HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-3-6, Page 1POST PUBIISH,ING HOUSE
Tuesday, March 12
at 8 p.m. — Town' Hall
presented by the Men of
Brussels United Church
Instrumental & Vocal Numbers
Minstrel Show
Professor Quiz Contest
conducted by Elsner Bell
you may be the lucky prize
Admission -- 'Adults, 25c
Children, 10c
St. Patrick's Dance. ,
Music By—
Bill, Pete and Shorty
Best Dressed Couple
Best Dressed Gent
Best Dressed ,Lady„`..;
•Best Comic Gent
Best Comic Lady
Tyronne newer Alice Faye
Rose of
Washington Square
Claude Rains Jeffry Lynn
Four Wives
The Lane Slaters and Gale Page
"Four Daughters' become
"Four Wives" Still Lovely '
Lively. ,and Gay
Salvation Army. 1..
War Appeal ;11:01
During the war et 191.4 - 18 the
Salvation Arany did great seevice .to
the boys in ,the ataenchee. They
desire to do the seine •tor . our ,tOr13
engaged in 'this was'. Tine re4ulnee
funds. Por that reason all mi ni-
eipollL'J1ea have been asked to organ-
ize comustttees•to make an appeal
to everyonfor a6tsistan eel.. le this
great suss 'e wont,
In, Brussels an appeal ie• being
made .and cantvaeser'a will c6111 at
your re.sed'enee 'luring slier week of
M>aroh 11 • 16,
For those not reached he the
canvassers, who Wish Lo aelsiSt con•,
tributions, will be accepted by the
following_ anern0rers of the com
m4'btee: Dr. T. McRae, E. D.
Bern, Lorne Saunter, T. Preen Rev.
Mahbnen, D. N. McDonald, • Donald
Mie'Tavienn R. F. Dawning, A. • W coda.
D. A. Bann, Chairman,
"We dislike guys 1
none -e riticize•. ,.. ,i'x�8• a r.i.i ,.
And minimize
The other guys e
Whose enrterprleo
Has made 'them rise
Above the guys
Who criticize
And min*milze
The other guys."
Roy Rogers Mary Hart
Frontier Pony ,
Raymond Halton Edward Keene
The lifetime of the Empire Builders'
The ,Frontier Pony Express
The Great
Man Votes
The U.F.W.O. of Walton Community
are sponsoring a play
on the evening of
Friday, March 8th
In the Community Hall, Walton
The following is the cast
01 Ohara'ctere--
John Allison—Alvin. MeiDonuald
Emily Allison --Mrs. Jas. Smith
Joy Allison—Mss. Bert Johnston ,.;.
Mrs. Laura Howard—
, Miss Margaret Knox
Jlmrnnie Howard—Reg. Pryce
'Eddie Lester ;Earle Coutts
Count Nicholas l8tnaldo
Bert Jo'hnaton
Doctor Langford—Mac Cardiff
Thos. Dumont Harvey Stephenson
Augusta ;Dumont -3d S. Leslie Oliver
Phyllis Dumont—.
Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill
Lennie—I1een Stephenson
Following the Play a Dance
will be held
Proceeds in aid of Red Cross
1 work
Admission 35c and 15c
Local News Items
1Vleiville Y.P.S.
The Y. P. ,S. of Melville Church
held their weenly meeting on Man
day evening with the preeldent,
Thomas Mt{Fa+dzean in the chair.
Prayer was given by Margaret Gib-
son; Scripture reading by Jeans, Mc-
Donald. The topic was taken by; Jim
Lamont, • . t Fs I
Presentation Is Made
To Brussels Couple
A community panty yeas held'., in
the Town Hall on Thursday evening
do honor ot ler. and Mrs. George
Davidson, which a large crowd an
tended. Dancing to the Smith and
Evans, Orchestra was much enjoyed
During the evening a purse± of
Money was presented• to the young
couple, Reelte, Robert Bowman, read
the adhere and George Evans 'and
Clifford. Beanie mane the erresenita-
tion, in abehalt of the company.:Mr.
Davidson madea eud* +bee reply; in
behalf et his wife and hiundielf.
Lunch wee served and danbing
continued until ' the early haurs.
Mr. Davidson will .soon be ' leav-
ing for Owen Sound where be is
empiloyed, on the boat C. D, Seoord.
Melville W.M.S.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Womenls Missionary Society et
Melville church was held in the
Primary room on Friday, March let,
at 3 p.m., with the president, Mrs,
Harald Parker, in tbe chair. The
meeting was oven'sdi with the Lord's
Prayer. The scripture wasread by
Mrs. Thor. McDonald. The prayer
was offered by Miss Susan Hislop
The .secretary real the minute;; ot
the last meeting and this 'was fol-
lowed by the treasurer's report. In
the 'business• period, plans were die.
cusnet for an El:mennee Tea, and it
was decided to hold Ibis at the
home of Mrs, John Galbraith on
March the 13th. Miss Margaret
Hyslop brough an Easter Message
'to the meeting. This was followed
'by a solo sung by Mrs. Earngey
Current events were given by ,Mrs.
A. H. Macdonald. The meeting
was closed with ,bhe benediction.
Hot. Norrnan McLarty
Dominion Minister of Labor
Liberal Candidate for North Huron
Friday, March 15th
At 3 O'clock P. Mn
Everyone Welcome
R. J. Deachrnan God Save The King.
North ,Huron Liberal Association.
United Church Y.P.S.
The Y, P. S. of the United; church
wee held on Monda.y elveming with
Betty ;Currie in charge. A vocal
duet was given by J'cau and Merle
Sanderson; sidles ot Ulster in tbe
northern part o2 Ireland were
Fordson Tractor
Demonstrated At
Sanderson's Garage
A large number of farm friends
were •present, Seturday afternoon at
Samdeatsonfe Garage, local repre-
s'entative for. ' L, & W. Jackson
Meters, Fords Dealers of,, Listowel, to
view the performlanice of the 1940
Fordaon Tractor with the new
Ferguson Systebn whidh allows the
operator cormp1ete control of the
plow from the driver's, seat. A
power take -off: can also be attached
for • Standard attachments. The
'entice' of thele email but mighty
Machine are amazing.
St. John's A.Y.P.A.
The regular meeting a1 St, John's
A. Y. P. A. was held in+ ,the vestry
room of the church. The meeting
was opened with Hymn 662. Rev. +I
Watts read the Scripture. The
,president read the opening prayers.
The minutes o1 the last meeting
vreire read, The roll was called
ant every one answered with a
verse of the Bible containing word
"Joy." 'Phe business was taken' us,
Bill Coleman gave an interesting
Haled on "Lord iGort," aster 'which
the Benediotioa was ,pronounced
by the rector.
Editiona Edition
say "Oh it only 'takes a
to read tile 'Post', If it
es you a inute to read
sal paper it means you are
net lea ping the full benefice offered
b pages. Local advertising
on all the pages and it is
to you r advantage to read the ads
et local merchants carefdlly.
T er you, throng;, tnis medium.
You May not be aware of
otherwise. Items of local interest
also appear on all pages and You
may mins,
many things in which you
would, be interested if you read, only
the outside pages. This. week the
will be particularly emthus-
over •tires page headed Bake -a -
eek im Brussels,
only talc
y its
hey ods
Cake W
In M
of th
St. A
a noted preacher, am able adnrinie�-
tttator, a musician. and • author. He
is, a graduate of Glasgo', Umiversmiy
and, vers didtdnguished course
there, winning the•Black Fellowship,
which entitled him to lecture in the
'University for 'two years. In' the
loot war he eervetb in the Tank
Omani with the rank, of Captain. He
graduated in theology in 1912, and
for some brae Mewed es •Senior
Aes+itstant at Glasgow Cathedral
alter teen years an nuinesiter od
Belmont Pariah, Glasgow $0Llolwing
bhe war, he came to 'Canada. Dr
Parker is very widely known
throughonit Cements, because et his
variedgilts and arresting personal-
ity, It is hop0d that really will
embrace the opportunity to hear
him when he visits Wbngbam on
Thursday, Mardi the 14th. .The
aer•vite will commence at 8 p.m,
Pussy Willows
Herald Spring
Pulesty willows were in evidence ah
the Grey council tweeting on Satur-
day, brougla in Iby some o$ the
menebers who appareat1y are nob
able/nous'to these lovely harbi'nigers
d1 spring. We read of fresh maple
syrup offerer& fel, sale at a nearby
city market. Certain, trees are
putting forth buds and nub morn-
ing we are awakened by the busy
chabteying of manly 'birds in the
treew outside our winidere, Can it
be that spring is almost with us'?
It begin's to look as if we man be
hopeful of finding it with us some
sunray morning on.
Bruslsela, March 4th, 1940
Dear Editor: '
At tide time on behalf of the enRetitle° of •nrussela Branch, Canad-
ian Red 'Crass, I w4sh to thank all
who oontmibuted also the gamma
err wh9 gave their time so 'freely,
and assisted us in going over our
objective. We are forwarding 30%
to Divisional Headquarters, Toronto,
bo be used for National and over-
seas services. I might gine you a
list' of money donated by Canadian
Red Cross Society since December
15th, 1939,
Tapalow Hospital, equipment
& Research Labonatory ,520,000
Finns h Red Cross..50,000"
Polish Relied
Ambulance Unwt
The Navy League of
Greet Britain r.
Britiish Red Cross
Canadian Legion War
Services Inc. 40,000.
Resitdential 'Club & Recrea-
tional 'Centra Halifax.." 25,•000.
Recreational Club, London 50,000.
St. John Ambulance Assoc, 25,000.
Turkish eemthgoake
iJhristma+y Festivities
'Canadian Troops
Moderator Visiting
Maitland Presbytery
Thursday, March the 14th, the
+tor o.[ the Predlbyterian
hs Rev. Dr, Stuart Pewter, 08
ndrew•s Church, Toronto, will
in Wdnghaan Presbyte'cian
Church. The Moderator, who is
in the Maitland Presbytery
on the 13th and 14th, hopes to get
in tou
Ch with Rhe people of the
Presbytery by preaching in Kin
cartNt m
ne and Winglra, Dr. Parker
to Canada from. the church of
n,d in 1923 and' on May the 4th
at year he was inducted into,
ndrew's C'humeb, Toronto ,of
he has been minister for near.
lyseventeen yease. Dr. Parker is
TOTAL $960,000.
The balance et your donation will
.be used ,to purchase materiel for
Lad4es,' Pataiotic Circle to be made
an as specifications •supplied by
Canadian Red •Cross for war pur
poeee. ; 'We 'thlank 'the Ladles for
their cooperation, the goads that
have bear, shipped by the ladies 'of
Brusbeis were shipped, to .Canadian
Red Cross', Toronto, The report
compliments the ladies on the
splendid workmanship.
The =wens of our effort depends
ena.airely en the individual effort, I
hope our organization w411 continue
to have your support, The war will
not 'be won in a hurry, let us not
get impatient because blood is, net
being spieled more freely for every
caeualtl fs somebody's: eon, husband=
or father, anti •'Oe. era home continue
to live' as If nothing had happened,
indeed how' meaty of ue+ (rave given
up one solitary ,eileasure or luxury.
Our patriotism is measued, not by
,buying bonds at a high rate of
inherent, brut by doing our dingy aR
home'or, ire the army We are all
too 'reads to continue the old slogan,
Winners of Shields
Are Presented
With Awards
Juanar and Imfterunedia,te schen-ere
a the Ebenezer United. Church I lint
day Saheol have recently taken, me
Nat1on:a1 Temmerance Study cocelle
under the direction of Mrs', J. 7.
Sellars and: have beep successful 0m.
errors eng the shield for Huron Conan
tv, Last ,Sunday at the regular
edterneon service, members of
class, including Hellen ;Seelane, Marne
S'er:lars Shirley Agar, Dorothy Flare
er, Barbara Thyme, Bol. Fraser
and Jack Beaman 'were ,presented
with a Bible, a, hymn book or a
story by the ,pastor, Rev. C. Tavern.
en, on behalf of the Sunday School,
.The pupils an the P•ublie. School
are haring a holiday owing to the
teacher William Blacklmore, having •
an attack of fiu; Mrs. Joeeleh 'Cur-
-Hs is with her einem', ,Mrs. Laura.
Kitten 0 Tnrmberry; ,Mrs. Kirton
is suffering from an infected finger.
Women's Institute
The February ,meeting a the Wo- •
men's find/Uinta which bad been
postponed, was held on SSSstur'dny,
March 2nd: jointly with a eta= ce
girls who took a short clears= under
the leadership of Mrs, Jas. Arm-
strong, "The 'Olub Girl Entettains,'e
and 'they call themselves "Supper
Sellien." The meeting was ,In
charge of Mrs, Armstrong and atter
the business pant was taken: care of
the girls put on a ,short frogman,
Elizabeth Seeker and Jtan+et ging
played, •a pie= ,duet. Gladys David
son gave a reading, Jean Speitten
sung a sokand, Mauna Minter outlin-
ed. their nreetinlge and., winalt •.tnre1•
• bad aaoompl'islued. .This final Meeit-
Ing ,was in the.lornn -.or -a-. demzonne
trades (or ten cent tea) tor they
served -the large crowds or ladees
with et dsrinity' appetizing lunch a1
sandfwiehes, fancy and plain,' and• •
nice variety of cookies and tea,
Proving themrse !v'`ee+ very capable
hostesises. Their ,achievement day
will be in June and three girls were
,appointed 'to pint oe a project tor
Their record (books! were on di
play and 5500ed8 a lot of time and
bhouglut had been ,:putt into them,
Fourteen glees starter& and finashed
the coulee and presented ,Mrs. Arm-
strong with a token of ,aprpeciation
while she poured tea. The emer•
gency colleeitdom was voted to a
Red CroS= fund. The dray 'was ideal
and a splendid turnout enjoyed
the meeting very much.
Let John do ilk" but ie this wa
Mrs. Jae. Ballantyne attended the
•funeral et her brother-in-larw, Dr.
Hosslack 01 Innerlcip, on TneedaY
of lesit week. J. A, Ballantyne,
London, also attended, the lfumeral
of his uncle.
Mrs: 3, ;Cottrill and daugbteais,
Port Elgdm spent a few ,days last
week at r.he home of her 'Parents,
Mr. and Mrs: D, McDonald.
Mr, and Mrs, W. F. Streatten. and
Herbert IStretton are attending the
tumexial of the fommer's sister, Mrs.
Degge, in Chaathann on 'Thursday.
Mr. and, Mas=. C. H. Richardson
and son lsift Haat week by motor, tar
Flbrlde where they will speed their
vacation at Miami, '
Word was received by This.
Mld4er o1 the death of Andrew Milner
Winnipeg, youngest son of 'the late
Mr. grid Mrs. Thee. Miler of the 6th
ct*n.cessd0n' of •Mor+rba,
Viattors with Mr, and Mns. Ed.
Henderson on Sunday Were: Mr.
and Mrs, Wesley Henderson, MoOSO-
min, Sank., Mr, and Mrs, W. T.
Hendeneom and, daughter Jeans Mr.
and Mrs. 'Celan 'SauenteI• orad two
a+0te, London, Mss. Robert Menden
sou and; algin Jim, Laahoeltlt Mr, ,and
Mrs, Gant Henderson, Mr. Johnistoo,
Wingliahn and 'Mr, and ,Mrs, C.
• Mr. W. 1. Steelton received weed
'uesdey =omen a the death of hie
sister, i er5 Ella Degge, 'winner
of the late J. W. Degge, which took
Niece in the Chabhaun hoetintal, Infra.
Degge spent hem ebdldhood daans in
Brussele and were •orgainst of St.
Dohme s Anglican church at one time.
One hone Regins4rk Degge, of Los
Angles' en,di a ddugnter, Mrs. /And -
say of Noiath Bay and a gran.dispn,
Roy Lindsay, manager of a branch
of the Bank of Toronto, Toronto,
lasts, may length ., a1 ,bttne, one
econnmtn sync,' cannot etafll the.
strums and i1 Elle 'happens ear
savings and in'vets,tmstnits ,will cer-
tainly melt like sinew in, the spring.
We may be called anon again to
'support this cause ,further, we hope
when the call comes, rive shall have
your whole hearten stnpport, for I
behl,eve it in vital to our very
Thanking You 'Mr, Editor for this
v,abrabls sipaee.
R. J, Bowanasj
President Brusisls Red Crolss
Mme• G. Northwood; Wingham
was a 'week end vieitor with friends•
in newels
When ,appe1tee, call a general
strike just soy: 'Shaver a Banana"
never fadls6
Said at
"We Sell Fon' Less"
Mr. John, Payne of McNaught
went Thursday evening with Mr, e,,,
Faster Smith and family of lite 181h
call. What 15 the attraotlon Jack/