HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-2-7, Page 4THE BRUSSELS fN S1' BUY BREAD FROM YOUR BAKER ed skill, scientific equip- Went quiptrent and the very finest materials -,--Five you a loaf that is unsurpassed in wholesomeness and delis' nous Bayous. Select oysters 33c jar Fresh Greens-- Every Week-end— W. WILMS -- PALACE BAKERY. PHONE 32X BRUSSELS l%ve 4 no ocha toexicco.Just LIKE OLD CHUM. stave sufficient TnaterIal relwrarda to be coanitoutable and to make his future 8''epure. Society wall have the investment returned many times over if .the teaching profession is raised' somewhat above the leve of Penury^ on which Ithou:ian s of ;teachera are liming at present. On one point we likely agree, 2t is tbat the nunfoipality aboudd net be called upon to bear the great- er part of the coat as dal done dei Ontario, We should follow Britain, Anastasia, U.S, etc, in demanding 'test that our Dentition and Pi ovincial Govermnests bear the major burden of education costs, Then small . commnnitdes would have fine schools and equipment equal to those of tb,e city. The province and the nation should bear the cost because educa- tion' Le a national service and there should be equal opportunities for all. . School Costs .. (J. W. Noseworthy) How much do we spend on the education. of our children? Our Ontario highway debt ds irea1Y ,three times the school debt. In Ontario we are spending more on liquor .than on education, The same is true of our tobacco bills. Our total expenditure (including polio, high and university) is only I.5%a of our national income. Of the avenage citizen's' income 3.5% Is spent on edhmaton and 55% is spent on shelter and clothing. 17 There ie evidence that citizens are well aware of the cost of the teach- er—educational eacher—educational costs erre always given a prominent position on tax bills. They are not so aware of his impontaoao to that set uP. They do not realize that the teacher mush pass on to the youth of bas genera- tion the heritage of the past, new deal and a saucer sense of .values'. To perform this most iurportaut task the teacher must be scholarly, widely experienced and poesesed of ideals and initiative. He must have the means to study, to buy, not to bony w, books tbatt he may keep for his own use. He must be able to keep abreast of the academie re- quirements of his profession by tak Mg courses of study, He should be able to travel to gain broader con- tacts which through: him will en- rich 'the lives of his pupils. Since Personality is so important in the classroom, he must be free from financial worries. In the in,terestm of the pupil and in fairness: to the teaches' he must The rain is raining all around; It rains on roads and, streets, On highways and on boulevards Anid' those in rumble seats. CUSTOM SAWING—. W1Il be .done earlier in Brussels this year, as bring your logs in now. 4 Seines Steve:oa FOR SALE - 75 acre Farm, TA mile from the main street of Brussels; 5 acres of bush; lots of water; good buildings. phone 51-r-10 Ed. Pollard 1 look well en +'i ugh but 1 feed our help.. . "BELIEVE IT OR NOT—I've spent a quarter of my life in The Hospital for Sick Children. But then, I'm only six months old. My little feet were being straightened so that I'd be able to romp and play when I'm alder. "I'm all better now—going home to -morrow. I feel just fine, too, except when I think of the debts I'll be leaving behind. You see, Daddy isn't able to pay for the wonderful care and treatment I received. "The Government and the city I live in, together, paid $2.35 each day I was here. Unfortunately, that isn't enough because it costa the Hospital an average of $3.45 every day to treat me and each other little patient. "More than eight thousand little children were cared for here Last year, just like me. We're the ones who cause the large deficit of The hospital fot Sick Children every year but everyone admits that we're worth it. "It isn't our fault that we get sick or become crippled, but the least we can do is appeal to you fot help—particularly when we know that this Hospital does not share in the Toronto i'ederation for Community Service funds because Public Ward patients are admitted from any part of the Province. "Won't you send a donation to the Hospital to help meet this deficit? Even a small gift would be greatly appreciated. "PLEASE ... send it TODAY !4" Wt>AIJIV'85a"JIA,Y, b' BE:VARY 7r 1840 Want ROUN ► TRIP TRAVEL BARGAIN Ads, FEB. 11917 To CHIC/NOD$12.66 Plus Exchange From BRUSSELS trOST--' 2 Ii;eyar, on chain, Ander .please' re, turn to East Huron Produce Dm- porivan and .reserve rewaad, FOR SALE--, 119 York Pigs, ready • to wean end of ween. Phone 56-r-4 W, H. Maunders FOR BALE -- 8 pure bred Yorkshire Pigs bred from 'Welrwhod eolw. Pelt weaned, phone 54-r-4 Wan, (Spear FOR SALE— Dm. wood, apply to phone 42-r-16 Mark Cardiff FOR SALE-, 74nbe PhiUco Cabinet Radio, good as new -1.5.00. apply at The Post FOR SALE- 9 Chunks of Pigs, aibont 65 lbs. apply at VA Lot 25, Concession 7, °Mor'rda Prep. James Riley FOR SALE 10 Little Pigs, 6 weeks old' apply to S. M, Bray Phone 47r15 Tau Bluevale FOR SALE— 10 Pigs, about 60 lbs. phone 34-r-16 d. L. Earl WOOWANTED-- Tenders WANTED— Tendiers will be received until Feb. 15, for 10 cords of body hard wood, not less than half maple, 15=inches long, To be delivered at Duff's Church, Walton. Robent Mic'Fadzean, -Sec. BEGININING— A Tap Dancing Class, 25c per person. Anyone inter- ested phone . , . Wilma E. Partridge, ' SELL ?OR EXCHANGE — 2 Clyde, generanpunpose Fillies' broke; Chestnut Driving Pony, in foal, quiet, rising 7; owned ex- change for beef type Bull, Grass Cattle; Young Pig or Hayloader. phone 42 -r -1i2 LesOie Chambers AGENTS ,WANTED-- ' SELL, WHAT ,EV1FYRY HOUSE- HOLD NEEDS! Familex ,Salesmen live selling guaranteed Familex Products. QUICK AND SURE ISAIIilna^I PAT•R PERCIEI1S--REPEAT .ORDERS. Get factsand catalogue today: FA,MIPLEX PRODUCTS, 570 St, Clement Montreal. .Brussels Holds Council Meeting . Brussels, Feb. 5th, 1.940 The regular mronln1y meeting of the Brussels council was held in the Public Library on the albove date. All members being present. The minnnte9 of :the last meeting being read it Was moved by H. Champion, seconded Ory 11. Bowler that the minutes be adopted. Carried, The following Drills were presented:— — — G, MleDowell, Jany salary .... 60.00 R. S. Waowick, San. salary 25.00 Geo, Campbell, Jan..selary .. 2:50 Brussels Hydro -Electric streets 108.00 Hall 1.57 ,Ino. Gibson, pia*. repairs .,7.05 Ed. Henderson, plowing streets 28.60 Municipal World, Sub- aenipttons 6;00 Salvation Arany, Grant 10,00 Monteith & Monteith, Auditors: 77.00 Rendes for fire month of January 20,92 Moved by W. 'Cameron, seconded by H, •C'hamillan that 'tire neocunts as read be paid.—Carried. Mnvarll by 11 Champion, Seconded by F. Sands that By --isms no. 1 authorizing the Reeves and Cleric to borrow up to $8000.00 dor current eapensee, be read the third time and passed. --Carried. `"...vel. try F, Semis,: seconded by H. Bowler tliait the Auictar's report, be accr led and filed. --Carried. Mo^,ad by 1.1 -Bowler, seconded by F. Snrnia'that the ton: roll bo return- ed to the Collector for further col- Irn'aor,..—Curt ea. Mow.r by H. Champion, seconded Iry W. C7rneron that the Bhvssels Council meet the First Tuesday` of 091'tt mouth during 1940 ein5 be- ginning with the March rneeeting, ,Carried, FES, 17 7'O WINDSOR �n� TO DETROIT Equally low Verses from all adjacent' C. N. IR. Stations, For Train Service going and returning seehandbill@ or consult Agents Tics eta, Txn Information, Return Limits (ram Agen4sp s1SX lr0'R fIANDg17 CANADIAN- NATIONAL ALWAYS WE CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS � fi+ BLUEVALE Blom teals; Mrs. Robert serfather NL L rar and 'two children visited her father Mr., aad •Mrs. Arthur Shaw, Itobei't at Stratford. Shaw, 'Ralph, •laran4r and Alex Shaw, `-•- r—'��� David' and Charlie Jloaynston, and Plan to Select Edward JaokMa :were fru Palmerston Candidate For on Wednesday attending the funeral of the late Williams Clark. 1 Coming Election. Arthur and. Robert Show are half- brothers of Mre, (Clark; Robert Scott, a farmer residenit of this locality, having 'lived ani the East Boundary line for several yews was buried on Thurdby from his home et. Cranbrooir :where he died auddjeoly from a heart attack. lrieitors,'at the home of Mr, and .Mrs. Leonard Elliott; ,Mr, and Mrs. Bordbu Maollay and two children and Dell Ewing of Wdngbam, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Blliott of Hamilton, and MTs. Jim .55!11 of Wingham; Mr. and .Mrs. Tack . Sparlos of Wingham, with Mr. and Mas.,-Gor- Executive Meeting M Wingham Fixes Date— Wingham, Feb, 2r -,Meeting in a closed session, the executive of the Month Huron Liberal Association selected Monday, February 12, at Wdng:ham Own hall as time and place for their nominating conven- tion to select a candidate for the forthcoming Pedenai elation. 'l'he convention will convene at 1.30 p.m. According to President R. S. Heth- erington the meeting yesterday was enthusiastic with onlp one of the 32 executives absent, the absent mem: ber being ill, ••••••••••••(.••••••••••••••••••••••••:: 0-c4•9000••000000 A Good Place to Eat After Skating is The Scotch Thistle Grill •o••Ooo000044•0• Come in for . Sandwiches, Soup or Lunch Have a .cup of Hot Chocolate or Hot'Cofee They Are Delicious -- Try "'One and Be Convinced. i USE MORE APPLES OF -#LL -KINDS EATINI COOKING A delicious healthful food for dessert or lunch McIntosh, Spys, Snows and T r.lman Sw, ets Also.gocd cooking apples at;,j 5c per hamper F0 S LE AT East Huron P° .duce Emporium Ph'o3la 66 Brussels