HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-3-13, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST W DN:ESrDAY. MAIZRI•I I6t , 19,10 Cu'CO, 3vicurii 4Ov 0 LESS �to�0.LESS oseittSULTS EASYS" .OPENING. T1.N- CA'NNOT 5P1LL. ovn.'o DOUBLE-ACTING BAKING POWDER x * * * • • a * * * Household Hints * * * * I * * * * • Tired of white sauce made of just butter, flour and milk, with a pinch of salt added for zest? -Then add 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise to give it that zip that makes your company wonder what's happened to that dressed up dish of cauliflower, sal- mon or what have you And if you want to put a bit of pep into that pork roast slit it at intervals, inserting slices of tart apple. Just what's that flavor means to the meat and gravy makes it something to be remembered, Happiness has been descniibed in so many different ways that a num- ber 5of people have doubts as to its exis'ten'ce, 'N�NN�l�M��N�N�N� NNN�l�►1��� Ofinterest To Our_WomenRea ersN�N�N����N��t*�t��'��NN��N►1� TESTED RECIPES ,Eggs for Lent Eggs cure easy to cook, They are economical, a real health food, and they taste good. Dews may be served as the main part of any aneal, but are equally good as an entree or in desserts. The Consumer 'Service Section, Marketing Service, Dominion De- partment of Agriculture, recom- mends the following tested recipes. Golden Glow Eggs 6 eggs 1 mall onion Salt and pepper 2 cups milk 5 thane butter 4 thews. flour Hard cook eggs, remove shell and cut in halves lengthwise. Remove yolks anti press through sieve or break with a fork, Beat until smooth. Add 1 '"tablespoon butter and a little salt and pepper. Pile lightly in the whites. Make a cream sauce. Melt butter, add onion thinly sliced, and cook until olear. Add flour, Stir until smooth, Gradual- ly add milk. Stir until thickened, Season. Pour aver and around eggs in a casserole, Reheat, Garnish with minced parsley before serving. Serves' 6. Scrambled Eggs and Carrots 6 agg tbsps. butter 1. cup grated raw carrot lcup brea d crumbs (about ]Finch square) 6 tabiespaons milk Salt and pepper Melt butter add bread cubes and saueit until golden brown, Mean- while beat eggs until very light. Add milk carrots and seasoning. Pour over the browned bread. Cook slowly, stirring occasionally to pre- vent sticking, Serves 6. Apple Mist 4 eggs 1 cum rolled dry cake crumbs 2 cups sweetened apple sauce A little salt Press apple sauce through sieve. Add fell beaten egg yolks and then cake crumbs. .Beat well with Dover egg beater. Have egg whites very stiffly beaten. Fold in apple mix- ture. Serve very cold with whipped creaan. Sponge Cake 6 eggs 1 tbsp, lemon juice 1 cusp fruit sugar % teaspoon salt 1 cup flour Beat egg yolks until thick and light. Add sugar and continue beat- ing' until sugar Is dissolved, Add lemon juice. Beat whites until very tight, Add salt, Fold egg whites and yolks together. Fold in well anted* flour carefully. Bake in an angel cake pan• 1 hour in a Blow oven (325 degrees F,) 7171. Have You Ever Been Two -Faced? Honest Answer to These Questions Witl Give You Good Idea One face is enough for a woman. When she is two -hated sbe doesn't get along very well. An honest ans- wer to the follewinig questions -will give you a good idea if you have two faces - and are putting the worst one forward. 1. Do you rave over how well a friend looks and then say to an- other :Wendt "Isnt it a Shame the wr.v nem. hes l It herself get fat?" 2. Do you invite people to your house and then pick them apart the next day? 3. Do yon pretend to be a friend cf se'n eon e you actually dislike? 4. nn von agree with the shocked disapproval expressed by one friend of another when you honestly think his erriorls were Testified 5. Do you say you are tolerant anti. yeit blame an individual'sown fau6t5 on his race? 6. Da you do social welfare work and yet reprise tlo g'ive your mated time off? 7. Do you listen sy'm'pathetically to a friend's t.roubleis - and then talk about how tell other people what a dope he is good3aoking some getting into such a mess? man ,s• - unless the mangy is him - Mr 8. Do you preitend' around certain self, pernrle that you do not drink and No man likes. to hear about the th'irk it is terrible - then you do mom' who preceded him in a wo drink? man's, affection,. 9. Da you tell two people who are No man likes to have a woman fighting that you'think each one, of take un too much of the consersa- iheart fa exactly rigout? tion when they are in, a crowd, or 10. Do you pretend to be a friend even when'they are alone, of a woman and say such things to No man likes a woman long who her husiband as "I've never seen doesn't think he its something ape your wife look so nice. That weight tial. is becoming I!o her ", If you have mtono blieit tw'o,f'Y a" answers - tt, is thio to shirt get- ting rid of that 50001111 f60e. Some Things Men Like In Women There Are More They Don't Like - Study The Way to A Man's Heart Mens 'tastes in women 1'3.rle.3, but 'there are some things it 1,s Aare to say no 0501. lures to have a Wo+ man do, anal those are the things that every woman should manage to avoid, writes Ruth Willett. No man lilies to have a woman say flatly: "You're wrong" and then prove it. No man likes to take an attrac- tive woman to a panty and then to have her ignore him in an effort to impress others. No man 'likes to hear about a wo- man's session at the beauty parlor, 1. her health, or her job. No man bikes to hear a woman run down another 'woman - no matter how cleverly she thinks she is getting in her digs. No 'man likes, to have the woman he is dating talk loud or botater- Ous. No man, likes to take to a party a woman who .is ill -alt -ease and un- able to get along with other men and women. No ratan likes to be laughed at when be is being serious. No man likes to have a woman make a fuss in public about ser- vice. No man, likes to have a woman's mind on her work when she is on a date. HE'S 'SOMETI NG SPI3CJAL No man likes to hear a woman Fr The Quality Tea SADA TEA CLEANSING THE SKIN In last week's article on !Skin. Care I dealt with interior cleaning -the foundation for a healthy and 'lovely skin•. Now comes EXTIJROO'R clean - You' may not know that the skin is composed of two. main sections - the outer stein and the inner akin. The outer skin, is continually being changed so $t is necessary to thor- oughly cleanse the skin to remove .the tiny particles of deal cuticle, as well as ,to wash away the dirt and grime. The first item of elcterior cleans- ing .is washing, aria it really is im- portant. Lukewarm 'water is best. Axtrerne hot or cold waiter has a. ten,. deacy to cause split veins and coarsens the skin, Soft water is pre- ferable to hard, and rain waster is Ideal. If the water is too hard, soften. it by adding a dash of bran. Because soap is important and can either help or binder your skin,. I advise , regular use of soothing Palmolive `l soap, because of its cleansing and beautifying results. Anter thoroughly rinsing the skin, cleanse with Threaeurmpose cream, a delightful cream that is a treat for the skin, Now for a fees "don'ts," Don't plaster new make-up on top of a gale one. This pressen in the dint and causes blackhead's anis open pores. Don't use linty powder puffs or ,face towels, Wash them often to destroy any lurking germs. Dont scoff at this advice; 1t is very sound believe me! Send four onecentr stamps for my lrellpful booklet on Beauty Care Anel. .ask abdut your personal beauty problems. Address: Mists Barbara Lynn, Box '15, Station G., Montreal, Que, Better Wear Oat Than Go Rusty Doctor Says, "Never Retire" If You Wish to Enjoy Life After 60 '.1 If you wish' to enjoy life after 60, Dr. Edward L. Bortz, chief of medical service art Lankeneu hos- pital, Philadelphia, prescribes the following rules: 1. Eat sparingly, including more frust. 2. Drinks two quarts of water daily, 3, Rest the body, nerves, intel- lect and emotions. 4. Forget about your worries, 5. Avoid consuming fires of hat- red and jealousy, causes of high Wood pressune. 6. Keep your sense of humor and have a good! time. 7. Cultivate friendships with the young; you have much to leard from youth. lx 8. Grow a little every day Intel- lectually. • '"';y. 9. Read as widely as possible. 10. Never retire. It is far better to wear out than rust. GET YOUR PERMANENT ON THE NEW ,ZENITH HEATERLESS THERMIQUE End Curl $1,00 and -1.50 Including Shampoo Permanent $1.75, $2.25, $3.00 and $5.00 including finger wave and shampoo Dried Finger Wave 25c Shampoo 25c Telephone 55X for Appointment IRENE PEASE over H. B. Allen's Drug Store Average family's monthly con- sumption of Hydro power in Kilowatt -Hours: Average cost (in pennies) per Kilowatt -Hour: 1914 21.0 1919 35.2 5.08 cents 2.82 cents 1924 C-0? 80.2 (1)1 1,89 cents 1929 122,5 1.67 cents 1934 1939 C21 143.3 !1# 1.51 cents 165,0 Lll 1.28 cents . thus, the average Ontario family today a es 7,l/i limes as much electricity as fho average family of 1914. But duo to the steady reduction in Hydro cost, the average domestic Hydro bill 'has increased over this period NOT 7� times -but only from $1.06 to $2,12. 71/2 Times More Electricity for Only Twice the Cost! MR. AND MRS. AVERAGE HYDRO USER: Through the past quarter- century, your cost for Hydro service has become lower and lower.* While the cost of almost everything else has gone up, the cost of Hydro pbwer has come DOWN. Today, Hydro service is your BIGGEST BARGAIN! The chart above tells you the story. Just a glance will show you that as the use of Hydro power has increased, the cost has steadily decreased. Compare what your money buys today with what it bought 25 years ago -and you'll quickly see that today's family enjoys more than 7% times as much electrical service for only twice Me 1914 cost. So, today, due to the efforts of The Hydro- Electric Power Comrnission of Ontario - and your own Municipal Hydro System- it costs you less money to live better. Remember, Hydro is your public utility service . . a service that costs only pennies a day to use and enjoy to the full! *cosi floras and comparisons bused an Wee" and consumption In URBAN areas only, HD•41 fand lowers Living Costs! 'YOU BETTER LIVING ' -and lowers Living Costs! THE HYDRO..E L--EC:'TR:I'C POWEk'" C 0 -N17 -NI 'I" SSION OF. ONTARIO