HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-2-14, Page 6.,THE BRUSSELS POST
1.1 Interest To Dur Women Readers j
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franticly old maids and were repre-
sea ed as of an. extraordfiary and
revulsive leanness,731ielr apses
rheumy and their general effect
were long and, red their eyes
selYeldng cunning and malignant We
doubt not that; among our madam
there is many a happy married wane
on who remembers receiving one of
these confections and weopiee bit-
terly ouer tt, Pre!m,emui!aue; .ingenuity
was spent In an effort to find who
had sent the valentines, and triend-
ships were broken auks features mar
red in the rowie that Hollowed sap-
posed disicoveries. We tenet this
phase of the valentine has disap-
peared never more to return,
The Origin of the Day
Ws do not know what historic
sanotion the comic valentine ever
had. We doubt if it had any. The
origin of the feast is ios!t in obscer-
ity, but t proibablp was a survival of
the Roman Lupencalia, There are
several saints in ,the calendar nam-
ed Valemtne, and one was a Roman
Catholic bishop martyred. in Rome
on February 14th, 2.70. The feast
takes its name from him but thie is
a mere coincidence. It wan the
praotioe of the early fathers of ,the
church to give. a Christian tinge to
old pagan customs which the people
still clung to, and as St. Valen-
tine dried on an appropriate day his
name was attached to the revels of
the season. Tradition says that this
Particular saint was in ,the custom
of going from door to. door leaving
food and other gigs for poor, that
the custom of making gifts on the
day arose from this. But this custom
has long become obsolete, and the
only gifts sent are the cards. On
Feb. 15th the Lupercalia was held,
and this was an, occasion for joyous
merrymaking between 5the sexes.
Names of lads and lasses were pint
im a box and, *awe at random. The
name that the youth draw was sup-
posed to be his valetatine for the
year. That tai' they were compa s
lonate stweelthearts' for the next
twelve months,
* * * * * * * * 4 *
e * * s r
An Oven Dinner
When your bills are running high
- and time running shiort,why not
hevo an oven dinner? It saves fuel
by cooking the whole meal together
at approximately the same tempera.
Lure and saves time by allowing the
ogok to carry an with other duties
while the meal is cooking.
A baked list loaf, baked potatoes'
and a medely of vegetables in cas-
serole fon the main course and
cottage pudding for dessert makes a
hearty dinner.
One vegetable or several combin-
ed may be used in the scalloped
dish. Dice or gliee cooked veget-
ables. Place in greased casserole,
covering each layer of vegetables
with white sauce. Sprinkle with
bread crumbs and bake In moderate
uvea until crumbs are brown. Here
i$ the recipe for the fish loaf which
can be served hat for dinner and
sold for next day's lunch.
Baked Fish Loaf
2 cups flaked Canadian fish
91 cup of dry bread crumbs
3 tablespoons' of finely chopped
2 tablespoons chopped onion
2 tablespoons melted butter
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 egg slightly beaten
14 cup of milk
Si, teaspoons salt
sprinkling of pepper
Combine the first 6 ingredients; add
milk and seasonings to the egg and
combine with the other mixture.
Bake in guttered loaf pan (3-inebes
by 8 -inches Is a good size) at 375
degrees F. for 45 minutes. Slice
and serve hot with egg or tomato
sauce, or serve cold with tomato
Valentine's Day
A Spring Festival
Valentine celebtetions nowaday
appear to be fennel and costly -al-
Ears in whioh the favors are gen-
erally bought at jewellers, and are
concluded, with •a great 'lack of
originality and •inspiration, by a
dance, and maybe something to eat
about two the next morning, Thief
tendency may remove the festival
from the limbo into w'hieh the en-
cyclopedias have consigned it. Its
most conspicuous featume was the
comic valentine, containing a pic-
ture and a more or less bald verse,
These sheets ware probably printed
n England or Germany, for we can-
not name any other land likely to
have •prodeced the ,rude Hogarth:
who .designed them. We do not know
whether they survive, but for the
benefit of these who have not seen
them we may say Vloat the crudest
drawings of the comic et -nips ware
models of elegance in comparison.
They contained jeers for fat. people,
old maids, drunkards and all others
who were considered social outcasts
in those days. They were printed
in red, black, blue and green.
The Comte Valentne
The verses were as harsh as the
drawings, and the sheet sold for
perhaps a cent. There was a tre-
mendous circulation of .comic valen-
tines in earlier Toronto days. They
were alwyeg sent anonymously, and
many a ranking grudge was' eased
by their despatch and many a
mortal wound inflicted upon those
who received them. Their vogue was
so great that newspapers were oblig-
ed publicly to deprecate them, and
the senders were denounaied as
cowards and blackguards. The
b'ttere t strictures of these colored
lamoons were reserved for un-
married ladies. They were called
A delicious healthful food
for dessert or lunch
'McIntosh, Says, Snows
and Tolman Sweets
Also -goo c1 cooking apples
at 75c per hamper
'g est Huron
Phone 66 Brussels.
The Young Man's Kancy
Ian a publdcartion called 'The World
Book' we nate that "Valentine's day
affords the teadhetr or mother an ex-
cellent oppontundtp to impress upon
the children. the lessons of friend -
stip, unscliishm.ege and loving good
will," and it goes on to say that the
unfortunate children for weeks
ahead may be kept busy making
valentines. Guy Fawkes day, no
doubt, could be similarly utilized• by
parents and teashers sufficiently un-
sIC•repulous- The only real mural
to be drawn from Valentine's day
was that made popular by Tenny-
son when. he wrote "In the Spring a
young man's fancy lightly turns to
thoughts oe love." It is at the
basic of all Spring festivals, In
Canada the middle of February is
not Spring, but these feast days
were, f^c• the meat pant, established
in climes' where the Spring came
much earlier, and where, presnimab-
ly, young blood warms much sooner,
Perhaps we have an advantage here,
for while we seize, all the old world
occae'.ons to worship Pan and
Venus, we have some of our own as
well. For example, the Twe.ntY-
fourth of May Is the great Spring
festival in this country, if we leave
aside Mister when the weather is
often shrewd. We: then, behave, or
those of us who, are that way Inclin-
ed, as the ancients, when they felt
the birth of the new season in their
The Festival of Youth
As Christmas is the holiday of the
children, so are these Spring feasts,
whose origin are older than all writ-
ten, history, the special hol!idayat of
adolescence. Perhaps the most not-
able feature or then is that which
was perverted by the anonymous.
'rr,dr•�s et the horrible comic valen-
tines. That is dtffld'enee, 19t'he'
the lad was too shy openly tai " •
nrrm , nrrI'nrnpre. 11e f^!111•t r
means to escape the fate of Cho love-
loro through , the general hes. le
which the Homes t:f nil s»tt'�hlr
maids were mingled. We tees" ••;
that genie of the ancient. nia.a,.. or
ballot-snvllc'hdpg might be Ina rell 1'
their reels in those nierrymakinge
Which Chaucer, among ethers, took
note of. Even quite &met /tett' vat
emtines are sent ennnrrrouoiv, nl.
theligh the sender would be deeply
grieved 1f the lady did net guess' In,-
stanti'y who hod declerod himeelf in
tills tirlieaie manner, winiah ffewer-
t:tr, Orel. m-orrit°(1 a hind of non•
liability clones.
WEDNESDAY, FEB, 14th:, 1940
eseifience 4tzs , feta
best for all my
�• like purity Flour
baking because ,,... ..
' •
2nd Prize - $15 3rd Prize - $5 Ten Prizes - $1 Each
4. Complete the sentence: "I like
Purity Flour for all my baking
because it:" in 25 words nor less.
2. Send in as many entries to this
contest as you wish, but each entry
must be accompanied by the Purity
Seal cut from a bag of Purity
Flour (or reasonable facsimile) or
a receipted sales slip from your
dealer showing you have purchased
a bag of Purity Flour.
3. All entries must be postmarked
not Battu than March 14:
4. Entries will be judged for
originality and sincerity of express
sion. Simply write each entry on
one aide of a sheet of paper. Print
your name and address, and also
the name of your Purity Flour
dealer, clearly:
S. The judges' decision will be final:
6. This contest starts Wednesday,
February 14tht Mail your entries,
not later than March 14, to Purity
Flour Contest Department, Wes
Canada Flour Mills Co., Limitttteeeerdddl
293 MacPherson Avenue, Toronto: .i
This is a local contest restricted to
the counties of Huron, Bruce,
Grey jerth, Wellington and Water-
loo: You are not competing against
the whole country: So you have a
real good chance of winning one of
these valuable cash prises.
Get a fres Purity Flour recipe book-
let from your dealer—it is full of
suggestions which will help you
to complete the winning sentence:
Send in your entry early—don't
forget to attach the Purity Seal or
reaelpted sales slip:
Liras ka
tdry Monday, wool.„/ay, friday
CJI STRATFORD, (111 0 k.) 10.30 Ado
CANA WINONAM, (1100 k.) 11.11 A.Y.
- Best for all yourBaking
Records Show
Easter Earlier
This Year Till '
Turn of Century
Easter is .:teasing a march en
Father Tiane and making a wartorh
world .step even a little more lively
with. its 1940 appearance March 24,
-:•rlie'et since 1913 and earlier in the
year .than it will ever come again
aLi..:1 a1la'r 2000.
"Then it may break another record
—but that' a matter foe savants of
!the future, Easter 1913, was March
23, one day ahead of this year's in
the calendar. That early date was
tee -fore the First Great War,
Not tisat wars or reline up mans
of Europe and Asia have much to do
with it. The elate for the rommem-
' ,h,,,r "r P1..ri'-!'-, r,...,, from the
dead owes its mobility to t!he capri-
cious moon. Easter Sunday is al-
wnys, .`the fir- f ur!iny after the
full m'to1T1T whidh Shappens n
after the tnventy first day ofon Morarchexti'
--March 21,bein•g in northern climes
the first day of sprng,
In Canada's sometimes long end
fickle winter, no fashion oonseloua
lass, can depend on being able to
flaunt brave colors and filmy dresses
too soon, and Easter, 1940, may see
Canadian belles well wrapped in
winters: Luis,
She may find some consolation in
succeeding years. In 1941, Easter
readies an all-time "tare” for the
century, coming on April 25, more
than a month later than 1940's frigd
date, and the latest passible day on
wit' Ih Heeler' Sunday can acme.
Three times in the certury—in 190;
1910 and 2000 — the feast coincides
with the double English holiday of
April 23, whisks is at. George's Day
lief-111,:kespeare's birthday,
Pram ,'ding on lstinter Starchy en
hr1r!I vrVre. and rosin. etreeits is a
comparatively recent North Avert- .
can development of the ancient fees
live season, but the history of tate
day Itself has roots' in the nest flays
e a°fv ar•i r,mr..-, 'fa amtue ;.
to mote ancient 1n0thoIogy,
The ,,Hite itaelf, like the days of
the weele, is .a derivation from Tette
mile auythologY. .13e,stre wag the
Angdo,5'ixon god—Sees of spring, to
h ,in :he mor,.th coile!oponding fo
i;l it the present calendar, bat
'Ince relied "Hotter inonoth," was
decimal, i, 'Mtc name of the festival
in other languages -•-• the French
"1;'11101 .'' the Spaniels "'seethe,"
and the Weigh "'page" --Is derived
from the Hebrew, 'Yeast. of ?Melly'
mestere- "Ile passed over," which re -
calla the deliverance when the Des-
troying Angel "pasted over the
houses of the children of Israel
when he smote the Egyptians as re-
l'ted in the Book of Exodus. The
Jewish Passover nearly coincides
with the Christian Easter, oamdng
^° it d^e>s car .the full moon a the
vernal equinox.
'Observance of the feast of Easter-
! tide as the most Important in the
t"hrlstlan year took such bold that
the. Roman, Emperor Constantine
s, ^reed Fester Day the first: day of
the year, anal this reel:on!ng linger-
ed in France until an ,ordinance of
Charles IX 3n 1565 fixed January 1
".' "°'r's natal day.
Introduction, of the Georgian Cal-
endar by Pope Gregory XIII in 1532
to replace the ' • • -stinete Julian Cal-
endar, led to confusion between the
n and western churches as to
»the late for observing Easter, Deter-
mination to disobey all regulations IJ
re Rome still keeps the Eastern
Christian churcheis from correcting
the calendar according to the
G.rr!eorian refonm•aton. Only in rare
inedan,ce,s, as in 1365, do the Eastern
of East and West coincide. Eastern
governments however, have over-
looked the quarrels of the church,
and Greece, Turkey, Rumania and
Soviet Russia have all offleially
adapted the "new" calendar. Britain
made the change in 1752.
County Clerk
For Service i
Reeve N. W. Trewartha being -a
meamber of the County Warden/:
Comanittee, was called to Godea'foh
last weep for an emergency meet- '
County Clerk J. W. Roberts, being
ant experienced pilot in the last war
again: offered, his Bermes'. He re-
ceived notice from Ottawa to report
there immediately.
It will be the duty of the Ward-
en's committee to make temporary
arrangements for the work con -
ed with his office.
Look out Look out! lie's alert, this
little fellow,
And long, long before you say n
There's a shilling dart from his ex
pert "little bow,"
And; then, ah! —away your heart,
will go.
He loves them all, from tile young,
--on down—to the old
Are h'..' motives aro of purest gold,
From. the "blinding flash," on to the
"gen•tle glows,"
The heart is glad wherever lie goes.
—Hazel Lennox.
Your Eggs
Highest Cash
Prices Paid
For Eggs
And Poultry
Phone 80 Brussels
FES. 16-17 To CHICAGO $12,55 Plus Exchange
Equally low far5es, from all adjacent 0, N. AR. Stations, For Train
Service going and returning gee handbills gar oohsuit Agents
Tictata,prat; TJormatiort,-Baum LimittfronsAgente, ASK' PO) HANDBILL