HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-2-14, Page 7014,10 THE BRUSSELS POST Wlldrz4C'OMP6 ‘ad leXNd TRAINED i0 [ARRA ON ? The Canadian - Legion's War Services aro under- taken with the approval and active cooperation of the Canadian Government Under a great new, much needed plan the Canadian Legion is providing Educational and Vocational training for our fighting forces. The Legion's personal services will aid in the solution of private and business problems. Leave Hostels, Soldiers' Concert Parties and Recreational facilities will also be provided. Your contribution to the $500,000 drive for funds will help to maintain morale today and train our men to achieve success in civil life after the war. Will you help to give our boys a leg up the ladder of success when the war is over? Then give generously to this great new cause. Now! Send or take your contribution to your nearest Legion Branch. CANADIAN LEGION WAR •SERiiICE$ Epi C TIONAL AND -PERSONA} 56RVICE APPEAL. Sure, We Knew 'Twos Cold Speaking et the weather—the weatbar man reports that 'this winter has been much colder than last year. Or did you know? Just to put the matter drown• in black and white, however, there are some figures: on Old Man Winter's 1939-40 efforts, For the )arse 26 days of January this year the average tem- perature was 16.1 degrees. For the same peaiod last pear it was 24.6 degrees. This is a difference of 8.5 degrees, which means that it's been 21 per cent colder this year. For the winter season from 'September 1 to January 26, the figures show that 1939-40 has been 11. per cent colder than the corresponding period last year. But perhaps you didn't need figures to convince you, This re- port coshes from London. LOOK AT YOUR LABEL CUSTOM SAWING— Will be done earlier in Brussels this year, se bring your logs in now. 4 Jaanes Steveson Canadian Legion War Services Inc. 'When war was declared, the Legion, realizing that the easerviee men had emcee eivperieiee gained le the field war and during the althea onstage el emac'bilization following the last war, offered the servelee, o4 les mentbe:ebb and organlzatam to the govern:meat in an way they could use it, After a earednl a!unvey ce the resources at hand, and a study a4 the qualities at various organizetitne offering theamelves, the government granted a char.ler of tate organization known as the Canadian Legion War Ser- vices', Inc, This Chatter -placed. on this new organization certain duties. Among these were Dalmatian and Personal ,Services. .titter careful study and .discussions. between Legion officials and the authorities, it was revealed that the mutual bailee was, that no greater contri- bution to the welfare of the men and the Stability of Canadian insti- tutions could be made than by the sueslesisud adeninistraion of these two services; He know that knowledge Is the 'motive of all aetton, and that to Place .the :taonities of learning with, in the eager reach 'of men is to yrovide them with steady thoughts. cool reeaontira, and action when any critical deciet e.n its to be made. The Legion does not profess any ability., as educators. For this work we have eel:ea:A the services of the Canadian Association for Adult Education. The Legion War Service have assumed the reaponsi- Mety of providing all the physical requirements for them to carry out their big task. We had Moped to have accomplished this task with our own tunas. Always, in. the past we have done so. The response 08 the Young Soldier to our plan has created a demand for money faster than we can provide it. That is why the Canadian. Legion War Ser- vices asks the people of Canada to' 'Help Plan His Tomorrow Today.'. The Legion sincerely seeks the =- operation ori all Service Clubs such as the Lions, Minnie, Rotary, Wo- men's Institute, and others. In fact, we want every last citizen of Canada totake a fart. The Legion kions not religion, color, nor rant has never taken pant In, political affaire, nor taken pant in political arguments.. We have never in our history appealed for public finan- emmeme Fulite appeal). •Ow cause has al - Wale been, that of tee a t-eervice- plan, 'Since our toavnatlory 1n 1926 w� have maintained; wholly by our membership, and have ge0Wer frown' an organization of 400 branu lies to the vete' large body of 1,274 active Pests' in. Canada and the United States. We have '52i Women's Auxiilaries, The Legion maintains otticee and bureau in Ottawa, to represent exservieemen• is their many relatieesa with the govern- ment), This small group a officials have achieved- a.reoord far toe great 001 me to cite to you in detail, but which include such ,widespread.ben oats. to .Caaladh as ' uniformity - of legislation which affects ex -service- men who cannot financially or physically appear for Usemselyes, and similar work. In the matter c•4 individual claims,, a yearly eveiage 0f 10,000 files are -handled by these advocates whose sole ens deavour is to. Obtain justice and fairness, There will be no overlapping of War !Service work. From the Legion have coupe the persons) who head this separate organization, Canadian Legion War Services, Inc. which bas- undertaken the work given it melee its' charter. EDUCAATDON, PERSONAL SDR - WOES, R,ECR,F}ATION, ENTER- TAINMPENtp, As fax as the last two mentoned duties are concerned, the Legion plans a unified effort with other bodies) which have done such wank before. eta every effort shall be mot to conflict or overlap in carrying out .such services to the troops. But in the matter of Education and Personal Services, the mandate has been direct and' clear. The ex -serviceman knows. the needs, knows the circumstances, and knows the resdpient better than any other person,. This being so, the Legion intends to put 'forth every effort to make these two our main dbjecive in War Services, The Functon of the Canadian Association for Adult Education Every great educational instiution has two 'celarly clivided depantments —Administration' and' Faculty. Upon the first rests the duty of providing the physical requirements of class- motaa books, stationery, eranepor- tation, tends. Upon the last rests the task of providing the trained personnel in academic or manual in•- struotJon. Dau- det. supliort (exceptin'g the Poppy As the Administratice of the Edu- i catianal Program of the Canadian Legion War ,Services, the men who t have served as• ex -servicemen have Golf, Tennis, Fishing, Riding, Yachting Victoria Sports During Winter Months rt olf, tennis, lawn bowling, riding, hunting. and fishing may be unusual winter sports for most of Canada but hot for Vic- toria, beautiful Island capital of British Columbia, where snow is a novelty, flowers bloom throughout the year, and overcoats are excess baggage. Winter golf is the sport that attracts widest notice to Vic- toria's wonderful year-round cli- matebut the West Coast has its Pilgrims who are 'drawn there each winter by the splendid wea- ther and the series of unusual sports and Social attractionS. made possible by, the tinniWnithdr. Winter fishing is a major Spelt Brantwood Bay whore .!*sable grilse and spring salmon are caught by trolling. FW tithing tor steelhead salmon up to 20 pounds is found In ,Cast -slope rivers such as the Oyster, Cow- fchan, Englishman's, Nanaimo, and Big and Little Quallcum, Best known of the winter at- tractions is the Mid -Winter Golf Tournament which will be held this year on the Royal Colwood course, March 3-9, Keen com- petition, a Sporty Course and good golfing weather, added to the ntanf Prizes of which the Moet Important le the trophy presented by Sir Edward Beatty, make the tourney one of the most popular Si Canada. r :ti`s.. atioS. hiding, hiking, lawn bowling, boating are but a few more sports that are as popular in Victoria in winter as in summer. testas are arranged from thee to time, named after flower d then in bloom. Probably the most plctu- resque celebration is the Christ- mas festival in Old English style, complete with boar's head, yule loge, wassail bowl and carols. Victoria and the Empress Hotel have enjoyed a growing popularity In recent Sears, A real impetus has been given this season by the tact that foreign exchange under war pressure makes a Canadian dollar north Considerably More 1K Canada thin In the trnitert Staten taken their piss's. As the Faculty of flue institution, there have been enrolled; the vast resources and facilities of ,the Canadian Associa- tion' lac Adult Education,, It was natural that the autherttfes should repose in his union the trust of undertaking a work which Is con- sideredl of vital 'inypontance: Helping the soldier of today ,to prepare him- self for this return to civil life. The Association was founded) n 1934 to unity and co-ordenads 'the work of many adult educational groups. It brings" together all the universities of Canada, the provincial depart- ments of education, and some 50 other affiliated fnstitutions. It could be called. the National University of Canada. Now it becomes the inter national university of the Canadian active Service Foroe5 for it will en- list ednctans Of Britain. and' France in the extension •01 its work for Canada's servicemen. abroad, lit is interesting to note that the Director of the Associa'tionee nation- wide activities. Dr. le, A. Corbett, is himself an ex -serviceman, Ile Is one of Canada's leading educational autlloritie , tie served with the C, E•. ', in France, and for two Years after elle war was a patient in military 'laogiitais, He knee's the man in the ranks, and appreciates the position of the' man who has been deancleated under eonddtione Which necessitate 50 uphill light to reinstate himself lit civil lime, The Legion says) the man, to. give a job tee is the one who knows how to de it. The Government asked 11$ to do this Worry :knowing we were the only body of men organized with the experience and knowledge o4 what was needed', ands having the men in the legion. with the ability needed to carry curt this invert/ant ask, The wank given us is something new as there was no one to do It for its it the last war. We all breve there are more mens rejturn• troth war than are killed In sauce, a1Sb that the problem of rehabilitatlan of the Men who return he the greatest• one jab of our county,. Ill tact, we ttre 0,111 working on' tt retell Ithe last war. We ,'iii have nuneber* nit WHONESDA.Y, FEB. 14111, 1040 "We didn't know whether or not he was coming • • YWYR Ae cagella LONG DISTANCE . just to show he hadn't forgotten us." And so it goes. Long Distance is the single man's answer to many a problem—and the married man's shortest road home. Always at your service wherever you may be. men, middle-aged who are. wander- ing from place to place and never seem able to fit themselves into civilian life owing tothe fact they were so long out of touch with it while at war, When, they came home they jurat deleted along. No one seemed, to realize they owed these men a place in lade and should leave been doing everything la their power- to help settle them. The war was over. 'That was, all that mattered, The Canadian Legion is determined' that the soldier return- ing from thie war to civilian life shall Se preparedand also we et honne shall be prepared to receive him. To da this, we must begin to prepare now. It will be too late when the men start conning back. Stop and Think Tilde Canada of ours cannot stand the drain' on our young men twice in 25 years without a serious effect in. the years to •come. We were Ioolang to, and would have had capable and strong leaders from the men who died in the last war. We have had many tram the men who re- turned. Others: found it so bard to get re-established, that their use- fulness in the field .of leadership was aver. Again. we have been ibudlding ant the young men now en- listing, to step in and fill respon- sible positions of lead!erehip in the next few years No doubt we shall loge many of them in ibis war. Owing to ,.hes fact, those Who re-. turn will be faced with a much harder task. El we are going to off- set this we must assist those who return to prepare themselves' tor. this big job. With these thoughts in. mind), I sincerely ask you, my feitow-oitizens, to co-operate with the Canadian Legion in this great work. The sewer's we make of it depends on you5. Not one cent of the money naieed Sn thin campaign will go to the Legion. That is why Canadian Legion War Services, Inc. was formed, to provide a separate organdzattion handling all funds, It will be subject to government audit. Signed on behalf of the Canadian Legion B.E,IS:L. R. E. Pooley, Commander of Zone No. 10 --Et you get the gist of the gest, Add a little zest and you'll gait the rest, * t :I: Tolson without courage is worth - 1s. 4++4+++.:.+04:+04, 04.+♦++++.4.:+04:NDN,14:N4 Store up energy DRINK MORE Pure Milk it is healthful Try our buttermilk fresh at all times Try our Chocolate Milk Excellent for Lunch at School Hot Horne Style Soup Try- One A jter Skating or T he Hockey Match. ICE CREAM - SUNDAES - MIL. K 51111ES Try a New One To -day -AT THE BRUSSELS DAIRY BAR