HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-3-6, Page 6WEDNESDAY. MMWR Qui, 1944 THE BRUSSELS POST omFoeopoo.fo 1 li Lot 16, Con, 16, Township of 'Grey, 100 ,agree. Good stone house, Bank barn. implement house. Good well with windmill, Possession, April 1st, 1940, trice $375Q, plus value wheat and plowing. . Suitable terms may be arranged. Parts Lots 27 'and 28; Con. 14, Township of Hullett, 233 acres pasture Franke house, Good well withwindmill, also spring creek. price, $4760, on iaui'tabie terms. North-west '4 Lot 16 and North-east %4 Lot 17, Con. 13, McKlllop,76 acre, with 7 acres bush, frame house, small barn. Partly tiled. Price $3000. plus value wheat and plowing. Easy terms to suitable purchaser. - APPLY - Mr. James McFadzean, Brussels or Mr. Fred Moloy, Thedford BLUEVALE Rev, Fred Fowler, of Vancouver, has aoeepfted the all from Biuevale nd ladies Presbyterian churches. Ito gall be Indueted on the afternoon CC {,Iced Prfday; and will 'preach his .lust sermon In his new charge on for the creamery. Tne Ice on •toe pond was of good duality, twenty inches thick; the square blocks averaging 290 pound's, In one after- noon 56 tons were harvested. In the absence of the president, Smith Robertson presided through- out the meeting of the Y.P.C. of the :tauter Sunday. Rear. Mr. Fowler United Church on Friday evening Is well known in this Presbytery, Rev. C. Tavener real in Troyer and having some time ago been pastor of Mies Maxine Elliott read the Scrip - Melville church, Brusesle, for five tare lesson. years, Biuevale congregation has Mrs. George Thomson, had been without a minister for more charge of the topic, "Quest For than a year. Truth," using foreign countries es In three days a gang of men cut an exemrple of the earnest desire for and stored *rte err^n"ner, sapply or ice a greater knowledge of the truth. Following the devotiional meeting 44444-4H44♦♦♦e♦sa♦♦4♦♦0♦a♦♦♦4♦♦a♦♦♦♦♦1♦H♦♦+a♦Oet ;• 444-44,-**- tea o ,a - Twp of Grey NO'T'ICE net Cornu of a T'a r `1;7E1n6 By£;airy pursuant to the "Tsle Drainage cent'•" to Besets Kinsey to ,a:anai' in :tire Cpru,iraadon of Tile ,r.re2_ If rtsf cegnt app ca baaa ewe re a^,, r ,est ars of Farms:. The Cecil, vacpme tri Bassa( frosa the Pro- vincial 'Government the Ner stsry Sem& to assist in the Conalrnd ors Of T e D• -a n aene Tosornaihip of Grey. For information Consult exy= member of the Carmel or the Clerk, Application Terms. in. he had at the Clerk's Office. J. fi FEAR, Clerk,. a 1)erio-d of rsoretuttall..w i alertedy y to o. Vt� u under the direotk)w �e MI's, Aeb phi?us Bi Sbeoit' pltr w, JUST LIKE w;r%a{say iaaw4a•*4"cti aaKwFa4a a+*a`♦a♦a+ra�♦y 4i?6aes`++y*1y4 March 31st Is $et j Indian Sees As Deadline For 1939 Plates and Licenses Signs Of No exten,;ion of time will be granted beyond March. 31. for ate or Early spring the 1939 plata and tieerwaea. in making tris atunouneernent, J. spring will come early. The husk P. 11k k'•11, Registrar of Motor Ve' an the torn last fall was thin, The 1lktes urged all •motorbsta to al lure their permits and licenses immed.- tutely. While many car owners thrcufihout the province have al- ready assured 'their new 1040 plates, rt:nards slaw 'tbit4 there are thous- ands wile face the proe'ar.t or find- ing thent,nlveee in the last-minule runt unless they act without delay ()Metals at the Motor Vehicle:4 Reue.h declarn that tlta motoring public rould easily avert thy mean mimes, and anti '11.•0 of waiting in t trued "les i jrh that will t tk • it few miner, - now hitt 1t may tr. + " one' otilclttd s r •11' bate the phrG.s and Beene es read): it's now up to the Alt Efforts Fail To Save Listowel United Church Fire, which originated In' the riwitwil box, completely gutted the tTnlOed obunch Thursday afternoon. The alarm wee sounded ehort'iy eider twe1vetthirtY, and there wa8 ail immediate response by a host of citizens., who did' all thatsmtt se elide towalvi removing fa and equipment, The officials, are willows are showing light orange and full buds. Hicicary nuts were left on, the trees by 'the squirrels before snow fell. Raspberries rip. coed again last October. There is no doubt about It. Spring will come early. t911a La this prePheey of Chief Jerry Blueyes, 74 -year-old Cay- uga, ay-utt Indian, of the Six Nations near Brantford, Oat, "Nobody can fool 'nature, and nature gives tbo malar tiro eig119 or the stamens," lie said. "These things tell: me the snow will dis- appear early. The warm weather will follow quidkly. It will bo au surly spring and a good spring dor motorists. but March 31 is pasitivoiy the Indian people,'• the headline." a. alight Specialist for Over 20 Years bailie itei, Stratford COMPLETE EYECNT SERVICE EYE$ EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED MODERATE PRICES Brussels Office - Miss Hingston'6 Store Every Wednesday Atterneen 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. PHONE 5,1 = BRUSSELS grateful for the assisiten'ce rendered oy the mdnr6)ere of the 97th sad 100th Batteries and citizens in general. Th's firemen ren'derea eerie/lent,service, but it 'was difficult blaze to fight on account of the height of the building. At first it was' thought the fire originated in the furnace.: roam as the blaze was all at the rear of the building. It 'vas soon discovered however that the cause of the fire was in' the electric service box. The blaze soon spread' to the roof, anti in an hour's time had crept to the front of the eddt8ee, and by degrees the roof collaps'ed. The organ, oil course, will be a total loss, as well as all the pews and electrical flan tures'. All the tables, chairs, stoves, cupboards, eVc. dn' the basement wea'e saved, as well as the choir music, butt it. is Reared that some of the organ''st's music in, the choir loft was lose". The roar of the shed at the rear of the church caught fire a few tithes but was soon, extinguished. Mr. Ed. Jernlyn's house to the south was else in danger for a time. Mr. L,W. Payne has kindly offered the use of the Capitol Theatre for the Sunday services and these will be held there on Sunday at the usual hours. The present church was built in 1866 and our years, ago this sum- mer was extensively renovated and a new lighting system installed. Morris Council Meeting ino-lel were played auti Commua• ity singing followed. The girls had as their guest speaker Mrs. 3. P. Anderson, of Wingllaim, Who gave o splendid account of part of hex visit to European countries' follow • ing the Great War. TatataikgWas very much ealeyed by the Irlluleit was served and a very pleas- ant time was' brought to a close. Mist, Velma. Wheeler was a re- cent ece t visikii in Toronto, The Foresters' Hail, Belgrave, was well filled on WedneatlaY nigbt when the Anglican ,Church preisetlted, a pr'ogra'm featuring the pictures of the Royal visit tour. Mel Bradburn acted as a cradrman. Other numbers on the program were tap dancing by Dorothy Wade and William Brydges, a piano solo by Nora Van Camp and a tap dance by Vera, Montgomery. Auction Sale Horses, 42 Head Cattle, Pigs, Implements, Hay and Grain for BERT LAKE Lot 23. .Con. 7, Grey Twp., in the VILLAGE OF ETHEL THURSDAY, MARCH 7th at 12 o'clock noon, sharp Horses— Bay Gelding 7 yrs old Bay Gelding 4 yrs• old General Purpose Horse 11 yrs old General Purpose Horse 3 Yrs old Cows— 2 Cow 7 yrs old, freshens July 20 2 Cow 6 yrs old fresh 2 months 3 'Cow 6 yre old due time of sale 4 Cow 4 yrs' old due time of rale 5 Cow 4 yrs old. freshens Mar, 16 Cattle— m Bull 1 old 6 Durha yr 7 & 8 2 Hereford Heifers 1>h yrs 9 & 10 1 Roan and 1 Hereford Helfer 13/4 yrs Minutes of Council meeting held in 11 & 12 Roan and black Heifer 1 yr the Township Hall on Monday, Feb- 1 111 & 14 Pr, Holstein Heifers rising 1 12 1940 1 15 & 16 Pr. Gurney Heifers rising 1 rusty The. minutes of the last meeting 1 17 & 18 Pr, Black Heifers rising 1. were read andadopted. It was & 19 20 P. of part 53'elsey Heifers decided to procure copies of the rising one yr old Municipal World for .members of 21 & 02 Pr, Aberdeen Angus the Council and the Road •Superin one yr old ter:dsr'1 The Council 'peals 23 & 24 Pr. Red Durham Steers ed a resolution to send the Reeve one yr old and the Road Superintendent to the 25 ,& 26 Red and roan Steers 1 Yr Good Roads Convention. The audi- 27 & 28 Pr. of White Durham Steers tors presented their report which 2 yrs. old, 900 lbs. was pronounced correct and adopt- 29 & 30 Wh-cite and Blue Steers ed By-law no. 4 authorizing the 2 yrs old, 900 lbs Reeve and Treasurer to borrow, on 29 & 30 White and Blue Steers the credit of the Township, in sums 2 yra old, 900 lbs u» to ten thousand' dollars if noes- 33 & 34 Pr. red Durham Steers sexy and authorizing the Treasurer 2 yrs old, 9511, lbs. to sign, cheques for the Township 35 & 36 Red and Black Steers as usual, 2 yrs old, 950 The following accounts were 37 & 38 2 Hereford Steers 2 yrs old paid: 960 pounds For Short Course At BeLgrave 39 & 40 Pr. roan' Steers 2 yrs old Rent Foresters' Hall 26.00 1000 pounds 41 & 42 Red Durham and Hereford Steers 2 yrs old, 900 lbs. I Hogs— York Sow with 10 pigs 4 wks old York Saw due April 30th 7 Piga around 130 lbs, 8 Pigs around 75 lbs. 3 Pigs around 176 lbs, Implem•ents— M.H. Binder 7-61. cut, ;Scattier F. & W, Side -Rake, new F. & W. Hay Loader Corn Cultivator Deering Mower 6 9t, cu',. Coolashutt Fertilizer Drill Sfrt»g-tooth Cultivator Set Iron Harrows, 6 sections Ceokshutt Walking Plow Hamilton Walking Ploy Single furrow Corlcahutt riding plow Manure Spreader Panning Mill 11.I5. Steel Land Roller Cutter Steel Wheel Truck Wagon Set of light Sleighs with flat rack Set if 2000 lb. Scales 2 Situ of Team Harness Set t f single Driving 1larness Renfrew Cream Separtor 2 Churns Wire :Stretchers Fula, Guaira(, Shoveis lite. Hay and Grain— — _- .A quantity of flay tt les. Vtr.fory Oats fit for Seed 500, flus. ar mixed grain, Barley & Oats 10 . good clean Timothy Seed T E taste—CAS H piece --Irl the Village of Ethel On Highway. Sale' can be reach- P ed by Car. No Reserve as Proprietor has sold the farm BERT LAKE—proprietor F. W. KEMP--Auctioneer. Orange Hall 9.50 Relied (Rankle) corporation at Blytth 5.59 Municipal World: 2 assess- mes t Rolle and one Coller+torls Roll 19.18 Relief (wood John, Monis) to Joho Warwick 9.75 Accouwtts•— Charles. Johnston and R. McKinnon audit and DC,n'''re ., 41.75 B. 0, II.. Pete,, MoNa1, Frank Duurans A. Mac- Ewen, each 3.00 Dr. Stewart, M.H.O. 20.00 The Count then ndjoerne:d re meet ad the Kali on Monday, March 11, 1940. A. MacEwen, Clerk, BELGRAVE The Young People's Society sed in the srhool roomor the tin.ited Church on Thursday of last week with 1110 Chrisldan •tlitizenghip Coro. reittee In cargo. Clarence Yuill pre - aided an:d Dlatne Whish ac'ihtfi as pianist. The lecsou 'tuns read by Rob. Yuill. The topic for the er:-n!rs 1'it? 'sted r.•r an addru,s on "The Relation at a Yonne; P-oples Scat ie•h• to the last resticn of a C^'rat nen'1 " end' was Chen by Anna Crratby, After the meeting the Young 3lrn's cht,ir b.'?,1 a sin g- Irg pt •,•tics; itt pieivtn. ,en tor' the re/el: •re Sunday ;erviee, A young men'; choir led the slag. hut in the united Church service on Sutulay morning cast. The •tceixltn Girls' Claes of Knee United Church Sunday School met e" ih'r_ home of their teacher, Mrs. N. Keating for a social time. Games a Chinese checkers end ¢sok• eomny This de testa a ins 25 moult 04 l "( tike Pud1Y Flour boss for ail my baking because„, or One. e1 TWelYS Other Cub Prins; 2nd Prize • $15 3rd Prize - $ 5 Ten Prizes - $1 Each Your Purity Flour dealer will give you complete da'1 ls of this contest—ask him for free Recipe Booklet, give you helpful suggestions. y cgs S 104 (1210 C4 )610 A.M.Ar' every Meg Winpham, (1200 kej 11.10 A.M. FL`OUR PURIT9 Best for all your Aaking Makes Men Liars, All Women Idiots Vancouver Physician Says That's What Love Does To You' Men are liars and, women are idiolts- 'where love is concerned. Dr. D. J. Malin, a 3"h'ysicion, has been telling a 'Ipremtaritai clinic" under the 5,0351oes of the Vancouver Y.M„C.A. He urged prospective brides and grooms to 'nee their 'heads” even though obey be swooning with ro- mari is love. The psychology of marriage Was most important and should be given serious thought by man and women) seeking mates. "All meat are flare where love is concerned, and all women are id- iots," he said. "After all, you have to eat—and that is only one o8 the many factors which enter in- to the ,problem of marriage. ,ONLY 50% MARRIAGES GO "You are all running a big chance in, getting married, and I venture to say that not more than 50 per cont of marriages, are enc. costal. "If I were a girl I would fall for the man who is hard to shift in any direction, but sticks 'to the straight and narrow and steady path," he declared. 'Such a nista was not likely to be a neurotic, he told. :the girls. "It seems to me that the woman le usually the one who suffers. Women can't get along without at- tention." GET YOUR PERMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLESS THERMIQUE End Curl $1.00 and -1.60 Including Shampoo Permanent 51.75, $2.25, $3.00 and $5.00 including ftnger wave and shampoo Dried Finger Wave 25c Shampoo 25o Telephone 55X for Appointment IR,ENE PEASE over H. B. Allen's Drug Store USE MORE 70.t EATING tOOKiNC APPLES OF-AWKINDS A delicious healthful food for dessert or lunch 0�'8clntosh, Spys, Snows and Tolman Sweets Also good cooking apples FOR SALE AT East Huron Produce Emporium Phone 66 Brussels