HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-4-3, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
y M &Y —_~.
P.it itttNPtttAN+N*H NwH0NH*N*HRN`HONie N�Pi`N�•N�i� N`�HiN•H�N�W*N�NON�N�ft�t��N Ice ap t we reap,' "
t.t_P..+,t, ncllvlsa we lar
We wish to acquaint the carr io r " `t. this
of the fact that we no>r.have i
Our E pring Stock �1
Automobile Accessories
At Unusually LOW Pries
Get our Price on . Tires, Tubes LA,Attjeries
and Repairs of GenuineQt tit d
Compare with othe;rls,riy'411s1
of ,less reputable fires:=1x'.wt
Try NU -BLUE ;SOritsco
r .fir
and see for your at-
a difference itmake L
We have a mechanic certified y the
Government which means that you e not
taking any chances on the repairing your
car. P t
We also ;have installed within the last
year considerable new eqtiipiiiiiiitc iiii take
care of the newer models. cif ' cars -Drop
in at your earliest conven><eme--nand get
expert advice on your car troubles.]
—We cannot guarantee our •prices stwrelnaiu asj they are
for any period of time as all ,marks are ; on t upward
trend.. y. 5
See Us Soor�n.
Brussels Ont,
Phone 8
Pae, Will lit; ate en by Mux. Geo Dunbar.
�$ Rall Ottli, >»e a valuable 'vege-
table in the diet And tell' 'w'hy.•
+P• ' opia, The planting of a vege='
+ table' garden Mr'e•. G, iyGpelr ut).
Flowetis and 'their culture by (Mrs.
W. Flood, ''''There 1' }P be report's:
of.committees. and , election oP
•ottiieere. A. good attendance o tyre
rnenrber'ii' ii- e1t1 Pedted ant.a11.'...%01.9
ladiies of the coannn'nnhy are inmiteil
Co attend,
S's: 0�PP PNPNP P'b'@y 6PW • •NPNP.i"oi.P• •~i~i `�iWO~i~m a i~� 4„ 4, 4, 4H 4H4H•N•N••eAri4y
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
So far as road conditions in gener-
al are concerned, the powers that
be have sure got an April Fool on
as and sundry. This year,
The Hewitt family were all home
for Easter Sunday.
,NM's, (,Rev,) Snell spent several
days of Easter weak in Clinton with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Plum -
Doe"er and Mrs. R'ehinond c"+er•
taincd a number of guests from
Hamilton for Easlter week -end holt-
cin v. 7'1'c rt•urn e(I home by
testa, motor traffic being blocked.
Ars. John King made a business
trip to Brassie during holiday
Mrs. Joe. Amies and Mrs," Cecil
Bateman attended the funeral' of
Mrs, Wm. Grainger at Jamestown 'to
Molesm'orilh cemetery, Wednesday
of lash week Mrs. Ames entP. Mts.
Grainger in former years were inti'
:mately associated in church,,,social
and community welfare in 'Roe's:
omit., United church area.
Cameron Cochrane and family
have been in process/ of moving
from farm lot 14 on con., 5, Grey
Twp., to lot 23, on con, 7, for some
time. Unfortunately stormy weather
and bad roads made it a tediously
prolonged job. However they are
getting comfortably settled now and
will be all ready to go when Spring
ens. up,
AL the fired of the week Charlie
Hugh Campbell, Lot 3
' cession 9,Hu/lett
Will be held at 1 o'clock on
Keifer was engaged with his heavy
motor truck with snow plow attach-
ed to open up the roads on con., 14,
Grey Twp., for motor traffic for a
funeral to Brussels cemetery.
No one Is very envious of the
rural mail couriers these days in
their efforts to make their rounds
under present road conditions.
Dne to stormy weather and lm -
passable roads no services were
brig int Ethel Presbyterian church
E_eter Sunday.
A wedding ceremony wasdefer-
red?--1'0)1-a time 'Saturday adternoon
in Ethel when the ,00nitracting
Pal':irs failed, owing to road eon-
ditton.s. to arrive simultaneously at
the appointed hour. Some of the
participants had to use horses and
sleigh while others could use a
motor vehicle. Even the nsdnls
tcr• w110 was out on a long distance
engagement was unelpegtodly de-
layed in returning, although be was
in con1pany nvi•'hh John Pearson in
h's `• . •up.db+tile-minute ca.r, The
Waiting was happily ends^.d at ap-
pfoximately five o'clock p.m, Satur-
1'y March 30th, When Rev, Mr,
Simi, paedcr of Ethel United church
exleminized marriage nupiiais be-
t v',on, 'M.isis Stradyeluiri: of Grey
Two. and Mr. Ilaanllion of Walton,
'.'he haply couple left the village
grid best wishes end confetti, in a
dc-reratcd ear, enrout fob' l'he Par-
ental :moue of the bride on Con, 13',
Grey Twp., where a wedding' supper
1 1 t.ervrl
Mrs, Qur•,st'Dobson will be ilia
hcstess for the Institute • meeting
hiih will be held et her home On
Thursday afternoon., April 11th, at
.10, The motto, What we have Wo
The U,T':W;O. meeting was, held
En March 27Vh at the home of Mrs,
Nelson Reids with 22 ladies present,
Mrs, vIoody Holland gave a splendid
talk, pn''Coanitorlt and' Beauty in the
• Hormel," Mrs. W. C. Bennett had a
demonstration of handmade articles
which 'offered helpful 'suggestions
+to everyone. - .Pains have been
made to hold: a. nnrsiag Bourse trop
• the- 3ird'rto the 7th of Jmne. The
newt meeting will be held at the
:home` of< -Mrs. I4u4s Rowland on
AP141117. •
' d1Sne..;.Wan. 'Smtith, 5th •con., .Grey •
' was called to her home near Fergus
as her mother Mrs '_Burnett wad'
seriously ill, in 'the :meantime word
has been received' that Miss Buraetf
hes passed away::
James -Pestes; 9d+h• con:, 'was— last'
week. taken to (Stratford hoexdtal
where;' ha uniderwent an, operation
Wonderful Nitches
4 r' a4 /''.1 P •a 4�i1 M1C !;A' ;'�S,I `;
Due to the .excetio ta4 vivo of orzri floe] F,
and a carefully worked out #'plan
for cn*,
creased fertility we are having ,the -best
hatches in or 27 years'of experience
Benefit By . our SUCCgSS
Up to May 1st tve are giving a 4 per cent.-.
discount. on all day-old stock-that'is, . on
day-old chicks day old pullets and day.-
old cockerels.. Thisoffer does not apply to
,started stock ;
"Poultry Fr;
:P:O.'•Box 90' " ' E
hone 38X.r-4
for 9th etuddcitis:" IWe, understand , en
brat eke- patiemr is convalescing •
Dir tu;„the milder weather --and.•
hot • n s t the past week .the anow.
mediti quickly and plows will be
empecled to open. up .he conces-
sioils ,and will soon be open for
motpr traffic.
;Mrs; Wen. Hemmingway, 12th con.
ivas oivercome with a ,slight stroke
Tuesday of last week. Her many
friends 2oi a to hear of a steady im-
provednaa t. r
Muss Agar, 2nd, can., was a week-
emd visitor 'with her brother in
11.iMrs.' Geo. Bone is poorly at pres-
ent with an attack of rheumatism.
Vas Elva Warwick was a visitor
last;Week at the home of A. and
kik .fr nedrong, Grey.
'7`Siesday evening March 24th a
'arodi of friends and neighbors
gatifered' at the home of Jas. and
Mrs. Houston to ,enjoy a farewell
Panty before the Houston family
mode "to their new home in, Salt-
fordr, During the evening which
was slpent in dancing and games.
L. Oliver and W. Turnbull present-
ed Mr. and Mrs. ,Houston with an
arm: chair and rocking Muth- and
Jean McDonald, presented Lorena
with a dressing case. Mrs Houston
replied' suitably to the following
Brussels, Ont., Mar. 24, 1940
Dear Mum Mrs. Houston
and Lorena:
We, your friends and n,eiglrbora
have learned; with regret that you
will soon be taking your departure
from our midst and have gather°
to -night to express our best wixities.,�� naa_.
for the future, n- rltmmav�atu2ssaaxmme realiGlEall
Ais for you Jim, you have, lived
neanly all your life In this commun-
ity an,d on this' farm, and we all
knowyour sterling qualities and
readiness to help others and every
good ,cause:, Mrs, Houston and
Lorena have been, 1,yth us but a few
years but what we feel will be our
loss will
be gained by your neigh-
in your new community.
As a token •o our regard to you
we ash you to .accept these chairsi
and Lorena this dressing case, not
for theca' intrinsic value but as a
token of our esteem to you, :moping
ihe,t each time they ere used it will
remind' you of our interest in you.
In ansfJiing .this our farewell we
wiser, you health, Proslperity, and hall -
Mimes in your new . home, hoping
You, 1nily long be spared to take en
active part in your new coananunitY.
.After sin g ned rPor le is a jolty
The Cosnhnunity,'
brood, fellow .the resit of the ev
was spent in dancing, ening
The: P.Y,PJS..of Knox Presbyterian
church met on Sunday evening with
a very good: attendance. The meet-
ing opened with the president Miss
Mae Fischerin the chair, with the
singing of hymn no. 800, Mr. Rev. J.
Taylor .led in, prayer. The minutes
of•the .last meeting were read by
the secretary' and the roil call was
answered with a verse of Sortpture
During • the business' period 'Rev.
Taylor told; the society of the invita-
tion given to ,them by the P. Y, P. S.
of Metvllie church; Brussels, for the
evening ore April T5. The presi-
dent then asked the convenor of. the
Worship committee, Mns. M, Engel,.
to take the chair for the rest of
the meeting. The .hymn 'Onward
Christian :S'oldiers' was , svpgi A
prayer 'wes given by Mies Ddris
Porter. Miss Kate McNabb gave an
interesting toplc. A hymn, was
sung and 1Miss• Ver1a Fischer read
the Scripture liesosa. The offering
was received. A story was, given
by Stanley Fischer foltowed by a
dissougsion, on it. Rem. J. Taylor
conducted the Bible Quizz. A hymn
was sung and Mrs. M. Engel closed
the meeting by Pronouncing the
'Phe school teachers of this vicin-
ity have returned to their duties
atter their Easter vacations,
Mies, Alice Huether who has been
with .her cousin Mrs. A. MicTaggart
1n. Brussels for the, past two weeks
rs `homeagain.
',°Mins Isabel' Mute* of -Kitchener
520emt the 'holiday with:'- her -.sister
'Mrs. James Cameron and triendis in
the: vicinity.' '1 ` '
Mr. and Mrs. Wass. Cameron, are
visiting with their Sen ,Mr, Wm.
Cameron in New York.
:Misses Bhaaed Williams.and: Mae
Fischer returned Saturday after
Spending the Easter . vacation in
Valetta at the home. of Bluned's
,parents Mr. and Mra. (Rev,) W. A.
Y. P. U. Holds Meeting
The Y,P,U, of the United Church
held ,the regu'tir' welely Meeting on
Friday evening with George. Heth-
enington presiding, Rev. C. Tave-
ner led in prayer and Miss Gladys
Calciough reap the seript'ure, Miss
Dorothy Aitken gave a piano ,num-
ber which was enjoyed.
:Mrs. Aitken chose as her tonic,
"The !Lite and Work of the Late
Altheiwy'1u Wetheraid," This Can-
adian poetess, received her educa-
tion at Pickering college: Her wr_t
Ings were mostly about nature and
manly of them appeared in the
Ladles? Home Jburnal, She had
been in poor health for some time
and passed away a' few weeks, ago.
at an advanced age. 1VIr's, Aitken
read several of her poems.
End Curl $1,00 and -1,50
including Shampoo
Permanent, $1,75,' $2.25, .$3,00
and $5.00 including finger Wave
and shampoo
Dried Finger Wave 28o
Shampoo 20e
Telephone '55X for Appointment
over H, s, Allen's Drug Store
y LA
Bread Baked In Brussels
µe Have a Full Line of: -
A TASTY TREAT FORnALi.. Alld at ' Times
Special For 'Saturday'— Cream Puffs
a iA s C6ti �'F�7 9
Sight Specialist
for Over 20 Years
11 Dow*in kg Stratford
Bra,issels Office..
MIss Hingston's Store
Every Wednesday
2:00 to 5:00 p,m.