HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-4-3, Page 7.•ter 'k +. ^'r!.M.er4,..w:.. �.raau�rra�sa ommammommy nt, "�' H E WINNERS a�sslt od Ads' * a 0itaary The hullers of PinIty Fleur coniBral»lq,te.the.�e,plevel * * * * , s* THE li ftU;?SEB}s PaST - :-..::a,, ,, ,nrer,vs,.,,.+Nr r. ladies who have been, Awarded the cash priest, lee the recent Parity' Flour Contest. 1st PRIZE - $3p CASH-11/rs,"Geo, IMed&iIivraY Paisley. 2nci PRE'° $1'CA9�I-Jean;`Iety; BIYt�t: 3rd, PRIZE - $5 CASH --'Mrs. Wm. Shepherd, Ile/mall. 10 $1 PRIZES-, Mrs, James M. Brown, Colpoy's Bay; W. E. Fleming, 756'eth'St; f „ O.Won Sound; Mrs, Simon 'Goetz, R. R. 3, Mildmay; Mrs. L. M,,Mcelardy„Fergus; Mrs. Arthur. McNal- ly, R.R. 1, Markdale; Mrs. W. Lyman, G,oderlch; Mrs. A. H, Boyle, R.R; 2, AtIbern; Mrs, Gordon Murray, Box 425, ,Clinton; Mrs. Earl J. Taylor, ,Sebringeille; Miss ,Eileen Evans, Dublin. PURITY FLOUR • Best for all yourBaking,, Fight, For , by her fathei ancle beoth'er Vefnon • Girl's Life at ' Meeapr,, leozens set high school PallAerstoA Fails friends/ stood ready''; ' ` ileo , iafieir blood an an, effort Ito save Mss tr , High peohool . Student ,.;`8itccslmbs Folleeeing Series of !Operations; Glood• Transfusions .prom Father and'Brother- A%Khe +' Fellow -Pupils", and'"i8chool Rrincipal Offer To Donate ,Palsnere"on,,, Meech ..26e -Mise Lois N. H. Iiiehaer, p'oefuear 17year•elel 'high school pupil, daughter of Mr, sand Mra, Walter' Messer, died in the Palmerston/ General Hospital last week. ' She had undergone an operation for appendcitis ,three weeks ago. , During the past three weeks the 'girl underwent three emergency operations, necessdtnt.1ng •Owo blood Lois is a granddaughter of Mrs. 1 trenefusions which were suppliedRobt. Messer od Brussels. Z Me 1 p�,� a e n i s a luded mon ' g k T- theas Was ;E, bCM4lraY, "high eiehooi principal, Following the bleed transfusions sonnei haps wa4i'iieid” dor the girl but pneuedonda set-in and despite •'k `idle use of an oitygeits 'tank , a'u$%d from tla e C N. R. shops' to the hos- 'pdtal'she dteck about 2^a:m: M"srch:26 Miss; Messer was a member" oe the' United- demob, and _wasborn in Brussels;;, Surviving are her par- ent* and ba,other, Vernon The funeral was held from • the Palmerston United 'Churele at 1 o'clock on Thursday, with inter= meat In Brussels Cemetery. Headaches FOS +SALE 8, feigs weaned end 6 ohuteke, Phone 3d -r-8 Alvin Armstrong FDA a f!uckers ready to go, ph el 61-r-6 , 1obert 'Smith, W4NT,EG- 200, bushels of Oats'. apply to ,phone 23.r-19 Jesse S, Armstrong •FO , SALE- ;, I've Box Refrigerator, dem/Sitio size. applyat lirw.oeels Daily. phone 59. . FOR SALE - 'Mist W. M. Sintylair is offering her house ,for sale, anyonrb Interested write to 306 Wexford St., Hamilton. FOR ',SALE--} 1Sfeasey4ierrle Cultivator, Emit and:Wood, Walking Blow also a light wa pn, 'ph se 50-r-7' '' ""' Ro'a Bake? MAN, WANTED.— fPTc 878 family 'itawiedgh route Pessittnent if yourret 'hustler Wit Rawleigha,:: Dept. ,11:11L•162 12.- MONTREAL. CANADA, W & •NTEG Aiob driving a=•.taluele ' or farm 1 at 0Herb ,pretwee can he, located,, . Smith, R.R. no. 2, Brussels .;, LOST— Zest winter, between Brussels 'end Seetonth, `on coyer off back of :Model A. coupe, peinited' blue. Finder apply ko L1oyd'Sanderson Brussels FOR •SALE ' , 10 Pigs; 2 months old, '9 head of young cattle, rising 1 year, " Spy apples and soaking apples, ' 19194940.119,419194940.119,4$1.00 per hamper, phone 16-r-7 Robt. Engel • Aching Eyes or Head is a sign that you are ( Abusing Your Eyes That you are straining them to do something they are not able to do. . The result discomfort or a permanent injury to your Eyes. Have your Eye examined by us. Your Glasses will be perfect The prices Moderate. W. A. JOHNSTON Lis towel, = Optometrist MA�9ri4��e�N�04N�A�N�4o0�4s`�ON��N�HN�NN��Na I MONCRIEFF The regular meeting of the W.M;S, took place on Thursday afternoon, March 14th vdth 21 ladles present. The meeting open- s with• Iiy'mn 262 followed with the Lord's Prayer in unison. The lesson Luke 14: 18-30 was- read by Mrs. E. il-Nlaggart and the minutes' of las, meeting were rendi and approved. The Devotional was given by Mrs, Mark Baillie. The business was ta-ken, by the president 'when the following delegates were appointed 'to attend the Presbyterial, Mrs. B. M•cTaggate, Mee. Jas. Machan, .lees, W, Smith, Mrs, H. 11i'kLean, Mr;, 100. McLean, Mrs, 11. Ludd!ngtnn, Mrs' Jno, McLean offered to m;ka hot water 'bottle covers, to be Sent in missionary bale. Hynrn 50r was sung and. Mrs. IC, Ludddngton took charge of the study book. ,O1rr*nt events were given by Mrs, K. ,McLea:n, The closing Hymn 249. This was followed 'with Womenrs Aseroolation meeting at which plans were made for the Plnnket dinner tq be held Alpnil 17, in, the basement of the church. Tickets are being sold by the ladies, This Droandses to be en enjoyable evening, The ladies 11010 a quilting on Thurrday and quilted 4 quilts. The met/1111g cicsed with Benedic- tion. There was no church hea'e last ,Sunday owing to weather condi- teens. Mr. Geo. Sian, of Dammer, Saab„ is visiting his mother and other • relatives and' friends* here, Miss Dorothy iMann, nurse -in - emitting of Brantford General Hos- pital Welted her home here this past week, Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs, Clif- ford Robertson on their recent mar- Iriage, 'Mies Edna Procter is spending he Easter holidays at her Borne near Winigha•m e ueen Elizabeth Docks Safely Britain has added more laurels to her already Undisputed control of the seas by the safe crossing to New York of the world's largest liner recently. This was only accomplished by careful study„and the use of the latest devices which were installed for this trip, Highway transportation has shown undisputed superiority in the handling of many conemoditfe5 being moved in this ooun'try today. Our company in an effort to serve you °better has employed the use of every engineering ,and despatching advancement, And today offers you a service ready and e equipped to meet your needs. For better results route your freight via; LISTO'WEL TRANSPORT LINES TELEPHONE 155 Limited FOR•SALE— '200 bushels- of Rennie Early Yielder Seed Oats—Mee per bushel; 3 York Sows due to -farrow about April 10th, apply to phone 20-r-85 Stewart Turner HOUSE FOR RENT— '0t. Jolmis rectory. Rent reason able, apply to • Wardens— 1 Thos: Ellis, phone :54s-9. - 1, or John -Fischer, phone 24-r-26• EARN DOUBLE FOUR YOUR EFFORTS Easy, interesting work in a. dis- trict chosen by you. Product well known 'tbroughont C'anad'a—sure sellers all. GET ;STARTED AT ONCE! B3” RETURN MAIL drop a line to The Famtlex Produces Com- pany, 570 Gt. Olement, Montreal Gorrie-Couple Wed ,Fifty Years On Tue*day, , March 26, M1 and rtes, Robert Gathers celebrated the 50th aunivensary of their marriage. During the afternoon and -evening friends called' to shower their good wishes and congratulations -on the bride and brithegeootn of fifty years ago. Their daughters, Mrs. Jardine of Brussels and Mrs, Hastie of Gor- rie-received ahs gnats and in the *fining room, where the decormeons were carried out in yellow and white, the throe tiered wedding calve bearing 50 yellow candles cen• trod the table et which Mss. Tborn ton, their eldest leugbtee, and Mrs. john Cethers, ,their son's wife, poured tea. The geandeaugbters served the guests. Robert Sobs Catheee, son of .John and Mary Catlters of Honviok, and' Margaret Sane Earl, daughter of Thomas an,ct. Catherine Earl of Logan ToWnsh9p were married at the home of the bride's.. ousel: on -M orch 25, 1590. After their marriage they lived near Leaimington in Essex County for seven years, a-fterrward moving to Vane Township, near Trow- bridge, residing there two years berets- coining to the 4.111 minces Mon, Remick, where .they resided until nine year's ago, when they retired and came to Gerrie to live, They have seven children who were able to: be home tor: the happy 0500010n. One ttattgbtee, Dora, dies( in July, 1928. Among the gifts of 50 nem, age AIG the Strat5ord'Itoraid, given. by the bride s. father and which daily paper they' 'Mee continued to take througbout half a °emery. Owing to road conditions It was Impossible for 50151)d's Croon a. els- lanee to be lessen! with the bride and bridegroom, but 1reeentiteless their congratulations were reotved by telephone and showers of cards and. tetters. - WIrONPrIS3?AY, ,A.PIiR'L 3rd, MRS. JOHN ;i'. KELLY xG'as witg deellugs 0f deette4 sorrow and 1.1'ofound' regret thati914 leer set of 'thi•' death of Mrs, John AGF rewlktoh *id event took place on 11-1441a7. March 2HIth. y TUG deoeaeee1 was born in Me/eel/1P Tom elehip in .1872, In 1905 she was united In nt rriage to Jolty. 1r.. 'folly who yrreleeeased' her fevo Years, ago. The deceased was a kind wife, t a loving mother, aj highly esteemed neighbour and an' active church,' member, There are ledt to mown one son John Joseph, , three slater Mrs, Joseph Keneeeean, Mas, A P, Lough- , lin and Mrs, .', W. Herd (deceased) three 'brothers John. Pat aq,4 Charlie (de'oedeed), The funeral wee held on, day' °t(t St, Ambrose church, R"' idem r b 9q Hlgh Mass w y•her ipayto1• Rev ,r ;Baguette, °. The ,pallbearees� were ,John M Qaughe3. 3Charlie Lewis RusselLeErwest Smith, E Berner Smith, Ee d; +Sa�y'Alcock. e ,.. Interment 0 as shade iw Be• lssele , cemetery, 'ROBERT COCHRR ANE Robert Cochrane, a 'highly res_ petted reside of Grey Town'ehip ifoi ninny years• parsed away at his %bine) on the 14th concession on, Friday, March 29th, in his 78.th Year. The tate M -. Cochrane has :been, poor healtlii:,for some time and his 'doalth' occuriedi Friday following a three week's: ,Illness from -.heart 'rotible. Tlae deceased was born in North Elasthope but lived in. East Wawa. iiosh, a mile south o8 W,lughsm on t'he Stelgrave gravel road „Tar twenrtysone years before conning to i C*t'ey township In 1901, where he i land since resided, A good neighbour and friend he wild be much. missed he the commun- ln' wlslch he lived, �,1He iseurvivedl by his wife and one daughter Mrs, Wm, Evvans, (Ida) gine son Earnest, lost his life in the ,,.Boan4ah ,C1v11`War. He ,also leaves 9to .mourn his death one brother, ,o110 Cochrans.-of Wdngham and one .Aster,. 141rs. D. H.. 'Campbell of llforrisl . Funeral services were held from ,199* date residence, lot 7, concession 114, • Grey, on• 'Moeday, April 1st, at Dan. d0termeet took place in Brussels cemetery, as c' R"'hea�Jtg�tnston is at present 111El g Ifeihe Bettoffv. find , line ken "H 1 llfev Cr e a>; a 04. spentu-,t,rrh,e week, end with. -Me. and "Zl Mrk ar yTG^orlLi and niece Lois, of Brownees'lerea � . . wimemotiosst An noundernent' . -1 ,rirish the juuhlic>La know Mr, Qrvlllsa Thomas of Toronto, 0 a)'first class carpenter will be.rat .y"aur""service. this summer For information and prices on all lines of carpentering CALL 'HAROLD'THOMAS — PHONE. 80X lipply at lowest prices—Instil ;brie siding, All makes of s, Steel Rooting ;& Siding. Cement and Steel Stabling lfi'icklaying, plastering and cementing, Information and Prices on any job without obligation Lr0Id Thomas ka., : ,1i4�711nd Co.. Contractors FI, -ssels Phone 80x r ( Mrs. Wm. Grainger Following a lingering illnes's the death of Mrs. Wmt, Grainger occured on Sunday, March 24th, at her home in Jamestown, In her sixty sixth year. She was born at Donegal, May 15911, 1374, and moved with her Pais mite to the boundary west of Listow- el, where she lived until her Mat - l -age to Willlaut Grainger, Jan. 15, 1902. 1en', ^r ler^, G -singer then moved to Grey Township, and ,the past six years have lived in Morris Town sluille Mrs. Grainger was formerly Ada McCraoken', her mother the late Mrs. Elizabeth McCracken, being a reoident or Listowel for some time, Surviving are her husband, live sons and two ciaughtera. Howard of Detroit, Melvyn. at home, Cecil of I•Iarrislton, Clarence of Blyth, Stan. ley of Sudbury, 11'Ips. Walton Good- win oodwin (Ruby) of Lloydraineter, Alta., and Irene, df Toronto. Also surviv- ing are two ' grandchildren., four brothel's, Wilbur ur: McCracken near Corrie, Percy on the homestead, Alex near Biuevale and George 'et Rimgly, Alta,, and one slate'', Mee. Clarence Nethercott, 5th con. 'Dime. Deceased was a mernbe1. of ROWS Ifnited Church, and a life member et the Women's Missionary Society The funeral was held from her hone at jams/Hewn on Wednesday, !larch 27411 Rev, FI, Snell, of Ethel United Church conducted 'tire ser- vice and interment was made at Moles ,worth cemetery, The pallbear- ers were Fleming Grainger, Thomas Wilson, Allan McV:archer, Hugh ,Spence, Wine MOLennany Dave Mc: Lenn.an, Aoting as iicwer•bearers were:, Ailleen .Riley, Helen Itlley, Bette ll�ilson, Mary 731•adshaty, Annie. Franklin, Elsie Franklin, F, F H OM.ITH Analytical Optotaetsi guarantees you. the Best Eye Service Harr Ston, phone .118 Brussels (Second Thurra 'i; Phone 261, aseil elhatiel,, "$ o ilii hes is -spending Grandmother on the 3rd line, ' Ur.; Robert• Trdviss of Listawe ; , 8 pant sun da wi Y dth his cousinrr ' Ha y Coil% of Browntowu -also mane day:T" with Mr.' and Mrs, Conrad Gods, 1st*" line. Bob is. an artillery man In the 1OOtls Battery in L'Letowel. !Mass Helen, Turvey is spending er ;. while with tier sister Mrs. Harold ' Voddele Q! Blyth 3, A .a.'tiril sw E. T;I•,JlAW c Warwick Perth Mutual Fire Insurance -also— Glass Automobile Insurance PHONE STREET 72 or 92X. Bonds — — BRUSSELS, ONT. IT'S ANEW GOAMMARZ LOW PRICE .. TIRE BIG QUALITY Wise tire buyers get more for their money when they buy this great new Goodyear. Marathon has a wide, heavy centre -traction diamond tread at the lowest price ever offered. It has all the sturdy long -wearing qualities that have made Goodyears the world's most popular tires. Drive in and see this money- saving tire today! THE FAMOUS BIG MILEAGE "03" IS. BACK AT LOWER PRICES SEE IT TODAY! MO— Get fop mileage from new tires ... add low-cost 'Goodyear tubes!:. Cordon Salirerooe's artje CITIES SERVICE STATION BRUSSELS, ONT PHONE 16X Phone 32 When in need o read &Paltry TRY THE PALACE FURY W. WILLIS BRUSSELS. ONT.