HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-2-14, Page 8Farmer's Attention t; Bulletin from Department of Agriculture ANEMIA—Causing Heavy Loss in Young ,Pigs (Lack of Iron Iron Responsible) Fortunately the giving of REDUCED IRON to young pigs, when a few days old, will to a very Large extent prevent the occurrence of the 'disease We have a stock of Reduced Iron, Ioxide of Potassium Epsom 1Salts, Sulphur and other Quality Drugs, which are used on theFarm. ALSO Dr. 'Bell's Veterinary Remedies Royal Purple Specifics 1 Hess' Stock and Poultry Preparations GET THIS BARGAIN 50c Prophylactic Tooth Brush and 40c size Tooth Powder Regular Value 90c Both for 490 P ASA Cough Drops ..,,.,,, 40c 4 Black .Currant .Pastilles ., 25c gl Throat Ease .. , . 10c Vick's Cough Drops ............ 105,, Maltese Cough Drops 5c & 10c` Pine Pastilles ..., 250 Chinese Checkers— - The Season's Popular 'Game 1 We have them at — — 29c, 50c, 65c' and 75c F. R. SMITH TF1 FPHONE NO. 62 DRUGGIST and STATIONER TFI.FPHONE NO, 62 A Screenings On Fund Seed :::yisoutrhetimeto Seed. - IT IS GOOD Concentrate For Hogs and Poultry On Hand D. M. McTavish FARMER'S STORE PHONE 46 BRUSSELS " RED BAND STORE Choice Groceries, Fruit, Confectio.nery and Flour phone 12 Volf Specials for Thursday, Friday & Saturday Tip Top Choice Tomatoes 3 tins 17o Tip Top Choice no. 4 Peas 3 tins '27c Tip Top Choice Golden Bantam Corn 3 tins • . • • . • , . • • '27c Chateau Cheese New Port Fluffs .. • 'Large pkg 23c Pitted Dates 2 ib 29c Cowan's Cocoa .. ...... • • • • • 1 lb 25c 1/2 lb 15c. Five ''Roses Flour • • • • • .. • 24 lb bag .. 85c Seedless Raisins , ,• 2 fix • , 25c Aylmer Pumpldn 2 tins ..., 25c Prunes .• , 2 lb . 25c Pearl Soap . , • 6 bars ' 25c Snow CapToilet Tissue 4 rolls 23c Bee Hive Corn Syrup .. • • . „ 5 ,lb 39c Canada Matches .. • . • • . • • • 3 'boxes • • .. • 20c Smith's Catsup 15e New size Calumet Baking Powder • • .... 12 oz. • • .. , • 19e Rowntrees Cooking Chocolate 1/2 tb 17c 17c Lewis A. Russell THE BRUSSELS POST WADNI1rSIDA•Y, FF10. 140, 1.840 Asomminumerigromeamania `FIS !cast you extra money When you buy wrapped bread. So when In town why not support your home akar. A, full line of CAKES PASTRY always on hand SpecialforSat.-CreamPaffs A TREAT FOR ALL li►WL''n D Phone 113X -. BAKERY Brussels, Ont. NATURE'S * * * * * * * * * PEOPLE WE KNOW COLUMN Undoubtedly, manly have noticed the woodpeckers around the or- chards and shade trees. since winter has really come upon us. During the past two weeks, they have been mare numerous than ever. This is a natural result of their haying to go further afield n quest of food as the immediate supply is depleted. We may easily coax them to feed regularly near the house by putting suet, meat scraps' etc., out for them. One ,possible method of feeding them is to put the food in holes drilled in a short length of dead. branch, and suspend it from the tree's branches. Last autumn and this winter has seen a marked increase ia, .the num- ber of hairy woodpeckers through- out Western Ontario. They are the big checked; .black and -white birds, seldom seen clear of the woods, Although smaller than robins, they are decidedly larger than English: Sparorws, The male has a red patch,.on: the back of his head, The Downy Woodpecker is a smaller edition of the Hairy, red patch and all. He is.about the same ' size as a good big English. Sparrow, This size distinguishes him clearly from the larger woodpecker. You'll do well to encourage this penm'anent resident of our woodland to visit your home. He is worth his weight in gold because of the number of pestshe destroys. Every time you hear his. bright chirp from a neighboring tree you know he is searching with unerring accuracy, with ear and eye intent, for a grub or cocoon in the wood or under the baric. Hs chisellike beak and bark. Has chiesl-like beak and these destructive pests of our wood. lands and fields, Ft. Wood New Prints 19c up Cotton Plaids 50c yd. Linen tea Towelling 300 yd up MONARCH YARNS House Dresses $1.00 up Genuine Nut Crush ........,... 25c Bee Hive Syrup .. 10's .... 75c Woodburys Facial Soap 4-25c Kkovah Health Salts Large, reg. 49c for 39c R. Wood BRUSSELS — Phone 24 Miss Agnes Davdsony R,N., is still nursing in Seaforth Hospital, Mrs, A, H. Macdonald, spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs, Northwood in Wingham. * * * Mr. and Mr.s Lyle Brothers of Hari•iston were Sunday visitors with friend's in town. * * * Mirs, Clarke Matheson and son Ian spent a few days in Toronto last week. * * * Miss Margaret Robinson was a weekend visitor .in Wingham with her friend Mrs. Cook (nee Miss Anna Thompson,) * ,r• mi. and Mrs. Norman Thompson are the proud parents of another sonborn on Monday morning of this week. * * * Mr, and Mrs. B. Stewart and family, London were Sunday visit- ors at the home of his brother Wm. J. and Mrs. !Stewart, Miss Evelyn Darkeof White Fox, S'ask., arrived in Brussels last week to stay some time with her grand- mother, Mr.S Robt. Dark, who has not been well. i . Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Rowland and Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Davidson attend_ ed, the funeral held in Monikton. on Saturday, of the late Mr. Richard Rovvienki, an uncle of Mr. Jno. Row- land, The Public Sohoolpupils' had a holiday on. Friday as the teachers Mr. Kew'. Ashton and Miss Margaret Downing attended the second clay of their Teachers .Conivention in Stratford, * * * Mr, Jno, Rowland receiLed the sad news Saturday eventing of his brother-inulaw Mr, Jas. Murray, of Einbro, who droned dead while cutting a tree in the bush .Saturday afternoon. Three of the *,Stratirord. Normal CUTils are visiting in the Brussels Public School this week, Miss Marie King in Mr. Ashton's. room. Mise Jessie Little in ,Miss Down- ing's room and Miss Isobel 'McTav- ish, in Miss Baeker'a room. They are observing and. practicing teach• Ing. Airs. R. W. Moore of Saskatoon paid a visit to her olid' home town, sipent Monday night with her friend Mrs, Fred Burchill and part of Tuesday with her niece, Mary Helen Kerr. Then. rush calls on several other friends before Mrs, Burchill took her to Seaforth to catch a C.N.R. train to Toronto where Mr. Moore will meet her before going South for a holiday before returning to Saskatoon. SUPERIOR STORE QUALITY SERVICE tzrzrzizr2turi imziimmuthrzmiiimmfzibr2amothizrzta9` 1"W7"z)rur97r`e'imt -=r'v tc zw Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Quick Quaker Oats large, plain per pack 19c Prunes, large .. • . . 2 lb for 23e Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon 1/2's per tin 19c P & G Naptha'Soap 2 pack. for 23c Del Maize Niblets Corn • • • , • • 2 tins for 25c Aylmer Pork & Beans 2 tins for 19c Wrapperettes 'in fancy patterns • • . , per yd 28c. Rickrack Braid, all colors 3 yards for 10c Shopping Bags with Zipper • ,. each 49c Children's Patent Leather Slippers, iHewetson Sole pair 75c Ladies & )Girls (Rubber Goloshes • • • • • • • • • • • • • per pr 98c Mffi41011rh7rarer 00iisto1r 0 ifritt>ir;3r o-2M.100Malablt riirslr rli)* rND'athrr9YIDM WM. ZIE LER IFIrsto 7.2,11 . Ethel Ont. SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Vka !Kelp is a wonderful Health food Two Sizes 89c and 1.49 Quick Quaker Oats, Large pkg •• • • • .... • ... 19c Cooking Onions 10 lb .. • • • • , . 25c Kippered Herring Plain per tin ,• . • • • • • • • r • • 17c Fresh Fig Bars . ..n per tb 19c Ready Cut Macaroni per lb • • • 5c Choice Cooking Figs 2 ;lb ... .. • 23c , Our Own Blend Coffee • • . per lb Sultana )Raisins .. 2 lb .. Crisco • 1 lb tins 49c 25c 23c Calumet Baking Powder 1 lb tins .. • • 25c Aylmer Pork Beans 2 tins ................19c Peanut Butter in bulk per tb • • • • • • • 15c Maple Leaf Sabnon • •.• • 1/z ll, tins • • Each ' .. • • 19c Fresh Salted Peanuts per ib :• .. • , 19c Hillcrest Soap Chips . ' 3 tb .. • .... • • • • • • 25c Regular Toilet Tissue 7 rolls • • • ..:. 25c Red River Cereal ,.. per pkg • • • • . • • 25c New Port Puffs Large pkg 25c Karo Corn Syrup • • • • . , • • • • 5 lb tins .. 40c L. W. ECKMIER Oh, Carry Me Bach , To June and July When the front is on the windows and the kitchen pail is froze; when F. F HOMUTH Analytical Optometrist guarantees you the Best Eye Service Harriston, phone 118 Brussels (Second Thursdays) Phone 26X the little icy needles come with every breath that blows; when the chilblains make us sick and cold feet give us a pain it's safe to bet we all wish for the summer days again. For whine we swear and. fume around in summer clothes, it's an easy tieing to cool off, as everyone knows. But it's different in the winter when the world is full of ice, and ,the weather is as hard as a pair of loaded ice. We may talk about our climate and. about our spring and fall, but the balmy- days of summer are the days .that suit us all. We are all born helpless — and some help less than others 1 Week -End Specials P & G Soap Aylmer Vegetable Soup Princess Soap Flakes with glass Salad Plate • • • • • • • • . • 18c Salada Tea (while it lasts) pk. .. .. • • • • 33c & 35c WE HAVE SALT ON HAND—by the bag of by bulk I 1 We are agent for International Agricultural High Test Fertilizer also mixing material for mixing your own Before Buyng Enquire for Particulars ov 5 cakes 19c 3 tins 23c Elliott's Economy Store Once Tried Always SatisJ led Phone 55 — x — Brussels Ma STOCK TAKING SPECIALS Stanfilds AliWool Underwear Buy Now and Save Money Red Back Denmin Smocks&Overalls : a garment at $1.50 Ladies Cashmere and Silk & Wool Hose at 39c, 59c, 65c, 85c, $1.10 and $1.35 a pair LADIES' DRESSES AT REDUCED PRICES MEN'S OVERCOATS '— LOOK THEM OVER THE, PRICES ARE REDUCED E. J, McTAVISH "A GOOD PLACE TO SHOP AFTER AIL" Brussels - Seaforth