HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-3-27, Page 71"40 ' 4+4+ dete+tdeet to times up ay A RY gittbe cro$a- isvias good 1., 1N JED, ruant is best played of players. If it becomes too Mous but highly )dh will be lxeed- 'xcept one, sit it tightly. A ced.on it and at the players start er who is out or y to grab the ie he does so the blow it out of coeeds 1u grab- yer take's his ILD to kitten did g shots. round inter• tion Co the uring snow leading into olp the com- 'Inclt devicee rill quality , don't trust clangs with desired as hoiden spot, (wince, and or exampie, t sled spill, frill his sled ba—ear the ulna works rummer and h!• is of —you build eforo shoot- oppiug" is plenty of rd original. also a 111at- d your skill matter de. he picture, ,togtapher. alone." Al. licture—or, xbject as it n a bettor finest plc. a Guildor eeeeteeeedeeder THE BRUSSELS POST . 'W'D:I>IVISISDti.Y, MARCH 27th, .144z'i FARM NEWS AND - INFORMATION- Mopy 70 MARKET • You can get those heavy, mo ney- making hogs to market quicker—and save l up to 400 pounds of grain per pig—by using Roe Wondergrow Hog Concentrate. See your'Roe Feeds dealer and start your hogs on the short "Roe Road" to market today. Complete feeding directions in every bag. ROE ZUacidencywcuz HOG CONCENTRATE EAST HURON PRODUCE, Brussels ALBERT TRAVISS FRANK HARRISON Walton Moncrieff dill-A/K'1 X'E p J1;tt •' .413„,PH • ' •.'F':A R'M.,:P..R P FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE moved promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM . STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 - INGERSOLL, BRUSSELS PHONE 72 locked Roads amper Hog holera Measures Clinton, March 23.—Hog cholera veebtgatiotn and spread prevention sures by the agriculture °CRCs nd government veterinarians are etng hampered in Huron by blocic- d lroads. Motoring over almost ly road except the plowed -out ighways has been definitely out for he past few days, Mr. Shearer eporks today that two additional arms on Monday and three ' more on ednesday were founds where the settee wits iu progress in the hog ends, The affected areas now ex end t'o seven townships of Huron, Hullett, Goderich, MdKtllop, Stan- eY, Tackersmith, Tisborne and East awanosh.. Storm Postpones. Meeting A Yarm meeting scheduled to be left in the village of IOthe'i in orth Huron on, Wednesday after- noon was indefinitely' pestponed owing to the Wednesday storm and consequent Milked roads. Dr. R. Mtolnitosh of the Ontario Veterin- ary College, Guelph, was to have been the guest speaker and the meeting was arranged .'o take place while, Oro was an the county as speaker at other farm meetings. Reeve H, A. Iieys' of Grey township nd Dr, Wartldaw, V.S,„ Ethel, were sl a eers' of the meeting in co- operation with J. O• Shearer of .the agricultural office. Little Chats on Farm Management PRICE AND COST Price and cost are determined by ttiva diifferent processes should be clearly understood by farm and other business mautagers. The net income of a business is determined by the spread between price and cost. That id to say, net income is the total number of units ,of the commodities produced multiplied by the price received for them, less the cost of production per unit multi- plied by the number of those units. The Ontario Dairy Farm Study now being cenduoted jointly by the Economics Division, Dominion. Department of .Agriculture, Ottawa,. and the Ontario Agricultural College Guelph, reveals impressive facts relative to price and cost. On the farms studied in the 'Sudbury -North Bay area, for the year ended June, 1937, the delivered price range t'or whole milk per 100 Ob. Was from $1.78 to $2.16. This represents a range of 83 cents between ram operators receiving the lowest -and highest :price. - The Cost range was from, $1.58 to $3.42, representing a spread of $1,84. While the costs on Darras above. the $8 figure may be due .to abnormal circatmetances, such as' heavy' stock losses or some other exceptional cause, the cost spread of the remainder wag well over $1, being three times the price spread. Price, or the general price level, is arrived of by 'ithe higgling of the market." It is the .prodntet 01 Minty factors, including the action and reaction of many sellers' and ninny buyer& in, any market. Price is thus determined by the group anti over It the individual business man has little direct control. Cost is' more a matter under indd• victual control, and is determined. largeily, by the ' farm management method's a ov1Ied in 1lrodnlciion. Prom the facts revealed by the Study mentioned it appears there is INSIST ON SUM -MY 4 Start to -day Feeding Sun -Ray Concentrates to your Poultry & Hogs Sun -Ray 35% Concentrate with your own grainsfor better Egg Production. • SUNRAY PIG STARTER and SUN -RAY HOG CONCENTRATES with your own grains for faster growth and Bigger Profits. ;Enquire about these feels toed ay also free literature on feeding for prof its. F. M. SAMIS Phone 80 Buesels VissitioNataialons ampler scope to .narrow the range between' costs with, beneficial re - suits 't4 these opetetmis with high Costs. The first, and . immediate action, to.' be taken in endeavouring to improve the income of the indd- v dual farm business is. to give cont sdderatdon to faetons entering into eosits• i'gdher tluau by ,seeking higher general: ponce levels. Should prices, Ile increased the inddvddalal Yarm opertacr who reduces cost would gain at both ends, ;Tells Age Of Egg In removing the tip of a boiled egg, a slightly sunken space is ob- served at the top. This, is known• as the "air cell." , When eggs, are: be- ing graded under a strong light, this space is, pt nr' , v''ible and, 111in Indicates' the age of th'e egg, n part, the conditions under which' the egg has bean kept, Thus the size of the air oeil is Indiea'tve 01 dual - 111' anti is one of the cbdef conedd- mations in •classidying eggs into different grades. Nowadays, every- body knows that grading is essential to intelligent buying, CLEARING Auction ',,ale of FARM STOCK IMPLEMENTS HAY, GRAIN & FURNITURE at Lot 10, Con, 16, Grey Twp., an FRIDAY, 5MARCt4 29th, 1940 at 1 o'clock Everything to be sold as Farm is Rented Horses 1 Heavy Draft Mare, 12 Yrs old 1 Heavy . Draft Mare, aged 1 Driving Mare, 12 yrs. old Cattle— 1 Caw, due April 16th 1 Cow, due Sept. 6th 1 two yr. 010 Helfer, due Sept. 0th 1 Clow, due Nov. 26th 1 Cow, mincing 2 two-year-old Steers 2 one -year-old Heifers 2 one -year-old Steens 3 Calves, 6 month's old Pigs - 1 Saw with litter 4 weeks old time of sale 1 Saw due May 7th 1 Sow due Juno 10th Implements - 1 Massey Harris' Binder, 6 ft. cut with sheaf carrier 1 Massey Harris Mower 6 ft. 1 Massey Harris Hay Loader 1 Deering Duanp Rake 10 ft. 1 Maxwell Tender 1 Noxell, Seed Drill, 12 hoe 1 Peter Hamilton Cultivator 1 Steel Land Roller Set 5 -section Harrows 1 Riding Plow 1 Walking Plow 1 Tvro-furrow Plow 1 Tudhope Wagon 1 Truck Wagon 1 Buggie 2 Set Harrows ' 1 See single Harness 1 Critter 1 Graved Box 16 ft. with roller car 1 Hay Rack 1 Pig Box 1 Flak Bottom 1 set Slings 1 Fanning Mill with bagger 1 Wagon -Box 1 Pig Rack 1 Set Sleighs 1 Scuttle¢' 1 Set Scales (1200 lbs.) 1 Root Paiper Grain Bage, 2 horse Bdanikete vVhtffls Trees 1 G2dnl Stone 1 Bag Holder Geta Robe 1 Buggy. Pole Neck yokes 1 Wheel Barrow , Chains, Pbrke, shovels and other anticbes too numerous to mention, Hay, about 7 towns Grain, . Barley abottt 70 bus. Oats .about 260 rbcs. Furniture--, ' 2 Bells and Kitchen 'MASH A quantity of fedi toes PERMS—CASH GEORCtE H. ELLIOTT,-=Atactioheer WILBUR TURt1BULL—Clerk JAMES S. HOUSTON -+-Proprietor. TZeiteiencrAVG &tracer JUST LIKE "I was saying he was just `a friend' of the Fancily Auction Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS of Dr. T. T. McRae, Block A, Lot 11 Concession 12, Grey Twp,, on TUESDAY, APRIL 16th At 1 o'clock sharp, the following-- CATTLE,- ollowing^CATTLE,- . 1 Duni Purpose 13u11, 2 years old in July. This Bull was raised on the farm of J. G. Blugen11ti1 Kitchen- er and is from Stook that bas been prize -winters in Canada and the United ,States Tor years. ;lir. Stage - man is a past .pres'klent of the Shorthorn Association of Ontario. His papers go with. him. 1 Cow 7 year-old Registered Snortnotn (Scotch) Heavy in calf 1 Cow 7 year -o11 Registered Short -horn (Scotch) Heavy in. call 0 Grade Cows All supposed to be in calf, most at them heavy in c01T 6 Yearling Cattle 2 Young Bulls 10 two-year-old Cattl) HORSES - 1 Mare, ten -year-old Heavy In foal to McMiclhael's horse, Seaforth, Weight about 1500 lb 1 Mare„ black •tear -year-old Heavy in foal to MOMichael's horse. Seaforth, About 1500 1b. 1 Horse, seven-year-old Weight about 1700 lb. 1 Horse- three-year-old Percheron Weight 01.30311 1500 lb. 1 Mare, two-year-old Percheron Black in color, Weight about 1200 - Ib. She is a beauty. 14 Pigs, two months old 3 Saws, bred IMPLEMENTS - 1 Fertilizer Semi Drill, just used a few years 1 set four -section Harrows 1 'Cultivator Massey -Harris 1 Gang Plow • 1 Walking Plow 1 Hay Rake 1 Hay Loader Massey-liarrls 1 Mower 'Massey -Harris 1 Wagon 1 ITay-2taok with ear 1 Set Knee Sleighs 1 Wagons Box •wttb sidles 1 Gravel Box 1 Binder, -McCormick 1 Manure Spreader 1 Steel Roller 1 Snuffler 1 Buggy, MOLanchliu make 1 Rubbertired Jogging Cart 1 Pig Crete 1 Disc Harrow 1 Stock Rack 1 Set Single Harness 1 Set Team Harness 1 I-Iatt-s'ot Team Harness' 100 Leghorn Hens 25 Pullets 1 Stack of Hay, 27 loads were put in 1 L1wu Mower 1 Coal Stove 1 Coal Oil Stove 1 Cutter 1 Hard -grass Seeder 2 Wheel Barrow's 1 Hand Horse'Oldppers 1 Hand' Saw 1 Riding Plow 1 Turnigo Sower 1 ramming Mill 1 Hay Knife_ 3 Pitch Perks, 1 btf!nttre Fork 1 .Stable Shovel 1 Grain Shovel 3 Loddets', one an extension Grain Bags,' Buggy Rugs Dttsteres Timothy sew Craver Seed, Neck Yokes' WOrdlilettrees, Buggy Jdeek Hoek Saw & Scales, OM. • TERMS—GASH Everything must be sold as Proprietor has diepoeed of farm. P. W. KEMP, Auctioneer. R. J. BOWMAN, Clerk, LOOK At YOUR LABEL .Zte lug Min/c& NIG DB J JC ... and told me they were engaged to be married!" Yes, Long Dis- tance is the answer to a maiden's prayer .. , when she gets hex- man! In fact it meets every situation in life when you must and Can ignore distance, for a real ear -to -ear talk. After 7 p.m. (and all clay Sunday) rates are lower as every `little' minx' knows! Gone With The Wind The caption to this article is, and has been used, on malty occasions and in "arious -ways. Let us ac- quaint you with the way we are us- ing it in this case. By accident, and you can bet it was purely by accident, we stumbled upon a ease where a local business place had purchased certain, print- ed stationery from a city firm. Now that in itself is quite all right, as anyone has the right to purchase where they please, Thegsaene indiv- idual, however, came to the News one day last year, complaining about outside opposition coming in. and Stealing their rightful trade, It was suggested that the Newe do some- thing about it, and try to persuade Teeswater public to btiy at home. As our readers know, we have en- deavoured throughout the past year to show the public the advantage of home purchasing, through these co1ulnns. And yet this is what we get in return, The isvour-esking business place passes us by when, they have a little ;printing to pass out. May we ease to them a word of sound ad- vice --When you buy at home your money slays, hree and otu benefit in- directly from it again Yourself, but ' when you pay out to an• outside source it's " Gone With the Wiil,d"! ! !—Teeswater News. Goering Farms On Grand Scale Field Marshall Heamaun Goering; who holds more jobs than any Core temporary German odYlelal., has be- come a fanner on a grand scale. Farms, fields ani pastures, under his control as head of the German Air Force, yield the nation, annnnlP 1,500,000 pounds et wool. 10,000,000' pounds of mutton and many thous- ands at tons, or freshd fodder, especi- ally grass, besides huge quantities of flax, hemp, potatoes and other vegetables. To everyone of Germany's air- ports and airfields Marshall Goer - Ing ---who among other things, is the nation's economic dictator — has assigned ane experienced farmer who is responsible for cultivation, of ebery inch .o2 ground under his care. Just 'What area is in the hands of the' Air Porce 1 sa military secret. Already 00 per cent. of the crops lost 'through condemning of valuable lands for Air Force purposes, have been recovered though intensive cultivation. WELL SAID! The reporter was Interviewing x soap manufacturer. ',It is . wen -known fact,' he said, "that you made your fotibane out o'6 soup, Mr. Lather. Note to what do you attribute your success?" "To clean living my friend, to clean living," was the reply. LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the Counties of HURON AND PERTH W. S. Donaldson Phone 35-413 - Atwood All Sales promptly attended to. Charges Moderate. For Engagements phone 31, Brussels. The `Post' and they will be promptly attended to.