HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-5-29, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
+•••••••••••••••i•i•N•i•••N1N•••P•Ni•NNH•••*14r '
Special Sale of
Bargan '°u alues
\v\ --c.
Guarantee Our Prices
To be The Lowest
$5.50 Silk Dresses Crepes,
Sheers reduced to •• $2.98
$3.98 Linen Dresses • • $1.98
Ladies' Coats $8.50
House Dresses . 75c to $1.
Children's Dresses, crepes,
silk, cotton
Lingerie, TableCloths
Gloves, Hand Bags
10 Day Sale
June 1st
Dre ss Shoppe
Mr, and Mrs J. Ii'• Iluanipbrlee of
Walkelrille spent the weelc end
with friends in the billage,
Miss Margaret Ieothelil'l who 18
working at Mr. Joselll Haiekweli's
spent the week end at her home 10
Londesho e
StettiaitBryane of Timnndnar spent
the 'week end with his parents Mr.
and Mrs'. E, Bryan's, •
Miss Erie Baxter spent the weep
end cl'itls frientlt at Carlow.
Lou Armstrong : of Grey spent
Sunday with. Mr, and Mrs, H.
Mr, and Mrs, C. Seams and Clay-
ton anent the week end with
friends in Heidlebarg.
.Visitor= over the holiday mere:
Miss Nora Van Ve1aor, Weston, wiith.
her parents, Mr. and Drs. W. E, Van
Velsor; Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dickson
and son, Toronto, with ,tdr. and
Mrs. Phil. Durst; Mr, and Mrs. L.
Hetherington, Toronto, and Mrs. J.
L. Confer, Manitoba,at the home
of Mr. and MTS. M. Sellars; Mr.
$ 1 and Mrs. Toni Sanderson and faul-
t fly, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. D.
• D. Sanderson; Mr, and Mrs, Frank
4 Allem, Boston, Moss., and Mr. and
SMrs. Mac Alien. and family, Toren-
• to, with Mr, and Mrs. George Al-
len; Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Hoffman
and babe, Jack Wilson and Miss
Hazel Hoffman, Iiitchener, with
• Mr. and Mrs. Paulin; Mr. and Mns.
2 Alvin Wray, Toronto, with t'he
2 former's' mother, Mrs. Wray, who
♦ has spent true' past five months in
s Toronto nvbth th:eim remained at
v• her home here; Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
bur Fralic'k, 'Constance with
I friends and relatives here; Dr. and
N Mrs. Spence, Toronto, with the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
In Taxes
The assessment of a business tax
by a municipality on Its local merch-
ants appears to be one of the most
inequitable forms of taxation in ex-
istence today. Local merchants are
assessed an additional levy order
and above the properly tax for the
privileges they are supposed to
enjoy in the conduct of their resper-
tive businesses. By contrast look
at the mail order houses and the
outside delivery firms such as bak-
ers, cleaners and others who Yearly
take thousands of dollars out or the
town without contributing a cent to
the upkeep of the municipality. For
the sake of justice it seems only
fair that either the outside firms
who do business in town should be
required to pay a tax, or that the
local business tax be removed en-
tirely. It does not hurt to bear this
enequality in mind, Think of the
fact that local merchants are con-
tributing an extra amount to the up-
keep of the town's institutions
while the outsiders are taking your
money without one cent of return to
the town.
Rami; Miss Isabel Patterson
Windsor-, and Charles Patterson,
Woo.dlbnidge, with friends and rela-
tives; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Durst
and family, Waterloo, with Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Durst; Cliff McDonald
and !William Parks oaf the R.C.A.F.,
St. Thomas, at their respective
homes !fere; Mr. and Mrs. L, Me-
Laag4hltn,-OeJlnawa, visited wLMh
Mrs. T. McLaughlin; Alan Pleas-
ance, Pont Elgin, with his ,grand-
mother, Mrs, Neil White; Mr. and
Mrs. T. G. Hemphill, Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Gibson and Miss' Cassie Har-
ris at Dyers Bay; Rev. and Mrs. A.
M. Grant and family at Grand
Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Glee-
sop and baby of Listowel, with Mr.
and Mrs Ilarold Dumst.
Quebec Expects Banner Tourist Season
The Great Gates of Quebec's
ancient city wall—originally
designed to discourage hostile
visitors—will be thrown open
this summer for a large scale
tourist invasion, expected to top
all previous records. With most
of 'Europe's Old World charms
affected by wartime conditions,
increased numbers of Canadians
and Americans will take advan-
tage of Quebec's historic sur,
roundings and fine sporting facil-
Combining the charm of the
Oast :with the luxuries of the
present the Chateau Prontenad is
the centre of the city's eoclai and
bports activltfes. Dominating the
oity'e skyline, the majestic Cana-
r3..vif fit
diaa Pacific hostelry is within
easydtstance of the city's out-
standing points of interest — an
ideal headquarters for the visiting
tourist, Dufferia Terrace, adjs.
cent to the hotel, offers an ideal
view of the historic "Lower Town"
and the broad St. Lawrence.
Though possessing ideal facili-
ties for practically every modern
sport, Quebec's chief fascination
to the tourist lies in its Old World
charm, Its narrow, winding
streets, lofty spired churches,
convents and quaint dormered
dwellings are reminiscent of me-
dieval Normandy. Its not-so-
peadefdil 'years aro recalled by
battlefields, grim stone forts and
ancient CallMorl.
Nearby points of interest in-
clude the Loretto Indian Reserve-
tion, the Isle of Orleans, Unspoiled
by the rueh of civilization, the
Shrine of Ste. Anne de beaupre,
and the. Montmorency Falls, For
the sports enthusiast there are
fine facilities for golf, tennis, and
badminton, while miles of colorful
highways beckon the motorist.
Laurentlde National Park, 30
miles from the City, is a paradise
for fishermen, canoeists, camera
fate and nature lovers.
Quebec City is easily accessible
over Canadian Pacific lines, and
is conveniently connected with
important centres in eastern Can•
ada and the ignited States.
SVoD IEISDAT; MAT 299111, 1840
Illustrated—Chevrolcl Special Dc Luxe Sport Sedan.
is the LONCEST of AL l lowest -Priced Cars
Want truly luxurious motoring at the very
lowest cost? Then eye, try and buy the new
Chevrolet! Here's size and style beyond your
expectations at such low prices ...in the longest
of all lowest -priced cars, measuring 181 inches
from front of grille to rear of body—a car that
combines Body by Fisher and new "Royal
Clipper" Styling to set the fashion for '40! You'll
be proud to own this big beauty ... and your sat-
isfaction will be doubled by the savings on gas,
oil and upkeep that traditionally go with
Chevrolet ownership. Come in ... eye it, try
it and buy it — today!
THE "RIDE ROYAL"—Chevrolet's
Perfected Knee -Action Riding Sys-
•On Special Do Luxe Models.
Drval Yihitheld -Ehampion's Garage
Mises Mary Huether, Zurich, spent
Sunday at her home.
Miss Dorothy Huether. Godenich
was 0 week end viistor at her home.
Auction Sale
On WEDNESDAY the 12th day of
June, 1940 there will be offered
for sale the household effects of
the late Mrs. Mary Wilbee at her
late residence In the Village of
Brussels among ,which are the
Extension table, 6 chairs., side
board., 2 rockers, 3 small tables, 3
electric lamps, electric iron, 3 becks,
spring% mattress•eis, 2 •dresers, 1
stand, 1 chest drawers, 2 feather
deka, 3 pr. pillows, some bedding,'
curtains, radio, foot etool, sewing
mmacltine kftchean table, glass cup-
board, couch, 7 kitchen chairs,
Quebec heater, Quebec range, china,
glassware, silverware, odd dishes,
pots, pans ail stove, oven, washing
machine, wringer, bodler,.3 oil lumps
cushions, carpet, mats, quantity of
linoleum, cloak, flour barrel, 3
cream cans, quantity of fruit and
pdrokkes, senders, crocdcs, lawn mow -
or, wheel barrow, garden tools,
Quantity of wood and coke other
artielels too anmerous to mentiol.
There Will be also offered for
sale at the same Mince subject to a
reserve bid the honeie and two lots,
Tetensi;•--oren per cent (purchase
price down; the balance in, tliipty
I±IL1VIFA. P. BELL, Brussels, Ontario
Solicitor for Ole Adnnlnlstratrlx.
Karold' Jadkson, Auctioneer.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Chapman
and,;MIsses Marie and Jean visited
with Mr, and Mrs. J. W, Fischer
during the week end.
Miss Isabel Counts, Goderich wah
holidaying with her sister Mrs. Jim
Miss Binned Williams was a
holiday visitor with. her Parents at
Rev. W. A, Williams and Mrs.
Williams' and son Ivor, Valetta,
attended the funeral of Mr. Wm.
Cameron on Wednesday and visited
with friends.
Auction Sale
An auction sale of church sheds
in 'the village of Atwood on Thurs.
day, June 6th, 1940, at 2 pm, Pres-
liyteadan Church Grounds. The 3
northerly sheds composed of 3 bents
each 50 x 16 and 9 It, posts or each
shed Is 48 x 50 ft. To be sold in
whole or in part.
11. A. Mo0ourt,
'Chairman of Managing Board.
Wm. S. Donaldtsou, Auctioneer.
Baron Alton 26200
'Clean limbed, Clydesdale Stallion,
leaves' lot 15, con, 5, Morris Twp.,
on Jeune 3rd, goes south to the 7th
of Morris and East to the 14th eon.
of Grey, to Ino, Alcocks' for night.
Tuesday morning, north to 8th of
Grey and Wm. Cardiff's tor noon;
to the dith of Morris, to centre side -
road, home for night.
Wednesalay, north to 3rd line or
Morris, to Gilbert Nethery's for
Tltulsdby morning to Beigrave,
and to Jas. Michie for noon•, Home
tor night,
Saturday, East to Brussels, Ezra
Wellshes for noon, across' to 0th line
Morrie and Home, till the following
Monday monndng. ,
To insure a foal 010.00 payable
when mare loves to he ini tool.
Panties diaiposing of their mares, be-
fore foaling time or not returning
them regularly to the Horse will be
charged lssn•ance, whether in foal
or not, All accidents to mares at
gMuer's ri51't.
Thos. J, Clark, Prop, -
JUNE 7.8 Te CHICAGO $12,55 (Plus Exchange)
To DETROIT . $4.15
Equally low fares from all adjacent O. N, R. Stations. For train
service going and returning, see handbills or consult Agents,
Tickets, Tial -n Information, Return times from Agents, ASK FOR IfANABILL