HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-4-10, Page 1the
rass - tio Poo
Mrs. W. Sholdice
Dies At Seaford'
death ace/tiered on, Saturday
at the Scott !Memorial Hospital of
Murtha Johmstoua ae esteemed
resident amdl wife of William H.
Sholdioe, Goderich 'St. east. She
heel been in ill health Yoe the pant
throe years, :Some weeks ago 'she
was reanoved to the hospital coan-
plioations having set in which later
Proves fatal. Mrs. ,Sholdice was
bora in MoKillep, a daughter o2 the
late Wilhelm and, Margaret Sohn-
eone and had resided in, Seatonth
about thirty years'.. She Was (mnr-
ried on Nov. 26th, 1926, to Wil'ldamr
H. 'Shol1l9cet continuing to live in
Seafouth. She wage a Pre'sbYterian
in religion • but atter her marriage
became, connected with 'St. Thomas
Anglican church, Beside her hus-
band! shel ie' survived by two sisters,
Mrs. William •Sillery, :Seafonth, and
Mrs. James Littlejohn, Galt. The
funeral took place Monday at 2
o'clock from S. T. Holmes' under-
taking parlors to the Maitlandbank
cemetery. Rev. Dr. Hurford of St,
Thomas Anglican church attesting.
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Harris and
sons visited an Sunday with her
Parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston.
Mr, Ben Hollenheck and Baugh -
tern of Pelmereiton visited on Sun-
day with Mr; and Mrs. Rabe Mc-
Clenaan and damily.
Mr, Donald Robertson spent a
couple of days at Guelph attending
the dairymmen'•s convention.
/Mr. John Wettlaufer lett on Mon,.
day morning dor Guelph to train
for a mechanic.
We are sorry to hear Mr. Wm.
J. Saach is not as well es his many
friend's would lake "to hear,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert blethers
and daughters of Dublin ,spent 'the
sad With his father in Blue
vale. •
Mr. and Mrs. :Sperling Johnston
and family spent Sunday afternoon
with his parents' and brother on
the 1st Ude.
The Women's Auxiliary
of Union United 'Church
are sponsoring a play
on the evening of
The following is the Caste --
John Allison -,Alvin MWDonald
Braila) Allison -iters. J9m Smith
Joy A.11isonl-Mr&. Bert Johnston
Mrs. Laura Howard -
Miss, Margaret Knox
Jimmie Howard' -Reg. Pryoe
Eddie Lester -Earle Coutts
Count Nicholas Rinaldo-'
Bert 'Johnston
Doctor Langford -Mao Cardiff
Thos. • Dumont -Harvey Stephenson
Augusta Dumont
Mus, Leslie Oliver
Phyllis, Dumentt--
• Mrs. Weimer Cuthill
Jeanie, the Maddy -
Dorothy 'Turnbull
Admission -25c and 15o
* * * * * * **u,
* * * * * * * sic * *
IMr. W, A, Lowry was in London
this week visiting et the home of his
brother Mr. Wdtl Lowry.
Mr. and, Mrs*,. It W Kennedy and
the bonne of the dormer's. Parents
Mr, and Was, A, R. Kennedy, of
* * *.
Word wars received' on Sunday by
Mre. A. J. Lowry of the •deaith of her
slater Lily Sharpe, wife of Rev.
Fred Poole of Detroit, Mich, Mrs.
Lowry has gone to Detroit to attend
the funeral.
* * *
Mesons M. F. Zunbrigg and; F.
Byrnfe, Listowel, were in Brussels.
on Tuesday inspecting the.Cities
Servioe Gas Station here. This
company have opened new service
stations at Ayiten, Palmerston, Bay-
field and Clinton,
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Wheeler,
Goderioh, announce the •engage-
ment of their only daughter,' Gert-
rude Ida, to Mr. Owen Ronald Smith`
R.C.A.S+'., -eider on od Mr. and Mrs'.
Claude R. •Smith, Windsor, N.S. The
marraga will take place in Victoria,
B.O., the middle od this month,
The above evgage'menit' aunoun•be-
anent will be of interest to many ie.
Brue'aals, Miss Wheeler is . a grand-
daughter cif Mr. and, Mrs. Jas. Bow-
manr of town,. and a niece of Gus
and .Stanley Wheeler of Grey Town-
*,* .r ..
The engagement is announced oS
Mies, Jane E. Chowen only daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Oliver M. Chalven
of Kineanline to Mr, Rodney James
Campbell of Torantto. The marriage
to take place quietly in Kincardine
the latter part of April.Miss' Jane
began her school education in Brus-
sels when her .father was C.N.R.
station agent here. They were
moved to Kincardine phone -Seven-
teen years ago when Mr, W. C, Kerr
took his position at the Ba'ussels
Ann ,Sheridan '• , Richard Carlson
Winter Carnival
Grey To'wnshi'p Council convened
in =table seslsion Saturday. Aerie
6th, in the Clerk's, office es per
Despite the bad roads C. F. Dun -
bars chopping mill has a large 'pat-
ronage every day.
The customary shipments of live-
stock by McDonald and son, via C.
N. R. from. Ethel, for each week
wea•e made Monday April 8th.
Nit's. 'Cecil Bateman who has been
one of the sdnut ins, during the wint-
er, owing to poor health, bad the
pleasure alt the first of the week of
a visit from her sister, Mrs. Frank
Hunter of Otshanva.
Meambems' of Ethel boy's Trail
Rangers group are. being ; congrat-
ulated on the success of their initial
effete in sn omsoring an interesting
program o'f games, contests and
etc. With a bounteous, lunch provide
ad and .served by the group, The
presentation was given on Thursday die," was given by 'Mrs•,W, D. S.
Aen lith in 'the eohool room of Urs- I Jamfeson; current events,
were giv-
imtel 'Church, The Ranger's Bate- en, by Mrs, A. 0• Becker, after
ntletee in charge was Bruce Bate -
,April 10th
* * , * * * * Norway Now
Obituary At War
Local News Items * *
We take this opportunity to thank
all our friend's and neighbors who
so kindly came to our aid in our
time od trouble.
Robe, George and Mabee Smith
your seed Is the most Important
part of your crop. We have Empire
Brand Superior No. 1 Seed con-
forming to specific Gov't. test. See
our First, at McCracken's Grocer/ -
Phones 43 & 27
An Auction Sale will be held on
Tuesday April 30th at 1 o'clock of
Farm Stock and Implennennts at Lot
25; •Concession 2, Morris Town-
W. S. Forrest, F. W. Kemp,
Prop. Auctioneer,
We wish to thank the neighbours
and friende for their kind deeds
during our illnesi; and' sad 'bereave-
ment, alis'o for the beautiful floral
tribute and for those who worked
so dalthte iy on, the road. Their
kindiness will never be 'forgotten,
Mrs. Cochrane
Mr. and Mrs. Will. Evans
Edith Fellows .Richard Carlson
Pride of the
Blue Grass
Granville 'Bates Arthur Loft
A blind horse and 'a youth's
devotion win the big Aintree Derby.
Jane Withers Leo CarIIto
Chicken Wagon
Spring Byingtbn 'MarJorle Weaver
Meet the furtouely funny 'Ippanys
Whom leap straight Into your 'heart
OMING-Charlie McCarthy
Detectv„e j441
United Church Y.P.S.
The United Church Young
People's aneeting Monday .evening
was In charge of Mises Mary Dav-
ison. Miss A. Cardiff sang a solo
and Mies Idel'ta' Bryana read a
poem. The 'tape's "Embarrasing
Moments" was given by Mrs, A.
McDoueld, Miers Deena MitchelI
read the Scripture Lesson after
which Meats Jeanette" :Sanderson led
in. prayer. Mt'ss Jean, Speiran then
played a piano solo.
St, John's W. A.
The St. John's: W. A. met at 'the
home of Mrs, R. Kennedy, on Fri-
day of last week. With the presi-
dent in charge the meeting was
opened with the singing of a hymn'
and the W.A. prayer repeated 1n
unison, Rev. F. Watts led in PraY-
er. The scripture portion was
given by Mrs, 13., Th'mell. The
minutes ' of the .previous meeting
were read by the secretary Mrs. A.
Coleman .and approved. 'Business
being concludec1 a chapter, "Roman
Roads," wee read1 aloud franc the
study beak Following the bene-
diction, pron•ounlcadl by the rector,
a social hale -hour was enjoyed
while the hostess served tea.
IMelvilIe Church
W. M. S. Meets
* * * * * * i The A11des• will aid,Norwey in. her
I fight against the Nazts•, Norayw
IOIS MESSE,R ( declared war an Geammny While
Devine% has takeui Nazi "Protee-
German troops were landed in
Norway ams Denanark early . Tues -
Germaany said its action Was for .
,the teemed! protection" of Deas
mark and Nonway, the action being
talteat to pa*event the Alines' from
moving in.
The Norwegian, government an
noun.ced $t woe' at war . with the
Reich. While general mobilization
VMS' announced in Sweden there
was ue word to indicate that Den -
I The early hours of TuesdaY
Notice-- March 26, brought sorrow to the
The Count of Revision 01 the hearts of the whole community as
Township o'forris•'will be held on
JVi well as to the bona of Wafter
Monday;''May 13111 at the To}vnship j blesser end Mrs. Messer when their
Hall, ; only daughter Lois Margaret
-^o Helen, bid! darvlweill to earthly
NOTICE i home and entered Higher Service
"He'Ip equip Ldetoweifs Ne;w Sixteen days previously she melee_
HospMtal on, Ladies' Hospital Auxil• wem't an omerarfiien' for acute eppen-
tery Day, Tuesday, 484re es, on the dicitis at the Palmerston General
late J, W. Scott's Premises' After Hospital' ami until the fl'Eth day
noon and Evening Program includes ii,as parsing speedy recovery when
Rummage' Sale, Baking Sale; Bingo, comlaI4catianb set in necesaitattng
Card,a and Dancing. Adanission, 26e a sdoond and third operation er
peak had offered any resi'sltanoe,
I well as . three' transfusions. Hf
-0- strength M youth, combined with 1 Offidal announleement wase made
overwhelming courage of at-' that Britain, and France had decided
m'oslt impossible magnitude caused t0 go to the aid of Norway. ,British
We wish to express our sincere i Add Sar Noluvay wars declared al -
appreciation to the many . friends her to rally till to . the last, hope .
and; nedgltlbounie for •their kind ex- was held for a slew recovery but i,
pre.esioms of sympathy at the time of •the phyriofans and nurses struggled ; * ' * m ;r :r
mother, e followed on the faunth day.
Williams Grainger and family. erstou The asevccesseertdteen yewas abrsornago cn on PalmDe- f * *H AM * I LTs,'ON-+* *STRATY* CH *UCK *
sickuieaS and death of our loving brabely pneumonia set in and
v * * *
River On RampageI comber 29, attended public school A very pretty wedding was solem-
• here and was in her fourth year at . nized at the United! Church Manse,
The •spring freshet was on the High School. Being of a bright Ethel on March 30th at 5 o'clock
rantpege here on Tuesday. The cheery disposition, to know her when Katie Rath, fourth daughter
water of the Maitland rose steadily 'was to love her and a host of , of Mr, and Mrs, M, Stratychsck of
during •tbe week end and eerie friends, mourn her loss. She was Grey became the bride of Mark,
Tuesday morning the ice above the @t enember of the United •Church elder eon • o Mr, and Mrs, Jos. R.
d•tm gave' way and the water rose . and a devoted worker in Sunday ' Hamilton, Walton.
higher than 1t has been for a nmm , School and Mission Circle, Besides ' The bride looked charming in a.
ber of years' The low lying land ' her sor'rowirbg parents, one youn'g-
along the river was' completely inn- er brother Vernon remains'
unclaited. Reports arcane. the district 'II On• Thursday, March 28, a
say that roads at various points i short service was held at the home
along the river's course' are covered the deceased Yellowing which at
with water, some at them being 1ot Pm her Yun.eral was' very largely
entirely impassable.. -0-
New Canadian
Governor-General During service Misses Marvelle and
The New Canadian Governor- • Lillian Hart sang "God's Tomor-
Geanetal is the Earl of Athlone, He r0 Interment book place at
Beneasels Cemtretery, where many
friends' of the family had gathered.
Tine floral tributes testified to the
high •esteem in which. the . deceased
was held.
The pallearers were Douglas
Strube, Wm. Johnston, Harvey
Ward: Kenneth Cutting, Angus
Goettier, Donald, Willis, Tine flow-
er bearers were members of the -
is ,Cosnanandant-in-Chief of the Candle Lgbrt mission Circle being
British Women's' Transport 'Service. Annie Maicomson, Beatrice Faw-
cett, Dorothy 'Church, Margaret
Hathaway, Beatrice Farquharson,
Elsie Thackeray, Audrey Bridge,
Isabel Elliott, Anna Baird, Minnie
(Palmerston Observer)
The W.F.B. of Melville Presby- �
terian 'Church held their monthly
meeting on Friday' agteionon with
the prelude t, Mrs. H. Parker, pre-
skldng, The meeting was opened
with prayer by the president. Re-
ports were given by tli.e5 treasurer
Mrs. Jeaneg Armstrong, and the sec -
artery, Mrs' R, Thompson. Mrs.
John Meadows gave a Bible reading
andMrs. S, Kerr offered a prayer,
The topic "Edruotional work in In -
man, Donaib Dunbar, .Ronald Love
and Billy' Ziegler. The entire.
membership want to say Thank You
to everybody who in any way help-
ed, Especially Rer, Mr, 'Snell and
Mrs, Smell whb,se assistance con-
tinued 'to ,the final minute of the
next day's requirements.
Incidenitai 'to had road condittions'
throughout the disltr;tct are upset
and broken, Cutters, runaway horses,
motor care in, the ditch and snow
plows stuck . in deed' snow or
swampy placed.
IVere, F. Hunter (nee Lyle Ames)
and four-yeer-old• son, Ervtnes were
entenrta110 over the week end with
ether Members of the Ames fenoi'y
'it the h'onie of Jere. and Mits. 'Ames.
They returned! by strain Tuesday
eftertiden. to their home in Oshawa,
Mr, and Mrs. Roy Patterson have
rede yea many congratulations since
the arrival • of a daughter barn to
theme in Ethel in 'Mara). In the
Intetyearitpg, wake mother and baby
hsx"Ve been. at the home of the baby's
gettedprarents Wee and! Mrs, PAM.?.
sun In tither• with resident nano
which a meeting was held of the
execrative to make plans' for a
dieter for the Presbyterialto be
held on May 14th.
attended at the United Church, con-
ducted by Rev. F. C, Olysdale, pas,
tor, assisted by Rev. W. J. Pring.
is a brother of Queen Mary. Lord
Athlone and hie wife, Princess
Alice. are distinguished members
ot1 the royal familyeekeeseis:.apiloln,t
trent as Governer -General is a fine
tribute to the people ad Canada.
They gave years of devoted ser-
vice to the Empire in• South Africa.
Princess Alice, who will soon
Preside o ver Rideau Hall at Ottawa
PPresbyterian Y. P.' S.
The Y.P.S. met Monday evening
with the pres'ilen't in charge. An
interesting paper was contributed
by Jean Macdonald entitled New
Beginnings. The provincial Y.P.S.
theme song was sung. Extensive
Plans were Made for a social meet-
ing next week. Bhievale, Ethel
and Cranbrook societies, are invited
over. 1•t is expecte! that Rev. F.
G. Fowler ,the newly in'dueted
minister in Bluevale and Rev.
Taylor the new minister of Oran -
brook and Ethel will be
Present. t
t l sea�soAoe®44•P +4,14.0.44oa J0.040. • -444.0.46 seesee eeeree
The visating sooie'kies ere supplying • 4
pate: of the. program. The commit- I B
l s mi vd"
cess' and urge all the Young People The
of Brussels Society to attend,,
03elleved to be the youngest cow
inl this locality, being a part Jersey
and, Ayrshire biers and freshened at
l7'th month of age. The property of
Colwell •Speiran. Also another nn -
usual •happoising was the freshening
o>E 3 cosily In 10 hours,
A play "Taking The Count" is
being sponsored by the W. A.
of 'Union United Church on the eve-
ning od Friday Apri1.12th.
Mr. Ed. Bates has received his
new earring suit samples and it
would pay you .to look over these
samples before buying,
Phone Sx-r-4 Brussels, Ont•
gown of Dove Rose with silver:
slippers, Mise. Anna S'tratychuok,
sister of the bride was bridesmaid
and was ecomingly gowned in Blue -
Crepe. Mr. Robinson Hamilton,
B.A., of Toronto, brother of the
groom was groomsman.
Following the ceremony a wedding
supper was served at the home of '
the bride's parents. The groom's
gift to .the bride was a gold locket,
to the bridesmaid a gold eompadt
and to the groomsman a gold signet
Later the young couple left on, a
motor trip to Niagara Falls, Toronto
and other points. The bride chose
for travelling a bluer figured crease
dress, blue coat with grey accessor-
ies.. Oat their return Mr. and Mrs..
Hamilton will reside on the grooms.
farm east of Walton.
Don't forget the U. F. W. 0. meet-
ing at Mns. Lewis Romland's on
April 17th. Mrs, Jas, Smith las
the topic "Mother's place in the
hone," There will be a demon
strationt by Mts. Leonard Leeming.
Roll call "First Aid Hints dor
Eunergencies." All dedies of the
community should' attend. this meet-
A play "Taking The Count" is
being sponsored by the W, A.
of Union United 'Church on the eve-
ning of Friday April 112th,
Mites .Ann MloMt erhY in charge. Ow•
ing to the menace of meesele their
reit-Mi lto the farm home on Gen, 14,
Grey, T1wip, bas been delayed. but
win assuredly be welcomed *heti
they do Arrive. In celebration, the
reelutst of Hecate Street Home, has
beets sug6€* iti%:81I111111111
The Guild •01 Trinity Anglican
Church met at the hone of Mrs M. I ;
Bradburn .on Thursday atfterno0n, 1
Plans were made for the Laymen's •
J3anettet which is to be held in, Bel -
grave on Aleel 26.
Institute to Meet
The 'Canadian Indntstriee meeting
0,1 the Betgrave Women+s Institute
will be held at the hoarse of Mrs,
Clayton, Logan. on Tuesday, April
16th at 2.30 p.m. The convenors
are, Mrs, Clayton Logan and Mrs.
Norman Keating. 'Roll Call,- quer-
ties ani payment of fees,, Current
events by, Mre'. O. Logan, Address,
"Lumb.ering in Canada" by Mrs.
.Earl Anderson. Lunch Com., Mrs.
Norman $eating, Mrs, Alex Maze
fling, Mee, 0. R, Coupes, This will
be the annual meeting and election
011 oiiticers and a full attendance is
hoped tor, make nn effort to be
PIPE --TO Mr. end Mre, Mervyn
Pipe, eth line Morris, on Tuesday,
April Mb, 1940,. a daughter, Elbe -
belt Alen.
.r, !Exactly as Shown at •
Atlanta World Pre fere
cf0.meqacr•-'"-...a,.,r.,..q-•._•.,.F---sem, .,,;: <, _.
Wednesday, Thursday, friday and Saturday
May �fih, Rh; lath, 11th -Afternoons &Evenings
*and 3Aft.htittE7A.raat.w]fii'-
All Seats Reserved for Evenings
Seats Now on Sale. Buy Your Tickets
I Now for Best Selection of Seats
'Admission €venings1.00, Afternoons75c
Evening Shows Start at 8 p.m.
Afternoon Shows Start at 2 p.m,
Mail Girders Accepted
Cash Must Accompany Orders
Tickets on Sale at' Capital Theatre Rooth from
9 a.m. to i0.30 p.m.
;Capitol theatre, Listowel