HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-2-14, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
Wl71W4SDAY, FAB, #.4th, 1940
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Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
Mrs, Patterson and Miss P. Pat-
te'rSou spent week end with Mr. and
Mrs, C. Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs, K. Lerg and Maxine
spent Sunday with the farmer's
pareasta' Mr, and Mrs. M. Fere%
Mies Mildred Sellers and Ethel
Shaw spent Sunday with Mies Beth
' Don't forget the erokimole party
the Young People are holding next
Tuesday night,
allies Ruth Cummings spent a few
days lest week with Mr. and Mrs.
W. Dundee of McKillop.
A pnesentation was held in Wal-
ton Community Hall for Mr. and
Mrs. James tSanderson, now of
Wroxeter, on Thursday evening,
February Sth, with a large crowd in
attendance. During the course cif
the evening' Mr. Harvey Steaeneon
read the following address and they
were presented with a walnut china
cabinet and an .envelope of money.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Sand'enson made
suitable replies. Good music was
5rpplied for the dance by local
t gent.
Fallowing is the address: -
Dear Marguerite and Jim: -
It is with a feeling of great joy,
that we your friends and neighbors
gather' here tonight to congratulate
you on your marriage. We hope
and pray that your married life will
be a very long one and a very
happy one. As far you, Marguerite
we all know of your good qualities
and fine personality, You have al-
ways been with us and we .feel what
will be our loss will be gained by
your neighbors in your new com-
munity. Jim, you are not alto-
gether a stranger, for many of as
have know'n o3 your good qualities
and fine disposition'.
As a token of our regard for you,
-.wk you to accept this china
and envelope, not for its
• lue but as a token of our
't. Hoping that each
will remind you of
and of the high
"aur anarried
of God.
pros -
by Nile., ,Q,
4orson, Exhibit, rennit} in the Townrhip Hall, Ethel
Lunch oQltlmitteee Mee. Kelso l tins,, Ml's, .. Qlayiton Lggan, Mrs.
Edith Proetee. All the ladies . of
the community are cordially Invited
to be present. •
The Young People's Society of the
Mated' Church met on' Wednesday
night Nf last week with the Fellow-
ship .Committees in charge, Merjoi'ie
,Gnaslby preeided. The Devetional
Period was taken by Anne Graeby
and Edith Beacom. The topic was
token by Barden' Scott and comment
thereon shy May Frisby. Elaine
Walsh was et the piano andalso
contributed a special musical num-
Together aids the appointed dela
gates, quite a number of adherents
of the Liberal party in: and around
Ethel motored to Wingham Monday,
Jan. 12, to attend the North Huron
Liberal sesociation nomination con-
eentioo. le Xi Deaohman, who is the
present M.P. for North Huron, was
again chosen, pnactdcally unand-
moualy, to be the party standard
bearer In this constituency in the"
forthcoming dominion election "Id •
If interested and Sferwid prepare -
tions are a sure intimation of ysuc-
ce•e. then the United church conn
®ationel banquet, being held t"
Wednesday, Feb. 14, at 610 'pea:
in the basement of the church willl"
be one of those happy occasions. •''
Although still far from being'
fully better John King has ranted
noticeably in the last two weeks.
Aunts Franklin has returned ' 'to'
Frthel atter being at the home''',
her stater Edina (Mrs. Neocher, ' in
Glen Alan vicinity assisting ='In'
waiting on Mrs. Neocher, senior,
through several weeks sickness;
Ernie Sadswell of Elma Twp., 'Sun -
Bayed with Ethel ftdende. -
Alliston Sleiglntholm of Elma Twp.
near Atwood motored to Ethel Sun. -
day and spent the day at the home
of his .parents, Frank and; Mrs,
We are sorry to know that Rev.
Mr. Snell, pastor of Ethel United
church is again suffering from the
effects of a severe cold.
The posttrponed ,meeting for the
election of village trustees was held.
-tmeselay of last week at J. H.
office at 8.15 p.m. The entire
re-elected the members
`lexander, C. R. Dun.
'ham hockey.
et, was the;.
on Saturday afternoon, Feb. •17th,
at 2.20 o'clock for the purpose of
plaundng to organize for war work,
The; Women's institute met last
Thursday afternoon trt the home of
Mrs, J. Wilson. Mts, L. Lake, let
vice President was in charge. The
Roll Cali was auenvered with a Val-
entine verse, The topic "The value
of tacit," wars token by Mrs, ''Dermis
There wee an apron contest. The
contestants making an apron and
wearing It to the meeting, • ten
Rho* were exhibited and judged.
The prized going to Mrs, J, Wilson
and Mrs. Quest Dobson, At the
close of the meeting Mrs'. Wilson
served lunch, assisted by the com-
mittee in change, A pleasant social
hour was enjoyed.
loins. Glen Gray, who Is at the
home of her parents M, and Mrs.
Parr, Star conn. is not keeping as well
.as her many friends would like to
hear, but hope for a speedy recov-
;YI•iss LoinJohnston, Winigham,
w,as a week -end visitor at the home
ler her. parents G. and Mrs. Johnston
4tlt line.
Dougald Strachan. was a delegate
to •tb.e Liberal Coavicetion, Wing -
ham, .Tuesday of this week. -
Majestic Women's institute
The Februadv meeting of - the
The February an -eating of the
held at the home of Mrs, Bert Hem-
ingway, The meeting was well
attended, with new members and
visitone welcome. The meeting
opened by singing the Institute Ode
,followed by the Lord's Prayer. The
Rall cadl was answered by "Don'ts
for a Siok Room." The minutes of
the lase meeting were read by ,the
secretary an•di were adopted, Bust -
nester and condespondenee was then
discussed. It was decided to babe
a Euchre and Dance in 'Cranbrook
Haul;' Fi:d,ay, Feb. 16. The money
received to be used for war work
of .our Inset tate. Mrs. Kenneth
Shurrde gave an interesting talk
about the comtmon cold, of its 'pre-
vention and cures,' in the absence
of:Miss Agnes Davidson, who was to
have given a topic .on diseases and
making of Pollbices. Miss Violet
Eldaco•tt gave tate Ten Command-
ments of Health, Mrs, Wm. Evans
gave g short reading followed by a
very interesting contest conciliated
by Mrs. Wm. Perrie, The meeting
was then closed and lunch was serv-
ed. The March meeting is, to be
d at. the home of 'Mrs. Hugh
Sensational Paint Offer
fr=om February 15th to March 15th
600 Quarts
Sovereign Paints4 ,c
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The regular meeting of W. M. S.
and W. A. took place at the home of
Mrs. Jas. Machan ' on Wednesday
The meeting opened with prayer
by Mrs. H. Ludington followed with
Hymn: '123 "He Leadeth me. 0 blesee
ed thought" and the Lesson was
read by Mrs. Orval Harrison and
Devotionral leaflet by Wilma Har-
rison. Byama, 249 ''Jesus shall
reign where'er the sun." and the
offering was taken, rfollonved 'with
the business taken by the Presi-
dent... Biocke were ;handed) in for
Missionary quilts, to be made, to be
sent away in June. The Study book
was taken by Mrs. ince McLean.
Roll • call was anoweredi by 16 ladies
and the minutes of last meeting
were read) and adopted.
The closing Hymn, 252 "In 'China
there Ise no East anal West."
The W. A. melt directly at the
close of the W.MJS. and they
planlnedt to hold some quilt -Inge in
the 'near future. The meeting closed
with prayer.
The annual meeting and banquet
of Moncrteff church took place Jan,
301h but owing i tosickness and
weather conditions the numbed
.present was not as large as it migblt
have been. deet, Mr, Gilbert acted
as chairman and repents trent or-
ganizations, were as follows: Young
People's Union Receipts, $23.&2;
Sunday (School Receipts $79.1+7;
Adult Bible Class' Receipts $26.30;
Comae of ,Stewands $648.49,; ;M. & M.
Funid $84.80; Women's. Association
Receipts $290.62; W.M.S. Receipts
$60.81, Those 'taking part in the
program were Miss Edna Proctor,
Olive 'Speiran and Orval Hanson.
A 1940 SPECIAL! 1
A "created" picture—the photographer spilled the milk, and the kitten did
the rest. Develop natural situations to get more interesting shots.
TT'S fun to look for picture oppor- Such a figure adds foreground inter-
est, and directs attention to the
create them. And many of the finest scene beyond. Ia picturing snow
picture chances are created deliber the es,scan ramp it will
path leadingcintoi.
ately by the photographer. the scene where it help the cone.
If you wait for things to arrange Position of the picture. Such devices
themselves for a picture, you're just often add better pictorial quality
trusting to luck, and yon may have to your shots.
a: long wait. But 11 you take a few In taking action shots, don't trust
to chance. If possible, arrange with
steps to create a situation, you'll your subject to have the desired ac -
find it easier to get just the picture tion take place at a chosen spot.
you want—when you want it. Then you can focus in advance, and
For example, look at the picture be all ready to shoot. For example,
above. Is there any point in waiting to get a good shot of a sled spill,
for such a situation to occur natur- arrange for Johnny to flip his sled
ally? Not a bit. It's much simpler to over at a selected spot near the bob,
spill the milk right where you want tom of the hill. This idea also works
it—place the kitten where you wish for many other sports—summer and
—and shoot. A kitten knows what to winter.
do when he's face to face with milk. Table -top photography is of
There are many such occasions course outright creation—you build
Where a little arrangement is a big the subject completely before shoot-
help. Use a bait to tempt a pet to the ing it. That's why "table -topping" is
best spot for a picture. Give the so much fun it allows plenty of
baby an amusing toy -or place an room for imagination and original•
automatic music -box beside him— ity. Still-life pictures are also a mat -
and he'll pose, completely unaware ter of arrangement. , , and your skill
of the camera. Provide .some action in composing the subject -matter de•
for an older child to carry out—a termines the quality of the picture,
doll to dress, a book to read, amodel Never be a lazy photographer.
• eat to work on. The action provides Don't "let well enough alone." Al,
me or story which improves the ways try to improve the picture -or,
got a first shot of the subject as it
shooting outdoor aeenea or is, and then try to arrange a batter
scape pictures, try having a one. Theta the way the finest pia
.and stand In the foreground, look- tures are made.
ing at the scene you plan to picture. 264 John van Guilder
'uth•aulton Aeibmetfc
tuning—it's greet!
:ish a button and there's
ogrant. A convenience
eatable in a re,narkably
riced 5 -rube Console that
7•tube performance ... the
,et price le Majestic'shistory.
y terms( Liberal allowance!
..owe in --see the New models,
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Miss Hingston's Store
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