The Brussels Post, 1940-5-8, Page 1Zito POST PUBLISHING HOUSE rusgeto Wednesday, May 8th 1940 Mrs Water Wilbee Passes Away Another well-ltnowni and respected °Wizens in the person of Elisabeth Pease, widow of the late Walter %thee, paetsedi away on MendaY at the Movie of her son, Horace, in Seaforh, int her 77th year, Born in Ethel, the tl'augt'her of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Pease, Mrs. Wilbee had. been in the habit of spending the winter with her daughter (Vera), Mrs, Fred. Mee, always coaling bonne to open up her house in the spring, but took sickaild went to the home or her son, Horace, where she I;assed away. She leaves to mourn teh• loss, one dangler, Mrs, Fred Mee. of .Stratford, and lava sons, Robert ot Gladstone, Mich., and Horaeo, of Seaforth, and nine grandchildren, The funeral will he held from Mann's Funeral I•IoMo on Thursday at 2.30 o'clock. EGt..., v T .THE SEAFORTH NOW FLAYiNG— John Gorfleld Ann Sheridan Castle on the Hudson Ride Cowboy Ride. MON,, TUES., WED, John Garfield Ann Sheridan Drums Along The Mohawk Edna Mae Oliver Basil Rathbone An historical drama of the hard- ships of our ploneerh in the Mohawk Valley NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT. Charles Sterrett. . .,Iris Mgrgdlth Western Caravans Live and live they .said. Yet Range war was declared on Innocent people also Michael Whalen Dolores Costello Outside These Walls with Virginia Weldler COMING Sewanee River Reserve your seats now for Gone With the Wind 'Money orders with stamped selt addressed envelopes encloses receive prompt attention. , * st * * >* * * * * >ra ae-,� PEOPLE WE KNOW * �e * ;(< r$ * sk * , * * Miss Jennie Budd relented home train Winnipeg last week. Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Schinhien or Listowel were :vislilMg in town ou ,SundfY• Mr. Lewis Herman, Guelph was a. wee.lc end guest at the home of , Mr, and Mrs. Wru, I3aeker, Misses, Elisabeth and Hattie Downid; who 'have been In Toronto have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. H, B: Alien .and daughters, were .Sunday visitors with relatives In Stratford. Mrs, Campbell And Mise Mae Alm trong were we':k end visitors In the vicinity of Londesboro, Mr. \\'m. Straelian, Toronto spent the week end with his mother Mrs. A. Strachan, Mr+. Russe Il 'Zimmer, Toronto, spent the week end at his Mime on tha 9th eon. of Grey. Mr. N. 'Chapman, Mr, and Mrs, R, \V. Kennedy actcl son were Sunday visitors with Rev. F. L. and Mrs. Lewin of Parkhill. IVIr, and Mrs. T, L, Prest and sons Robert and WM. visitet wlth the fornic'r's' brother in Parkhill on Sun- day, Mrs, E. Bredin and Bowman Gal- braith, Toronto, spent the week end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Galbraith. Mies Doris Ndehni and Mies Beth ,Schoonhals, Clinton, were Sunday guests at the home at the latter': innate 2Ir, and Mrs. W. J. Stewart. C .crk Cardin. suffered a painful aeckdent last week, while backing the wagon into thebarn was crowd- ed lite a Cement wall, tearing the linomenta in the ntueele -of his right arm. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mee of Stra- fe -ea and Mr. and Mrs. Irorace Wit - bee of Sea'torth are in town to at- tend the funeral of the late Mrs, W. M'. R'ilhee to he held Thursday alinement'. - announce tie engagement Mr. and Mrs, James W. Craigia the gagcan out of thein ! daughter, Elizabeth Jean, to Mr. Bruce Fleming Bagshaw or Truro. ! Nova Scotia, non of Mrs. A. E. Bag- sllaw and the late Mr. Bagshaw of i Toronto, marriage to take place in AMY. This announcement taken from the Saturday Globe- and Mail refers to a daughter of :lir, and Mrs. Craigle, former residents of Brns- sels. Mrs, Craigie will be better known as Pearl Lowry, daughter of • Mrs, Daniel Lowry, of Toronto and the late Daniel l.r,v'ry, formerly of Brussels. ►�o-�v.am'e•po®�®o-'•�osoeooa'Osm'o©goo-®o�a�e®©c®mOaQ •o®a�o-�•u000� DANiCE AT ROYAL -T, Wingham _.-T O— Bonny Palmer and His Band (Western Ontario's Finest Dance Band) Thursday, May 16th Admission 50c —ALSO— r'here will be h C• 4. Y OOOOYd 6 004 0 00 o e 0444 000000000000000000000®C00000000000O00F3eeOJGl'y1a czrr every Saturday • Nig t.. O 1 • BUY RESERVED SEATS N0111! 'ExAcfI,Y• AS SHOWN; n( FAMEIA' ATLANTA P515151E1 This production will not Eo shown anywharo excapt at advanced prices.,,at (oast until 19at THE WIND At Lyceum Theatre Wingham May23rd. 24th -25th Tickets .Now on Sale at . the Box Office Each Eventing. ALL RESERVED SEATS, Matinees '• ' • • • ' • ' 75c Evening $1.00 Mail orders 'will receive prompt attention if accompanied by self addressed stamped .envelope, .M!Ne.N•NN••NNNNt1NNN�N�NN���Nt1 Vogt BRUSSEL,S ONTARIO * * * * * ' * Mrs Basil Struthers WEDDING JAMES BOWMAN1�'a#allylnjared LocalNewsItems �: i The entire community was shoa- t fatally CARD OF THANKS .lies. James. Bowman atrcl family wish to thank their many friends for their thciughiful itrter'eet and sympathy, also the kind neighbore. for their assistance at the recent loss of her husband and their father. —0— YES IT'S FRESH Your fruit is fresh if you tiny it at Grewars, We nave' Flesh Crisp Celery: Lettuce, ' Caplhage, Kc•w ( (trona. etc. It's jut got to he food or we won't have it. CASH AND .CARRY A. GREWAR WE SELL FOR LESS _e_ Maitland Presbyterial Society to Meet At Melville Church The 36th Annual Meeting of the Maitland Pre,'byterial Society of the W.M.S. of the Presby erian Church In Canada will be hold at • Melville Church., Brussels on Tuesday, May 1-4t11. 1940, It will bn on all day Meeting and morning: afternoon and evening sess`unte hill be hela. Morning session' commences at '0.45 with a meeting orf xecutive for piaye; ; the afternoon session at 1.30 and the evening worship begins at 7.30. Meals will be served in the erhool room. An• interesting sting end instructive Irogram bas ;been arranged. —a— Lookout Mission Band The monthly meeting of the Look Out Mission Banc. wets held on May 6th with twenty -live members ta•es- euh, The meeting was opened by singing llynm 420 followed by the Lord`s Prayer in unieon. The roll veil was then i'eaat followed by Hymn 4237, The seripru•e reading taken from Mark 1 vetoes 1. •15 and Accts 9: tei'ses 3-0. ITrs Thomas then took charge of the bu.iurs-: period after which Mrs. Richardson gave a most interesting story taken trent the study boo.(. Hymn 440 was then sung. The meeting eIos- e.1 by the -members repeating the Mizpait Benediction. 1 —o— At the Churches Services in Melville Presbyterian Church on Sunday were conducted by the •ntittiatr-r, RFV. S. herr, wito spoke in the morning from "The Parable of tate Gond Samaritan." The chair contributed an anthem at b_ ih meriting and evening services. Next Sunday evening a uniteol Patriotic, nteeiig will be held in Melville church with till choirs talc - lug part, tivies,; itt the 1'uited flannel on Sunday were eoudau•ted by the min;:ter. ILev. II. J. Mahoney. n•h r ol,v in the morning on 'Alt :ac•o is :surticieut for thee.' The eeuniug text was 'The Four Hnrst.o of t`le Auto aly^lie." A Mether•s Day tor. h c : will be held next Sunday morning with a ntul.her's thir, Serviced 111 St. John's Anglican Chnreh nn Suutlay were t oltllne:ed by the te. teat', Rev. Frank Waite. Engagement Autroucement 1011'. and. Mrs, Hartwell Speiran wish to announod 'the engagement ' of their Orly daughter Elsie Grano to Jack M. Bell, only son of Mr, and Mr's. Graham Bell, of Atwood. Mai Nage to take place in May, —43— . Mrs. J. Graham, Bayfield Addresses St John's W, A, lith, ,T, Giulia in of Baynelti, n former popular hestese of St, john's rttrtary, was the guest speaker at an aper meeting or the Anglican \Vo- mcn's. Auxiliary, held: in the school- room. of the church on Friday after- noon' itt last week, Itt spite of the rainy taternaon a good number of the. Incline of the vlilege were pres- ent to enjoy the splendid talk on "Gardens Of Lite." The president, MPS. le, W, Kennelly, conducting the meeting opened, with the singing of a hymn, followed by prayer by the re'etor. The scripture portion was read by Mrs. Geo, Davis, In the unavoidable .absence of the secre- tary, Mts. A. Coleman, the minutes et the previous meeting were rend by 11115, H. ;Street= The presi- dent welcomed' the guests, and called upon the speaker who needed no ,hvtrodltuction to her audience. Fol- lowing the address, Rev. F, Watts expressed theretbanlcet of the W. A. to MI's, Grahaln for her kindness and to the v'isitorg for their pros' eneo, The meeting closed with a hymn and the ,boneddcltion, Tea was served with Mrs, T. L. Brest presiding at the tea table, The rode Was attractively deoerated with spring colors and a profusion of daffodils tor the occasion. CARD OF THANKS it wish to expre 'a my deep ap- 1 pro enation for the many express - Iola of sympathy and kind- ni 's extended at the time of my ridden ttig;e ittlaytment. Also for tient tributes and loan of ears. They will never be forgotten. Bail Strutters. —o— Special Service 'Melville Presbyterin Ch:Telt Spi. i,1 Service he connection with the Red, Cross will he. held on Sun- citty. May 12211 at 7 pan. The Anglican and Tattered Cirurelres are sharing in the service and the Praise will be led by a choir corn - rimed of the An;lioan, Cnited and Presbyterian choirs, The loose collection will gn to the work lof the Ree Cress ' The general public is very cord#a11y invited. —o— Glen Wheeler Won Congoleum Rug In Guessing Contest The winner of the Congoleuo Rug Raven away by the Cengaleum I. Ilua t0,, w.^.e watt by Glen Wheeler ; whose l urlty guess was 3471. Th- cot:•ect number teas 3476. The 1 ronttr-t was sloos.ored by D. A. Reims' furniture store, Brussels. Glen Wheeler is to be rangratulrateit on being so dose as tht' eon'..et.'t Was guessing a lucky number between 1 and 5000. Regular Meeting Of Melville W.M.S. The regular meeting of the W. 3I. ; S. of Melville Church was held art Friday afternoon, May the ltd. The meeting was opened with prayer by the President, Mrs. Harold Parker. The- opening praise number was Psur1M selection le, The Seripeure was rear] by Mrs'. A. H. Mefnnatd Prayer was offered hy- Miss Mary Lamont. The Secretary read the 1 minutes and the Trensnrer's rennet was ],given. -Airs. Walter Scott gave the paper, and it dealt With the I Chnreh of India. The meeting closed with the Lard',;; Prayer. —o— . Error In Prices ' Quoted In Advertisement We drew your ettention to the tact Chet an erne. in Wee.. erenrrel In the advertisement, of the Empire Brass Alf:.. Co,.Which optirared in our May let teem,. The aetieles in time:Hant with fire weir t e t 1,l'!('& o air' as follow.: STIMV,W' to .9V" fie Lu,unriied Sink $,-.91: Sink :0.2111 '. Il.ire, with faucet, 8(31,3rt: The Duro Special rump.' sstmo. \it:... Wilton;crud t,tlle:ple are your local retrrsoiaatives far this firm, The community of Brussels was • saddened by the passing away on Thursday morning, May and, of James Bowman, son of the late Mr. and Mrs John Bowman. of Morris tort lS1t'ii, Mr, Bowman was born Octoltc r 2lst, 1801, He was mar - tied to Sarah Work November. 13th, 11181, making their home on the 3rd concession or Mortis, later in To- rento and I3ru.=el:a., lir. Bowman, was a nictnhet' of lielvlile Presbyterian Church. Ile had many pupiie interests, serving as oiember of Morris township ceiutc•it for four years, later being, elected Reeve. In 19(14 he was \\:.rden of IItitnn (tottery and in ed by the tragic death of Mrs. Basil 'Strnthors who was injured in a car accident in the early hours of Saturday Morning, Mr, and 'Mrs. Struthei, had at- toncled it dance i14 Ethel es PridaY evening, On their way horn? fol- lowing the dance they had 'trouble with itheir oar and had had a rug laid on the road, forgetting to pick it up when they were ready to leave Airs. Struhhers hull gone back to get it. Hes husband was seated in the ear and hail the lights shining across the rood so that Mr's, Strutli- c•rs Wright locate the rug. A car driven by Craig Hantiltolr of near Atwood was travelling east and it reported that when ire se',v the 1911 was elected t0 llous;e of 1 Cornneoue for North Huron and re- elected in 1917. { i There, is left to mourn, his wire, three daughters firs. J. R. Wheeler, t Cotlerieh, (Elizabeth); Mrs, J. fl, Galiiru:th, Bru eCels, (Idai; and airs, R. C Seon, P,ebcageon, (Vinal one son Robert J. Bowman, 17russc:l'; six grauckirlidren and 2 great grand children, IIe is iso survived by one broth- er Joseph Bowman, Vineland; Ont. Mr. Bowman. a Itighly respected and believed resident, will be missal by a Mize. circle of friends and tie- 1 qua ttt lure t. 4{ Agruat Liver of flawcrs. his gard- en wa a beauty spot visited by ' lt' n d tt.r,� th yuw•s his health perm.tted Itis looking after it. The funeral co'1dnoterl by h',i - pait Rev. 5, K,r, on Satut,i::y trftei'uoon was largely attended, i The floral trtbutet b natio] t 1(- s of the es 0,ni with v, Well the ri'at sed wag regarded. wtto' rat'', i:1 by he flower hearers, Misses hacker, Mary Boleti reit r. Jcy tee and Dorothy Jardine, ,Jure \i'ark. 1dPlia Bryans and ,Tean Sp' "iron: Pallbearers wore aIesees, J tai L:,an. Frank :Martin. George l•' 1 Hata, Jahn lemmttn, JIb_ Vttk. end it J:.hn \'ails, The funeral of .liable Elizabeth Spefran, beloved wife of Ilasil; 'Struthers was held from her late c.: do ire Lot 121. ('nit. 13. (Inc,'. Ictw..,n:p on T.,, s .day, May 7t1:, 1940. Service at emu p.m. conduct - '.i by Rev. Mr, Gilbert and Rev. Mr. Shell. She was itt her ;hth year and tots tiattghter or the late Mr, anal Mrs, t.;;.;;;*;:e E. Speiran of 12th son, Grey, ineei,ee her ]tttebnnd she leaves to menu eix sisters and 1 brothers, 1 Iva 11 Stan9lucbtu, Grey town - Here rude, IL's. A. D. l:atton, d n, Alberta; Datura, airs. Czar Brave, 1„ren:o; Wilda. Mrs, 1I. Kees.(,try township; Isobel, Airs J:ak N.tble, Hanover; Norma, Mr:. It:;1 Menthe G-ey tomroa;li: Stanley of Ethel, Ham, of Detroit; Rnsrs tit Saginaw, 51111 Pallbearers were: Ross and Allan MeTaggart, George and Alt x Dar - tuns, Ralph Noble and Kenneth Mc- t Fao'li, i Flonewer bearers were her neices and nephews: Douglas, Donald era John \Viiitee1J, o1,ilhs, Ralph. .'ran, Lois and Glenn Mecham. Joyce and 1 Murray Ke'ys., Dorothy Hamilton, Maty anon Orville Struthers, Flow- ers witicb' were many and beautitnl \Yer e,tell i : on - train om Husband: Pillow, aunts and uncles; basket, Alt'. and ,firs, John Struthers; basket, Mrs. Jho &Jc:Iiay and Mt'. and Alas, 'Roe Patterson of Hamilton; wreath, sisters and brother's; wreath, Peo- ple's ]Tarnishing Employees, De- troit; spray, Mr. and firs, Rose Speit'an, Saginaw, Mich.; spray:, Mr, and Mrs, Ern Speh'an1 Detroit, .tem. ma, Fred'arick; spray, Speiran Cousins; spray, Mr. and Mrs, E. Stier and faintly; spray, Ella and family;, ,Alma and family, Mrs, J. W. Wood, wail McCredglrt; epray, lVlt', and lira. Herb Moffatt, of Dunkeld; spray, Mr, and Ma's, Webb Lambert, Brantford; spray, Mr, and Mrs, John Hamilton and Wilily; spray, Mr, and. Mr's, Fred Beaver and Dorothy of Toronto; spray, aunts, Sortie, Frank, Symtanrhtt, Watts of Van- couver; spray, Mr, and, Mrs, Ed, Meehan. and falmily; spray, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth MclFarline and fam- ily; spray. J, Biggst Toronto; spray, Mr, end Mast Earl .Baker, Dearborn, Mich.; spray, Mr, and Mrs, Beg ltedgtw, Toronto; spray, Mr, and igh:ts of the Struthers ear shining a'a'oss the road and the younu ladY, tole t:nnndc-d the 11trn. The htt0 fits. Struthers being startled ran o the side of the Toad while at the same time the 'young man swerved to the side to avoid her and the Armin of the car struck her. The victim was rushed to the Milne of D1. Rtclantond of Ethel where she 'passeai, away shortly after. She stitferecl a compound fracture of the telt len, headlacere-' lions also serious internal injuries. Mrs. Struthers, a. popular Grey township resident in her 3ith year wets tine to:'nter Mies Mabel Spetran A eeatetnent made by Dr. 'I'. T. All Rae. e't oaer, edict there will t i' no lnnutat into the fatality. A cl...trc will he laid against Ham - Jack Thynne Returns After Sojourn In Newfoundland Interesting facts about Newfound- land were given the Post by Jacek n to TI yet W11 0 tins returned home after spending the winter there entertaining the islanders in his capable manner. According to Mr. Thy'mte the Island is 550 miles long. The .land is not very productive, being rough and barren. The chief industries are fishing end trapping. There are uo roads to speak or and Jack did moat of his winter travel- ling by dog sled using a team of 10 (hogs. One dog will pull about 70 lbs. Thet'e are no elections .in Newfoundland, It is governed by a commissioner who is sent it1'ottl England, There Is no business or propenty tax but compared to ottrs the prices' of some of their things are ve1y high. Gasoline is 42e a gettlon, butter 19 700 a lb. and mnrg- arin.a 19 largely used, There are no ,cows their milk supply comes ft•om1 goats. There is a 75% tax on all imgtontetl goodly. SO% of the people are on, the Dote, sy'stenl which gives them 6c .per day. Many of then, are trying tp locate lob with .the forestry at $2,00 a day The army pay for a day is only 46e Mrs. BASIL STRUTHERS St John's Y. P. A. D-losis to Members of Me'vi1le and United Churches A -otial evening for the , nil .it )lilt..., p,-npie of the Prest,ytcre.e. United and Anglican .l.ntre ec war trend in the - b a s e- aten, of- St. John's (arr,'1 eu Mee. clay' eveniuv. The nmetitlg Stas enema' with Hymn 019, Alt. 1.ry- ettek read. the prayers. Tom Mc- F,idzettn read the Scripture. Hymn bat 1V11113 sun g. Earl Moore ee an int matting address, Miss \tt :.t Sanderson favoured the young' people with a Rialto ct:leatien, Melia Bryan and Ivan, Spell -au sang a duet. accompanied by Alis .Mary Davidson. Gaines then fell:aw,d under lite diroetien of Jean; Grainger. Doris A rntatr.utg and 311 • L;tycueii, After !hem, Intuit wasserved 22nd the president of both the Presbyterian r'td rwt.ted Citttrch extended their tanks. The meeting wile retried crit) "God Save The King" and t' •'13elo11icticn" ltroncun:eed by 1t -'v, Kerr, NOTICE— Hand tI tifol'nt, nras:e sl tn& not it, rise, kindly turn them in. Bin..tds ritAtzens hand. Three Brussels Men Have Narrow Escape Thu, e youn'g Itt. 1' 1 _ nil11 Cheek) I . wry, Harold Ale, U t itt a rel ('1, v. 11 tt d Ont, a:trrutc- 1t 12 e .rr.11 t'iutt 1 ti uy and pi•ttil- able death, in a cat 100'olent which 1 ,•rlt, rd !WC and one half Miles% sonlit of here on Saturday night, t T1 ear ,an a t he driven Lawry was•. tile. nom: it total weed( after colliding with a ear driven by 0. Smith of the 14th Concession of Grey, strip- itrg a hyth'opale and careening into t itch. Bout calfs were .troweling south Polite account stays when the Smith ear was about to make a left turn to go east on the 14th coneese elon itt Grey the outer ear attcdnpted to pass on J.he left side. The cars hit. in a glancing manner. The Lowry .oar travelled some distance before hitting the hydn'o pole and going into the ditch. The impact witit the hydro mole practically ripped the body from the rest of the machine. In some Miraculous manner the 000ttlran'ts of the Car Were uninjured, The two passen.g. ens in the car were, thrown clear, The Smith ear was also damaged but not as eotens'ively, Mrs. .The MalLay and family, Hauailt ton; spray, Ross Cunningham, Car- men Balker, Charles Bier, Jdnt St el; .11a1•ay, Willis Battery staff; spray, Women's .Association,, spray, Union Unitedi Church congregation, ?h•iends were present from E'oa route, Detroit, Brantford, Stratford And Miiverrton,