HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-5-29, Page 3*They Make Delicious Tea
There are so many ways of g
cold Haan that even the -very small
pieces around, the bone ahouid not
be.,wasted. The bone itself cans be
put to gooduse for it gives a fine
flavour to a seam.
'Tihe consumer Section, 'Marketing
Service, Dominion. Department of
Agriculture, suggests a ,Yew recipes'
in which. ham is combined with
-other doodts to make,make,appetizing
,Ham and Asparagus
1 pound) asparagus—cooked
6 slices cooked ham
3 .tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons boar
11 cup milk
Salt and pepper
% cup grated cheese
iMaire cheese sauce of butter,
hour, milk, seasonings and cheese,
adding cheese when sauce has
:thickened. 'Cover six slices• of toast
with ham. Arrange asparagus' on
ham. Tour some of cheese sauce
over each mound of asparagus.
Serve hot. Makes -six servings,
Ham Mousse •
11/2 tabless0oane gelatin
iA cuQ cold water
% cup boiling water
' cup lemon, juice
1 tablespoon sugar
1/ teaspoon salt
1 cup mayonnaise
1. cup whipping cream
Cu** Coati,
peas. 'Aialte a dream emacs oR
butler, deur and niilit. Add sauoo to
vegetables'. Re)nove bone. Seoson
to taste, 1 cup minded, or finely
6' U ham aua" be added to the
3 ewe chopped tam
2 ou0ps ohopmed bans . anal 1 cup
chopped celery
Soak gelatin in cold water. Dia-
solve in boiling water, Md, lemon
juice; sugar and salt, When mixture'
is partially Bet add mayonnaise,.
ham, celery and dream, stiffly whip -
Pod. Pour into uroultl5. Chill.
Serve on cril>`p lettuce, 'Selves 6
to 8.
Hem Sandwich Spread
2s minced cooked ham
1 cup minced. celery
34 coup chopped pimento, green
pepper or Picki:es
a/ teaspoon dry mustard
Salad dressing
,Combine ingredients. adding snlffi-
cienit salad dressing to make mix-
ture moist. Season, if necessary,
with salt and pePPer, Use as a
filling for plata or toasted sand-
Vegetable Chowder
1 ham bone
a/ cup dropped onion
1 cup chopped carrots
1 cum diced Potatoes
1 cup 050112d peas
2 -tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons flour
2 cups milk
:Salt and'papper
Cover 'ham bone, onion and
carrots with water and cook for 1
hour in covered ,saucepan. Add
Potatoes and sinrmser. for s/ hour.
adding more neater if neceslsary.
When potatoes are cooked, add
On Sale Now!
A direct obligation of the Dominion, of Canada
"Since the momentous day of 'last September, hundreds
of thousands of Canadians have been asking themselves,
'What can I do to help win the war?'
"One answer is, 'By saving?' Every man, woman and
child in the Dominion can now make a direct and con-
tinuing contribution to Canada's war effort by saving
not only his dollars, but also his nickels, d.mes and
quarters to buy Canada's '
War Savings Certificates."
seven and one-half years, If you hold them to maturity, you
will receive 3% on your money --- your investment will in-
crease by 25%. They are sold as fellows:—
For a $5 certificate you pay 54
For a $10 certificate you pay 55
For a $25 ,c-tificate you pay 520
For a 550 cerfroste you pay 540 ,
For a $100 certnicate you pay 550
TO PIT ANY BUDGET: You can take advantage of this
patriotic and profitable savings plan, whether your savings
are measured itt dollars or in occasional nickels, dimes and
gor woman Certificates
of modestpmeans
designedsn to appeal to theman
who cannot afford to subscribe to war bonds of larger
denominations, but who ccs* am to do something tangible to
assist the Country's war effort.
CHILDREN TOO: Even children can purchase War
Savings Certificates, using them cos each nickels Sixteen d dimes
to buy War Savings Stamps
stamps will buy one $5, Certificate,
DEVELOP THE SAVING HABIT: You can purchase as
many War Savings Certificates as youth e, p too $600ou wish
turity value in any calendar year. Buy
— buy them often. Remember, systematic saving is success -
saving •— and your Country needs your money.
REGISTRATION; Each War Savings Certificate is regis-
tered in one name only, and is not transferable.
REDEMPTION: War Savings Certificates cannot be called
for redemption by the Government prior to their date of
maturity, The owner, however, has the option, after six
months, of 'redeeming his certificates for cash at fixed re-
demption values. In urgent cases, advance notice will be
Got your War i
Cortificotes 0 Stan p Cord
today- Vont emntoyor trill
gladly arrange to niaka
weakly doductiens hone your
wagon to buy. War Savings
i:orttplot e infortain t.k)n nnf1 npplit'olfon ,forms a 1
':. Challenge
To Democratic
Devotion 1
Canaailans today are. 1)eing asked
to buy War Savings Certidostes.
What does this mean? . 3t means
Oils: That our a'ns'wer will be the
measure of oilr real -devotion to
deameraoy, To 'freedom,
We have been toad that dente -
many is decadent, That our ideals
of freeddam ere meaningless. That
our way of life cannot compel the
devoltion that goes :to the totalitar-
ian creed,
War Savings Certificates eau en-
saver, and po,Werfully, to. that indict-
ment. Ta tke extent that We buy
them we will tell whether or not
devotion, to, democracy and liberty
d0eh exist; whether there exists the
reality ot democratic reaponaibtlfty,
of democratic loylolty, oft democratic
In France today the watchword
is: Advance or die. In England Mr.
Churchill explains::. "I offer You
blood, tears, toll and 'saveat I .And
he adds: For all that Britain nears,
I appeal to you , We 'must save
ourselves from the black night of
barbarism. '
In conning weeks. the pe0Pie 'ot
this country have the chance of
showing whether their thought ot
freedom's, .meaning, their under-
standing of the meaning of this
terrible conflict, is as deep end
real as that of the peoples, of Bri-
tain and France. - ,
The real challenge of War Say-
ings Certificates .% the challenge of
whether the fibre o3 deanocraoy isas
strong as the. Sbre of dietatorsillp.
The. challenge of 'Whether the dis-
cipline of the lash is as powerful as
the discipline of freedom.
Let -Canadians, by buying these
War Savings Certlfloates, by an,-
veering with all and the least ot
their means the great cry for help
that goes up; show how strong is
the discipline of freedom, Let
them determine that it will be re-
menihereid in years to come that
Canada did not vent ,its auger at
brutality and injustice solely In
woa:da and gestures, but that it
turned ,at least a part of it into
saeri2loe for freedom in treedom's
hour or dire need,
Well Known
Business Man
Passes In Clinton
Clinton, MAY 28,—Nelson Ball, 11'd
S„ prominent business swan o„
Clinton, died Friday et anis' home,
Rattenbury street, 5o2 a heart condi
Hon. He was in his' 66111 year.
Barn near Auburn, March 17, 18751
he wass, a son of the late William 1
Ball and Anne Garbutt. Ile at-
tended the to,wxia111p public aohool,
the Clinton Collegiate and graduat-
ed in velterinary 5ciende at Toronto
Veterinary College. He first mrac-
ticed as a veterinarian in Montana
and later with the late Dr, Blaclall
In ,Clinton, Pdbowt 35 years ago he,.
is partnership with the late 3. B,r
Hoover, purchased, the furniture
and undertaking business of the
late J. C. Stevenson, The firm
later became Hoover, Bail and At-
kinson, rLater. J. J. Zapfe .became.
a member of the filen and they
added hardware to their other
lines having taken over the Har-
land Bros, hardware store adfoin-
lag their own For the past tear
Years the firm name has been
Ball and Zapfe.
In 14.02, Nelson BaOl .married' Mary
Dowses', who survives with three
sons and three daughters. They
are Harry D. Ball, B.A, 'miming
engineer, Kirkland Lake; Douglas
G., B.A„ geologist, Toronto;
William N., in the -home store;
(Margaret) ,Ylrs, J. R. ' Carhant,
Kirkland Lake; legatee Ruth and
Clara, at home. A brother;
Hells -dam Ball, Auburn, and three
sisters, Mrs, Charles Lovett, Clip -
ton; Mrs, James. Raithby and Mrs.
George' Sturdy, Auburn, alio sur-
The Secrets
Good Looks
The dour milling industry of
Canada has met domestic needs for
more than 300 years and in addition
has made Canada one of the leading
exporters of wheat flour, a position
held for many years'.
It is the natural desire of every
bride to look her most charming
self on her wedding day. To help
to a of you who are planking your
1lx. tang Day, 1 am outlining a
short-range course ot beautifying.
You want your hair to look soft
and glossy, so get your permanent
three weeps beforehand, If your.
hair should turn too crisp, give it a
enauni'oos, Halo shampoo will
matte, it soft and natural looking.
1 or fwo weeks before the bridal
day, do ,this: (1) every night, before
r, slug, wash your tact with warm
vessel' and gentlepalanolive soap:
Rinse with cold water, then pat in
some Three-Punpose meant; (2) us-
ing this same 'cream, .pend five
an/ntstsa (Wily in, kneading, stroking
and patting your face and ueck; (3)
false, e, e..ieu week alrpiy a good fees
During the last week, use a hand
lot,on generously and o(teu to make
year hands sort and sluooth.
Two days before: Shampoo your
hair 10 leave It shining. lllaineure'
your nails. lie 0u1i erytitiye nu ex•:
irente tints, pleaael A subdued n•,tt-.
ttral or 1105ile rase shade is the key-
000 day Afore, apply .a fact mask
atlerwaids snlootbiug nourishing
t+11-,1 ill. (011 '1'1'111 day, 'you're bsui,d 1.
ne excited, ser don't target to use a
dr;:,lal5.Int (1(0111 to banish poi' pira-
that tidnnr, Anti now --Good Luck)'
Writs for cmaffdeatial advice, ail
riming coat' rla'et, at stamps for (11y
linokir1 an 1i,+.rely Curt'. ,A,l,lrcw:
;Hiss Barbara l,yaa, lk,x 73, Stn./lion
Ten Throneless
Queens Living
The ranks of exiled royalty are
more numerous to -day than ever be-
fore. There are ten Queens With-
out a throne' between them:
Ex-Enxpresa Zita, another of
Archdiuke Otto, Pretender to the
throne of the Hapsburgs,
Queen Victoria ot Spain, now
in England.
Queen Amelia of Portugal,
whose husband, Icing Carlos, was
assassinated at Lisbon in 1908, She
lives near Versailles.
Queen- Elizabeth of Greece,
daughter of the late King Ferdin-
and of Gulgaria, and separated from
her husband, ging George II of
Hermine, •s'ecoud wife of the ex
Emporor Wilhelm II of Germany.
Queen Sourya of Afghanistan,
whose husband was forced to ab-
dicate because he tried to west-
ernize his country too quickly.
They live in Italy.
Queen Helene of Rumania,
separated from King Carol in 1925,
now living in Floreuoe,
Queen+ 'Ratabarbarni ot Siam,
whose husband abdicated: in 1835.
They live in England.
)empress Menn of AbysSiaiar
wife ot Haile Selassie, This, royal
couple also. live in England,
Queen Geraldine oR Abania, who
lives in France with her 'husband,
Bing Zog. t
First News Of
Casualties Not
Given Over Radio
Reatives and friends of Canadians
who are on active service in the
Arany, Nayy or Royal Air Force
need have no apprehension- that in
listening to ,Canadian Press news
bulletin81s presented by the Canadian
Broadcasting Conporastien, they may
receive the first news of casualties
over the air. No names o1 casual-
ties are made public through the
Canadian, Press, either in 'press dis-
patches or radio bulletins`, until
after relatives have been offlciallx
urmii��. .=n tater is ail
Ever e y Necessity
in Kitchen, La ndry,
Bathroom and s -arts
ADURO Pressure Water System will furnish an ample supply of water under
pressure to all parts of your home and farm. Without running water.
sanitary conveniences and modern facilities, so essential to health and happi-
appiness, are not available to your family.
The cosi of EMCO Bathroom, Kitchen and Laundry fixtures and fittings is
very reasonable and can be spread over a period of time under our Easy
Payment Plan.
EMCO products are modernly finished, of high quality, and will give years
of satisfactory service.
A THREE-PIECE EMCO BATHROOM—Tub on Legs, Toilet and Wall
Lavatory with all Trimmings can be purchased for as little as $83.90
(Soil and Iron pipe and fittings extra)
THE DURO SPECIAL PUMP, shown above, has a capacity of 250
gals, per hour. With 25 gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle $.86 ,00
Motor, it costa only
For Sale by