HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-3-27, Page 1Pentootto
Wednesday, March 27th, 1940
* * * * * * * #, IS, DIES SUDDENLY
* * e, * * IP * * * 5
The death occurred an Wednes-
day Marcel 20th, of one of the oldest
residents of Walton, ini the person
of Joseph Bennett, in his 77th year•
' Mr. Bennett was born in Tucker-
pmtdtle the eon of Mr. and Mrs, Wm.
Bennett and when he was 17 year 0f
age came with the family to Walton
where he has been a highly respect-
ed citizen for many years. He farm-
ed all his life on Lot 2, Con. 17,
Grey and where hist sen Roy naw.
lives and where he passed away
• atter an illness of three months. He
was married in Bruseele to Miss
Mary Jane Campbell, of Walton who
predeceased him five years ago on
March 25. He is survived) by two
_ sons Roy on the homestead and W.
C. off Walton, and. three daughters,
Mrs. L, Porter, Brussels Mrs. 3.
Davidson, London and Mrs.. T. Wat-
son of Si.I. Thomas, also seven
grandchildren and two great grand•
children. He is also survived by
two brobhers, John af- Wingham
and Thomas of -Clinton. The late
Mr. Bennett was a, member of Duffs
Church, Walton. The funeral
which was to have taken :place on
Friday was postponed until Satur•
day*en, account of bad .weather and
impassable roads. ,Service was core
ducted, by Rev, F. A. Gilbert, B.A.
The pallbearers were R. McFad•
zeas, James Rea. Joseph Carter,
Harold, •Sellers, Fred Ennis and
James. -Clark,
The flowers which banked the cas-
ket were as follows: Pillow, trout
family; .SeraYs—Canadian Legion,
John Harris and family, John Ben-
nett, 0. and Mra. Iiabkirk and Mrs.
S. Bennett and Miss Blanche Ben-
nett, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bar -
retest Mr. Sam Harris, ?Sr. and Mra.
Archie Craig (Breston) Mrs. and
Bliss Patterson (Seadorth).
'Ted, we learnt alt sehocl today
that the andmals have, a new fur
every 'winter. „
"Be quiet! Your mother is in the
next room,"
C. A. ROBER'SSON, member of the
Ontario-Legi'slature Assembly for
Huron.Bnuoe, passed away in bis
sleep at his home on the 6th Con-
cessien of Colborne Township early
Felday morning.
Funeral Service
Held For
Mrs. George. Bowes
The death took place . on Satur-
day of Mrs. George Bowes at the
home of her daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Menne Jackson.
Mrs, Bowes was a native of Hul-
letrt for many years, 'later retiring
in Biyt'h. She is suubived by two
daughter's, Mrs, Memo Jackson
and Mrsi Thomas Colson; also two
sons Johne and Will. One son, David
died a fete years ago. The departed
women was a nrenaber of United
°Meet, tram which church the
funeral tock place yesterday,
Your seed is the most important
part of your crop. We have Empire
Brand Superior No, 1 Seed con-
forming to specific Gov't–test. See
our First, at McCracken's •Grocery.
Phones 43 & 27
► ~N••* *MA*®6.000•••®•4.4.o.4 sae
I take this opportunity
or tnanzng my many
supporters for their cote �
1 and influence durer.g
the election.
I Words cannot
! express my
gratitude for
the turn in vote
in Brussels,
Morris and
I feel a great responsibility
and hope to be able to .serve
you as onlya home member
L E. Cardiff
News Items
Mr, and Mrs, George C. Johnston
Grey toe/neap, announce the en,
gagemendt of their dat7gbter, Lois
Marie, to Clarence W, Bonne of
Brusse]e. Marriage to )take place
the latter part of March.''
We wistli to thank one friends and
neighbors for s'ymeatluy, and kind-
ness. exttendea to us in our recent
suedeon bereavement, 'Particularly
we thank all who worked; so hard' to
open the road and keep:" it open in
the stormy weather.
Billie and Lena; Stubbs
Mr. and Mts. Frank , MGCaughey
and Mr. and Mro. Louis -Dillon wish
to thank ,their many friends and
neighbors for their 'kiind'ness. and
sympathy extended to then during
the illness and death 0f Mrs., M.
Mother ce Mits. Dillon
and Mrs. McCaughey.
We wise to thank the many
kind fri-endis and neighbors for the
help and expreseions el sympathy
received during the long' illness and
subsequent death of the late Joseph
Bennett also for the use of cars and
especially to ,those who worked on
the roads to keep them passable for
the funeral. .
These kindnesses will never be
The Bennett Family.
W. A. Holds. Meeting
The W. A. of the Hated Church
was 'field• at the ,parsonage with
Mus. Huggins,' -the presdi ant, in the
chair. The minutes were }read and
approved. The social committee
repeated' the mystery teas were a
success. The good cheer commit-
tee gave the report on the sending
of beet and flowers to the shut-ins.
The ladles of the church decided to
give their concert on April 39th.
Mise Kingston. and Mrs. Cousins
sang a very pleasing duet, and May
Skelton gave avery interesting
Paper sire had prepared on "Whet
Easter Mean's to Me."
Good Turn -Out 1
Of Electors
Election day dawned bright and
clear following a week long March
stormy which 'some old timers say is
the wort' they remember for this
t me of the year. Despite the Contin-
ueus work of snow plows', shovels
etc. none but main roads, are pass-
able for cars and many concession
are -almost impassable, to any kind
of traffic. No doubt there are some
who will have had to go to the polis
on foot if they wished to oast their
'Snow banns on the main street 0t
this village reach a height of nine
to ten feet',
Many people though anxious for
spring break-up, are worried abate
the possibility of floods should it
coque too gniekly,
Rebekah Lodge
Serves Dinner
A delicious supper 'woe served
by inenebens of the Rebekah lodge
to over 175:,guesdts at the Town Hall
ea Wednesday evening of last week.
It was to have been a dinner pre-
pared by the Pluniket people of Ter-
mite but dine to ,the inclement
weather they totaled the ladles' at
10,30 that morning that 'they would
not be here se the Rebekahe hastily
prepared the supper themselves and
'seeped a splendid ureal in. theb very
short .time,
,The hall was beautifully decorat-
ed' in red, white and blue. The tabl-
es were laid with white cloths and
silver candle snicks with tall tapers
ends vases of flags were Used affect-
leery as decorations,
'Mr, A. Wood wepcontetd the guests
on behalf 03 the Order and express-
ed their apologies for the absence
of the :Pluuket people, J'allotsing
the sapper a short musioal Pre -
gram! was go'eeen'ed by Mts. 0.
Welker and Mr, L, W. ,Eokmier
With Mdee M, Garndeee at the piano,
Laster cards and dancing were . en.
joyed Tor a few hours.
Miss Garniss, Mr. le, Ashton and
Mr, We, J. Procter supplied the
tame for dancing.
The induction eet-vice of the Rev,
F. G. Fowler of 'Vancouver, B,C„
into Bluevale Presbyterian charge
will take place on Friday at 2.30
p.m of this week, Meech 29th. This
had. to be postironed owing to the
severe' weather on Good Friday,
Mr. and Mus'. F. ,Stratychuck wish'
to announce the engagement of
their daughter Katie Ruth to Mark
Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Hamilton of Walton. Mar-
riage to take place the 30th of
Injured By Horse
-Robert Anderson who has spent
the winter in Wroxeter, was isi
jured while attending to his horse
when he was squeezed against the
side o7 the stall. He was brought
to the hone of his sister, Mrs. R.
Ballantyne, where he will be cared
Last Respects Paid
Mrs, Willits Stubbs
The funeral cif Mrs, William
Stubbs was held Wednesday after-
noon from her late residence, 4th
concession of Morris. Mrs. Stubbs
had not enjoyed very- good health
for some time. She was in, her
seventy-seventh yeor, She is sur-
veved by her daughter, Lena, and
son, Will. Rev. J. B. Townend,
Pastor of Knox United Church, Bel -
grave, conducted -the funeral service
at the home and graveside. The
pallrbeartrs" Were –"Richard; . R,o"bert
and Carl Procter, Jesse Wheeler,
Howard Winlcinson and Gilbert
Spiess. Interment took place in.
Brandon Cemetery,
Holy Week At
St. John's Church
Holy week was soleinnly observed
at St. John's Church, Brussels: On
Holy Monday lake Litany was said
with meditations.. On the evening of
Monday and Thursday the ante-
-communion; service- was said, fol-
lowed by an. address on the institn-
tio>n of Holy Communion; On Good
Friday morning the Litany was said
tollowed by an address on the
events leading up to the Cructflxion,
Ott Holy Saturday the First Even-
song of Easter was stung.
The sea•wioess on Egteter Day at
St, John's Church Brussels were ob-
served, with the traditional E'ast'er
nersde of the Church. In the morn-
ing the Rector based his sermon, 031
the verde of the Psalm "Heaviness
may endure for a night; but joy
cometh in the morning." Festiva]
Evensong was sung at seven
Dates of Annual
Departmental Exams
Are Given Out
The annual depaattmental exam-
ination timetable for the school
term ending next slimmer, has been
announced by -tee °merle DeParr'-
meet of Edaication. Examinations
ons Upper School papers Commence
Friday, June, 14 and will be com-
pleted on. FrddaY, June 28, Entrance
examinations commence June 27
and will be completed by June 28.
The following is the. tinneta;ble,
"Upper School; Jane 14, problems;
June 17, Greek authors anti Greek
opnuposttion; June 18, Spanish nth -
ere and, Spantah. composition,; June
18, English conposdtion and alge-
bra; Jtine 20, English literature and
algebra; June 23, history and
physpos; June 24, French anthers,
French Iiteretture and French, comp-
osition! Jane 25, botany and •trigon-
onietrY; June 26, Latin authors,
Latin, --compos iblen and, hiett'otr v of
oontmteree; June 27, ecology and
ohesnds/try; June 28, German anthers
anhile German composition.
Iligh S0hool entrance timetable;
June 27, Rngldeh literature and
Maitlumgtiea; J*in4 28, English elm.
poslitdon and gremmar and English
Mr, Charles Davidson spent Good
Friday with friends' in W!ngham,
* ;, *
Miss Dorris Bates, Toronto is a
holiday visitor at her home.
Mrs, WalterCKerr continues very
poorly starting with a bad cold.
Miss Merle Sanderson is working
at the :Scotch Thistle Restaurant.
* * *
Bowman Galbraith, Toronto, is a
holiday visitor with his parents.
t * * 'k
Mr. G. M. Laycock is holidaying
at Beachville.
* * *
Donald' McRae, London, is spend-
ing the vaction at his home here.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Drummond were
Easter vacation visitors in Toronto.
Mr, Tam M*Fadzean has been
confined' to bed with the Flu. for
several days,
* * *
"lack Bates is. a holiday visitor
with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E.
Master Mur ay* Cameron is holi-
daying with his grandparents in
Mr. Bill Rowland, Toronto is
spending the vacation at his house
here. a,
�t ;'44,A
Miss Mary Helen *Kerr was on
the sick 71st for a couple of days
last week.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Brothers, Har-
riston, were Easter visitors in
* * *
Mr. Martin Murray,
vacation visitor at
London, •
is an Easter
his home in
W. B. Strachan, Toronto, was
an Easter visitor with his mother,
Mrs. A. Strachan.
wise Mary Lott hies been spend-
ing the past week in Lucknow with
her sister Mrs. Ferrier.
* *
Mrs. Carrie *Dunbar of Waterloo
spent the Easter holidays with her
moeh.er Mrs. Jas. Speirs and other
relativee and friends.
* * *
Mrs. W. Soarers was able to be
out for a shorn• ride last Wednes-
day atter spending several weeks
in the house.
* *, *
Mr. and Mas, H. E. Richardson
who have been holidaying in Florida.
for the pant month have returned
'The podtee ed Auction Sale of
Mrs. Janet Scott, Cranhrook, will be
held! on Monday, April let at one
* *
Miss Gertrude Rosa, and Miss
Carrie McCracken, Toronto are
spending the vacation at their res-
pective homes,
* * *
Mrs. Peterman of Wiinglhaan spent
a few •days last week with her
friend Mrs, Jest Kernaghan,
Mr. and Mrs • West Lc't and
daughter Ida of Whitechurc]t were
Easter visitors with M'r, and Ma's.
Cites, MesSay.
Miss Mary* Stewart, Fleshenton,
spent dui Easter holiday with Mr.
and Mrs, W, 3, 'Stewart and Mr, and
Thee. Walker,
Mr, and Mrs G. Scrimgeour, T11-
seniburg spent Easter with Mr. and
Mes. Jack Cameron, Mies' Nancy
Cameron went beck with them for
the holidays,
Mr. and Mrs. 3. B. Nels'ont Toron
to event the Muster vaeation with
her paranda' Mr, and Mra, T. 0, Mn -
Cali, Mrs. Clark of Toronto who
spent Easter at the home of ,her
parents Mr. and Mrs-. E. Fulton, re-
turned to Toronto with Mr. and
Mrs, Nelson,'
Turn those tellisea articles' into
ready' Cash, Someone pray want
them or have what you want
Use the Classified Ad: Colurnn.
E. Cardiff Wins
by Small Margin
Euston Cardiff, Coneervatirve stan-
dard bearer in Hriron Norah was the
visitor by a scant 29 votes whlch
leaves the outeorne somewhat doubt-
fu1 until the soldiers' vote is, table
Iated. That may net be ter n
Mr, Cardiff's home town of Brus-
sels and hie own township of Mor-
ris both gave him a majority.
The straight two-man fight
brought out a small vote, due to the
extremely had condition of the
snow-flllod' roads, making it almost
an impossibility for many 'farmers
to reach the polis,
J. Deachnna, who wrested the
traditional Conservative stronghold
to the Liberal side in 1935 said he
had "every .confidence' that when
the eoldier vote is known, he will
'be elected. However the Con-
serwaelvest have little fear thea
Mr. Cardiff will lose out in the final
results when .the soldiers vete is
With figures for the riding com-
pleted, except for the eolddeas'
votes, the figures were 5,897 for
Cardiff and 5,868 for Deachman,
The vitors celebrated with a
torchlight parade in Wingham.
The treeing by municipalities was:
,Cardiff Deachnan
Asn field
Goderich Town
Grey Twp,
Goderich Tulp.
3'37 411
192 169
270 200
505 435
202 250
1177 1130
372 544
363 181
554 684
455 367
Trurnberry 261 300
E. Waevanosh 268 312
W. Wawanosh 284 320
Wingham 674 539
The latest report states the re-
count gives Mr, Cardiff a majority
of 63 instead of 29.
The Late Mrs. Martin Curtin
The death o3 a highly respected
citizen in the Person of Mrs. Martin
-Curtin occurred on Monday, March
13th, at the home of her daughter,
Mrs, Frank MdCaughey, of Blyth.
Mrs. Curtin had not been in good
health for the past six months. She
was a daughter of the late Ms, an'd
Mrs. Michael McQuaid and was
born in Tuckersnudth, east of Eg-
mondlvtlle. Prior to her husband's
dearth ten years ago she had . lived
one mile and a quarter east of Sea -
feeble !She is survived by two
daugblterst Mrs. Frank McCaughey
of Blyth, and Mee. Louie Dillon, of
Dublin, The funeral took place
frown: St. James' -Church, Seaforth,
on Wedneeday, ,with Rev, Father
Hussey officiating. Interment took
place in St. James' cemetery, the
pallbearers being neighbors from
Roy Rogers Mary Hart
' Rough Riders
Round -Up
Sonja Henle Roy Miiland
Everything Happens
At Night
Robert Cumming Alan Dtnehart
Intrigue, Romance and Love
on Skis
See Sonja Hanle Skate
The Merry Widow
• Walt7
Joan Bennett Adolphe Menial!
John Hubbard George E. Stone
She's got everything . Thls
gangster's moil Wheel take ,you
for an entertainment elde
Paul Muni Jane Wyatt
We Are Not Alone