HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-5-8, Page 6TETE BRUSSELS POST
WIi7D J2SDAY, M•. 8th, 1940
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A Courtesy
To Your Guests
One of the courtesies you owe a
guest is to see that your local paper
is appraised of the fact you have
visitors. can the 'paper giving
names and all essential informs-
Of Interest To
Women Readers
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Spring Menus
With the advance o $prang comes
a natural desire for the foods which
appear on the Market at this season,
and for meals which have e. spring-
time appetite Appeal, The Consumer
Section, Marketing Service; homin
ion Department of Agriculture sug-
gests, the following dishes for In -
elusion, in the menu at thistime of
the year:
Eggs in Tomato Aspic
14o tablespoons gelatin
%4 cup eoid water
2 cups tomato juice
'k 1 teaspoon onion juice
1 teaspoon sugar
teaspoon salt
6 devilled eggs
Soak gelatin in cold water, Combine
tomato juice, onion juice, sugar and
salt, Meat to boiling point. Dissolve
gelatin in juice. Half -fill individual
moulds with Jelly mixture, When
Partially set, place half a devilled
egg, yolk down, in jelly. When jelly
sets, add remaining tomato gelatin
mixture. Allow to set, Unmould on
oidsp lettuce. Garnish with water-
crees or asparagus tips. To devil
eggs, remove shells from hard -cook-
ed eggs; cut eggs in hall;, remove
yolks. Mash yolks, season and mix
with a little salad dressing, Pack
yolk mixture into whites. Serves 6
to 12.
Rhubarb Sponge with
Custard Sauce
19/2 tablespoons gelatin
'y4 cup cold water
2 cups hot, stewed, sweetened
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 egg whiten
Pinch of salt
Soak gelatin in cold' water. Add to
hot rhubarb, ;Stir until gelatin is
dissolved. Add lemon juice. When
mixture' is partially set fold in stiffly
beaten egg whites Serve cold with
Custard Sauce made with 2 egg
yolks, !Serves 6.
Custard Sauce '
2 egg' yolks
2 tablespoons sugar
{Pinch of salt
1 eup scalded milk
y2 teaspoon lemon juice
Beat eggs slightly- Add sugar and
salt. Gradually add scalded milk.
Cook over hot water, stirring con-
stantly until mixture thickens and
Coate the spoon.
Maple Rice Pudding
cup rice
2 cups milk
2% tablespoons cornstarch
1119 maple syrup
2 ogg yol9rs:
2 egg Prhites
cup maple syrup
Boil rice in salted water until ten-
der Scald milk in double boiler,
Star cornstarch smooth in. 36 cup
maple syrup and add gradually to
the hot milk. Stir until mixture
thickens, and cook 15 minutes. Add 1
rice and well -beaten
Place in. butteerd bakinigedish. gg Yolks.
egg whites untilBeat
the r/ cu stiff gradually add
over pmaple syrup, and spread
oven pudding, Bake in a moderate
1 050 degrees. F,) until delicate-
y browned (about
15 minutesq,
Be It Ever
So Humble
* * * * * * * * * *
Printed silks are being used for
shirt blouses,
tion. bt isn't a case of wanting The "gathered neckline" gyDsy
your name in the paper but rather blouses is again popular.
a courtesy to the guest—and it is a
courtesy they will appreciate. Let pique is smart for the tailored,
us know about it,
A Soldier's Scarf
Beige gowns. in heavy sheers
are new for evening.
To you, the wearer of this scarf, Bowl Bretons in black felt aro
whoever you may be, suggested for wear with suits'.
Please do not wear it lightly, with
neer a thought of me; ! PrInted pique is being shown
I want to help to win the war, I do I for summer evening dresses.
with all my heart,
And just as earnestly I wish mine Patsel cannel jackets
were a different part, I worn with crepe dresses.
will be
But take this scarf, it can't be lost I A brief hipbone length fitted
you'll know it by the holes black wool jacket over a slim
And, if you listen quietly you may matching frock is worn with white
even hear some groans, straw plate covered with muiti-
It frayed me and it frazzled me, I color fi"wers.
couldn't seem to "lain';
If you think I was worsted you
should have seen the yarn.
My neck ached and my back ached;
in act, my heart ached, too,
To think that there was nothing
nice that I could do for you.
I envy those complacent souls: who >
rock and read and knit, Black sports dresses in silk or
If you think it relaxes me you linen are being shown for sum -
should have .seen me sit mer with white pique jackets.
Bolt upright on the edge of a chair
afraid to move a muscle. Gayly -trimmed coats are seen
Lest the doggone stitch slip out on
me and again I have to rustle.
Let no one high -hat you, lad, your
scarf has a history,
Though what became of the stitches
lost still remain -0 a mystery,
If you get your eye on Hitler just
wrap it around his neck,
Then pull it tightly from both ends
and give him what's called heck.
So here is luck to all at you, insky,
on land, at sea. I Pastor Who Won't
We owe so much to all of you, wher-
ever you may be. Marry InHaste
Jackets buttoned throat -high
with small Peter Pau collars, reg-
ister among tweed suit fashions.
Otte notable sponsor wore one in
stone mixture tweed over a Plain
brown skirt, the costume complet-
ed by brown accessories.
for juniors. Bright soutache or
embroidery and applique on white
mohair, rayon and cotton suitline
in reefer styles are most popular.
Hollow metal curved -in grace -
fall scrolls: makes shoe heels with
a spring motion for new Paris
shoes. Other heels and soles are
elaborately carved from wood.
It matters not what race you are, ' The kev. David Henry Weeks,
whether you're' black or white, Episcopalian minister of Niagara
You are with the British Army, and Palls, N, Y., who never marries
You're battling for the right. a couple who have not known
each other at least a year, de-
clares his system bas resulted in
fewer divorces.
"I believe," he said, "that for
the contracting parties to be
toned at back or the buttons run happy and avoid future trouble
full•length. The latter is seen int they should have known each other
suite a few runback dresses, that long,
Youthfully flared, This back-clos- "During my 26 years as rector
ing idea is stimulated this year o'f Epiphany Church, here only
by the importance of back••buttin- two of the 626 marriages I per -
ed: and wrapped pinafores, farmed were of divorced people,"
Beek buttons, always in good
standing, are particularly so this
summer only the bodice is but -
we are now ready to supply you with
Summer Dainties
Such as
Ice Cream Sundaes, Banana Splits
MILK SHAKES—'Strawberry, Chocolate, (Orange & Vanilla
Chocolate Milk and Soft Drinks
Strictly Fresh Dairy Products ,At All Times
Butter, Milk, Cream and Buttermilk
"Be it ever so bumble, there's no
place like home," runs the nostalgic 1
old tune, But it isn't necessary
for it to be humble A fery dollars
ppint ser' eand, there --a dab of
make your of repair work—will
more att a +diveave. Just that much
Remember, too, that a home is
more beautiful when set in pleasant
surroundings., Shrubs and plants
add to the outward appearance of
your property and giveshe wrist
a pleasant ianpret9sion• ofBrussels.
be wanting Spring Is here, you will
g 'io make some of those
repairs you planned /es•t winter.
Evidence yf Spring cleaning is
in the air bath downtown, and In the
residential sections of our town
6t it's a new home you're planning
don't foriget that our local contrac•
tors are •expert' both In planning it
you -and
end in the actual construe -
tion • Havin
in town benefits g your cork done
as+ Well this the, tows Droner/r,
e individual by/threesman.
So w$whet/+
you're i
paint or that buildingand, g that
Job, reinember the local merchant.
It pays' him --and, it pays year
Correct Make -Up
Dramatizes ,You
Natural Texture of ;Skin
May Be Improved But
Not Concealed
Providing she has a clear, Smooth.
Complexion, fits every woman's
business to learn to apply Cosner
icy so that the natural texture and
glow of her satin are dramatized ra-
ther than concealed.
Unless it: is used to conceal the
minor blemishes or rough spots, her
foundation preparation'sbould give
the skin a delicate, translucent fin-
ish rather than a heavy, caked
look. Et ought to be smoothed' on
lightly and allowed to set for a
moment or two before application
of cream rouge.
Rouge should be placed on the
cheeks where natural color .shows
atter violent exercise or gentle last. week, Mrs. Marshall gave a
pinching, The less used the better broad survey of tae urgencies that
—and rough edges must be smooth- have arisen in Canada wince the out -
ed out to disappear completely at break of the war and the fundamen-
the hair line and sides of the dace. tal problems which remain to be
tintless the skin is extremely oily dealt' with and which demand the
cream rouge is likely to be most intelligent thought and unselfish
satisfactory, contribution of responsible women.
To achieve a dull finish with pow-
der, apply it very generously atter CITES PROBLEMS
feundation lotion and cream rouge
have carefully blended. Let it set
for a few minutes, then. whisk off
the excess with a powder brush: or
a piece of clean, fluffy cotton.
Powder should match exactly
your natural skin tones. Rouge and
lipstick are most flattering if they
match your natural blood tones or
at least harmonize with the color
your cheeks and lips appear to be
when you are wearing any color
other than black and white. LOOK AT ,YOUR LABEL
Aziality guaranteed
Women Are New
President of Toronto Council
of Women Surveys Urgencies
With Which Women of Dom-
inion Must Deal
A little forethought and prepara-
0105 will assure tt more tranquil en-
joyanenit *5 the season ahead, writes
Donna Grace, beauty editor. It will
not be so long before we will be out
in the sun, either on• the golf course
"In our zeal for war work let us or on the beaches.
not lose sight of the ultiannte goal The hair Like the rest of the
for which we are sacrificing and body needs nourishment to pre -
suffering. We must maintain our serve its vigor and beauty.
well-established social agencies so A good' method is to comb the
hair thoroughly, then place the -
that our men will not come back to hands at the back of the neck and
a disorganized. Canada," Such was
with a.pullingup stroke, draw the
the theme of an inspiring address hand's up over the crown. With the
of Mrs. J. R. Marshall, president of flnigers spread in this way, push
the Toronto Council of Women, to the •sr.alp from side to side.
the Hamilton Women's Civic Club
'Canadian' women were not, she
thought„ to be called upon to do
spectacular things in the war, But
they had much to do at home.
Mrs, Marshall cited the problems
of Canada with which women must
concern themselves, They inoluded
training of youth, housing, nutri-
tion, public health and' hospitaliza-
tion and leisure time occupation.
DoThorough ,Brushing. •
'Repeat this several limes and
finish with circular manipulations
around the Bead et the edge of the
hairline. The circular manipulations
are done with the first three fing-
ers of each hand pressed close to
the head,
A thorough brushing several
times a week will help to keep the
scalp loose and healthy. The circu-
lar scrubbing strokef beginning at
the back of the neck and working
upward are best for this,
A limited quantity of choice
Banner Seed Oats also Banner and
Two -Rowed Barley mixed. Price
81.65 per cwt, Phone 55-r-16. Lot '21,
Cou, 12, Grey.
J. M. Haight & Sons,
R.R. 3, Brussels.
Running Water is an
Everyday Necessity
in Kitchen, Laundry,
Bathroom and Barns
ADURO Pressure Water System will furnish an ample supply of water under
• Pressure to all parts of your home and farm. Without running water,
sanitary conveniences and modern facilities, so essential to health and happi-
ness, are not available to your family.
The cosi of EMCO Bathroom, Kitchen and Laundry fixtures and fittings is
very reasonable and can be spread over a period of lime under our Easy
Payment Plan.
EMCO products are modernly finished, of high quality, and will give years
of satisfactory service.
A THREE-PIECE EMCO BATHROOM -..Tub on Legs, Toilet and Wall
Lavatory with all Trimmings can be purchased for as little as
()log and Iron pips and fittings extra) $83.60
THE DURO SPECIAL PUMP, shown above, has a capacity of 250
gals. per hour. With 25 gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 80 cycle
Motor, it coats only
For Sale by