HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-3-20, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
Wednesday, March 20th, 1940
Spring is coming! I know
because the calendar says' so and
besides the binds' are delftling back
Yesterday, Martin. 18, I heard a
Flicker, otherwise called the high -
holder or Golden wing, the common,
est member of the woodpecker
family. On my recor: Lois year he
has beaten the Robins Bluebird and
Song Sparrow taadk, so you can be
certain tIvey%l be here anon. Just
get rid' of this sones lire will you
please? •
Ona harbinger of spring Is less
known, butt elivven/ carnes before the
other Binds, le fairly common; and
is not hard 'to diatdnguish i1 You
look hard or nave sharp ears, You
may egret looking in March, for a
bird about 71 ,inches long. (The
English Sparrow, a good measuring
Mick is 6 inches: long). It is ratter
pluanp4bodied4. hes a general gray-
ish aPpearanoe;, but has distinct
bl.a,ek markings on each sidle of the
head' albove the eye, , and a black
pwtoh an the throat, 'Really sharp
eyes may pack out a pair of ear
tu8ts which give it the name—
Horned Lank. The song is a curious
cwt -up, succession of Squeaks or
trtlisa—not very larki.t, I'm afraid;
Another interesting fact about the
Horned) Lark is tloatt it: nests on
Plowed Vowed in April. Last Sun-
day I saw 30 of these in one field.
Township Hall, Ethel
by the Atwood Y.P.S.
for the Young Women's, Auxiliary
of the Ethel Presbyterian Church
ADMISSION — 25c & 15o.
' Your seed is the most important
part of your crop, We have Empire
Brand Superior No. 1 Seed con-
forming to specific Gov't. test. See
our Ftrst, at McCracken's Grocery.
Phones 43 & 27
Dancing to commence at 12.15
to the music of
Western Ontario's Foremost
Dance Band.
Admission — - 50c
The Marx Bros In
Room Service
The Three Mesqulteers In
Santa Fe Stampede
Bobby Breen In
Way Down South
Alan Mowbray .Clarence Nurse
Hall Johnson •Choir
The glorious voice of Bobby Breen
In the gay old days of the South
Roy Rogers Mary Hart
Rough Riders
Round -Up
Rayfond Halton Eddie Acuff
The eplrit of Teddy Roosevelt
rldes again to 'Smashing Victory
Sonja Helie Ray Milland
Everything Happens
At Night
of the
* will put on a Drive
* the first week In April
* OBJECTIVE $150.00
Frank Shaw,
* Pres., Brussels Branch
* *. * * * *. * * *
Brussels Legion
To Start Drive
The canedt'au. Legion 'will veru
shontly make their apepal here for
funds for The Canadian Legiou
War Services through the local
branch of the legion. It is a very
worthy work they do that is not
undertaken by any other organiza-
tions Legion War Services' do not
overlap those of the Real .Cress,
Salvation' Army; YiM,C.A., etc. The
money raised is, used for carrying on
ra■ News tens
1 ,
Easter Triumph
He is risen, He is risen;
He hath opened heaven's gate;
We are free from sin's dark prison,
Risen to a holier state;
And a brighter "Easter beam
On our longing eyes shall: stream.
*0**e*i *H
vice work with Canaddanw who
enlisted in the fighting forces so
they may not find themselves entire-
ly without: the equipment necessary
to earn a living in, a world of peace.
Educational facilities, and vocational
training while they are on active
service is .to be made available, to
occupy their leisure and constantly
remind them to prepare for the
future. The personal services to
the troops meads advice, guidance
and actual personal senvioe to men
who are far from home and worried
about some problem of a domestic
or business' nature, The soldiers,
where .the ed'ucartionel scheme has
been: put in. operation appreciate the
oFportuneties offered them. As
many a* 60% o1 a •Lunn personal
attend educational courses. The
actual edtuc*ti'ona, '6vork will be
carried out under the .direction of
the Canadian Aseeciatlon, for Adultt.
Education. The beep - educationists
in Canada and overseas will assist.
The services include belliping a man
fled; w job when he .gets back,.: A
minimum et the, money raised will
the spent in 'salaries. of armchair
worlkera, There are se Bur •onllY
two °Niters at headquarters and a
lli'metedt Hunger of men in the flelld.
A great path of the work is clone by
the existing eealsonmei free of charge
assisted: by many volunteer workers,
None of the money snubscrdbed' will
be used for regular Legion. puolposee.
An excerpt from a letter from the
late Governor General, • Lord
Tweedisanuir, written to the Honor'
ary Camupaigm 'Ch'airman on Jan.
13"Jhy 19.40, states' "Thework yon are
unldertailting is 'vital m.olt only for
the men t&emtsellves holt also for the
country as a whale. Your appeal
for tends dteeen'ves 'the support of
every loyal Comedian."
(Regular Meeting
Of Women's Institute
Tibe regultar meeting of the W. I.
'lues held on Friday, March 10th, at
2 Pan. with the president, Mrs, W.
Scott presiding, The roll - call was
angwered by "Beautiful sounding
words." The Rennie of business
deltile 1y1-bh, were hire sponsoring of
a - play in the near Rntur& and an
advanced sewing course for the girls
who took tho,flnsa course Wee the.
sending ort two junior .delegates' to
-the 'C'omtvenitiory at Guelph in, May, .
Mrs. H. O. Walker reda a .:paper
on "Art" prepared by Mee. 0. - Dlvmr--`
mond, wailoh was enjoyed by ale
Mrs. 'Cousins sang a very Pleasing
solo "When Irish eyes ere Smiling."
Mils. :Stantley Wheeler gave the
motto which Attlee Beaetie Mloees had
preperecl in an interesting manner,
the subjece "R'eoeive 'my les/traction
and rot tgtiver„ •and knolurleidge
nether than choice gold."
A vete of thanks' Was extended to.
Mise Moses, and Mrs. Drunnnond
for heir very floe' contributions to
the needing awe an extra one - "'to
Mrs, Druanlnron4' for the exhibition
of several beautiful plotugee of her
own padnitinng which she very kindly
sent in time Tor the three card
panties' held e the Library to roue
Red 'Crow. feeds. 'It was a real
treat and and inspiratioe to be sur-
rounded, by meal 'beau'tiftnl ,pieces of
Ttha leF,W.O, meeting ,heir beeai
Meet/potted until Ma reh 280. at
the hone of Miis, Nelltov, Redd. The
topic "tiCemibort and Beetle!, in the
]Homs by Mrs, •Moody Hollead, Per -
"DM they put eiltches it?" asked aide of house dresses' tend demons'trA•
the thden(1 atter the: operation, dolt by Mrs. C, Bennett, Roll Call
No, I just, pulled myself to:ed by en lrialo joke, .Arlt are
gerether," war 't9ne iy, in tedto attend.
.Cri.211.11•Walle ,101111110,
Krrkton Minister
Given Unanimous Call
At a meeting of the United Church
on, Monday evening .it was decidel
to extend, a unanimous: call to Rev.
Charles Lewis of lflrktoe. Rev. H.
J. Mahoney who lies resigned will
leave in June of this year.
The Huron County
Junior Assoc., Toronto
Entertains Again
The Huron County Junior Associa-
tion is holding a dance and cards
alt Mal1k ney's Ant Gallery at 66
GrernvIMJe 61., ote Thursday, April
lath. This is a splendid plate for
parties. anal dancing,
A large crowd to expected to this
spring'get together and' a very
sociable time is assured. The
Aatloniationi is a success in keeping
Huron people in tooth with one
another. Alli Huron people visiting
or Living in Tomato are invited. For
feather paotdcullars oall the Secre-
tary, Mee Jewede Aalcbibaid, at
United Church
W. A.
The regular meeting of the Wo -
mans Anode/Lion of the United
Cdrwrok was ehld at the Parsonage
on Tuesday, M'areh 19.
'Meeting .opened. by - singing a
Heron and Prayer by Mrs. W. F.
Stew:alit. Minh:tee of lost meeting
read and alpprovecL A report from
Good 'cheer 'Oormnett'ee. The
sestina ooanonittee fregented the
"Mystery Tea" a success, It was
decided to have the Ladies' Concert
011 Tuesday, Aspire 30. A pleasing
duet wens' sung by Miss Hingston
and Ml's, 'Cousins. ' Miss Skeleton
read a paper entitled "Wont does
Easter mean to me," The coin
nettte'e in charge od newt meeting
is Miss Roibinson. Ml's. Sanderson
rind Mrs. Spedran Meeting closed
be repeating the Mizpah Ben'edit-
Huron, Deanery
Easter Conference
An Raster Conference tor the
Anglican young people and Sunday
eichool 'teacbei's will be held -at St.
Pond's church, Wlinghauu on Thurs-'
day, March 28th 1940, under the aus-
pdece of the Deanery o4 Hunan. The
ooneereulce theme is—The Bible--
Re'glstr<recion take plate at .9,30 am.
with Rev, F. Watits, Brussels as
regisitrar. A most interesting and
inaltruot'ive iprognian, lute been
prepared for the morning and atter.
noon the `Ddsmissul Service will be
held at 3.00 p,nn„ se the con6eren'ce
wit nob be unduly long. Rev, :D, 13.
Bogen, 'M•A., DIC.L., Toronto, will
be in charge of tine Study and Die
euseiom period: for teachers. and
Super4mtendbnt*. °Other discussion
group +with ruble leaders Will be held
during ;the morning for Junior
Heys and trots, eendor Boys and
Girlie and Bible. Chase and A,Y.P,A,
Rev. 3, Greletni, Bayfield, • reprie
sent/item on' the D, 13, R. Ei., 0111 be'
elialrinatl of the conference, Alt
Anglican yottng people, of the dl*'
trice are urged to attend- this
Easter oonleretde:
Mr, Ed•, Bates bas received his
-new 'spring suit sampicis and it
would Pay you to look over these
samnples before buying.
Brussels, Ont. Phone 8X -el
Last Sundlay was Palm SundaY
and epeotai observance was made of
it in St. J'ohn's' Anglican church
wit hithe- rector Rev. F. Watts, in
charge. Thursday evening the
newel Lenten service washeld' with
the Litany being sladd, Mond'':/
evening the A.Y.P.tA. m'eetin'g was
Meld in the dorm orf a Holy Monday
A,Y.P,A. service With Rev F. Watata
leading in the Litany andMelita•
At the Churches
Services in Melville Presbyterian
Chundh on Sunday were conducted.
by the Minister, the Rev. S. Kerr,
whose subject at the morning ser-
vice was "The Holy Spirit and the
Church's Task," Tdue' subject in the
evening was. "The Holy Spirit." The
chair contributed an anthem at both
monwdug anki evening services,
:Services, in the Untbed Church on
Suntdiay were conducted by the Rev,
R. C. Copeland od Exeter.
United Church service will be
held in the United 'Ctua'ch on " Good
Friday at 10:30 a.m,
Good Friday Service
Througheutt .Christendom Holy
Week ie of speoialy eignificance be-
cause it ee-enacts .those sacred
scenes from tine lalSt week et Jesus's
lifer here on. earth': Those women -
tome events' leading 'to the Crunifig-
ion en Calvary are relived in the
heart ort evere eaavest Christian.
Ail citizens of the Allege of Brus-
sels. and the tsurrounding territory
are requested to wo'itdbip in THE
ON GOOD FRIDAY. The choir will
provide special Passion muMe por-
traying the suffeeintg 01 Our Lord.
Rev. :Samuel Kern' mill give a
Lenten :Meditation. ce THE SEVEN
Card Parties Held
In Aid of Red Cross
A genies orf successful card: eert'tee
, were held' Wedlnesdaty, Thunsdby
and bridday •evenings 1w the Public
Library Meier the sesplces of the
Red *rose, Five duandh'ed was
enljoyeib by the guests . orf Wednes-
day anki TtluuredaY evenings and
an*hrre 'WSW played, en Friday` even-
ing. 33h a roma ;west ' beeetltelly
decorated: 'with St, Parldk's colours
for the ecteslon. Refreshments
were served eaelt evening, Prize
winners were: Wee:nes/lay, Mists, Flo
Butbenen and Elmer Bela; Thule -
day, tMre, W, N. Ben rand( John
Ytrdla; Fndda'y, Rio. '03eve Baeker
and Lewin Bulwell. While the in -
element weather interfered :with
utttenk3anlce oat. Wedmlesdny evening
the parties W'eae quite nulooessiiul
and the ladies are -to be congra>tulat-
ed in their eftbnts on betittlt of the
Red Crotee.
Mrs. Raymond, 5'th con, held an
Liberal Ralty
Held Here
A political gathering in the 11 1.1')
este of le3. De.acbanan, Lib 2241candidalte 1105 NinthHuron '
heed in ',Brussels town' hall onFriday
ettera;oon of Test week , A good
crowd sltbendel the meeting in Miteof the inclementweather.The Han. Norman lefeLaa'.ty, Min -
deter of Latour, who Hues' to neve
been the thief :speaker was unable
to be present under doctor's orders,th
due to a''n'oet inC.
fee1tdon, M. J.
Murine:, K.0,, Toronto who.is a
pnomduennt lawyer of tarot city, and
active as head of l'ea'ipus govern-
ment investigation committees
delivered a splendid talk He coat-
gra/belatedthe Meanie of this
constituency on having such an' able
member of the government to repre.
sent their riding and said no one
was better informed on, the tariff
quealteon than Bob Deachman. He
mopedthe high tariff on telbiles
imposed during the Bennett ' admire
l ltnatien• which he said Laving been.
on a textile investigation commit
tee, it was found that Canadian
textile manufacturers' made huge'
profits. at the expense oe the people.
Dr. Manion*assertion that his
N1tianaJ Government would be
composed: of the motet able men he
said, could' not be sulestau'tiated for
the present liberal government hie
the mem best flitted • for the war,
crisis and the eon@e1 Gtives' did not s
give -them co-operat10 i' at the pies-
ent time sothe hpe of a National
Government and a united Canadian
War efforit was impossible. He said
tint an ineaperiehi'oed government
was notcapable elf handlingthe
huge war expel me •• t.
every voter •sleeted'� aced
make a sacrifice to'gd 'rr
an March 26th to return 'theLib
Mr. Deaohan n Int his speech -said.
he lead deletes, been interested: jx -•
Brussels' and paid tribute1ie.'.
memory of ;he late Archie I, rep.
John McMillan and W. H. err,
wile were Prominent in Liberalcirclets. He stated,that MaoKemtzie
King dssolved Parida'mtenit because
of friction and ]lack od harmony in
the government. PI* claimed that
eleven rndlltom Cl
people ini- anadai
could not be wrong when they re,
turned the liberals to power Sour
times out of flee. He tse3d hitt
teakart Ottawa west more tanpoa;tend
than being in the riding et Werth
Hurons shaking hands at picnics etc„
such as Mr. Cdiff intends doing.
Dr. T. T. McRae was: supposed to
act as ahaerman bulb withdrew so
that Mr, James R. Hardy; president
of the Grey t-ow'nsdrhp Liberal As.'
socdation, whose home is in Wrox-
eter vicinity, might preside,
The meeting closed with the sing-
ing oe the NaJtionAnthem.d Anthem.
auoblom: 01 farad steels and 'Mimes -
meets. Tuesday of deo week. The
Sarin lies. been gold and the aamlly'
will move to the vacant house en`
the Jess Wilbee farm, 6111 con.
Geo. Wprwddk, 3rd con'., le quite
poorly at present with an attack of
the heart, but many drdende hope for
a speedy recovery
• Mies Velhne •ParslNddget teacher of
SS. no. 3 is sOendllnlg her Raster
holidays' at het home in Moukto•nt -
Mrs. Mary McCartney is a visitor
at the home of her brother Jas: •
Mdoartn'eay 3rd coin',
Majestic Women's
The March meeting of the Majes-
tic Women's Institute was held' at
the home of Mrs. Hugh Lamont
with the president Mrs. - Douglas
Hemingway le the chair. .The meet- I
:mg °pealeed: by singing the Instutute
Ode„ followed by •the Lord's' -Player.
The Roll Call answered by an 'Irish
Joke.' The minutes: of last meet- l
Mg were read by Mrs. B. Herring
way and were ed'opted'. Letters or
business were read and discussed.
Miss Sara McKinnon gave a report
on the party held at Cranerook Hall,
It was decided to donate 915 to
the Patriotic •Oircl'e of Brussels. It
was decided that Mins Sara McKie -
on see about gebting some yarn and
anyone wanting yarn. dor knitting
for war work is to apply to her,
Each member is eo have a sugges,
ilio for the coming year's work, The
Roll Call for April to - be answered
by a "Current Event." ?•Its, B.
Heelingway gave an interesting
reading on the Life of St. Patrick.
Mee A. Lamomlt gave a pleasing
piano solo 'An Easter Massage was
given by Mr's, Speirs, A contest
was held under the direction of Dins.
R. Meek , C'omm'unity singing was
enjoyed for a short time. The
meeting was. bi+cughlt to a close by
slinging "God Save the King." Fol-
lowed by a diei6cious lunch, The
Anna meeting is' to be held at ' 131*
home of Mrs. H. Sambas on Thurs-
day the 11. Plans are to be made
for the year's work and new officer'
erected', Anyone Interested is
urged to attend tlhis meeting.
Being affected• by high blood
pressara•e condition for several
months. Win, Zeigler is now
definitely under Doctor's orders to
take a lengthy, absolutely quiet rest
to es0ua•e a good recovery.
Eenaeryone, who is interested 3n
anal connected with waiting on Mrs,
Wm, Weinman. who for many many -
months has been unable to entirely
care for herself, although save, is
aonlimed :to bed at the present time.
is hopeful, that when the Pleasant
spring weather arrives, she will
again halve the joyous, ersperienee of
being out and amtomg tate natural
beauties of tale outside World,
Tax 'collector Wilber Turnbull
will be in Ethel, April 6th dor the
accommodation. of those malting
paymi•enit of taxes alt that date,
JS the expressed or should we
rattier say the unexpressed steel-
mends orf this comnnundty, regarding
the 'fortivooaning e'leotion, could be
taken to indicate the: attitude of the
dominion' in general, it would stand
out unique, as owe condild ed as
near as possible en a ftlty-flfty
balance, 01 course the result of
the voting of M'ardh 26 will deter-
mieei. Mite matter,
Ina diary kept by a pioneer od
Grew' Twee Huron/ CowntY, which is
now beteg read by the great grand
children of that fentiiyy en a certain
date in the year 1874, it was. record-
ecorded tih*t this: 3s. (Liedtke dray for the
riding etc North Huaion)• it did not
statte whether it wlas provieltial ' er
dominion, but it would be a wade
bet to take, that, the canclidatets did
not campaign fl-omt piaee tto plane
by auboonnbile or adroptatie or send
out meisseges by te'lep'hone or radio.
Yet atter all a parliament Converted.
Steel ))unb'ar has been taking
advantage o1 the good slieighing to
se0ure a welds of tarnima' 3n log
lengths from his siiath 'concession
prOpemty to has' henie tam on Cen.,
8, Grey TIM, for above wood.
An vnt a ustgte incident 9cpurred
The tate Dr. George .Shonttaeed
who. died in Manitoba an the 18th
of March was fomnerly of tibe 9th
coin of Morris. On* brother, Robert
Shortreesl, lives on. the hamest'eadi
on. the 9th con.
Mrs. M. Lowe is ill 'wdtlh pleurisy.
The Young People o1 Ebenezer
tOlrh eco, B2lowmlbowmt will be are-
s'eu:t'tnlg allele Play "Where's Grand-
ma" ie the near lettere. Watch
for further adlv'elitieennent next
recently at the farm: bonne of Ralph.
Rowland, on Clan 7, Grey Tlwtp, when
one of hie good work team of mules
tried frown an attack of acute iwdi-
geetbtoo, This will mean quite a
handicap foe the spring work on the
farrtn, but he may use, tractor power
and need not • replace the animal
.Alter the lose, s'om*tdme ego 01 a
munch adanired dog Of eiteractiee
coloring in 'Ghat' WO:white.
of the c0a0tu hound 'species', the
property' of Modic' Flaneaul3 whtch
had become a genera'1 1*4103dtte, trey
been: repleted by -a yasnger mealier
anianai 01 Mettler breed) and Oaloriag
w+hioh' bide -tsir tie become, with Sts
friendly 'anti' - ktndly+ dietpos3ltdon, an
elven gret'ter favorite than his pre-
decepa0r Stsot. The 1l*1* 'iilog's
matte le Jerry,
, .y