HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-4-10, Page 4OR ONE OF TWELVE OTHER CASH PRIZES 2nd Prize -$15 3rd. Prize -$5 Ten Prizes $1 Each HERE'S ALL 1. Complete• the last line of the jingle beginning: Says Purify Maid: "If you don't wand to lose, Purity Flour {e the one you should choose, For pies and alt pastry, for cakes and for bread, _. Send in as many entries to this contest as you wish, but each entry must be accompanied by the Purity Seal cut from a bag of Purity Flour ear reasonable facsimile) or a ree.eippted sales sip from your dealer showing you have purchased a bag of Purity our, YOU DO: 3. All entries must be postmarked not later than Saturday) May b, 1940. 4. Entries will be judged for origi- nality and sincerity bf expression. Simply write each entry on ormeeido of a sheet of paper. Prrgtyour game and address, and alsorbhe .name of your Purity Flour dealer, clearly 5. The judges' decision will be• final. 6. This contesstarts Meson sou Aprill Sth. Mall y 4th, •1940, to than Saturday, May Purity Flour Contest Department, Western Canada Flour Mills Co., Limited, 293 MacPherson Avenue, Toronto. That last line might go like this: Use Purity Flour, and you'll come out ahead. But try your skill -and remember this is a local bcotelt, restsgton extend to the county. n "` 'Fluron, Bruce,ogood chance to win l Waterloo You have a really g Get a free Purity Flour recipe booklet .. rom yurdealer. el rr • xThe win- ning in ning idea might just pop up ySod in entries early. W11DN2 SDAY,, ABM 10th, 1944 • waste tenet on an elehotate head. dres,sr* be sxsid "These two forces' coupled with the fact that bate now are ilosignied to slow the 'bah' and not hide it rami bring baolc shinglethe or shingle' hair style. c'There will still be a fere eerie of waves in Irons heieauee a won3afl even in wartime ewe quickly look Atter them, but there'll be no curls at the back," he predicted. THE ARLASELS POST Massitled Ads FOR SALE-, C11OLpiug 'Mill for sale. apply to Chas, Carnne, Brussels �oRSALE- 8 - Chunks of Pigs Ray Pearson phone 39-r-1'6 FOR SALE— Snow Plow Battles Big Drifts On Huron. 'Roads ,Roads of .the district are being plowed out. In West Wawanosh Township tint provincial caterpillar was stock in a soled five-foot allow - bank for somal time near St, .Angus tine. The division line from Auburn, to which place 42 has been cleared entirely, is bad in spots with pitch holes, The ninth and 12th concessions of Bast Warwanoah were opened Yeisteriday by the amose- plow. Flood waters have held up the muskrat season, with trappers ee- Porting that it is difficult to get near creeks because Of slushy 6110W and flood waters. Muskrats taken, however, so tar haves bad Prime pelts. Mail carriers are 'having a daft - cult time with pitch holes on the road. Several rural carriers state that in places it is ettrenaedy dan- genoure to take a horse because of West resulting from melting a the deep anew. Mow of Hay, phone 424-11 FOR SALE— Six Pigs, Six weeks old, aPPlY to - phone 16-r-6 John :Spear Jr, Ba. no. 2, Brussels For Sale By Tender Jas. a'tevenson The property in the Estate of Robert S. Scott, late of the Village of GranOrrook, inthe county of Huron; deceased. Closed tenders wlU be received; by the undersigned udr to the 23rd day Of April, 1940) Highest or any tender not necessar- ily aacepted• Mrs. Janet Soot, Bth. &NNIYERSftRV 511LE, VE MONEY On��YOt1r Y f: ti 1t:rst a. � Jai` •C 'nsettt�[ Spring Wardroe FOR SALE-- Six ALE—Six Pigs, 10 weekly old, apply to Me. J, F. Churchill, Blueiale phone 30-r-4 Bruseeis FOR SALE Ice Box Rerfriigeratar, domestic size. apply at Bruetels• Dairy • phone 59 FOR SALE --r 2 Young Tamworth Saws due May 1st, alae 2 Purelbred Tavrwort'h Hogs, 4> montes old. phone 20-r-8 C. McAlliteir c -- FOR SALE - 3 heads o8 Durham Cattle, 2 years old also 2 Cows, 1 red . cove fresh week also Holstein Cow fresh last November.. api'Iy to phone 26-r-16 Colwell Steeirau LOST • — Last wiarter, between Brussels and Seeforth, on:, coveroff back of Model A coupe, painted blue. Finder apply to Lloyd Sanderson Brussels Internees APprediate prisoncai's are partienlarly emphatic in their asesiltion,s That the :wants of Humane Treatment the inner man are fully taken cane fates of, One of them received .in tesPly Ottawa There are worse Germans could staffer leiter stating:er than being • „I am glade to knoor that Your huts interned in tOanad!a during war are nice end warm and that your time, far instance being free in their officers' are very rase to you. I own Fatherland. This on the; must say that in Germany they testimony of those wards of the i would not be so Mee to us, You Canadian government who still Tei know how they are treating us at tarn their German nalti-anality. : home (Geimmans) in the poUee Eatrac•is ,from their letters to their I station, They shout at us over friends are the best proof of this, the least little thing." and inci[Lenrfally; corroborate that, Deeply inepressed by the skill and in this country the International care given, to him whale he under- Convemtion Relative to the Treat - vent an operation, ane appreciative merit of Prisoners of War is inter - Prisoner had "at all times, the feel - protect in the ,broadcast and most ing that everything was looked after humane spirit, .well and that I Personally could not One letter from a prisoner in the have arranged matters better." internment camp at Pete:wa,wa epi- "I am hoping to be able to iteturn tomises the sense and feeling of my thanks to you by es'ervice to numerous others however much the maintain order in this. camp." worts may differ He writes: In Canadian eyes, these internees "The treatment is very kindly and are neither automata nor brutes. the food very good and he sure The fortunes of 'war have placed •many got not sq good to oat as they CAVIL where they are but it is evi- hnve have;' n dent ore their atestimony' whet Another assurers Ms relatives!: 1 can be done to mitigate their lot is "Here in the camp we are looked , done. The frog and genial air after all right. We have enough fostered under our democratic sys- deceet food and everything is going tem permeates even life confines of ail smoothly. We 'are free all day their prison and camps, the human - to do what we like, either go for a sty and kindliness Of their temper- to or while away the time in the recreation ball, In some respects we are better off than the Militia as we have- a German cook. Of course it is not as nice as to be with MY d1r'.'re—hewevet•, it is not too bad at all" ()re r- !1tr nr'-" 'q at Petawawa •1''p ,f the lest war and •af the conditions .then prevailing in hie bnnreland, ae this excerpt shows: "T have to give the authorities at let of eresi t for the treatment They are giving us --all of them from the Conr'nsndant down to a private are as pleasant asp passible, Food is good and for sure better than we lta(l it et burnt, 'n Germany during 1:1lP t War. ClOthirT, also zele firfent Pie eviclerer le eimPlemented by anrthcr who thankful to he able to Write in (ieumnn nreures itis. People: "We get. 3 good me;sls a day and enough else. If anybody 01104114 cemnlein about the treatment, I wcvld Say ,thatt he is a big liar', Constantly iterated' in the letter's 18 the refrain, "De net send me any toed!. Tile feed they give us here is excellent and plentiful." This' is Varied sometimes to "Do not send me any More parcels) as I do not ileedr anything," •ISananasiaies Intorsnent Comte ary Jailers contrasts strikingly with what they could expect uncles• simi- lar conditions in tilde .awn land. WILL BOYISH 'BOB COME BACK AGAIN It's Predicted for Wartime Use As A Hair Style The war is creating simpler hair stylus in the United States' as Well as in. Canada and other belligerent nations, the Annual Hairdressers Convention and Exhibition at Toron- to was told, A return. to tee boytlsh bob, which lues been ort of feebler' for the peat seven years, will be general in Can- ada next year, Bernard 0, ,Snowden, • of Windsor predicted, "Wer ie bringing a return et tailored style,' In Mathes." be said, "eel with them will acme the tittered hair stylee " Three'fertora are bringing a re- turn of the hoylvlt hair slut for Wo- men in the United States, said A. Bernell. of Roehep,tet, N,T., "Hair becomes valuable in wartime in the making a ce.rtein ammunition, and t the ennle time balr siyles became simpler beeftese in snob tame of s,;reee women .are lees eenccrnad with aPPearinggiamorons and mere.. concerned abamt hat having -'10. LOST— Will the finder of the new Gar Tire lost on. the Oth eon., of Grey please leave same at the "Poste printing office and oblige 'The Listowel - Transport' Executrix. For Sale Quantity of No benb Seed Barley grown from registered seed. Price — 70c per bushel. Apply to Ed. Bryan& Phone 17.18 p 011816 I HAP W. 0 NY CHILORell .WO VE NEM • And what a grand start pigs get when a mother is helped out by Roe Baby Pig Starter. Feed it along with drinking water from the third week —and watch them gain as much as 40 pounds during the 56 days of Starter feedings Actual tests with thousands of Ontario pigs have proved that this is the right foundation for building bigger, better hogs. They get all the vitamins, proteins, and minerals theymnatTave to encourago oag-siTtch frames and faster gains. Don't take chances with your 1940park profits—order Roe Baby Pig Starter. GRAIN' FOR SALE— A limited ,quantity of choice Banner Geed Oats else Banner and TwoRaiwed Barley anixede Price $1,66per cwt. Phone 65-r16. Lot 21, Con. 12, Grey,, J. M. Knight & Sons, RR, 3, Brussels.. EAST HURO1'4 PRODUCE, Bruncls ALl3l;�cG TRAVIS, Walton FRAiki G HARRISON, Moncrielf" 453 MAN WANTED— Rawleigh Route now open. Real o-'portunity for mean who wants per- manent, profitable work. 'Stant promptly. Write RawleiglLs, Rept. 14LL-152rK.0. MONTREAL, 'CANADA FOR SALE— 10 Pigs, 2 months. old, 3 head of young cattle, rising 1 year, •S,py apples ,anti cooking 50c per ltusnger. Phone 16-r-7 Robt, Engel FOR SALE— Mrs. W. M. Sinclair is offering her house for sale, aurone interested write to 306 Wexford St., Hamilton. HOUSE FOR RENT— St John's rectory. Rent reason able• apply to Wardens— Thos. Bilis, phone 54-r-9 or John Fischer, phone 24-r-26 apples, COATS Regular $ $9.95. ed. to . . ...... . . ........ . 14.95 reduced $1 A4•QC Coats Regular $19.95, reduced to • $12.95 Coats Regular $16.95, reduced .to .. • , , .. • • , . TAILORED SUITS Regular $19.95, reduced to DRESSES From ..-.. $1.00 t0 $3,95 Better Dresses $4.95 Up WELDREET HOSIERY $14.95f egul ' 89c - 69c Full Fashioned,' first quality, regular' ar No mail orders LOVELY PAILLINERY All head sizes •. $1.95 up p» PARIS LM1!G' SHOPPE Listowel's Leading Ladies' Wear Store WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE BLYTI- ,Copemunion, was dispensed In. ,the Anglican Church on Sunday morns- ing with Rev. R. M. Weeks officiat- ing. fficialing. iSunday school convened at 10 o'clock. 'Services were hall in United March on Sunday with Rev, Arthur Sinclair in change. The subject at the morning service was "When Jesies Gave a Glimpse of the After Life". And at the 'evening ger-vice the snilbiect was "Vicious Vipers'." The Sunday School session was well attended. Kenneth Lyon of the state of the Oredution bank spent the weekend at he home here. The girl's soetball team apemen- WANTED— Looking for a ,steady lucerne? Want a future free frons financial worry? Let; F.AMIlt 1X show you how easy it is to get, Write to us today, for FREE catalogue and complete information, The Familex Produces Company, 570 St, Clement, Montreal, eid a most successful dance be Memorial Hall on Friday evening. The D'Eaatmo orchestra of London supplied the muslc. :Refreshments were served. Mrs. Alice Fawcett who has spent same weeks In TorOnt.O • returned last week, but was called back to the city owing to the serious illness of her granddaughter, Mary Out hbert, A play "Taking The Count" is being sponsord by the W. A. of of Union United Church on th% eve- ning at Friday April 12th, A play "Taking The Count" is being sponsored by the W, A of Union United Church on the eve. Hing o8 Friday April 12th. FOR QUICK REASONABLE CASH SALE—In Walton-. Seven -room brick house, bath, furnace, electric lights; hard and soft water. Stable, garage, fruit trees, a ]calf -acre in all, -3xcellent lac•ertion, ;suitable for garage or chicken ranch. apply, ttd 1! s; Moss. Will Wocdsr, Box 167, Clinton GET YOUR PEEWMANRNT ON THE NEW ZENITH •HEATERLESS THERMIQUE End Curl $1,00 and -1.50 • Including •Shampoo Permanent $1,75, $2,25, $3.00 and $5.00including finger wave .and shampoo Srled Finger Wave 25c Shampoo 250igi Telephone 52X for Appolntmen IREi4E PEASE over 1-1, 5, Allen's Drug Stott) I infil $15000 To $32.0H Bet Your Boots You' ll Like T his Suit SMART NEW STRIPE SUITS Smooth flnish•worsted fabrics are tailored smoothly into ,this perennially popular double breasted model. It is dis- tinctive suitable for business and for dress -up wear and for theman-about town. A variety of striped patterns are available in addition to the type iltustrat: ed. ,Double breasted stripe suits can he had in all sizes. 1. .e sir "The Store VV ith the Reputation" Telephones: Store 87; Residence 236 LA vTO ', 'r'' E L, ONT..