HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-2-7, Page 5THE BiivssIt,S KIST ,...1111.M.RMINISIMIN 401. NEWS OF THE DISTRICT Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents ' MORRIS Mra, !athwart Johnston is spending a 'few days with 1Vlh'. and Mrs, Har- ald Harriss and monis at Drayton, their little son has has pneumonia but glad to hear he is getting better. Mr, ,roseli•in Sellers lett on Friday to eyelid a couple of months' with his daugither and son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, McLean. Mrs, Melville Mathews and son Arnold spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Woods and, Will also wth her mother and aunt, Miss Isabel Douglas spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Clras. Bosman and sons. Mr, and Mrs, Richard Jackldu and family visited' on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ward Gray and family. Mrs. Robt. McMurray and two sonic returned home on ,Saturday atter visiting with her father and other friends alt Stratford,. Mrs, John Noble of High River, Alta., is visiting her brothers, Martin' and Harry Granby and re- newing old acquaintances in this vicinity, BLUEVALE The president, Mrs. T. J. Elliott, presided at the monthly meeting of W. M. S. of -Knox Preabytter'ian church on. Thursday a8ternbon at the home of Mrs. R. F, Garnise. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. L1tlow and Mrs, Peter S. Mac- Ewen led :in prayer. During the business period the allocation was accepted, clothing for a girl, 14 pears of age. Plans were also made for making three or four quilts for the aumply dlepartrnent Mrs. R. F. Garniss it>, giving a talk on current events outlined a few missionary happenings of the last month or two, Mrs, Harry Elliott read the Glade Tidings prayer. The Study of ' fir 1'oving Millions' was continued by Mrs. Eldred Nichol speaking on Mahatana, Gandhi .• and chrdatian conversions the Eatner- genge of Dr. A.mbedkar, his exper- ience with prayer and his decision to denounce Hinduism and itS ef- fects on the untouchables in India. Woman's Association +Meeh The regular meeting of tha Wom- I ann's Association of the, United church was held in the Sunday' school room with the president, Mrs. 1S, N. Gallaher in charge, A Palter on etiquette and oo rent manners was given by Miss Mur. garett Chnitis and Rev, C, Tavener sung "My Gr'andfather's Clock" Lunch! was s,erwetl by Mrs, James Robertson and Mra, Robert, Shaw, Rev. Campbell Tavener !presided at the joint annual blandness meeting Of Biuevale and Ebenezer charges Of the United Church in .the school ro;oin when there was a good at- tendance, Mrs. Edward Johnston, recording secretary, acted as secre- Lary, • The session' reported the loss of two members by death, Everett Mc- Gee and 'George McGee, The two retiring members of the session, Arthur Shaw and Jawes Peacock, were re-eleobed, - Thomas 'Stewart, onaccount ort tailing health, wished to resign, from the board of truss tees, but the congregation voted in favor of his ' remaining on the board. Sperling Johnston was elect- ed a new memlber to the trustee heard. '.Enteounaging reports were heard from the session, 'boards of trustees and management, Sunday school, Woman's Association and Missionary Society, Words of appreciation were ac• Corded the pastor, Rev. C. Tavener and. Mrs. Tavener, It was proposed that a men's dinner be held in the near future. Previous •to the meet- ing the ladies. of the congregation served a hot baked bean supper. Celebrates 85th Birthday Thomas Stewart quietly celebrat- ed the 85th anniversary of his birth on Saturday. Mr, Stewart has been a. continuous resident of the vil- lage since he was a vent' young boy. BELGRAVE The charter has been received by the Belgi(ave Red Cross Society. ]Junin •the.course of different organ. ization meetings the following of - Rome. were appointed: President, C. R, +Cbultes; vice-president, Mrs. Alex Manning; secretary, Rev. J. B. Townemd; treasurer, C. H. Wade, The texecu'ive comanittee ie as fol- lows: Mrs,. Joe Dunbar, Mrs. M. Canada's Poultry Prockictkin Becomes an industry of EMPIRE IMPORTANCE a`In 1913 the export of eggs to the British Market was 150,000 dozen. Mr- In the second year of the war (1916) it increased to 7,900,000 dozen. ,Our Export to the British Market in the year preceding the present war (1938) was 1,384,000 dozen. What will it be in 1940 ? BE READY TO SUPPLY THE DEMAND Secure'a 5 PER CENT DISCOUNT on BABY CHICKS & PULLETS by booking your order on or before Ma•rvh 15th. +000®044404.644.0,044.4441POm00 WALTER ER ROSE Poultry Farm, - Brussels P.Q. Box 90 Phone 38X -r-4 Free illustrated catalogue on request. J, .Shobecttom, Mrs', Cecil Ceultee, Mra, Rabemt' Iilggius, Mra, Alex Young, Mns, W1Ila1'd Armstrong. The woOk room 11as been donated by W. J. Geddes is the old hotel bwildin+g. Mils, M. J. Shoebottosu has been rained convener ,ef the buying committee, We, Alex Manning eon• vener 01 the work loom committee and Mrs.. Willard Arvnetgong • coni yeller of the draulatic and concert committee, The following have been named 80 canvassers for the district: Mel Bradlburn1 Albert Vincent, George •Coultes, Elmer Ireland, Stewart Proctor, C'eoll Wheeler, William VanOantp, John! ,Stewart and Dave Ohamney. Plane have been made to proceed with a regular canvass of every home in the area between. the 1Lst and 14th ce February. Ar- ram+gemenits, are made for getting a geed, supply of material for the work room together with patterns of art.°cles to be made no that a start can be made in these activ- ities at ant early date, Major Wat- son of headquarters also called on the 'president and secretary of the branch, Roads Opened Up Roads are gradually getting opened up atter the stormy time. The county plow opened the 5111 n^ Beat Wanvanosb, Monday night the plow opened' out the road on the Stir of Morrs, These are the only eoncesaions' opened to cars. Reads Meters on Skits They say mo,ce. ity is the mother of intyenition. Be that a& it may when the meter reader tor rural Hydro from Clinton came to do the reading of meters in this district and the truck codicil not leave the highway he shade !the journey down the concessions on skiis, The Young People's Society of Knox United church held a skat- ing party at the community rink in Belgave on Wednesday night w hen there Was a good attendance Present and a good time enjoyed. Following the skating -a.11 gathered in ,the basement of the church where hot dogs and coffee 'were sea asd and a pleasant evening brought to a close, A euchre and dance was head in the Foresters' Hall on Friday night, sponsored by the Foresters. Win hers for cards were Mrs, Art Scoot and Neil McCrea. The consolation pvizes. went to Mrs, Robert McCrea and Arnold Yamieson. The lucky door prize was won by Mrs. rt. Me- .Crea. Lunch was served and dancing followed, Mrs. R. Yule visited with friends iu, London end Toronto over the week -end; Misses Kay Townend and Verna Johnston of London spent the Week -end at their homes here, The Young People's Society or the Untied Church held their regular e +cclal averring in the 'form of a skating party on the Be1•grave rink last week. There wag a good at- tendansle of members which togeth- er with some visitors mn a total of about 60. The weather and ice were ideal at 10.00 p,m, adjauclnment was ! made to the church for a lunch of wieners. and buns, The canvas for funds for the local Branch of the Red 'Cross' Society is now inrfull +swing. Unfortunately an erroa' on. the part of the wholesale house, whey sending out supplies has delayed operations in the work room, This mistake is being remedied, however and a beginning wall be made on.knitting operations at an early date, • NOWXSIIRIMMTIDI tgaiba Ki tna `Nti iLant a Fbt':Lrtn,'},.r .7' Porn:ape hustilcnn ln. riratanslrn> f'Ut' the u,r r :vP c.1 ahelpin band,ta• .lib le Meru C agsztatl. Men t'r1ti;l't trlonoyr anti return iasisli brriirr,3 rasatl ibis pnl .sr. YOU 01Iri r005t.i1 thon't thrown/1 otir Claseiiied '+rxlr.t Acis •fN.i�'t(r' x,.11,:., .,isthM.;3n�,t-.`.ya. fh V FI ti Q a' x Haying Ire McKillop 60 Years Ago The Editor the Post Dear Sir:- 'Clredr-e-ri nk-a-chink • Ohedr.a.ri n'k-a-cbi ujt Five anew standing at the corner at a 10 mere field of S1,aanlps and tini- othy hay Whetting ,their scythes 0herr-e-rink-a-chink was a familiar sound in the rural districts of M,c- Killop in those days. Perhaps stone of the elder readers of the Past will remember tirase dams and for the Younger readers. of your valuable Paper I will endeavour to give a description of them, Four 'or five men generally 'started into a big field together with five boys With sticks about six feet long sharpened at both ends, to spread the hay in order t'halt it aright dry, In. a couple od days they would come back with forks and. hand rakes, the first man raking ast far as he could, the next man forking it as tar as he could then another rake, then another fork and so on until the windrow was closed up and the field all raked. The hay had then .to be ooiled each man taking a row with a boy to rake. The men had to have good Judgment in order that the coils could be got at with the wagon or Jumper. The hay rack was a home- made affair .fashioned with. material from the 'Cedar swamp, First two 5 -inch pieces !for sills were found and 4 peter about 0 inches for the sides. Then the swamp hunted for 4 similar croaks for the arms. It was all :put .together with 'wooden pins and lasted for a good many years, 0 remember two men were cutting at our place and I was spreading when a big snake ran out over an elan root, The man put the ba:ek of scythe, on it and called to me to come with a stick. Of couse I ran and we soon finished the snake, 'The man threw him trap on the stump tc dry. The year I raked atter the wagon father put up the hay in a 'small a'acre and the following spring sold it for $20 a ton. Feed was very scarce) and some ,people went to the bush and cut down soft slung and soft maples for browse far the cows. !Some of them would stay all night in the shade or the Hemlocks and Cedars. We 'talk about the hard times new I don't Think it is as had as it was then, Eve31>y smd. humor robot+y urnrodveeets re'fchin andgood nobody Was very poor. Of course they had to praottice economy and. not be waste- ful: T am glad I was born in economy tinter, I was taught to rake the hay up clean and not to be wasteful and i ream' forgot what I'learn,ed when a boy, Yours truly, Melvin J. Blanchard, R. R. 4, Walton, Ont. ETHEL Doctor Richmond's dog Major, a Great Dane, about 11?-, years old, weighing approximately 120 Lbs, has voluntary constituted himself .es- cort to His Majesty's Mail delived'' service on both the rural route and to the C.N.R. sttations several days during last Week and ven.e this week to' award contracts, Mrs. Elwood McTaggart of Grey Twp,, visited at the home of her ,parents, Ant and Mrs, Henry for se 'revel days during last week and the first of this. week. We were sorry to know of the loss by floe, 1londay, Feb, 5,, of the barn of Cetcil Robinson, 1411 con., of Grey Twp, Ethel Presbyterian . church ooh• gregational banquet is, dated for March 1st, Inlvita.tions are out for the United r'tarch congregational banquet to be held in the basement of the ehan'elr, a 0,30 pan, on Valentine night, Fob, 14. !Geo, Dunbar is having a well drilled on Ifs 1'esidenial property in tho village, Davi deo no of Wing. hath have the contract, Will Dine has purchased a. horse Prong Bent Vodcleh and nen,, abdivest a matched colored, gray team. A hockey game played on Moles, worth rink, Saturday of lastweek, by Ethel and Molesovortlr 'teams re- sulted i11. a win tor Ethel, but Wee not by any means one sided, Skat- W !1DNE1Ss?AY, ,Irp110UARY 7, 1940 HELP PLAN HIS TOM0RR011,49 The Canadian Legion's War Services are under- taken with the approval and active cooperation of the Canadian Government. cer1 FREE° ow On Monday, February 12th, the Canadian Legion launches a financial appeal for $500,000 to carry on a great, new and much needed program of educational and personal services among our enlisted men. While the first job is to win the war, every . man must be prepared for the inevitable return to Civil Life. The Canadian Association for Adult Education is collaborating with the Legion to provide educational and vocational training for our men. Through its 1100 branches in Canada the Legion will assist in the solution of personal and business problems. Soldiers free of private worries are better soldiers. Legion services will also include facilities for leave, sports, reading, soldiers' concert parties and other entertainment. Give generously to this great new cause. Send or take your contribution to your nearest Legion branch. NATIONAL APPEAL, FEBRUARY 12th • CANADIAN,,LEGION WAR SERVICES. EDUCATIONAL AND -PERSONAL SERVICE APPEAL ing after the game was enjoyed by a host of Ethel and Molesworth young people. A return game was arrang- ed for, for Wednesday, Feb, 7, also to be en Moleatwortth rink, * * * GREY Lloyd Wheeler was a visitor to Stratford during the past week and also enjoyed the "Alt Home" at the Normal School Friday evening. dl..,-ro A man took his daughter on a trip to New York. They went to one of those plays that made father blush a bit. "I'm sorry, Dorothy, that I 'brought you here," he said, "this is hardly a play for a. girl of of your age." 'a01, that's all right, Dad. It'11 probably liven up a bit betore the end." LOOK AT YOUR LABEL `i WE OFFER HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR CREAM DELIVERED - AT THE - BRUSSELS CREAMERY PHONE 22'. BRUSSELS B. A. Reid, R.O. Sight Specialist for Over 20 Years 21 Downie St., Stratford COMPLETE EY[5IGH MICE, EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED MODERATE PRICES Brussels Office - Miss Kingston's Store Every Wednesday Afternoon 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. PHONE 51 - BRUSSELS Have plenty of ELECTRIC OUTLETS.. REWIRE