HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-3-13, Page 1the „POST PUBLISHING HOUSE 'WE HAVE- sh+'Cr12'p, Tender Celery t9talka porta Fresh Heacl. Le:truce yoilr- Fruit ttit Grewar's, Pay ir4t wad' buy it far Leas, Large ;Nl ?aY Or'aPeartat avid Oranges, , a laataraily'vdta:Maw:1 Wholesante food, ' A. GREWAR'S Cash and Carry WE SELL FOR LESS MIDNIGHT DANCE —at-- ROYAL -T DANCE HALL WI'NGHAM SUNDAY, MARCH 24th Dancing to commence at 12.15 to the music of BENNY PALMER Western Ontario's Foremost Dance Band. Admission — — 50c REG NT SEAFORTF{ NOW PLAYING Roy Rogers Mary Hart Frontier Pony Express MON., TUES., AWED. John Barrymore Peter Holden The Great Man Votes with Virginia Weidier A comedy drama one you will long remember NEXT THUR., FRI. and SAT. Groucho Marx Chic Marx Harpo Marx Room Service Lucille Ball Ann Miller Three men in a hotel room with gags as their baggage and laughs as their room rent also The Three Mesqulteers In Santa Fe Stampede an all time Western COMING Bobby Breen IN Way Down South Men's Concert Last Tuesday evening it splendid concert by the men et Brussels Mated 'Clautioh was presented in t'te Town Hall. A large ,audience greeted the arilets and actors as ;they rapipeiaretill •tn their various' roles, Deming the intemmtselon the Sunday eSchoo1 orchestra under the direction of Mr. K. Ashton ,enter- tained •the awdieuce, w i:tit ,11ve Y music. Rev, R, J, Mahoney acted as chairman. Bert Bla'c'k gave a Haiwalea •g'ulaar solo, Mr, Cliff. Beecham ,favo'redi with: a Trombone solo and Mr. WIQ1 Praetor -with. a Violin solo, Mee Garnias anel Mr. Ashton ably assisted the accoin¢aand- ment, The Musical Rota e Album Prov- ed a polsulear neunber with the Quartette and Jim Cameron assisting the actors In pantomime. Members of the quamteette were Mr, M. Lay- cacic, Lloyd'' and Glen Wheeler, and Tam Strachan, who tact gave a solo. The following were the players- in the Musical Picture Album: Juanita, George McNichol; Amite Laurie, Ross Nichol; Pink Parasol; Kenme,th Walker; B111y Boy, Billy Rana; Nellie Grey, Benn Whdttaad; Mist. Gia•1, Donald San- dc.tson; Fatty, Harris Bell; Sweet Genevieve, aim Bryant.; School Days, Bobhy and Jimmy Jewell; That Girl, Ed. Jewell; Good Night Ladiea by quartette. Mr. Elmer. Been ably assisted by Mr. A. Rana coneluctel a Professor Quiz contest which was heantily appreciated by all. Many aspirants Por the prize -m'on'ey went home the richer, 'Moving plotures were shown by the Minister. The final number was a half hoar minstrel show under the supervision. of Mr. Lorne Eclemier. Mr, Ben Whittard greatly amused' the audience with his antics and clever dancing. It is to be hoped that in the near future the Ladies will present a versatile program comparable to the men's^ concert which they chal- lenged. NOTICE— Mr. Ed. Bates has received his new spring suit samples and it would, pay you to •look over these samples• before buying. �r�g�lg Vogt Wednesday, March 13th, 1940 BR'USSEL,S ONTARIO Local News Items L. E. CARDIFF TO SPEAK Mr. L. 16, Cardiff, National Con- •servad&vb' Candiddate for Huron North, wd14 speak over CKNX 'bap en •Saraurday, night, March 16th, at 6.46 p,m. Women's Liberal Association to Meet The Brussels Women's Liberal Association will hokl a meeting art the home of Mrs, A. ,Strachan on Tuesday evebdng, March 19th, at 8 P.M. All ladles interested are cordially incited to attend. NOTICE TO FARMERS— Your seed is the most important part of your crop. We have Empire Brand Superior No. 1 Seed con- forming to specific Gov't. test. See aur First, ,at McCracken's Grater»'. Phones 43 & 27 Change of flour For Women's.3t:stitute On Friday aftea':;oon at 2 o'clock Instead, of 3 o'olook the Brussels Women's +Inabitute will meet in the Library, The Ro11 Call will be, "Beautidul souuding Words," the motto 'Receive my instructions not silver and knowledge rather than choice gold' 'will be taken by Mrs. 5, Wheeler, Mrs. 0, Drummond will give the' paper on, "Art in rela- tion to Education?' and has con- sented to give an exhibition of a group of her paintings. All the ladies of the commnndty are cordial- ly invited, Notice— Oa Wednesday, March the 20515 at 2 o'clock p.m. In the Township Hall art Ethel Dr. D. A. l'dclntosh of the Ontario Veterinary College will give an address on the subject of Veter- inary- Science. This meeting eh!oul'd be af'Tnterest to all farmers in the Town5•labp of Grey surd a lenge turn out is ex- pected. Brussels, Ont. . Phone 8X -r -4H. A. Keys, Reeve eNeNNeeNrMA'eNeNNeNN•NeNe•e've'n ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HEAR Hon. Norman McLarty Dominion Minister of Labor and R. J. DEACHMAN Liberal cnnamate for North Huron TOWN HALL ..BRUSSELS riday, March 15th HON. NORMAN McLARTY Everyone Welcome Cod North Huron Liberal Association. Iee••eNNNr•1•111ace• The King. iN•s111•11•i1i11r111a'••Iv1iNi•N1••1ii•Nii+1•••1111y1N••* At 3 P THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR THE ISSUES CLEARLY EXPLAINED. R. J. DEACHMAN St. Joint's A. Y. P. A. The regular meeting of St, John's A.Y,P.A., was head la' the vestmY room cf the Church at 8 p.m, on Monday ,evening. The meeting was opened With Hymn' 710. The presi- dent wok chargee and read evening prayer. The Scripture was read by Mr. Laycock. Tote minutes of the last meeting were read and the roll called, The meeting was closed and games were enjoyed by all, under the direction of lir. Lay- cock. —til—a— Presentation On' Monday evening, the' employ- ees of. the Tedephon.e Company were entertained at the home of M. Robinson, The evening was spent in a social manner, after which a St. Patrick's lunch was served by Me hostess, During 'the evening Mr, Mon:vdgh, chairman of the company on, behalf of .the staff, presented' Mrs, Lyle Brothers, a recent bride, with a handsome end table, Mrs. Brothers, in her usual happy manner thanked• the staff for the gift. This concluded a Pleasant evening for the employees. At the. Churches ,Services In Melville Presbyterian Church were coneducted by the min. later, Rev. S. herr. A trio by 'Graham Scott, Gerald Gibson. and Will Bing was given at the morning service and an anthem at night. Services in the United Church an Sunday were conducted by the rain; later, Rev, H. J. Mahoney. The choir contributed an anthem at the morn - ins and evening services. Services in St. John's .Anglican Church were conducted by the Rec- tor, Rev, Frank Watts, both morn ing and evening. United Church W. M. S. The regular meeting of the Wo - maxi's - Missionary Society of the United. Church was held on Thurs- day afternoon, Manch 7th, A• letter frgm Mrlsa Sybil Courticee who. is on furlough from Japan was read. She regretted that she was. not able to come to address am open meeting of the Society. Mos. Nichol's group had charge of the program. Theme for Manch 'Into all the world.' The topic was taken by Mrs. Nichol. Mess Skelton told of Miss Margaret Mustard's•. work in the hospital at Helsmst. The spring Thankoffering will be taken 1n April. Struggle Ended valiant little Finland ended a 3% monthrs bitter struggle Wednesday at 31 a,m. (4 amt., EJS.T,) The .courageous Finnish army, fighting a 'foe 50 times, her side+ lacked. weapons; unable tn' accent foreign offers of help was forced to yield to 'Russia. In return for peace they had to supremdar more soil and economic and malt:are independence than demanded before lase war. Great Britain' and France dis- drosed Ti reedaY they had offered Feb, •260h, to send 50,000 •troops'• tr Finland) but the only possible route was through Norway and Sweden, 'who refused to let the troops through. This refusal proved an unconquerable obstacle DIED ' ARMSTRONG—In Morita tawneehlp oa , Tneadae, Manch Lath, 1940, tSueanmah Love, beloved wife of die late George Armnatrong. Age 85 aeass, 9 months. The ,Private funeral will be held) from the reslde:ice of ber eon Edwin Arm- strong, Morris ' tcornaltip, . on • Thursday, March 14411, ,Service at 2 o'clock. Intent In• Brussel cemetery. The United Church REV, H. J. MAHONEY, Is,A., B,D, PREACHER 11 a.m.—R. C, Copeland of Exeter, will preach for call. 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p,m.—Rev. R. C. Copeland Everyone In the congregation Is urged to attend in order to vote on your choice. Tuesday, March 19th—Y, P. U. Is Invited to Walton. Good Friday Service at 10.30 a,m, A Fine Tribute Probably the most remeatkOlble tmi'bule ever paid to a political can- didate appears In the adveaitdsemaent of the Noalth 'Huron Liberal Association on. another page of this lasue. . It colleist5 el extracts Erol porsontta lettere and press coeur- menta, from as far wekt as Victoria through to Montreal. at covers a wide range 0f eubjecta', bit with particular empbasle upon the Tural problem Of which Mr. Deachman has made a very careful study and oe wiuleb he has given several remarkable pronouncements In the House of Commons. Not only hae he been; active on the floor of the Horse, but on Coarmittees. In the Piiess and on the public Platform. His articles written last summed' from Wingitam with references to the surrounding towns' of Corrie, Dnugannon, Auburn anal other little but important spots attracted wide attention and were reprinted' in many papers in this county. His. article entitled "Back To The Town was a splendid presentation of the contention that we have leaned too much en the cities and have paid too little attention 10 the toe'ns. The city too often has. a 'powerful voice -while the towns and the rural areas are not suf- ficiently vocal to make their opinions felt in the Councils of the I' Nation. Nature's Column Please accept my apology for the absence of Nature's Column last week—or did you' miss it I have to repolit about a success- ful birdfeeding project ^caroled out on Toa'y Hill during this present winter, On one sunehiuey day, last weeds, at one time, three Blue Jays and a Cardinal were fed. Visits from, Chicadees, Woodpeckers and Nuthatches are of daily occurrence, Why not try your hand at feeding birds for the rest of March. If the snow persists some birds may need your bread: crumbs, corn or sun- flower seeds and bits of suet', Placed On wooden shelf in a sheltered sunny spot you would soon have quite a 'tou'rist raafflc from the birds. The Cardinals are the big (8 ins.) red birds which are startling in the brightness of their colour- The famlale is brownish .yellow with touches of red, The call is a series of bright cheery whistles. During the last Sew winters these birds have been quite often found in Ontario. Can it .be that human help in their food problem has persuaded therm to favour us with their bright colours all winter long. Morris Council ' Minutes of meeting. held in the Township Hall on MonLday, March Lithe, 1940, The members of the council were all present, 'Dile Reeve presiding, The minutes of the last meeting weer read and adopted. The council deeded. to pay no relief atter March 31st. The council deeded to have the main township roadie opened when sleighs can not be used om the high- ways. ighways. It was d'eoideed to employ ' Hal+ry • Workman' to crush and deliver gravel on the roads, the cost of die work will be the same as last year, but there will be a caving in fees to the workman's compensa- tion' board, The SNlowing patrohnene were appointed' far -1940; Sinn. : Appleby Alex . Campbell, Jan: Johnntony Anther Edgar, Alex Shaw, Gorden' Walker, Chas, Wamvdok, John ,Mc- Gill, Johne Lowe, Sema Alaiic'k, Geo. Alcock, Leslie Fear, Joseph Bewley, Harvey IBrown, Chas. Worira:an, Fred flti'ase hill, Tom B.tydges. A co tai50 paid—. Municipal World Surpevldes ,,,, 10.08 Law Cots re County equald• eaten, appeals, 137.81 General Toronto Hospital Mrs, Parish 2.50' Insulin 4,93 ¥rI. Logan (relief) 35;00 R. 11, Shoptreed', error in ,taxes Corporation' Biyla, relief Mangle) F. Atinleanl reeve, expellees, to the Read Coneverntion, Poroulto 15.00 Belgrave street lights 3.92, Cottncrvil Will meet April 8, 1940. A. MaaclaWen, Clerk, Nomination Meeting Held at Wi"nghaine Wingham, ldeYCTI 7 z,� Hnron I+Ionbh pgmination ' al. left!: Iai Wibi ham Town Hall 1.3,7,...&11 afternoon, nomiivationi pope JIalIalta flied by R. J, Deaebauan, ea:i,a w1T Libera4 candidate, and: Eletoa L. Cardiff, of Brussels, National Gov- ernaneelt candidate; The names were tiled with J, F. Fisher, the re- eturndng &lacer, Mayor J. H. Craw- ford was chalrnian of the meeting which followed, The meeting was a stormy one. Mr. Deachnnan attacked the Oa - position tear preparing to "swap horses in midstream." He ridiculed the idea that a new group of legis- lators could be expected, Ito. carry on the work of the present Gov- ernment. "Mr. Cardiff says that tariffs are not important," deolare'd Mr. ' Deaclaman, 'yet during each elec- tion, for the past 20 years, tariffs formed' the main plank in the Con- servative platform and they advo- cated tariffs as a cure-all, "The Cona'erve,tives said we were leading the country into ruin, and - yet when we examine the case for Tatra •prodmeotse you 'will find :hat they increased during the period between 1935 and 1959 by $1,220,000 over the previous five years. A gov- ernment which led us in peace can lead us in the time of a struggle, Raising ,More Hogs ,"Mr, Cardiff has ,declared' that under the present government, the farmers are getting only enough money that they are raising hogs for the exercise. I disagree with him because the famneats are rats~ ing 1,120,000 more huge this year than. lash year. They would not be raising hogs Per the Sun of it. When we examine the record, we find that farmers are getting between $4 and $5 a hundred more for hogs tban1,they were in 1933 or 1932,. "When I was rworkdn5g at the House of .Commons to have Sky Harbor airport taken over by thfs- gavee'nment for the training of pilots," dee'lared Mr. Dea.oltmam, Mr. Cardiff, wase stalking up and down the riding whispering that I Was nota resident of Huron County. He states in his, advertising that I do not pay taxes In Huron County. What right does 'paying taxes to Huron give aim to stand in, the House of Comcnone and vote with the Conservatives :to have your cattle shut out of the Ameiytucep Market." Scores War Record Mr. Cardiff recused the Domi- nion' Government of being unpre Pared, dor war. He said that when war broke out they had nothing, and that mein of the Second Division had to be stripped to clothe the :nen of the F1rat Divisions Patronage In contracts found them 'Midi guns with crooked barrels, and aneechan- ized divisions are training without e single mechanical apart. He bhaaged that at the outfreak of the war, all ,the IJirverai Govern- ment did was to instal a few coast guns and gun sheds. "They built a. gun shed 3m Wing - ham," said the speaker, "and all the Pod' It will be is to bug coasts la when • thejre ie a dance in the �. monies, We do not have a Liberal Red Crosse or a eConselrvatdve Rea U+ose. Nor db' 'we have Libertal or Conservative soldiers. In aur we Should have a National Govern- Mot aver-Ment without patty polities. Mr. Deachenan •:should, be ashamed even, to snenttion, the aitipoilt at Godeatch tteea'uaee he didn't do anything fpr it ' Opposes Seaway 'As Tar as I an, ecothCeauved, my leader, Ilr. Manion, said atter the outbreak of war that we were to 'INLop cal,yigmdng, Tdin.E ds' 'What I 'diel. I was a'ot going upexaacidotty awls, the ridging apearktng about Mr. Deaclirnant I well flgbrt :the 'St. Lawrence wat'eniweys alchem , which Was . eagimeeaed by PremierIKtng', and it 1 son elected, I will ibe n tall, time man and saes* dry trove in the riding and serving dtee in'tensebe." 1,60 J)elchanaai, in has rebvtal, de- Tendied his leaderdor' di'seolvang 3:04 Parliament by declaring: "As :neon be Parltanren,t was' •called, the 00/1, s m`rt:Ito:a started in; on it lituninlg earulpamgn• for election and: started to harp on minor details and would Contlnlred on, back Pege