforth Ethel at St. Coluniban June 25 -Mildmay at Atwood June 26—St. Columban at Brussels June 27—Seaforth at Mildmay Prominent Speaker To "Be Present At I. O. O. F, Decoration Service ' The Annual Decoration Service of Western Star Lodge and Morning Star Rebekah Lodge will he held om Sunday; June 9th. This beauti- ful and appropriate service is a Memorial one when the memory of deceased brothers and' sisters is honored and their graves decorated with flowers. Thee year an out- standing speaker has been asked to give the address, He Is Mr. L. Hamel Cooke, B,Sc., B.Pa.ed., D,D.' G.1N., who is principal of the Harris - ton Public School. J Apple Blossom Time In Nova Scotia ,ii iol„ 1' TL 8th Annual Annapolis Valley Apple Blossom Festival with headquarters at the Cornwallislnn, Hentvilie, Nova Scotia, will commence 1 Friday, May 31st, and continue until Sunday evening, June 2nd, The festival comniitteo has arranged an exceptionally interesting pro- gramme which includes panusrs, dances, musical: programmes, all in the unsurpaasedsetting of the Annnpolls,Valley at the peak of Oa apple 'blossom season. The festival, a prelude to the Maritime Province tourist season is this year attracting visitors from all over the Eastern aaa-board of the United States and Canada, r �"