The Brussels Post, 1940-3-27, Page 3ee""ote7oreelealleir THE :BRUSSELS 'PAST' A healthy, hungry, fast-growing chick eats only 2 pounds of Roe Vitafood Chick Starter in its first 6 weeks! Why take any chances with your 1940 chicks, when so little of this complete, farm -proven feed will ensure life and vigor? It's madefresh daily—is always fresh when you get it. Give your baby chicks Roe Vita - food Chick Starter, the tested food which means so much to their fast growth, future health and egg -laying ability. See your Roe Feeds dealer next time you're in town. Ask for the free Roe booklet on raising chicks for profit. CHICK V STARTER Sold by: EAST HURON PRODUCE, Brussels ALBERT TRAVISS, Walton FRANK SAV,,,,, . HARRISON, ���__,�,, Moncrieif \A VITAMIZED;fOR HEALTH .FARM%KS ART!\ ` `PROVEN FOR RESULTS:' ,r ✓ "But how shah I know when come to the igbt cres-roads?" • "You can't miss the place. It has only four filling •stations." ece L 'r,2y I tt►A1AA110AA111AANN�IAA! AAAA'FAAA1Af'AH4`4ANN1N11111A1/A!►AA1111NAN1}1NA4AA` Women Readers _ ,Our Of !terest TO Aiet•®11*i1tA111ANW1•►1t1P1•'•t11A1•AA11'•1o1N••••.4A1sAA111A*1Pm1?41AA1MAC.*4.4... * * * * x * * * xf x' calve. 'Gaal azul spread with gollege, whipped crea .m .Seven -Minnie A girl's -decent 014 poise make fire firF b lmprenei on oa a boy, the round- table diecusslon revealed, •Other altggedtions were: A "good sperrorsalit'y" means more than "good damming," Boys seem ✓ to think that dancing call be learn -the bloodstream, not the eilzev .. = ed'W ant T o atrium indicated that the health of, ' ,Stop Smoking TESTED RECIPES * * * ss. * 1 * * SPONGE CAKES 'Pirie is Oho time of year when Fronting, Seven.MInute Frosting 2 unbeaten egg nIhistes 1t cues' fruit sugar % coup Cold: water 1 teat:poolt flavoring r'ueh deice cies as rooftop calces #'Mee sugar, mtubeaten whites have a ape lal 11' peal. They do not and cold water in stop of double bd11- er. Cools over bailing water for sev- en nrinute* beating constantly with Dover beerier. Remove from fire and and add fianourinig, Cream Sponge Cake 4 egg whites 4 egg yolk& 1 duo granulated sugar 3 table*poonte water 1 taiblespoon flavouring 2 tablespoons conneltarcdt 1 cup peeing or cake flour such 'big cakes mini be: made at 1 teaapoow baking powder gmalI cost. The reasrons ,ere, of % teaspoon salt course, that .eggs, are the main In- Beat egg whites until aeiitf, but gem/tents end current price of Ig&e not dal. Beat in sheat' the sugar. is moderate.' *lite! Beak +EES 7O1kee add water and flamoutttng, are delitinue beating Sponge Cakeuntil thick. Beat in reainittg sugar and .fold yolk mixture into egg whites. Then cut and fold in sift- ed dr' ingredients. Bake in an uro. buttered tube casks tin its moderate oven (350 deg. F.) for 30 to 35 minutes. Jelly Roll Uee recipe dor "Oream Sponge Cake." Line shallow baking pan (about L'6" x 10"):'with buttered pa- per... Spread coke mixture evenly in pan, .'Bake 12 to 15 minutes in Mod- erate oven (350 deg. F.). Tars out on crofth or paper •wrinkled, with powdered sugar, Remove paper and trim oft edges of cake. Spread with Jam or jelly, beaten slightly to sipread easily. Roll cake quickly. Fudge :Cheese Balls Mash % pound of cream cheese, add 1', •squares of eited unsweet- ened Oleo:eate, 1 cup 08 .sugar, a pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla and Chocolate Sponge Roll 1 small unbeaten egg, Mix and beat all together thoroughly, and place in the refrigerator sto chill, Form into sail balls and toll int finely chopped salted pecans. only appeal to; the appetite in early sorting but also tine homemaker who watchers foodl prices. ;and 'takes pride in preparing good foods at moder- ate welt, The Consumer sSereice .Section, 1Vla:rkebimg Service, Doandnlon De- partment of Agrtcuilture, recom- mends the following recipes toe .sponge cake and suggests :that in each: cfape the price be calculated. It may be a surprise to finds that 4 egg Yolks' Pinch, of salt .1 tablespoon cold water 3/a cup boiling waiter 1 enp granulated or fruit' sugar 1t/ cups oaks or pastry flour 1 teaspook baking powder 1 'teaspoon vanilla 4 egg whites % teaspoon cream of tartar Add cold water and salt to egg yolks and beat e3igltdily. Add boiling water and beat until mixture be - does' very frothy, Beat in sifted sugar gradually. Add flour •and baking powder stated together several times. Beast well, Add van- 1lla. Vold in egg whites beaten, until stiff with cream of tartar added. Bake in unbtutterect angel -cake tin in Mow oven 300 degrees. F.) for one hour. 4 egg whites 1 cup fine granulated sugar 4 egg yolks; 4 tablespoons colyd water teiaspCOn vanilla 4 'tablespoon's cocoa efe cup flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 14 teaspoon salt Beat egg whites until stiff. Add sugar gradually, beading constantly. Beat egg yolks with water and foul inito egg whites, Acid vanilla. Sift dry itrgredients and fold into egg mixture. blue shallow baking pan about 15" x 10" with greased paper. Pour batter into pan, Bake in tnoderat•e oven (3.30 deg. F.) for 12 to 15 iii rtes. Teen out on ciao coveted with 1owdrrcd-sugar. Trim off edges, Reut"ve paper and roll ROUND TRIP RAiL TRAVEL BARGAINS From RUSSE LS ittia, 29-30 to TC)RONTO Also to Brantford, ('h,tthoni Gorlerioh, Guelph, Hamilton, Londoo, Niagara Falls, Owen 5ovrii. St. Catharines, St, Mat'y's, Senile Stratford, Strathroy, Woodstock, To Stations Osbaws an,l Fast to Cornwall ..inclusive, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, 1latnpbellford, Newmarket, Collingwoocl,' Meaford, Midionce North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Copre'd, null west to Ilertrehnore. Seeltandbills for complete list of destinations, Tickets, 'lrafnInformation, Return Limits (rout Agents. ASK' 1'011 ItAN1)7311:_. CA A rt iATI AL ALWAYS USE CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS ....M Flavorful Fruit Pudding Just Right For Youngsters Ever study your youngster when he's poliphieg up the last morsels of something go5od His chubby little band grips the spoon with mighty determina.'ton and the world can go by unheeded, It's p'rettye,a!tissfying— soot of like a medal dor tlto time we upend In our kitehens. Here's one of those very good recipes—a pud- ding that's we= and filling: not too sweet, bat sweet enough to be a real dessert. Apricot Jany Pudding 3 slice's white bread Butter t cap apricot jam 2 eggs, slightly beo.ten 1 tablespoon sugar hash of salt 2 cups milk, scalded '4 cup shredded coconut Remove crusts •front bread; spread with butter awd josm and cut each .slice in half. Line bottom and sides of greased baking dish with bread. .Combine eggs, sugar, and 0011, acid milk ;lowly, stirring con- mainly. Pour ever breed. Pince WO in p110 of ]tot water end bake in mcderate oven (350 degres's) 30 adnate;; then sprinkle coconut over top of pudding and continue baking 25 to 30 aniuntes 01' 1.11111I done.. Serves. six, Find Meat Eaters Aren't Singers A scientist lmaintain.; ibei satire tier! has a letriwfnt effect inn• vocal chords. Beleovs, he says, eat more meat than, most othernnicua.lities, and good singing 1,04Tb are there- fore mir0.. 'The Relieve, ell, hills me.i,t--their Net cou 1o0a chicstly 04 vegetables and c,e:regtir--Ansi Italy le full cd' (Inc singing voii'cs• At a Tut:titer' proof 1)a `mentions that, all sone;' -birds are 'yegetariaua; ea.riuiv- oraute"bird'+; eneb'as Vultures, eagles. hawks, can Only utter her*h croak- ing. rr W101}Nll0ZIIAY, MAIIiCIi. Muth, 1040 Blended For Quality County Purchases $8,000 Caterpillar Tractor , The 1turon .Oovnity toad min9nis- sion on Friday last purchased the latent model eaterpellar motor grader at a cost of apProximately $8,000. The new grader is one of the latest and largest machines of its kind and can be need for either maintenance or cone'tmiction, worse, also snow:plowing M needed, St Is a tandem four-wheel drive with tweaysfoolt rereti ible blade, six Weds ahead and tyro back. Ver- enhildJtr, a operation is the featue of the machine. The .blades can be extended to one side tor ditching or used perpendecularly for widening a road through, a "eat" by cutting down the banks. Instead, of turninig the machine around the ,: blade Is reversed. These are only a,4eaw of the features. It is a Diesel oil- burner of 36 horsepower. The robber tires are 12.75 and + 24 mortes. The ipurchase , was made from General Supply Co., Toronto. The machine 10 manufactured in Peoria, Illinoiis. Four other firms were un- suocesasful tenderetu. Brains Puzzle To Sceintists "Think Tanks" of Scholars And Idiots Appear Much Alike The 'University of Peiunsylvania's Wistar Institute has a cole,lotion of 200 brains from scholars., idiots, and ordinary persons, but scientists re- port atter st'ud'ying 'them that they give no indication as to why mental capacities of wdaard• vend wastrel (Liffer. Any biologist who •thdnaes he can explain some of the mysteries of the brain is welcome to .;tardy the collection. liluny leaders in medi nal and scientific research bate tackled elle ptebient, but all have failed. Blood Scream's Health One of these nits Dr, Henry H. Dnnsaltlson, world famous neurolo- gist and bralu specialist, who helped found the collection and served as one of the iuetitute'e .directors, For 35 year's. Dr, Donaldson Imo Studied the collection ou the basis of weight, ,size and structmnil formation, but he died a? the age et 81 'without reach'.s ;e- rhe_:en on. his many theoat.: 23E t,+Leri his Own brain to the institute, Tn one of his last papers, Dr, Den- Sortie on Some Pet Peeves OF College Boys • Al:t)'ed (N. Y,) 'ilniverelty boys dig - approve of girls With "5101)1)7" hair anti very brilliant ftugernlails, ac- cording to a discussion Medd at •tote weiglut or contour of tate brain, ac - canted, for the sarperiiOr individual. Tabby's Titles Recently Tit -.lite published e Phonetic tratualation of sounds in different language's, and' tate cat's mdaou was one sound whiich each of these languages interpreted in Um emaue way. it da strange that tine word "cat" is so similar in carious languages. In Scandin- aria ;Ike animal is called "kale," in France "chat" its GennanY "lentos," in Holland "cat," in Italy `5gaitto,' in ;Seals "gate," in, Radsela "Irate," and, in Poland. ;kart," Ansi the Rumens had a tweed, for it "cakes" Minister Urges More Laughter Better To Be 'Cheerful Than Glum, Declares London, Ont. Cleric "In these days we ought to laugh more than we do. •It is bet- ter to laugh thaw to cry and it is better to be cheerful than glum." So declared Rev. Dr. W. B. 1VIadNiiven, minister of Metropol i'au United, Church, London, Ont., sponsored by •the Essex Presbytery Lay Association of the United Church of Canada. Dr. MacNiven was explaining his reason for open- ing his address with a number of "bowlers," which certainly "cl ek- ed" with the audience. Splash cold water over your throat and chin for that thicken- ing line, From Vienna 'montes' interesting dnIonmatlon tor those who are dgblt- ing the smearing habit. Take a deep breath, as deep as posebile, and then. holed your breath for toter seconds. Then exhale •enertgetical- ly and try to exhale ail lite air from your lungs. Repeat bode UK - erase tour or five bates, You will find that it completely delelutoys the desire ha eanoke. •-ai4ode3^t( =Jiving. More Bookcases 1 a Livng-Room More hdokeases aro being .gree iota ;the American living Zoom. Man.ufadturers don't Make things year atter year witless they are selling, and the number of open. shelf types exhibited at wholesale • markets proves heavy' demand. The new book cases are low, with open shelves, used in tdombinetiaa with other cabinet units — with cheats of drawers the same size as the bookcases; 'with cabinets whose dorms open on lanes trays: with ,a combinntOion desk sad chest. All these fit . together ito make the living Zoom more con-- venient and: livable, No Foolin' April 1 wont provide mucb. amusement for the primary and, sec- ondary school children 91tis year, On that day they return to school after the Easter vacation. The holiday commenced on Thursday of last week, at 4 o'clock. All . official vacation periods are fixed by the- department hedeparimment of education. �. A. Heid, R50 Sight Specialist for Over 20 Years 21 huh St,, Stratford COMPLETE EYESIGHT BENCE E EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FiTTED MODERATE PRICES Brifss€ls Office - Miss Hingston's Store Every Wednesday Afternoon 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. PHONE 51 - BRUSSELS New Home for Banff School of Fine Arts The Banff School of Fine Arts has a now Rorie which is as modern as the splendid wcrlt:,dono by the school, The new audito- rium, which was officially epoxied in January in tho presence, '.of educational and other Alberta leaders, will bo the scene of the eighth annual session of the school, from August 1st to 131st, This $50,000 building is made of native •Iiundlo stone and is of the chalet design which harmonizes so well with tiro surroundings.; The theatre has a seating 0050014)7 of 700 and a nnbdorn: stage fitted with the finest lighting equipment and there aro dressing rooms, music room, work rooms and other meeting rooms for 'small groups. The building is truhy a co-operative effort. The Parks Department deeded two lots Werth $10,000 to the l3anff School Beard and supplied plans and specif;ica- t1ona free of charge; tho Sir Ed- ward Beatty donation of $2,50'0 to the tiepartme'nt of ltlxtenaiofl. of the University of Alberta made possible the furbishing and ectkaP- mont of the atago and theatre.