HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-3-13, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST ALL .5WNS IN PO/NT TO More than ever, people are checking before buying ... and more and more people are agreeing — all signs point to Chevrolet as the soundest economy "buy" of the year! With its new "Royal Clipper" Styling, Chevrolet is the beauty leader ... with its famous Valve -in -Head Engine and Vacuum Power Shift, it's the perf ormance leader ... with its dozens of finer features, it's the outstanding value leader. And it's the only 1940 car that offers you all these better things at lowest cost in purchase price, gas, oil and upkeep! See it, drive it and convince yourself, today. Eye It••Tiu� I�c••��ay I� ! BIGGER INSIDE AND OUTSIDE . . NEW FULL -VISION BODIES BY FISHER ... NEW "ROYAL CLIPPER" STYLING ... IMPROVED VACUUM POWER SHIFT . . • "THE RIDE ROYAL"—CHEVROLET'S PERFECTED KNEE -ACTION RIDING SYSTEM* . . . SUPER -SILENT VALVE -IN -HEAD ENGINE ... PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES ... NEW SEALED BEAM HEADLIGHTS, WITH SEPARATE PARKING LAMPS . More than 175 Important Modern Features in All ! *On Special De Luxe Model: C-448 Orval Whitfield - Champion's Garage BELGRAVE The Girls, Home -making Club held a social evening on Thursday at the home of the leader, Mae Frisby. The young 'people of the Sixth line, about 'thirty, were Present. Games and contests were enjoyed by all. Atter community singing, lunlob was served by the four hostesses: Ruth ,Bradburn, Mae Frisby, Anna McDowell and Eleanor Taylor, On behalf •of the guests, Jahn. Gear moved: a vote of thanks to 'the Home -making Olulb for their hospitality The leader responded briefly. The Young People's Society mot in the schoolroom. of the United Church om Wednesday last with the C'hnistian Citizenship Commlittee in charge May Frisby presided and Elaine Walsh was at the piano. The lesson was read by Wm. McLenag- Ilan ea'd the prayer taken by Bruce Scott. The Topic of the evening.' W. WILLIS Phone 32 pe_ Iight- fuHy Tasty Have you tried our HOT CROSS BUN'S? They are delightfully tasty, with their fruit filling. Just the thing for Lenten menus. Serve HOT CROSS BUNS often during Lent. PI was au address by Leslie Vincent based upon a chapter •fromthe book by Dr. Archer Wallace. entitled 'The Faith of Great Men." There was a good•, attendance. .A brief educa- tional period, followed the meeting. Women's Institute The Canadianization meeting of the Belgrave Women's In.atitute will he held on Tuesday, March 196h at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. J. L. 'Stewart, The convenors are Mars. C. H. Wade and Mrs. J. L. Stewart, Bald 'Call 'Something made in Canada and where it is made. Current Events by Mrs. C. Logan, Music, Miss Freda Jordan. Address, Mise Winnifrekl Lane. Lunch Connmlittee, Mve, R. Yuill, Mus. Cliff. Logan, Mrs: David Arm- strong. All 1adies of .the commun- ity are invited to attend. United Church W.M.S. The W.M.S. of Belgrave United Clin:'ch held their regular monthly meriting on Wednesday, March 6, with a good attendance, The Presi- dent Mrs. H. Wheeler, presided. During the business discussion arran'gemen'ts were made to make bwoquilts for the bale. The wor- ship period followed with a "Tem - pomace reading," by Mrs, J, B; ToWnen•d. Mrs, J. Miller very ably presented the 401 chapter in the study book "The Ministry of Heal- ing 10 India." The meeting was then •closed with brayer • and the benediction. WALTON aace (Intended for Last Week,) 'Mrs, C. H, Drager has returned Bakery mart after spending the past four martafter in Torbnta with her dough - home ter Mite, K. Rattedge,' BRUSSELS. ,.ONT. Pleased Lo state Mr, Walter Brawl - foot retur:ted frim I4itchener Hos-, GET YOUR CHICKS Oltinlit • Give your 1940 chicks a "head start!" Feed them Roe Vitafood Chick Starter. You'll be mighty proud as you see their sturdy, even growth, their smooth feathering, and strong bone—bubbling over with health and vigour; chicks that mean extra egg -dollars this fall. Vitafood is made and shipped fresh daily. Your own chicks will like it better—and its high vita- min content will give them a "head start" and maintain health and vitality. ,,OE CHICK STARTER Sold by: EAST HURON PRODUCE, Brussels ALBERT TRAVISS, Walton FRANK HARRISON, Moncrieff VITAMIZED FOR • , HEALTH.'..FARM • '" PROVEN FOR RESULTS 'aa, WPIDNBSDAY, MAtRCIE i24J 1940 .•NN•N•N~.NN•i National SEW and SAVE Week Intal last week and is doing as well as can be expected•. Mass Helen Steins of Kitchener spent the week end with her mother. Mr. and 'Mrs, Thos. Williamson of the boundary spent d:he week end in To Ponta. Mr. Gilbert McCallum has gone on a trip to the West, The U.F.W.'O. presented their Tray "Taking the Count" on Friday evening, March 8th in the commun- ity -hall with a capacity crowd. The actors took their parts nveli and was a play wen worth hearing. A glance follower the play $64,50 was taken 'in at the door. 'Proceeds were in aid of the Rerl' Cross. Born—To MT. and Mrs. Wes Hack - well, on March 2, a ,daughter. amisrawarammarssimarimmigiggi SEE OUR • Spring Line of Prnts Priced at 18c ro 29c °�° MILL ENDS •We have Just opened up cases of Mill Ends, bought at a price to save you money. CASE 'OF 40 INCH FACTORY COTTON 12c Light weight, yard CASE OR 36 INCH and 40 INCH FACTORY COTTON 7 7c. Heavy, yard 1 I CASE OF 40 INCH and 42 INCH BLEACHED CIRCULAR '5 PILLOW COTTON In Wabasso Fine Cloth, yard CASE OF FANCY COTTON CREPES, YARD 25c EASE OF TADOUSAC COTTON DRESS GOODS, also suitable for shirting, or for making the very best quilt lining, 25c many fancy patterns, yard a7 SILK HOSE JUST ARRIVED, NEW SPRING SHADES In our new store we find we have not room for Ladies Coats and Dresses and are clearing these out at your price. Dresses from A few good winter coats at 89c Up $5.00 John T;ac" onald "The Store with The Reputation" Listowel, Ont. H4N••••O••M•N•••NNOV O••N•••NNN1♦N••••eH•• Evelyn Dark Honoured Before Departure Taken from the Nipawin Advertiser Journal of Sask. The High School girls of White Fox entertained et a skating ,pantry and handkerchief Shower on Tues., evening. January 30 for Evelyn Dark who lett on Wednesday morning for Brussels, Ontario to make an exten- ded visit with her grandmother. An hour was spent in skating after which eighteen girl, repaired to the home od Mrs. Thai:ninon. Music and contests were indulged in after which lunch was served. Arida. Bell male the presentation in a few well chosen word's to - which Evelyn very fittingly replied. The panty closed by the Singing of "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow," On Monday evening, January 29 the members df the Suaday school class of which Evelyn was a mem- ber entertained in her honor at the home of her teacher, Mr•s Breathier. She was presented with a Friendship motto by members of the class. The ScnkIay School gave her a cedar chest filled with stationery in recognition of her faithful work in the 'Sunday school, Her many friends wish her a pleasant stay in her new home, F. F HOMUTH Analytical Optornetri„--, guarantees you the Best Eye Service Harriston, phone 118 Brussels (Second Thur ' Phone Sensational Paint Offer from Febuary 15th to March 15th 600 Quarts Soveregin Paints 49c Varnishes & EnamelsPer Quart The Product is Good «» Price Sensational By special arrangement with manufacturer we are allowed to offer this amazing sale QUICK DRYING ENAMEL White, Ivory & Pale Green PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL Light t Grey, Dark Grey, Yellow & Tan and Medium Brown FLAT WALL PAINT GROUND COLOR r White, Ivory, Nile Green Clear All -Use Varnish HOUSE PAINTS White, Ivory, Light Green Buff and Cream Light Oak Dark Oak VARNISH STAIN DAVISON'S H44RDWARE Phone 17 - Brussels