HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-3-6, Page 7THE BRUSSELS PAST
W iPNlaISD,A+Y. MARCH 6th, 194E
How Much Has
Lady Luck To Do
With Hog Raising?
The other day we were at an,auc-
ticea sale, where there were several
lots of small pigs for sale. The price
at- which they sold was; quite satis-
factory. Especially was this true
of the better class of "sucker" pig.
There is generally quite a bit of dis-
ousision 'round an emotion. ring, • and
if you really want to know what
,farmers are talking about, and their
differing opinions concerning the
price: of faran products, the govern-
ment, and' the many other subjects
farmers are interested in there isn't
a better place to learn• than around
the auction ring. Fact Is that prob-
ably not one in ten who attends a
farm auction really goes there to
imake avy'purchaaes:.
Is >ebur-e.ndla-half to ,five• dollars a,
fair •price for a six or seven weeks
old pig? ' Can the farmer make any
money raising little pigs et that
figure? Can the purchaser expect
to'haye any pollt, when. he markets
these purchased )hogs in from four
to five months time?
We heard.a lively diScuesien on
these subjeots'the other day, and
always it seemed the question of
"luck" entered into the picture, Yes,
you could make good profit's raising
young pugs to be gold as feeders a
any price above four dollars, pro-
vided you had "good luck,'' We take
it that by good luck is meant fairly
large idtte's raised; to the weaning
age. Pe .sonally we have never
had very muck "quick" in the rear-
ing of these silky Iittle things that
grow up to be pork en the hoof.
Frankly, we db not knew whether
our failures are actually the result
of mismanagement or whether -
removed promptly and efficiently.
Simply phone "COLLECT" b
"luck" ds really against us.
* *
It wouldbe an easy matter for
any farmer to neane men who have
had many years of lucky experience
in the business of hog -raising. Then
thingswould go dead wrong, and no
miter how many different strains
of hogs were tried, there would to
few pigs at weaning time. Again
there are others, many of them
who tell the very opposite as their
.experience, and neither of these two
classes of farmers can actually tell
why they are getting the changed
A prominent pig -breeder, whose
hags have wont mens ,prizes at lean-
ing shows, especially in the carcass
classes,told u* once that "luck" bad
no part in: the business whatever,
and we were more or less inclined
to agree with him. Perhaps there
was something wrong with the
strain ofhogs we were breeding
them, or perhaps we give our sows
imprope 'attention. A few months
ago we oust the same breeder and
he stated that they hadn't had
"much luck this Fall." Litters
were small and the !pigs did not
seem to thrive •properly, He could
give no reason for this except that
it was "just a streak of tough luck.''
With silent yet perceptible determination and without
need of regimentation or special organization, the
Canadian Farmer has accepted the responsibility which
is his, to maintain a ready abundance of the vital
foodstuffs so essential for the Empire and the success
of its great cause.
Difficulties and disappointments may have impeded
his progress through the trying years from which he is
just emerging, but provided, as he now is, with purpose
nobler than self-interest, he sets himself to the task with
loftier ambition and renewed energy. Eager he is for
that conscious recognition within himself of having a
definite and necessary part in the Empire's struggle to
retain and maintain our dearly won and highly treasured
freedom. Zealous is he that his contribution may be
worthy and adequate.
By his side ever ready to help make more effective
the farmer's effort is the Canadian Implement Maker
whose co-operation in furnishing the most efficient
machines enables him to multiply his output and extend
his activities so that today he produces more with less
manpower and in the most economical manner yet attained.
-Never were demands of Empire more urgent—never'
was the Canadian farmer better fitted or better equipped
to meet whatever demands may be made. Massey.
Harris prizes proudly the distinction it has earned os—
"The Service Arm of. The Canadian Farm."
,Jar -r. ;ife
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So it Is that many of us like to take
the credit for our success, when.
things go right, and lay the blame
on "Lady Luck" when things go
* .k
Many farmers are now finding.
that their grain) 'bine are getting
low and that feed must be purchas-
ed too in order to finish the 'much
larger- than average number of logs
on feed; and they are beginning to
realize that advancing feed costs
are making the fixed price a deal
less attractive. There are many
faruners who claim that the fixing
of a price, on bacon was a mistake
on the apart of the governmaen't,
This may be explained by ;he fact
that many farmers expected hog
Prices' to go to twelve, fourteen, or
fukiteen cents a pound, live weirht.
this Spring. If the price had not
been fixed there is no doubt about it
bacon. pricey would not have aver
aged as high. Britain could have
bought pork ge ducts' at a much,
lower price in the 1.7..S. A. than the
Price she is. paying Canada.
* * i.
The Farmer who can regularly
count on a litter of from eight to
ten good 'seeker pigs to market
twice a year 'at four dollars each,
has a much better proposition, in
our opinion, than the man who buys
those pigs and feeds them to a
marketable weight. In fact, he has
about the most profitalble animal on
the farm in a good brood! sow. We
are not guaranteeing the future,
though. There has been a tremen-
dous increase in the production . of
little pigs, and, that increase Is not
even yet well under way. Even In
wartime there will be a limit to the
number of hogs the Canadian farm-
er can prrofltatdy'produos.
Now Is Good
Time For
Seed Cleaning
Should be started early in season
—valuable 'pamphlet free from Ont.
Dept. of Agriculture.
Seed cleaning should roe started
early in the season when ether work
is not so pressing andthere is more
bulk from which to select seeding
requirements, states John D. Mac-
Leod, .Crops, Seeds and Weeds
Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture,
Toronto. All seed should be clean-
ed at least twice. The object the
flet time is to remove small, light
material and weed) seeds, so that a
much better .grading job will be
accomplished by the second clean-
Do not teed the mill too fast, e
well graded sample cannot be ex-
pected .if the machine is fed to its
full capacity. Do not be afraid of
blowing heavy grain, in fact, to do
a good jab the odd heavy kernel
must be blown out,
'Scouring is now considered• a
necessary ,part of cleaning oats.
Tails are removed, double oasts etre
broken up, small weed. seeds are
shaken out of the crease in the
kernel and a palish is given the
sample, ,As a result of scouring,
grain. 1* easier to clean, it flows
through, the seeder .more evenly
malting possible a lower rate of
seeding and it is believed that the
sample germinates More uniformly.
The fanning mill should be set
where an abundance of light is
available, it should be level and
eo!id and turned with a uniform
When selecting screen for clean-
ing oats an eftont should be anade to
select two and probably three Of
each in order that one may 'have a
second or third choice. The follow-
ing screens have proven to be the
beat as riddles for cleaning oats:
7-64 x 3' and, 8-64 x - zinc oblong
and ,%, x 6 wire mesh; 7-64 r % has
proven the best for most varieties
of cats. However, In some of the
Older mills where the wind comas
right ttp tba,ouglt the riddle, % x 6
wire mesh has proven to be a geed
screen ae• .the wind has greater
effect in lifting light mina. Double
oats should be removed. They
* Of course not -- but some
motorists do — and somebody
pays. We offer sound insurance
advice; quick, helpful service.
doomp •
Brussels, - Ont.
We Represent:—
Writing selected risks in — Automobile, Fire, Plate Class, Burglary,
Public Liability, and other general insurance. Head Office, Toronto.
are usually spongy and light and
should never reach the seeder box.
The following are recommended
ae grading screens: 1-12 x %; 1-13
x 1/2 and 1-14 x 1 zinc oblong. Late I
varieties of oats which are smaller
usually, require 1-13 x 1 or 1-14 x 'iz.
For grading 11ulles's Oats 1-12 x 1
is recommended, as a riddle and, 1-16
x 1/2 as a grading screen.
A pamphlet on teed cleaning, also
on the operation of a fanning mill
are available on request. Write
the Crege, Seeds, and Weeds Branch,
Oat. Depot. of Agriculture, Toronto.
Urging Ontario Farmers to stive
for greater production to meet war-
time needs, W. R. Reek, Deputy
Minister of Agriculture, has warn-
ed; the Ontario Agricultural Council
that such increase could only be
attained suocestsfully by increasing
yields on the land now under culti-
"Concentrate on good land and
good seeds," he advised. "In this
wriy you can increase production
without breaking more land; thus
avoiding the difficulty of trying to
farm marginal land's."
Manure is not in itself a balanc-
ed' fertilizer, being very low in
phosphorous, but it contains. notable
amounts of nitrogen and potash
and these are present chiefly in
the diquddl portion which too often
is allowed: to leach awa, Apart
from its value as a source of plant
food manure, possesses other virt-
ues. It improves the texture and
moisture -holding capacity of soil
and builds up the humus content,
and also introduces the beneficial
bacterial organismh• which in tie
known and unknown ways promote
favourable biological and. chemical
Processes in the soil.
School Fairs
, official announcenrnet has
been received by the various Agri-
cultural Representatives in Ontarlo
to the effect that all rural .School
Fairs will be cancelled for 1940 as a
matter of war -time economy.
* * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * ,s *
Don't be too anxious for 'the
snow to go. 'Sno'w cowering the
garden is a great blessing. It may
be the difference between winter
killed vines and plants and a beau-
tiful healthy garden next summer.
Your garden under•ile mantle of
snow and ice de a lovely thing—
the fallen) leaves blown by the
wind, are foamed into a warm
sheltering blanket of proterition by
the very force that put thean there
The seed's, scattered by Nature's
Own ways, are safely tucked Intl
the earth and )germinate and
"carry onf' again.
The leaves are curled and folded
against undue exposure The dis-
carded taps of some plants mulch
the ground below to keep all snug
and warm.
Full of assurance that "ail iii
well," under the snow repose the
seed's. and 'bulbs, gathering strengith
for the re-anvakaning next Spring.
We could: learn. from our gardens
many lessons in patience, the need
of rest, and the striving for per-
.Eggs may be introduced early in-
to the diet of the young for they are
one of the most easily digested of
all foods.
Have you ordered' your spring
fertilizer, Do not Wait ,for the last
minute rush. Order Now. If you
haven't tried: Witlt's High Test, all
Canadian mnanulfactured fertilizer
give it a try now and you will wee
no other.
Jacob Fische',
phone 76-r-2 Brussels'
Start to -day Feeding Sun -Ray Concentrates to your
Poultry & Hogs Sun -Ray 35% Concentrate with your
own grains for better Egg Production.
grains for faster growth and Bigger Profits.
Enquire about these feeds
to -day also free literature on
feeding for profits.
Phone 80 Brussels