HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-4-10, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST NFJWS OF THE DISTRIC'd Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents wAL'ON be able to enjoy a well earned reel. Hamilton has• been a 'respected Robinson 1•Ieuriltou, 13.A., of To. 1 name on the boundary ever eines lowest deice, As• yon both have 11v" p and as a visitor with his parents ed all: yaur dais bare you have aeon Mr. auto Vela ; ' 'Miss lton oaf the many changes' as the years. come East been on 'Mis'w Jeani Felton ; and .go, You, and our fancily have social life of the community an bas<,beca on. the sick list; Mrs Rea. always taken a deep interest in t::e bell of Qoderich i visiting dab Camp e her 'cousin Mrs, "ritliam Ham` all time been ready and willing to pltries; lir, anal Mts. David Liv help in any way, You will tie irtgstoue have returned. to Walston Infested. but we are glad to know that after spending the winner with their alive -uv to date reetpresetutativs will c. Serer hear St, Catharines; Mt's, be left to carry on. We 'take this C. Selletls and Clayton have rek ell- opportunity to express our regards ed home after spending g some boli- •and ask you to accept this gift as a' days alt Heidelberg; Mr, and Mrs. Joe Hamilton of the Boumlary are moving to 'Brussels when the roads get better; Lorne Toll of Auburn called, on friends 'here Wednesday; The Walton Branch of the Ladies' Aid of the Gaited Church met at the, home of George McTagart yes- terdaY• t small taken a our esteem, Signed/ on behalfof, neighbours' and friends. Mr. and Idle, .Hamilton fittingly replied, Dancing was enjoyed by everyone during the entire evening. WROXETER Address and Presentation The annual meeting o4 the Wo,. Om Wednesday evening, March inen's Institute was held in the 27 about one hundred: neighbours schoolroom. of the United Church( and friends' gathered alt the home of with the president, Mts. J. J. Alien, Mr, and Mi•s. Jos. R. Hamilton .toi in the chair, The nominating cem- spend a social evening with them mkttee then gave its report and the before their depaonture to their new /cunning offcerts were elected): home in Brussels. The following President, Mrs. 11. Waller; -first address wan read by Mr. Carl Dal- vice -Pre'siden't, Mrs. S. McNaughton; ton and a Purse of money was pre. , second' viee+pt!emidea't, Mrs. Wm. rented by Mr. Herbert Williamson. Lean; secretary, Mrs, F. P. Camp - The address was:- To Mr. and Mrs. ' bell; .pianist, 'Mrs. J. N. Allen; Hamilton. We, your :friends and directory, Mrs. Rae, Mrs. Adams; neighbours have come to send a district drtector, Mrs. J. J. Allen,; pleasant evening before your de- Preen reporter, Ms. D. S. Mc- parture to your new home. We are Naughton; program committee, sorry •to se you leave the Boundary , Mrs. Sawtell, Mrs. Knight; lunch but hope that the .change will be to ' committee, Mrs. Martin Mrs. WY - your advantage and that you map lie; auditors, Mrs. Denny, Mrs. an, Veisor, At the close of the meeting there was a display or vvatlt done for the lied Cross, TheInsttutetstteals'erei tea realised 520 Al/ter the. lunch the bale was Peek- ed Rot sllvpmeet and Mutt:Med 2.7 pairs of pyyamas, 16 seven, 11 sweaters, 11 vain% wristelets, ' 62 Pairs of socks, BLUEVAT'� The annual Easter Thank Offen ng meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox Prelabyterian, Church ware Thursday 0itei'neon, n the Sunday .school room, with a good aibtend anee. The president, Mrs. J. J. Elliott, presided. The scripture Les' - Son, in keeping with the theme nasi read' by Mase. Eldrid Nichol and Mrs. Walter Smillie offered prayer. Miss Jean Mlle* had charge of current events, mentioning new work being done at Timmins and some interesting items resisting to the work of Miss Dorothy' Douglas in Formosa. The Glad Tidings prayer was rend, by Mrs. J. C. nig- glue. Rev, R, G. Pewter was the guest speaker for the meeting, Ile based' his remtalies on the mission - Ary and dhurch work in British Columbia, memtionlng - the handl caps Clue to the long distances be- tween congregations, the lack of winter ,supply end the encouraging manner in which the Y.P.S. and Sunday schools are increasing in membership and activities, An Easter reading by Miss Flor- ence Fowler and a quartet by Mrs. R. Elliott, Mrs. LilIow, 'Mrs. J. 1.1, nn 4-44+44++++44,-++++:4 :4, 4y40aH0,yt:N*.4N4♦yc044+04 844+44 4.:+4++.4., eYe j A 4♦I4 • e e oto 44 ... cies 4:.;*44 C r Ow ers e4. 4. BALLING ALL 4 $ 4�4 • .,4 04. 44. 4. 944 40 4. @$e ere 44. 0$4 4. 4e 4t4 404 4.46 e 4 44+ 4ge e44 4p@ '44 4e 4. 4@ 44v* 44 4e 4`4 4�e 44 44++4 4ee 2•e 44. ; 414 4X@ 4 4,44 4�, etc We wish to acquaint thecar owner at this SPRING SEASON of the fact that we now have in Our E piing Stt,,ick of , utomobEe Accessories At Unusually Lo rices Get our Price on Tires, Tubes Batteries and Repairs of Genuine Quality and Compare with other brands of less reputable firms. Try NU.E3LUE Sunoco and see for yourself what a difference at makes. We have a mechanic certified by the Government which means that you are not taking any chances on the repairing of your 4 4 car. tl X141 We also have installed within the last year considerable new equipment to take care of the newer models of cars. Drop in at your earliest convenience and get expert advice on your car troubles. -We cannot guarantee our prices to remain as they are for any period of time as all markets are on the upward trend ... • *,4444444#-10;. See Us Soon IAM?UWCIA MOWS GRASE Phone 8 russels, Ont. 4e eYe e2� , 44 4. 44 •T4 ere e4 4e 4�e e®4 44. 40 4 4 444 44e 4:4 4 . 8. 44� roe 104e 40 4e0 414 444 4 4y@ 444 044 41 44i 44i 4 4 e 4$e 4+. 4. 44 4.t4 ry4 44 404 44 a • 4`4 . .�o ee 464 • 44++:4•4444'414744 44: 44444444r.-049 4444444444.444N•A4.44444•e44ee44 P9 e ry WADNASTlAY, AT3liISr lobi, 1090 ISN'T it significant that you see so many new 1940 Chevrolets on the streets and highways? , .. Doesn't that popularity tell you that people recognize something extra in Chevrolet? That something is extra value for the money! You drive a bargain when you drive a Chevrolet ... the most beautiful car a low price ever bought—and the only car, regardless of price, with such a combination of quality features as the vacuum Power Shift, the *"Ride Royal", Super -Silent Valve -in -Head Engine, new Pull -Vision Bodies by Fisher and larger Tiptoe -Made Clutch. With the purchase of a new Chevrolet you get the advanced luxuries of modern motoring—and you get them at the lowest cost in purchase price, gas, oil and upkeep. Place your order ^.ow and you, too, will soon be saying, "Chevrolet's the biggest bargain anyone could drive!" NEW "ROYAL CLIPPER" STYLING... THE' RISE ROYAL"—Chevrolet's perfected Knee -Action Riding System . ;.SUPER -SILENT VALVE -IN -HEAD ENGINE ... NEW BODIES BY FISHER ... NEW SEALED BEAM HEAD. LIGHTS WITH SEPARATE PARKING LIGHTS ... LARGER TIPTOE-MATIC CLUTCH .. • PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES. '''On Special Deluxe Models Orval Whtd-ChaI11PiflD'SGage Farmers Urged looking Inc a good nest site, When Elliott and. Mise Jean Elliott were she is settled on her choke, she se - enjoyed. Mr, Fowler pronounced to Buy Seed Onceeretes a gummy sort of liquid. This the benediction. AOnce{ i "t. wasp glue is of excellent equality. tsi..;J Inc the little edict which she sec - Woman's Association Meets Tine, suTyly o0 registered seed in retes mush hold the weight of the Canada. 1s rapidly growing less by nest, which, when finished, may feedhig and by sate through the weigh as much as 50 pounds, grata trade, This is particularly Next the naeen incrust attaches a true of the rust resistant varieties etrlrg of paper about the diameter of wheat and oats, says the Agrtcul- of a toothpick and halt au Inch long, turas Supii1lt Board and urges That to the spat of glue. This paper cable, it 15invpni+tant that order's be placed, as well as all the paper used: in without delay Inc any registered building the nest, is hornet made. It is manufactured by chewing up bibs of lint or down which the hor- net gathers from weathered mood, Such as old fences and btuldings. The chewing together with the ad- dition of a sort of nntts'ceus secretion changes the wood or plant itlaine:vie into a pulley s'ub,satance which, when dry, is paper. To give the paper ex- tra. sta'a strength, ae is needed for utak lint marketed. Ing the cable from which the nest mak- Registered seed is sold .only in is bung, 'the pulp is aliened bo dry sealed eotutainers, govemanent- and they is rechewetl once or twice tagged and government -rule mice, before being used. and• doss not require cleaning, The queen makes a hollow .paper 'In airtime nothing is avers ball ab u3 as inch acl'swa filled with important ,than food. The best paper cells.. She then lays an egg in pradudte come from the bent weed chill cell. As cite yauilg hornets end it was never more essential to ]Patch she 'feeds. thean 'nnitl they are produce the beat than now.. Strong enough to go httniting for. theneeivee ' .From 'ellen on the area never leaves tiie nest, being kept busy filling' with eggs the new tiers of cellie built as additions to the nest by the Young hornets. When complete, the paper nest nary be as much as 18 incites wide and lrioro than a yard long. Mrs, Anthur Shane opened her home on Thursday afternoon for the regular meeting of the Wo- man's Association of the United Church. The president lilts, S. N. Gallaher, presided, and Mrs. A. Me:cr,wan. read the scripture les- son. ,Mr. Taveuer offered the dos- ing seed lequh'ed for s6ta+inE planting, ing prayer. Registered seed is pure as to The attendance was good, over , thirty ladies: present and dur• : variety, practically tree from weed ing the apternoan 'bwa quilts were seeds, and high in germination. It quilted Miss Hazel Stamper as therefore gives better returns en Meted the hostess in serving re - reduces quality and grade, Good seed reduces riskts and' is the first I' (r quireanen.t or bigger' and better re - terns to the farmer. A. Product properly produced is already more than1f frealiments, A Song For April it isn't raining rain for ms It's. raining daffodils; In. every dimpled drop T see, Wild bowers on the hills, The clouds of gray engulf the day, And overwhelm the town; It fan '1 raining rain to me, Lt's raining roses' down. It isn't raining rain to me, But fields, of clever bloom, Whole. r,very imeancering bee •May find a bed and room; A eltalth unto the happyl A Ile for him who'Frets - It 'isn't raining rain for me, it's .raining violets. °Robert Lovemaa FOR SALE-- Mrs. W. M, Sinclair is offering her home . for Hale, 011y0ne interested write to 206. Wexford St., Hamilton, Did You Ever Wonder? HOW HORNETS MAKE THE PAPER FOR THEIR NESTS? Maw le a comnparative new'eoiner in 1110 pape'•nnalting business. Var• ion* members of the wow felnily iiave long made a pragtide cif living In paw? houses. Perhaps the hest - known. paper matter among the in- sects ie the baldifaeed hornet. When spring rolls around, the bald4faced hornet queen strikes ;out, TELL IT WELL AND IT WILL SELL Turn those- unused articles Into ready cash. Someone may want them or have what you. want. Use the Cleeelfletl Ad. Column.