HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-1-31, Page 44$C1IIIIBEINS T .BRUSSF ' .POST EWNEWS OF THE %DISTRICT Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents ETHEL The Weenen's+ Institute will meat :on Thursday a<fterfoeu, Fehruar-Y Kbat trite home of Mrs, J. 'Wilson. tearrent ;;evenit.s Will be in charge of Mrs. P, Stephenson sad Mes. Wilson, Roll Gal/. A Valentine verge, Topic, The value of Tact will ably known, now oe Atw0oa, will • be taken by Mrs. Dennis, Contest, have attained to 85 years of age, but 'Malke and. wear alt apron. All has only seen 22 contra merles et ladies of the comrminity are invited her birthday. to attend, Mrs, Andy /ar'enut r it Grey TtWp, With the exeepttott cif •Ait•a, J. not far• from Ethel le fortunate in. King, who continues on the verge of improving so favourably after a entire collapse, Ethel citizen's re- i ee'conxi. operation pertly:wed in ballad, the property a c ins. , hair ins with Mt'. wed Mrs, John X -a11; sold died sudtleuly 'Monday elf tills Miss Florence ;Shie11 is tt�coteztiug week .after a shore aiekuese. The from a severe sore throat animal was immediately disposed of A,tteuKianee at .the anneal. eongre• by Urinal au: the property of his gatiomal meeting Of Knox PreT.Nitel• owner, Ian church was smaller than, .usual Come the late da of Feb'uallr owing to weather conditions. Walter 1940, airs. 8. 'Cl:iameera, . n „termer ,Siaiilie was elected to Preside. MV'a, reeiclent of Ethel, we11 awd,,favnur: Puler S MeAwem' read as a scrip' Uwe mesactge "The Parable of the Sewer." Walter S. Devidiaan. la gfv Mg the session report stated Uttit during the year death had claimed tbnee members, Peter D. King, drew Grey and laths. Mary Moffatt, The membership •roil is 104. The se' oretarYetreaaurer, Miss Olive ported on the 'sick list during athe Kitchener hospital, within the last ,,Scott, gave an outline ot the g elr resent weeks• have altogether rerov- rem mouths. Her many, hinds :oral went throughout tbe year, also el ts 00 r• eased or are .connnaleseing Yavcur- albly, Mr. carman Richards who holds a position with the .Ktttkian& ,Lake a elating ` company, but lies been 'Vending a' IUUited recreations Period at hoahe of Geo. ' and Mrs'. Eokanier, returned at the fttlSt'of the week to reeumcij'lvis work, Mrs, Richards will continue. Iter stay here for a while Iongea'. 0dr. T. ! MccL eod. ori outhampton +gas a wt.lcoute visitor over the week Orsi with friends -in Ethel: . 'Miss Ruth Franklin of -Atwood was a 'guest over tivets.;ia•Etihel. and The county ting quite regata is. sec- tion, keecpdng open for motor trate. damn bprsee there is .still room ear inuprove¢nent,' For the winter mouths' the Y.PiS, of Ethel United. Church are holding their weekly ;meetings In private homes;' " At .the lnitiai meeting held two weeks ago, . ,at the home of Quest and Mns'. Dobson the teen aged members' preseniterl' a short play of biblical character as, the special feature. At last week's as- sembly at Acnes. with Helen Bate- man as guest hostess, contests, liter- ary, geographical and historical were conducted. And came 'attraa- tive endeavour' !for th'e welfare of the soraet). is hoped for, tor each -week. The inivitation of Ronald Lovc 'to tweet this 'week at the home of his parents, If, W. and Mra. Love was accepted. 'The ranch adimiratil dog, a beauti- fn1ry' spotted black net white roalh tvasit tor a speedy and complete re- i .e, detailed sta,teanetvt o the rec cover/, ,., ;and ecopenditures, The budget giv- Mugh McCartney from -.'Bask,; • . is• hags were not as'b:igh as last year, spending the winter with has brother .the general fund closed with a bat Jim on the 3rd Grey Twpc •,•, •I,aace as reported by 'the auditor re; J, Forrest. BLU. EVA Wb7'i)NI':5DAY, J 911t, Mrs. Walter $milaie reported splendid. meetings bath regular and 'alma -tat being held by the W.M.S. • ' The membership was small with a .Rev. •Campbell Tax$n$teahfaatahe,d sand "average attendance, Amount caked for all purposes $83. The report of the ladies' Add' society was presented by Mea. W. H:• hreixhineli, Tour quarterly', meet, tl the '•imgr were held;• with a tea at each; s'eivfed'' also: a bazaar and a hot:suPPer was 4p1140• ''held. The Morris Group led in ac roon, •tivity 'raising $39,05, ,The books e Nati; closed with' a balance on b'an'd o1 110,4.e01, $136; The Sunday School iso small Mailing, ' ' but is self-suppontdng and comtrdb I}Jessie uteri $8 to missions. The trustee .ectifa be %board,' P. S. Maoorwsa, Jbbat Mune tse'dir" ' d»2.. and .Peter Moffatt Was re- . elected. • vane* There were several nominations, Knox for the ot5ce of the three retiring ,) service members at the Board of manage_ I. in: Knox Presmyter n u ton ment. Burns Moffatt, W: Sundhay meaning. r;; Kinney and Raymond Ellett were Arrangeanelite are, behiiiw d'e to nf•w elected. M. Olive Scott .was' re -alar -i' observe the World's Day 'D$ ,p,gayer. s ted sea'rctaryetreaaurer. R. J.For-;$ i .lite/- rest and John McTavish auditors; rte .an- • • > Gordon Greig was re-elected super- '1131 uper :, • beluga intendant of the Sunday School and'.°11 Mass Jean Elliott was appointed tji�I • S. S. secretary-ereasuter. • in the United •Church Sunda* ,00ra- .ing on. theme appropriate tp 'p went time, about re -building and attend- ing the walls of Jerusalem t The pastor gave a short address Sunday School, Reath. and . dhploeiitt t and Seale'• for re tendaace -to ::.:Spence George Thomson, Jean Shirley ,Sailing, Helen Scott SVfeLennan, Wheal and ' WdIie •Ge•nehee. Mis Miliigan' and others unaSl present, also were aural lamas. N: William Henderson "rc College, Toronto, conducts . in the United Church aftetmOOt, February 9.ih nual songregationat bleat Bluervale United Chg1Fh held on Friday night tibia Week• The Womanrs Associatiort' is ;'dere GoingTO Change Thinos Qn Thr Farrx • .... .......... ,.,,...,. ... ....,,x:;:�e;�:>.. _.::-.�: r�pNe&�r0?:�s:���•&';�..AJ:. ',Sb..s,'�,) i. ',�A;��,Y�,�'':"�a,x���' f:"'�Yi� ., New Ford The Fend Tractor witiz Fer• guaon teyettem Is cfamipthtialY new. You've never seen any. • thing like. it. Treater and: •unit • are %banabirred ante . elle. 'slim- . mut sl mi- p*st vaniite-onlaM1dng. possible greater!stefididrdoy; ,contret, ec" onsecuaty'1. •Hydtraulac :mechanism' for easy, . positive . control 'of ' `faspeemeats inures a let nutty coniitan't ' dePth while plmbing or cu1lth ttntg, but. effortless ' rifting and lowering o3 'ample-' Tractor Introduced memlte. ' An autataadtiag featre . la the light w t if the nest! Becattse the '`Blue of draat"" 3s downyvand pito,the grouni, there Its nor Tenger need Of • X celsa wit to eccaeie traction, • This mean ,auta'tting fuel 0a-; enomy , and inintl'mtmes' peg of soil; And means ytiu cern Plow, fields full oY: rook and shamans, because, the new line • of draft. Ss the treetop's "safe - , A, mg a hit baked bean before✓ the meeting. n, ` r • , Hayanand. Selling is •suffer{td6 from a scalded hand; Mit J. W. Master's, accompanied byl r��i9 Ives tram the Canadian' Went; ig "teait- s • Canada's r PDolty Proucti�' Becomes an gndustry of IPJTLCE ;r in 1913 the export of eggs to the British Market was 150,000 dozen. Zier In the second year of the war (1916) it increaszld. to 7,900,000 dozen. ,Our Export to the British- Market in the year preceding the present war (1938) was 1,384,000 dozen. WIWI;c will it be in 1940 ? BE READY TO SUPPLY THE DEMAND cine a I'h' iDISCOU BABY CHIOKS-' &44./LILETS1 by.b' your .oe'd.,er. ai;n' ar beirpre Marci ul ,, MR' '- ROSE oiltry Farm,` Box 90 . Free tliustra"" e"cd ei a d tj �u$ I ott 38 elktrreri erta. ad ,Gs1�'1li5', BELGRAVE The short course at '.Belgrave came to a hetppy conclusion with' bant6uet and dance in the Foresters .Hall. The color seheme used ort the tables was red- and white. Redo candles; red and white 'menus red. and white tulipe and red Place cards carried'. out the scheme. Tate members of the shalt course and. their grleimds, numbering one hunt quet, James Shearer, Agiacultural barruet table at seven p.m. Tho' banquet was. provided by the Wornenrg Institute. Atter the bent quer;. James Sheared, Agricultural Representative of Huron, aoted ae toast master, and atter commuirfty sittptng led by H, B. Hinkley and Mc ea Jean Elliott accompanied by Freda Jordan at the Piano, he called for the toast to the King. The least to the guests was pr0- poe•ed by Kennr.+tlt. Wlterler, hi a very 83tiug manner, This 'Least yes responded to by George 14.10-n, Reeve ot Colborne Town- ship, cad Warden of Huron; R. 11mord. Reeve cf East Wawa - flesh; F, Duncan, Reeve of Morris; Ex -Warden }leucite of I•Iuron; Mrs. P. G. Anderson, president of United Farm Women' of Ontario; James Michie, president of Beegrave Fqr- mers' Club; Hugh Hill, past Reeve of Colborne; and L. E. Cardiff, ex - Reeve of Morels. Miss Alberta Mc- Murray rendered a solo, accompan- led by Nora Vail 'Cam'p at the Mena, which was much enjoyed, Stewart Proctor moved a vote 00 thanks to the Women's Institute for the supper, whish was seconded by C. R. 'Counter anal replied to .b? Mrs. lslox,nen Keating, president •. of the, Women's Institute. Harvey MroDctvetl- then reudexed a violin seleottoit,.., accompanied ' by Fr ti Jordlan. ' The, :toaetato ate class, ji x Home Eeenomies, was l 'olosed ..57 Jolla Gear' and. was rdarionded to• by Edna. Vincent. The'toast to ,'the class in Agrdoutture•e.wae proposed 'bp,.Ituth Wheeler and 1'eaponded,' to` by Mildred WhOte. • '! :talk,* onBacon Export. in Canada ty detiee;t' s.When,the ploW ertkes a hidden obetnucttol6 weight is tnaneferred to the trent wheeie, the rear wheels t )hose are only a few of the features. Cane. n. Look the Ford" tractor with Ferguson ay3fem aver• See the:hvydt'aul- iealCy' gotrtttdlled itmplememts. Channels are! yen% change ' Your mind ' about ai lot- of tkings. ' ...' • SEE THE NEW TRAC.t0R. AT = . GorcL. Sanderson's Garage PHONE 23x BRUSSELS Representative for • L. & W. Jackson ,Motors LI"'i ea PHONE 161 LISTOWEL WALLACE ST. touched oa. the! exporting of bacon rn the Britial Isles. Auld. Lang Syne Was then' sung, after which 1fe tattles, avd •chairs were cleared away and daaoiug -nae enjoyed m''th Arthur's orchestra aupplytng the meta. 'Installing Hydro in Schoot At a meeting of the ratepayers of Belgravia' School Section U. S. S. 1.7, Morris and -E.• Waw:anosh, it was - decided to tests) Hydro in: the school Mis 0 R Coulter who has net enjoyed good health lately was in tbe General Hospital, Toronto, for a taw- days for examination, and .some improvement was shown in her condition. • A 15.-' Martih, B $:i4 , Aesiti�f�a�ht" btredtor`•Agaibelt:hal i, iteprea i{.i `rivets,'Ottawa,' Was the'sguest ilp�galee e.r, •aitt.d' gate a . tleryc 'ihteresttng talk ori; short course work and &lab LYTH Celebrate Diamond Wedding Or. of B!ydlt's highly respected citizens, lir. Wm.. Taylor, celebrated Quietly his diamond wetldinte anuiv- ty at •his )tome in Blyth 031 Sun - cit. tr ry 1431, On the 14th of tai tory, 1850, al the manse in Sea - forth, by' the Rev, A. D. McDonald, Mr. Taylor was united in marriage to Mises Annie Jamieson,. both resi- dents of Hallett. To this union was born' two sons and two daughters, three of whom are living, Mrs, J. R. Garden and 'Mats. R. Garden, ,of Wor- sley, Sask., and, Jahn' an the home- stead 9dh line Morris. Manson, at - ter serving three and a halt years iu the Great War paid the supreme saw:I nce. The bride of .60 •years ago passed: away 42 years hence, and since that time Mr, Taylor hue been'. united in, marriage to Mrs. R, Watson, formerly Sarah:' Sanderson of T> i1i1ett ' the large caterpillar plough as it passed) through on No. 4 Highway. Myth ceataindy gat ate share a the heavy sneer tall, Tiling up' huge daiLtb in• many p icesr Following the order issued re- cently that all melee sold in town must be tsasteurized after 'March let a pastetnizing plant will be opened up -by ,!Stewart Durwood of St. Marys, who ,purchased the milk purveying business from Johneton and Beatty. • Fred Hatter of Ailsa Craig who will take over the managehneet of the Gordon Flax Arils, recenthe 1 purchased, will osetupy the house awned by the late Janet Hood on Morris street. Mrs, Nellie Leslie who bas anent the pant month with her sifter. Mee. Gifford in 'Toronto, retdrned this week. She was accompanied by Mists Ernva Leslie; Mrs, Garnet Batten elf Milton le at present vis- itiug with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Tierney, the foamier :'having been reale: ill with pneumonia; `SIr, and Mrs. John Anderson of Lenore, M tnhtaba have spent the •pact two w rks at the home of Mr. and. tars. R. C. aleGowan; The annual meet - in„ et P.lytth Agricultural Society will he held Satuad•ay, Feb, 3rd. MONCRIEFF Mr. L4iffond Machan, Buttermaker of the Dresden Creamery was again haccessiul•_ln:.w 4ns..:l#, salver cup for butter and, cream judging at the Dairymen's Gomven:lion held in Lon- don recently. This is fifteen silver freesias he has won, during the past five years. The most prizes won by any °rearnrcey in Western Ontario. He .was also elected president of the �r Petioli. district Bdltterznaker's Club for the present year, Little Ted was saying cis go -to -bed prayers in it very loc voile, ".T oan't hear you, dead," his moth'- er whispered: "Wasn't talking to You; ',the atuall one ansavei'e hrmly. 9li'b` funeral""af • tare' latish Miss • 1ren ;Venoniica Ke8y, datughter of , Mr. and' Mrs..,A,ibef t Tie14y, Concete !going; Moreau was held( on Thuns:. ••1157•moi'ning,cintterlreetlt taking place if!' 'lite •Roman, Catholic cemetery, Morris.' Miesl "Kelly; 'owee, lio wIn, Icor 221ax1;1 yeGas not- enjoyed: goad, 1 heialtlt ,iter anima; tim0.. Much Sym- -peaky, ie •este5led to the family'' in • Ltteti'bereavetnent , ""afle.earai m'un;•'w'ith •:teams a p70 •en ,„ gni eat In rein'oving miner. front the; busineas section• o2 town piled up by SHOP AT 27 PAYS GET YOUR PERMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLE$S THERMIQUE End Curt $1.00 and -1.50 Including Shampoo Permanent $1.75, $2.25, $3.00 and $5.00 including finger wave and shampoo Dried .Finger Wave 25c Shampoo 25c Telephone 55X for Appointment IRENE PEASE • over H. B. Allen's Drug Store COMPLETE EYESIGHT SERVICE EYES EXAMINED GL61SE'S FITTED M6DERATE RRICES Brtuiseels Office. fella*.'HiPaston'it Store E Special sC ' Every Wednesday .. i. Afternoon dor zQ ?ern 2:00 to 5:00 p.m - yr t ' •PHONEs51 • BRUSSELS .2�. -lawn e S ° ' i �., s#rat�nrd. •