HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-5-29, Page 1Y 7c 5c Sc Se '3c 9c 9c 1Oc i9c 10c 13c :5c lac l9c 5c 9c 25c :e 'I last and Keane y Sil class in ago. H ay 26x 19c 29c 10c 29c 19c 20c 30c ;1.00 c 23c 23c re AFT do I's d 1 1 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Brusesls W,. I. Sponsors Fine Play 913ack To 'The. BOMB Town,"' a three -act play, was presented in the Brussels (town. hall on, Monday even- ing veninlg under the auspices) of the 1oeal Women's Institute by the young people of Belgrave, conducted by Rev. S. B. Townend, The well, .presented Play was greatly enjoyed by those who attended. Reeve R. J. Bowman, pre- sided 'during the evening's enter- toinaneaut and. director of the play Rev. Townend introduced the ,char - =teas, A musiioal Program was presented beifore the 'play eoinanenced and between acts , by the following: Piano duet, Mira. W. C. King and Miss Margaret Garndsls; solos, Mies Margaret Pearson iaccompanied by Mies Mary Davison, Clifton Walsh, Beigrave, accomipanied by his sister Miss Blaine Walsh. All numbers were appreciated and thoroughly enjoyed., Brussels Wins .Opening Game Wednesday Nignt The Brussels. Football team won the opening 'game of .the season here defeating the Winthrop by the score 2 to 0 at Victoria Park before a good size turnout of football fans. The Play DEACON DUBBS presented by the Y.P.U. of the Egrnondvllle United Church in .the Community Hall WALTON, ONT, FRIDAY EVE., MAY 31st under the auspices of the W.A. of the United Church, Walton Admission -25c and 15o A PUBLIC MEETING OF THE CITIZENS OF BRUSSELS AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY WILL BE HELD, IN THE TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS. SUNDAY, JUNE THE 2nd' AT 8.30 P.M. Dr. Irwin of Toronto will be present ALL INTERESTED IN THE WELL-BEING OF THE COMMUNITY ARE URGED TO ;ATTEND May 29th, 1940 Wednesday, BryansReunion 1 A� The Annual Bryans Reunion was ®� �j •`� e n s Items held on May 24th at the home o:f $ ®® 4,11110M.Tae, T. B•ryans', whichtv the old homestead, A11 meantime of the faintly and their familie .weds present except- ing Chas, A. of Whitby and •Robt. • E. of Detroit. On. account of the inclement weather. the afternoon wore spent at indoor sports and social chat. Those +amending from a distance were Mr, and Mrs, Franklin Bryan's, Bill and Bathare, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Currie and son Warren, nt Hamilton and Stuart P, Bryans 01 Dome Mines, ;South Porcupine. All reliorted a most enjoyable day. Goderich Much Pleased At Getting Flying School County And Airport Officials Gratified By News; No Details Received Goderich, May 28—While no official word had been received here last night, the announcement made by Hon. 0. G. Power, Can- adian Air Minister, naming Goder- ich as one of 'he locations for an elementary flying school w.as grati- fying to county and airport otic- ciais. s'J i�lLi�S Huron County is glad to learn they are given au opportunity to contribute to help win the war. At the January session the Council bolted unanimously to offer the air port at the gobernanent as a patrio- tic gesture and since then word from Ottawa has been eagerly awaited. As soon as word is, received here officially, Warden George Feagan announced), he will call a meeting of the Airport Committee composed of Reeves G. Frayne, Alex McDon- ald of Ashfield and 11. 17. Turner, of Goderich. 'Sky Harbor Airport is the only county one in Canada. It was first oiHcially opened in 1938 and for two years annual air Pageants were staged which attracted inter- national nternational attention„ many well- known flyers coming 'here to give demonstrations. The field is a large one. The Young People of EBENEZER CHURCH BROWNTOWN Are Putting on Their Play "WHERE'S GRAN DMA" FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 31st ADMISSION (Adults 26c Childrn 10e United Churcli W. A. Tine Women's Association, of the 'United Church at their last meeting arranged to hold a garden party on Wednesday, June 12th. Committees were appointed to make the hneces nary arrangements for Progra1n one provisions etc. LADY BOWLERS \Attention The annual meeting of Lady Bowlers' is scheduled for Friday eventing, May 31st at 8 O'clock sharp, air Miss C. Himgston's idl111n- ery store. All ladles of the j com- munity Mterestedt Interestedin bowling Will be made welcome. —o— Notice The Children's Arid Society of Huron 'County is seeking free homes for boys ranging in age as' follows: two baby boys of tnvo month, one oY 2 years, one of three years and two at nine years. Any party wishing to take a toy apiply to H. T. Edwards, Goderich, Ontario. _e— ATTENTION PLEASE. Will you please return 'all bottles promptly and if you have any on the shelf or In the cellar a lease leave out that the driver, can collect thein. Very sincerely yours, Brussels Dairy. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our apprecia- tion to all who beliped is any way, for the kindness and sympathy and the beautiful floral tributes during the bereavensnet of our husband and father, Mre. Will Cameron. Will, Calvin and families, —o— CASH AND CARRY— New Fresh Carrots 2 bundhes for 15c. This' is the time to 40 your Pines. Buy them at Grewar's, Leaf Lettuce, Nene. Cabbage, Tomatoes. 19 its good Fruit and Vegetables Grower's have it, CASH AND GARY A GREWAR WE SELL FOR LESS REGENT 'RuptureExpert Here THEATRL�. SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING— The Blue. Bird in Technicolor and starring Shirley Temple -with an all star Baht MON., TUES., WED. Daytime Wife -...,A Comedy Drama Starring Tyronne Power Linda Darrell Warren William WED. and THURS. JUNE 5 & 6 • Gone With the Wind DAY O- A 2 SHOWS EACH Afternoon 1.45 'p,m. Night 7.46 p.m. FRI., SAT.,— JUNE 7&8 John Wayne \Ray Corrigan IN Do you suffer from rupture If so your big opportunity has now arrived. Mr. Reavely, the noted rupture expert, will be at the Queens Hotel for one day only Friday, June 7th and wily be pleased to give free ex- amination to any sufferer and to de- monsltrate his famous appliance. This appliance will oomtraot the opening in 10 90 15 days'. de'This n appliance is positively striated to you right on your own person without any charge, Lou db net spend a penny unless you are fully eo,tisldedl that it de aeon right aon ap- pliance for yo will cost you with Mr. Beavey ' nothing, Don't lett thin o17rorltunity Wyoming Outlaw I get away from you, Remember the A Fast Moving Western 'date. 1i DANCE To Willis Tipping & His Cascade Music AT ROYAL. -T, Wingham for the next 4 Thursday Nights May 30th till June 20th Admission ' SOc Door Prize ►•N•NNNNoN• GREY opt BRUSSEL,S ONTARIO Engagement ' Amioucement 1411'. and Mrs, Wan, McInnes, Ethel, aunounee the engagement of their only daughter Mary Adella, to Mx. Stanley Fischer, son of Mr. and: Mrs. Jacob Fischer, ,Craubrook, Ont, Marriage to take place in June. -0— Congratulations To Robert Shedden - 'Many friends of Robert Shedden called athist home last Thursday to wish him many more happy birth- days it being the occasion of his 84th. birthday. —0— National Day of Prayer Observed at Brussels ,Services in, the United .Church on Sunday were conducted by the minister, Rev. H, J. (Mahoney. National Day of Prayer was held at the morning service. The text for the evening was taken from Rev. 3- 20. "Behold I stand' at the door and knock." A. iboyse choir ,supplied the music. Sunday school will be field In the morning during . the summer months. Morning. .service in Melville Presbyterian Church was oanduc- ted by the minister, the Rev. 'S. Kear, National Day of Prayer was obeaaved the choir singing a mes- sage essage centred around the great thought of prayer from the nation. Rev. Mr. Williams of Avoniton con.. ducted the evening service, Rev. S. Kerr preaching the anniversary service at Avonton and in the morning at Melville church. Services in St. John's Anglican Church were oonduot'ed by the rector, Rev. Frank Watt the morn- ing thesne being the National Day of Prayer. Wm.- Burnett, Ainia, was a recent visitor with, his daughter Mrs. Will Smith, 5th don, Miss Verna Brewer, Owen Sound, visited over the week end with. her aunt MTs'. Wm, Armstrong, &th can. rnlnss Gertrude Payne, Hanover, enjoyed a Watt with her parents B. and Mrs. Payne during the week. Mists Margaret Smith, teacher. Palmerston, visited) her sister Mrs. H. Cardiff during the holiday. Miss Betty Bettet spent part of her holiday with; Mrs, Cecil Robinson of the 14th concession, . Hellen McNabb, a teacher near Gueilph spent the week end with her parents Mr, and Mrs, John Mb Nabb and her sister Mrs. Major Youngblu,tt of Mullett. We are sorry to hear that Alex Perrie of Brussels and an old resi- dent of Grey is not as well as we would like and hope he is soon better. We are glad to know that Jim Machan who was operated on, for Appendicitis is improving and hope he will, soon be around again. Jack Perrie and Bill McNair are both smiling, Jack has a boy and Bili, a girl. John. McNair who got his barn and sheds burned last Feib. is busy building again. He has the drive Silted ap and the cement work for the foundation for the barn nearly completed. We were sorry ,to hear of the death of the late Win, Cameron last week end the family has the sym- pathy of the community. .Fre will be much missed and hiss place in the community will be hard to fill, Don't forget the pili social at the home' of Mrs. Santee McFarlane; 3rd concession of Grey on June 7th, for. Roe's United Church. Mr, and Mrs. H. C. Bider of Till- soniiitrrg and Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Bider and son of Norwich visited with Baroid; and Mrs. Cunningham. PHRRIB--On Friday, May 2411h, ko Mr. and Mita, John Perrie, (Frey Township, a son, David Alex• ander. *7".r.'• MORRIS ;k Y * x: * * Prominent Grey Resident Passes WII-LIAM E. CAMERON / True entire communit7 w f TN/ ed by the passing /'1 1 ;.i respected resident a ' lar 1'd William I],- Cameron, 4,0 OiI took place in alairmielT40,, Jersey, on. Sunday, May 1911r, fo11GW ing on illness of several months, The deceased was born in Oxford county on iSe,pteinber 4th, 1801. He was t.re son of the late John and I511zabeth Caaneron. For the past sixty-five years he farmed at Gran.- brook. ranbrook. A member of Knox Pres- byterion church, Craubrook, he was sincerely concerned in. the work of the ehuroh and was a devoted member whe served in various capacities, The date Mr. Cameron : * * wasinterested is lite •affairs of the Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Allen and coneruunity in which he resided; and; daughters were visitors with friends was a B. M. & G. Telephone direc- im Guelph' on Sunday, tor shite the system was organized hi 1909. He was also, since the Robert Preat, Dublin vas a Sun- position was first establihhed, road diay visitor with his parents T. L. superintendent of the •township of and Mrs: Prest, Grey. His absence will be regretted by his friends and emaciates. * * * Mr. George Irwin of Toronto was Surviving to mourn the loss of a week end visitor with his friend husband and father is his. bere9t Mr. W. A. Lowry, wife, formerly Agnes Brown, and * * * two sons, William J., of Maplewood, Miss Dorothy Ballantyne, Strat- New Jersey and Calvin at .home. ford is visiting with the Misses Me- Mrs A. Cuthbert and daughters Irene and Mary and Gladys Fawcett of Toronto were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Lowe. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russel 'Currie and family over ,the holiday were Mr. and Mrs, Harold Currie and: son Warren, Mr. Robert Lundy and Mists Alma- Bayne all of Hama- PEOPLE WE KNOW * * Y ,. t w * * * Mrs, A. C. Darner, Ir renewing Old friendships 1n' town, n: •a * Mr. W, B. Strachan spent the week end ' with his mother Mrs, A, Strachan. * * Miss Eva Bryans of Toronto was a holiday visitor with her sister, Mrs. 3, Denman. * * * Bliss Nellie Jardine, Hornby spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. S. 'Scott, * * * Miss Millie Zimmer and Prof, R. Zimmer df Toronto spent the, 24th with friends in town. Three brothers also survive, Mat- Tavish.them Allan and Thomas, all of community, comunity, one sister, * * *Mrs, 2, Siemon of Moosejaw, Sask., Miss M. Pearson and Mrs, Rann ,spent the 24th holiday with Mr..and also survives. Three brothers, Mrs. A. Wilson of Forest. James, Robert and John predeceas- * * * ed him, ,, Mrs. W. 2'. S90stton and Mrs. The largely attended funeral was Pringle are visiting with their sister held. from his late hoarse Cranbroo, Mrs L. A. Wright in Toronto. On, Wednesday, May 22nd. with his paster, Rev. Taylor officiating Miss Gertrude Ross of Toronto • assisted by Rev. W. A. Williams. was a week end visitor with her former ministers of Knox church, parents Mr. and Mrs. D, C. Rose. I Rev. Ross Cameron, a near -hew.' o1 * * * Dovercourt church, Toronto and Mrs. Ken Jackson. and son Wayne l Rev. S. Kerr. Brussels, Interment Silent the week end with her par. . was. made in Brussels eemeteay. ental Mr. and, Mrs. Robt, Davidson. 1 Pallbearers were Messrs. Wm. * * * I SmaJldon, Harry Keys, Lloyd Miss Carrie McGradken and Mrs'. ''t Porter, Harry Fear, Walter Scott N. Hum:ter, Toronto were holiday' D. N. tieratiish, week end guests at the home of the Flower Bearers were, Kenneth former. Tyreman, Maurice and Jim ,Camez r ( on, Mac Engel, Jas- Iieyst Jas'r Mr. and lairs, Franklin Bryans Cameron, Johsu Perrie, :Wilfredand Barbara of Thornton spent the 'Cameron, Lorne Cameron, Ji. a ' holiday and meek end with the ` Ritchie and Stanley Ftiscltier. Bryans families. The numerous beautiful floral * * * 1 tributes attested' the esteem with Mr, and Mrs. 'Geo. Dawson of `i which the deceased was regarded, Port Stanley spent 24th at the were as follows: Casket spray, the home of her parents 'Mr. and Mls. family; Wreaths, session Presbyter ton, I Philip Anent. I ion church Cranbrook; the bzothen Miss M. Shedden spent Sunday * * * If and families; Brussels, Morris aim, with Mrs. Crooks and Mortha Currie Bliss Ruth and Master Glen Pride Grey telephone system; Pillow, The Misses Verna Bremer .and Donel- spent a few days with their grand- DANCE rand municipal council ,bomnshlp of Grey; de ,Sinclair of Owen Sound spent a few days last 'week with Chas. and: Mays. Davis i22angartt and Thomb:s Knox o1 Grey called at the home of Mrs'. A: Crooks on Sunday, Bill Bryans of Hamilton spent the 24111 with his cousin Charles Bryns. Harold and Mrs, 'Coulson of Milton were week end visitors with Lorne and' Mrs', Nichol. Miss Jean Martin and Miss Jessie Cross and Mr. Gordon Martin of Georgetown were :week end. visitors with the, Michie family. MONCRIEFF W. A. of Monoriefi United) Church have chosen July 3rd • for the annual Garden Party ,and have been fortune ate .in securing the United Church choir of Listowel under the for leader- ship of Mr. Lorne Willitsor Choir program, Further particularts later. The W.M.S. are having' the film of the Royal tour shown in the church on Tuesday evening, June 11th, every one is cordially invited to at- tend, Miss Lama Gildloer of Listowel visited with, her friend Miss Edythe took place Monday at Owen Sound. Mrs, Wan. Harrison received the gad . newts that .her mother Mrs. Mathews; had passed away. Funeral took ,place Monday at Owen Salina Mr, and Mrs, F, A. Harirson and Pamiiy visited friends at West Mont- rose ontrose on the 24th. WROXETEiR BOY 1 GRADUATES George ,Brown, son of Mr. and Mis, Thomas Brown, Wroxeter, was siroceaIutul in 'passing his final examinations at the Ontario Vetern- aria 'Clottage, London. Gradhraidng exercises were held Friday evening last. Mr. and Mrs, J3rown, also Mr, and Mist Gordon. Gibson, attended. parents 'Reeve and, Mrs, Harry Keys . Sprays, Rev. Boss and Mrs 'Cama crop, Toroaebo; Jack Cameron and of Grey. fanlbl ,s * * 1 I y; Walter Brown' and tamilp Mr. and Mrs, Harold Currie and Kirkland Lake; Mrs. Peter Sinclair, son Warren of Hamilton were .holt- Stratford; Mr. and Mis. Geo. Snaith, day visitors with Mr, and Mrs, ''*'it Orange; Mr, and Mrs, Horace Russel Currie and Bryans family, I Smith, Brooklyn; Baslcets, Mr. ane Mast Mac Engel; Mr. and Mrs, O. Miss Messier. Kay and Miss' Jessie , A. Hoehn; Spray's from each of the Grant of Winnipeg are spending s following officerls of the Home Life couple od weeks �t the home of Insurance Co., New York City, Mr Mary Helen Kerr witlu their sister and Mrs. Ethdlbert I, Low, chairman Mrs, W. H. Kerr, of the Board; Mr, Jam�I A, Fulton President; Mr, and Mrs, W. S, Gay Mr. and Mrs'. * Thompson. of To- 1, fordvice President: Mr, and Mtn ronto were guests of their cousins 0..C. Fulton, Jr., Vice President; Dr. and Mates. R. S. Hamilton. They Mr, and Mrs, Leigh Cruess, VI, - accompanied Mrs, Smith from To- , President; Dr. anal Mrs.. Woodlo: ronto. Medical Director; Mr, and Mrs, * * * P. Worthington, Superintendent Stratford Normal school students Agen'eies; Dr. and Mns, .3. H. * have been home the early part of ; phries, 'Med'i'cal Director; Mr, am the week studying for their exams I Mas. T. Stamranernran, :lvdtuahy; Mr and. Mre. G. Lincoln, Adtruary; MIs Vera MctParbiand of New Turk City Miss Helen Wesson of New Yo. City; Mr. and Mrs. IC. V. Offra Maipl'envood, N.J.; Mr. and Mrs. , H. Watson, Maplewood, N.J.; 112r. which, c arpepee the Letter Part of the 'week. - * * * Mr, E. D. Bell bas returned from a most enjoyable trip in the M.S. He was accompanied by 1i, Glen Hays, Seafartlt, his brother Rill Bell and Orwell Elliott, They visit- ed Washington and were through West Virginia as d'ar- south as Hunt- ington untington and. 'Charleston. * * * Mr. and Mrs, Harold Chapman and daughters Marie and Jean, Kitchener, were holiday week end Balm18ton and her isister-in4law Iy visitors with the formers brother T. T. M'oe• and Dr. McRae r N. Chapman and MT. and Mrs, E. W. Mr, F. R. Smith. G. Denison, Maplewood, Ni'.;.Mr W. Tichenlor, Maplewood, N.J.; 111 and Mrs', Graham, C lapin Wells, 15 Mending a few weeks of her v cation with. relatives in ;town, l: sister Mrs, A, S. Hamilton and 3 Kennedy, 1i, ISM, * * * Bill Daimler arrived home thde bast week from Princeton; N.J., where he is attending Westminster 1 Chbir College, ' pot Imbt a College churn made the trip also and will Spend a week *before taking up his summer duties. Both students had a successful year. * * * - Rev, Gordon Itintoul and wife a three ckiddrn of Toronto spent 5 urday with relatives, Mtrs'. Rini with, ilex sister Mus. Harrill; par, and, Rev, Mr, Bintoul with hive sit Mr. and Mss. Jas. Kerr and brotl: . Mr.Chester Rintoul ,and family, - Rinoul was preaching clinch on :Sunday. at Wt were 7'5 relatives out to say t' Mrs. Arthur Smith of Bdtnpnton prear „ hear