HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-3-6, Page 4THE BRIi$S€4s POST W1dDNIOSPAY. MA'R'CH 4th, 1040' r- 6.441141,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••44 r qtr, *. `iI;a°..•ructott Ste FARM STOCK d. IMPLEMANTS At Lot 5, Con. 4, Grey i TUESDAY, MARCH 19th 1 FACTS AND. FALLACIE The Voters Must Choose R. J, Deaohman Liberal Candidate for North Huron. l9 t.S 5i • S 'ealtdaig in ellaSa+ra Falls :a feat/ boys a'so Dr, Manion( said, "We profited from the' 8r3l3sh, Market as a result of the Empire trade aoudereuee, but Mr, KIngdestroyed many of the pre- ferences we got at ,that time and we are suffering from the effects of that policy today." The emphasized 'part of that statement is false, Why did Dr, Mahlon make it? He did not make it merely because it was false. He .made It because he did net know any abetter, Mr. Cardiff admits that' he does not understand figures. Neither does Dr. Manion. In the lash four years of Liberal rule 'total Canad8an emporia% increased 50% over the level of the previous four year period o Coieerva- t'ive rule. Edmonds to the Un6ted 'Kingcbdm went up over 50%, while exports to the United 'States increased 66%. 'Phe figures are for the calendar year in each caee. I's, there in, tbeise facts the slightest Emmett for the 'effete- ment gusted above frown the Leader of the Opposition? I challenge Dr. Manion or any other persons +to .show four. yearn which reveal a sharper increase in exports over the previous, lour years'. Then haw did we :suffer? Did we suffer from an in'creas'e in exports? Every notion tries to increase its exports. The Manion - Cardiff statement is "false". It is calculated to deceive. I'mpunts( inerees'ecl also. Here are total .imports into Canada during the four years) of Liberaipolicy and the preceding tour yeaiys of Cene'emvative policy, Imports into Canada 1932 '315 inclusive under 'C'onesrvafatve rule •••••••.,••••••• 1,917,000,000 1936 - '89 inclusive under Lbberel rule $2,872,000,000 DId the increase in 'imports destroy Canadian indkistry? That is the type of argument: the average protectionist makes., It is a wild indineencepltion. Em'plo'yment is. always' as rte highest levels when imports are greatest. The record oe workers engaged in end i re try for 1939, is almost 309,000 greater than' in 19.655. Menthe must elapse before the figures for value oe manufactured products' arae complete for 1939, but ;between 19345 and 1938 the prodaotlon *it,: manufactured goods increasedmore than in any other Similar per. lad In'Canadian history. Here are the figures available t'o'any'body, from official sources. Value Canad!anManufadturing Production 1936 $2,663,900,000 1938 $3,322,400,000 Increase $ 668,500,000 Will Mr, 'Cardiff answer this challenge Will Dr. Manion? Why do these men misrepresent the taste? Is there another of the grow@ of unhappy warriors, wbo will aitemplt to answer it? Dr. Manionfs Niagara Fa6Is speech was devoted largely oto farmers. It was mainly a tariff argument. He seean'edto forget for a moment the contention of Mr. MacPherson that tariffs do not matter. Mr, Cardiff suggests that this, s'houl'd not be discussed, tetil it ,to Messrs, Manion and Ma.oPheawan! r. At bis' Niagara Falls meeting Dr. Manion said:, "Farmers are suffering because they got too low a price for the things they prodaiced and paid; too high a price for the things' they had to buy.,, I•n the 1930 camipaign Mr. BenneUL proposed to remedy this condttioa>,, He said; "Farmers, I will make tariffs fight tor you". And the result? The taniff turned its guns against the far- mer — it will do it again'. The piece of farm products beiiween 1932 andi 1935 averaged 65%n of the 1926 level — from 1936 to 1939-"ifir elusive, under Liberal rule, its average was 74%, In other word's you received in 1926 $1.00 for farm products for which from 1932 to 1936 inclusive you received only 65 cents. UndierLiberal rule you received .orver 74 cents' — an increatse of 35%. Dr, Manlion knows whait is ,wrong, He hasstated it dearly in the statement quoted above. He relaxes to a+;,d•1y the remedies — the Lilberals have alp- p.icdi the remedy - it le working but limited by the threat of wee during the lasts two years. 4. Jrnd'gelnant is' necessary in decisions of statesm'enc liven with the figtu•ee• available Dr, Manion does not know tan to proceed- The page's o'f'eeonamlic history are filled with 'Lho evitbence —the • on'Ly thing tweets, can do fur farmers is to destroy their market. Bet if Dr, Mission lacks judgement on these matters .how could he be expected' to direct the organization of a great 'wee ef- fart? Do his wild and erratic statements indicate the teanperement necesesry for oalan and reasoned judgements on' great issues? From whence would come hli's'Cabin'et? He is suppesed to',conscript men freers other walks et life to serve under him, It takes more than a ,desire to enter a Cabinet to make ,a minister. The pacsea:+t governiment offers men of ability, training and wide experience. To throw these meu out and 'bring In others, now un,i.u_wni 111+ the'mddst of a wain would be a tragedy, Vote Liberal, The people of Canada will never attempt to swap horses crossing a ,dangerous stream. Health Huron Liberal Association, N44444444440444♦444444044444440444440,44440444444444te Read the Ads. At 1 p.mHorsesee /30ra ,Metre In foal 1 Grey Mare in foal 1 Gr Mare in ,„foat 32 Geldings', rifling 1 Year old Fillies, tieing 1 year old Cae- 1 ,Derham Cow, ng 1, Holsteinttlto . freshmilkien in Aprf1 1;:Jiotstein, fresh Holstein, to 'freshen in June 1, Holstein to ,freshen sin June 1 holstein milking 1.. Holstein, dry ;p ,. 1'H'ol'stein, to freshen In May 2 Holstein Heifers, to fresh in July 1, Holstein Heifer, rising 2 year old 2 Durham Heifers, 1 year old 2 Durham Steers, rising 1 year old 4 Calves Bigsr- 1 Sow, bred 10 Chunks, about 50 pounds 6 Chunks, about 60 pounds 7 Fat Pigs Implements 1 Massey Harris Binder 5 -foot cut I. Massey Harris Mower, 6 -foot cut 1 Dunrp Rake 1 Set of Harrows 1 Single -furrow Riding Plow 1 3 -furrow Tractor Plow 2 Wagons 1 Set of bench Sleighs 1 Set team Harness Number of other articles/ too numerous to mention TERMS—CASH Mrs. C. ,RAYMOND—Proprietress. F. W. KEMP—Auctioneer. CLEARING Auction ',-;ale of FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS HAY, GRAIN & FURNITURE • at Lot 10, Con. 16, Grey Twp., on FRIDAY, MARCH 29th, 1940 at 1 o'clock Everything to be sold as Farm. is Rented Horses - 1 Novy Dralt Mare, 12 yrs old 1 Heavy Draft Mere, aged 1 Driring Mare, 12 yrs'. old Cattle - 1 Cow, due April 16Th, 1 Cow; due Seplt. 6th i •*'vo yr. old Fatter, due Sept. 9th • 1 Dow, due Nov. 26Th 1'Co'w milking 2 two-year-old Steers 2 one -year-old Reefers 2 one -year-old Steers 3 Calves, 6 months, old Pigs— 1 Sour with litter 4 weeks old time of sale 1 Soav d'e May 7th 1 Sow due Juno 10th Implements - 1 Masse1 Harris' Binder, 6 It. cut with sheaf carrier 1 Massey Harris Mower 6 ft. 1 Massey Harris: Iiay Loader 1 Deering Duanp Rake 10 ft. 1 Maxwell reader 1 ,Noxon! Seed, Drill, 12 hoe 1 Pelter Hamilton' Cultivator 1 Steel Land Roller -^•' e.eection Harrows 1 Riding Plow 1 Walking Plow 1 Two furrow Piow 1 Tudhope Wagan 1 Truck Wagon 1 Buggie 2 Set Harrows 1 See single Harness 1 Cutter - 1 Gravel Box 16 et. with roller car 1 Hay Rack Px 1 Flat Bottom 1 ^Se't Slings 1 Faarl!ng Mill with bagger 1 Wagon BoX 1 Pig k 1 Set SleigRachs 1 Sr.ufflei• 1 Set Scales' (1200 lbs.) 1 Root Pulper Grain Eagle 2 Horse Blankets 1Vlliffle' Treeq. 1 Grind 'Stone .. 1 Bag Mattel. Gene Robe 1 Bugg), Pole' Neck Yokes 1 Wheel Barrow Chains, Forks, Shovels and other articles too nuanerous to - m melon, Hey, about 7 teats Grain, B'ariev 'about 70 hns. Cats about 350 bus. Furniture - 2 Beds and Kitchen Claire • ,4" A granti+ty o+1 Potatoes TERMS -CASH GEORGE H. ELLIOTT_Auctioneee WILBUR TURtIBULL_Clerk t JAMES S. HOi1STON--Proprietor. • ETHEL HEiL. Miss Ada Wni3U1a'w lute +taken a position in G, A.'Punbar's store Ilelen BwteMen ban' been. laid up wirafu' a bed odd, brat is' on a fair way to recovery. About 30 of (Ike y'ouug people of Ethel and eonimenilty 'wenn to Braise seta Thursday of last week and eaa- 3oyeti+ the )fours. skating tat 'the riniti"" ,Oftarlie Keifer gave them tramper - batten In 1318+ big motor truok. The condition, of John king's liea6lth ha.s not varied much for a month or monq, from weakness' and graldtual decline, Wan. Ziegler our genial dry goody, and grocery gtaneIkeeper suffered a stroke Wednesday of last week, but fortunately w•as ke:ie to resume partial duties✓ in a few days, and, is hopeful of making full recovery. In' late eventing 'S'aturday of Iasi week an unw•euel1 glow or reeieotdon was noticed on a village lot, on deter investigation it was found that hot ashes had+ been emptied, at the edge of "the pile of comparatively dry material near some buiidinge and would Soon+ have 'bro'ken into flames, however a.1Iea well that ends well, The nettle sorrel mare familiarly known as Bessie, driven. ley Bryan Ames on Ethel R,M.D. rotate, died Sunday night, a few hours after receiving, in some unhieaoumtable way a Punicture of 'the lunge. Thursday, Feb, 29, .Ethel W.M.S. of United' (church sent birthday gresanga• to Mns. ,Chanalbera of At- wood', although she has atitained to 92 years of age, tihs is only the 22nd reoecurrance of her birthdaty diate. Mrs. Chambers was given life mem- bership credentierls in .the W.M.S. while resident at Ethel before her going to Atwood. Not only the chmreh peo'p'le of the village, but of this, entire community feel deepest regret and eaitend sym- pathy to Listawei United church people in the recent loss by fire of their so splendid church property. Ethel Presbyterian church congre- gational 'Banquet was held March 1st under Ideal conditions as to weather and roads and; was most delightfully succeselfu1. The Women's Institute will meet an Tburs'day afternoon, March 14191 at the home of Mts. Leslie' Lake at 2.30. The motto, Be good sweet maid+ and let who will be Stever, will be 'taken' by Mary McIntosh, The roll can, well be answered with Auction Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Mr. Geo. E. Elliott, Clinton, has - 'received instructions from the un- dersigned to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION at Lot 14, Con. 4, Morris, on THURSDAY, MATCH 21st oommencirrg at 1 o'clock, the following Valuable •articles— Horses— 1 Teem Aged 'Mares 1 Driving Horse, 7 yr. old, c 111ett single or double 2 Cows, 3 yr, old, supposed, he calf 2 Cows, 4 yr, oidb supposed in calf 2 Heifers, rising 3 yrs. 1 Steer, rising 2 yrs. 1 Heifer rising 2 yrs. 1 Pure Bred Shorthorn Bull, 18 months old 3 Steers, rising 1 yr. old 1 Heifer, rasing 1 yr, old 2 Fall Calves Pigs - 1 Pure Bred York Sow, Weldwood Breed . 'Chunks, about 1,70 lbs. 6 Pips, ready to wean implements - 1 Massey Harris Binder, 7 ft. cut 1 Massey Harrie' Manure Spreader 1 Deering Side Backe 1 Deering Hoy Loader 1 Deering Mower 6 4t, nut 1 Cocks'huitt Single Riding Plow 1 Peter Hamilton Seed Drill 1 Deering Disc 1 Hay Rake 1 Land Roller ' 1 Daisy Churn 1 Wagon 1 Set Sloop Sleighs kl 1 Rolling Hay Rack i Set Harrows 1 Hay Fork end' .Slings 4 pieces cut for Tongues Quantity I3ay ,Alfalfa and Timothy Set Double Burmese Set Plow I•Iarnese 1 Crosscut' Saw 1 C'anthook 1 Ditching Spade Polite Chains, Shovels and etitee cuticles' too =nerves to mention. Salo is without reserve as Prop - Meter Is giving up farming. TERMS—STRICTLY CASH JAMES SHEDDEN, Prop, 1VAN M..ARTER,,Clerk. Breeding Coups � Ie carry out Systematic Breeding B3► )fixing Trapnests Constantly and by Heading Our Matings with cockerels from hens With high egg records Be assured of Profitable Egg Layers ORDER NOW 5 per cent Disco urt on Chicks) and Baby Pullets on orders received before March 15 From: WALTER ROSE Poultry Farm, - - Brussels P.O. Box 90 Phone; 38X -r-4 i 'Hint's on fire protection.' The topic '014 customs in Iretendr will be token, b)y (Aire. W. Bremner. Contest A. Spelling Match, Irish Jokes. Alt ladies of the communl1ty are cortlial- ly invited to be present. On. February 5th Mr• and MTs. S. J. Nichol, Ammer residents of 1'i'ihel, now living in Regina celebrate their gbtxlen wedding anniversary. They received numerous gifts and mes- sages and tinning the day manly Iriemde called to offer their con- gratulations. They were liveried im Howick Tcwxnandp, The bride be- ing Josephine Murray, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mur•. ray, Beuanore, , Mrs. Nichol is e e'.iri'er of Mrs. David ILivingeton, Weston. BRITISH BLOCKADE EFFECTIVE 'So effective has been the British Navy blockade that Germany is forced to use extreme measures to secure her vital necessities, and today without the ald of Russia would find it practically impossible to continue. We still remember at home when Mother Nature put up a serious blockade each winter, and often certain com- munities were without outside connections for a week or two. a few all winter, Buttoday conditions are different, and your highway tnansportation reaches your door daily to give you a service only Targe cities could expect., a few years ago. For fast service, Anywhere, Anytime USE LISTOWEL TRANSPORT LINES TELEPHONE 155 Limited JAMESTOWN - WALTON Miss A. Irene Grainger, R.N., of Toronto has returned after spending a week with her mother Mr,s Wm, Grainger. Mrs, Walton Goodwin of Lloyd, mtnster, Alta„ is epen4ing surae Sime aft the home of her mother Mrs. Wan. Grainger. Mee. Wan. Grainger, we are sorry to hear, is Con.flnled'to leer bed. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grainger and Donna of Inkster, Mich., visited 'villr the fomner'a parents last week. The U.F.W.O. meeting was held at Mrs. A, 'Counts on Feb, 21st with 18 ladies present, Mrs. Geo. Love gave a talk on "How to Win Primula and Imfluenoe Pea31e." Lunch was served at the close of the meeting, The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Nelson Reidle en Marcia 20th. Mrs. M. Holland will give a talk on "The Beaulty and Culture of the Home," A demonstration will be given by Mrs; W. 0, Bennett. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Order -Your Hot Cross Buns ? - - AT RO:LAND'S BAKERY Phone 113X - Brussels, Ont.