HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-2-28, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST FARM NEWS AND INFORMATION Rant CANADIAN 1 CERTIFIED SEED oth, -vi- clean, plans early this year at es..azGood seed vest a p isthefirst require - me for n, hixc-quntty p seed will grow vigorr for an excellent crop ...because only good di�easesc lrtimonioapotacoes�aa withstandotatoes are gmost of the serious eed Canadian many of the fied Seedosses due to diseaseod s will be avoided By higher-quality, cleaner, smoother, more uniform potatoes than those grown from ordinary seed stock will be produced. So, this season, harvest finer potatoes—and more of them. Plant Can- adian Certified Seed. Grovt potatoes that will grade Canada No. 1. Canadian Certified Seed Potatoes are available in all standard our locality! Ask the local District he Government Inspectorost , Plant e for tec ty; Pro- tection Division, for full iniortu„tion and list of nearest distributors. Food supplies are important in wartime — This year, plant and raise only the best. Look for this cettivadon tag on the bagor container —tbo only way of being sure of getting Canadian CRC, ped Seed Potatoes. &amuse is anfully. INSPECTOR FOR District Ins tor, Seepcd Potato Ccrcifiation. cio cultural College, IGuelph, Ont. Aga. Agricultural Supplies Board DOMINION DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA Honourable James G. Gardiner, Minister. ttt Clean Seed First Step In Profitable Farming Will produce greater yields, better prices and more profits says John D. MacLeod, seed expert of the ,Crops, Sem' and Weeds Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture. the The sowing of clean seed is first step in profitable farming, says John D. MacLeod, seed expert of the Coups, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture, Toornto. When a well-oleaned and graded sample is 'sown, one may expect vigorous and uniform germination; strong plants capable of resisting unfavorable weather and diseases; a uniformly ripening crop, harvested with a minimum loss and of the best marketable quality; cleaner farms, greater yield's; higher grades; better prices, and more profits. ;Olean seed should be a bright, plump, uniform sample, pure as to variety; free 'from all foreign shatter, including weeds of other cultivated crops, diseased grains, •small, shrunken grains and weed seeds. ,Small grains make good feed but poor seed. The little plant in the early stages of growth depends an. the meat in the kernel for its mein: name. If a small grain is sawn 'lt!ere 1., not always sufficient Potatoes From Eyes Growing potatoes from eyes rath- er than from sets has been introduc- ed into Manitoba farms by the Dominion E'ii errilmen'tal 'Farm at Brandon. On ;the farm., 1,476 Its of 50 eyes' each weer prepared and sent to members of the agricultural im- provement associations, and reports from 236 members indicate that 97 per cent of the eyes produced ,plants. The average yield from each lot of 50 eyes was 65 ib. of tubers, The highest yield' reported was 203 Ib. The eyes were removed by a Potato bailer, and each eye piece weighed about one -'half ounce. The eyes were coated with a finely ground magnesium limestone to prevent drying out and placed in special waxed cartons. The variety used was' certified Irish Gabler from a Prince Edward Island strain, selected for its shallow eyes. In general, conrmrents of the growers were of a favourable nature indicat- ing that the eyes yielded as weTT as • t i the usual manner. In some cases the yield was greater. Although definite conclusions can- not be drawn from one year's re- sults, -states the superintendent of the Farm, this method may be found' useful in the distribution of special strains of 'potatoes.at i nouishment in the kernel to sustain the little shoot until it is strong enough to draw from the soil, the result of being a short stunted plant at the best. Plants from small grains are shallow rooted. Should; a dry season occur the roots will not penetrate deep enough in the soil to get sufficient moisture. Small grains are Blower in germin- ating, the little shoot in many oases never reaches the surface. Some small grains do not germinate at all. Plants from small grains are frequently short and stunted. TheY do not usually mature with the rest of the crop, the result 'being a loss in production, in food value and in profits. Thorough cleaning and grading of seed is cheap insurance and' is of vital importance. The salesman stopped at the house and asked. the lady if he could interest her husband in an electric razor, "He might be interested in your razor," she remarked, "for he shaves close onto once a year." ',Shaves once a year," echoed the salct man. "I never heard of anything like it," The lady nodded. "He used to shave 'twice a year," she drawlerl. "But that was when we had lady lodgers•" Use the Classified Column. Every- body verybody reads them first, NS3ST ON SUN -RY Start to -day Feeding Sun -Ray Concentrates to your Poultry & Hogs .-- Sup'Ray 35% Concentrate with your own grains for better Egg Production. SUNRAY PIG•STARTER and SUN -RAY HOC CONCENTRATES fiwith your own grains for faster t, r d Bigger ts. Enquiry about these feeds today also free literature on feeding for profits. F.M. .SAMIS Phone 80 Brussels 111111101111111. potoes CU n Green Flax "Green'' Rax, the result of in• vestigabions by the Linen Research' Station at Lanribeng, in Northern Ireland, is about to be grown widely in England and ,Seotl'and, The fibre is quite distinct from the flax now produced in Northern Ire - ]and and the continent. After some Years' experimenting the Research 'Stadion, already famous for its work on plant breeding, have de- veloped new strains yielding about twice the weight'of fibre given by the ordinary varieties. It has been I found to be particularly suitable for the heavy .type of linen required by 1 the services: The growing and processing of WoPh0$SDAY, keFIB. pstti;,1810, -,.ice.....►., ..``.' by the Ministry of 'Supply in con- sultation, with the National hiarmere' 1 Unions of England and Scotland and With factories which already pro- duce Sax. ,Contracts for flax straw at .fixed prices will be made by the factories with 'farmers in Norfolk, Northants, Ilsaex, Kent, Dorset, Cambridge- shire, Lincolnshire anal Perthshire. The Minisbry of Agriculture have agreed that the crop will qualify as with other types of flax, for the 2£ per acre ploughing -up grant in Eng- land and .Scotland. A considerable quantity of pro- cessing machinery will he needed to deal with this unexpected extension of flax growing. 1 l "green" flax is now being organized HIS ANGLE Pat joined the Engineers and was learning bridge building. At a single ,plank Pat paused, doubtfully. "What's the matter, Pat," said the instructor, "afraid to walk on it?" "No," replied Pat, "I'm not afraid to walk on it. What I'm afraid of is walking off 19." • FREE SERVICE., OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently.• Simply phone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITE PHONE 21 - D INGERSOLL;, BRUSSELS — PHONE 72 Advertising Pays As a .result of the energetic adver- tising campaign carried out by the Dominion Department of Agricul- ture during the fall and early winter, the position of allaple grow- ers in Ontario and Quebec is in good shape. Residents of the two prow= inces were made so apple -minded; by reason of the advertis'in'g that it is now reported that there only re- mains in storage in the two provinces about one six quart basket per capita. EXECUTOtfL'$ SALE Of Household Goods and Chattels of the late John Ewen, on SATURDAY, MARCH 2nd At 1 p. m., at the residence of the late John Ewen on James Street, Brussels 1 Organ 1 Raymond Sewing Machine 1 Dining Room Table 6 Dining Room Chairs China Cabinet Radio (Atwater -Kent) Sideboard Lounge 1 Arm Chair Kitchen Chairs Drop Leaf Table 4 Rocking Chairs 1 Leather Rocker 4 Small Tables 1 Commode Chair Fancy Stool Pictures Kitchen Mirror China & Glass Dishes Chest of Drawers 3 Bed Room Suites, Springs & Mattress 1 1 Single Bed, Springs, Mattress Toilet Sets 2 Clocks Electric Stave & Anex Electric Iron Electric Lamp Set Flat Irons Carpets 1Rug 10x101/2 1 Rug 9 x 12 1 Cot 1 Feather Tick Bedding, Quilts & Blankets Ironing Board Pillows & Cushions Chenille Curtains Washing Machine Wringer Wash Board Wash Tub Copper Boiler 1 Number of Sealers Steam Cooker Trunks Picture Frames Coal & Wood Buck Saw Garden Tools Carpenter Tools Curtain Streachers Quilting (Frames Coal Scuttle Quantity of Potatoes Set of Scales Five -gallon Syrup Can. Vacuum Cleaner Carpenter's Bench Step Ladder Long Ladder Other Articles too Numerous to Mention. TERMS CASH Wm. Donaldson Auctioneer Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor George Muldoon Executor of estale of John Ewen, deceased