HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-1-24, Page 6TLE BRUSSELS -POST Wed'u'eredaY, January 24th, 1940 WHEN LONG LIFE COUNTS WHEN LOW (COST COUNTS WHEN COUNTS SOUND BUYINCWHEN COUNTS £ye It•• Tnq It. Buy It ! WHEN LONG LIFE, low cost and high quality count most, sound buying is important. And all these vital factors point to the new 1940 Chevrolet as your soundest motor car buy for years of depend- able service! Eye the new Chevrolet—try it on the road—and you'll. buy it for outstanding value. It's the only car that brings you the beauty of "Royal Clipper" Styling, the performance of a Super - Silent Valve -in -Head Engine, the ease of Vacuum Power Gearshift- ing, the comfort of Perfected Knee-Action*—at the lowest cost for purchase price, gas, oil and upkeep! See it today and convince yourself that when sound buying counts, Chevrolet's the Choice. *On Special De Luxe models. C-468 Orval Whitfield -Champion's Garage 1940 Master 85 Chevrolet Coach 0 kiia15' zi t SPECIFICATIONS Engine General— High - compression, balve-in-head • Cranekshaft weighs 69 lbs, and is supported by foul removable steel -banked main bearings—total area 42.1 sq. in. Total connecting rod hearing arra 57.7 sq. ie. Four removable .=tee' barke'1 1' m. ahlt be eines, Light weight, oast -iron li. .a t :PA', ,o -,2d. 01111,1>e1' - • t electroplated, Cushion -bal- anced, ia :burl ruhb;r engine mountings, Rubber floated har- monic balancer. Developer 05 h.p. at. 3200 elem. Bore 31/2 In. stroke 33,1 in. N.A;C C, h.p, 29,4 Piston disc placement 2165 cu, in, 'compres- sion ratio 6.25 to 1. Oiling System • ieoacity 41!. Iinp, qts., rem - way splash and pressure system with en:Alive pressure feed to rrank ,ehaft. caa'sii tt and valve -colter arms, 'Connecting rod bear- ings lubricated by dippers at low slpeeds', and at higher speeds by preisIeSlre Jets of oil directed against the diripens. New, larger gear -type tune in crankcase. with screen on intake side,'Crankcase ventilator. Fuel ,System— Carter singile-ecijuetment balanced d olwtedtr'aft carburator, with aosel- ereting pump. A.0' air cleaner silenc- er, .flame arrester, Fuel mixture heated (thennnostatic control) in manifold heart, chamber. Mechanleal high -reserve fuel pump with filter, Gasoline Tank Capacity— Busi rens, coupe, 15 Inip, gals., all other models 131/3 Imo. gale. Cooling System— Capacity 111/2 Inip, qts. Harisou ribbed cellular copper -core radiator Durable leak - proof ball - bearing water pump with spring loaded seal that requires no adjustment. Full.leugith water jacket completely surrounds each cylinder bore. Nozzlesmray valve seat cooling, Four blade (staggered) 15% in. fan driven by endless "V" belt, Thermo- stat heat control, ELECTRICAL— Battery: 6 -volt, 15 -plate, 100 amp. Fns. capacity. Accessible under alligator -type hood, High output, gbun:t-tytpe vemtilateld generator with automatic voltage :and current control, Delco -Remy ignition with automatic and vacuum ,spank con- trol. Octane selector, water proof high tendon wires Starter pinion Mechanically engaged with flywheel ring gear before revolving, 14 M.M. Mark plugs, Clutch— Single, dry -plate type, radial wav- ed dise 91/2 in, in diameter. 'Uniform load distribution 'with diaphragm. spring. Disengaging pressure only 24 lbs. Permanently lubricated throwout ball -hearing and roller pilot bearing. 'Clutch housing is ventilated. Transmission— All silent, fastshiftin g, cllash proof, syncro-uresh type with helical gears throagbout. Steering column gear control with "vacuum power shift." Frame— Box girder type made of hot rolled steel, Flanged box section side rails and cross members make con- Ctructian strongest known, eliminat- ing ne.ceesdty of "X" brace. Rear Axle— Hygiold derive gears, semi -floating type. Torque -tube thrive to one-piece pressed steed banjo hous;ng. Gear Natio 4,1 to 1. Rear Brings— Semi-eJtptic, tapered leaf springs 49 In, x 1% in, 120 lbs, deflection rate. ,Built-in, parallel cylinder - type double, acting sheik absoubers. Metal spring covers5, Tension type aiha chi es, Brakes, Service— Prnteoted, full pressure four wheel hycla'laul.ic. internal expand- ing, self -energizing shoes. wtlh meld- ed linings. Total beaking area 158 sq, in, 11 in, oast Iron .rake drums, Brakes, Parking— +Meehanically connected Trent un - dor ce1R1 laver to both rear brake shoes Entirety ilidOPendent of hryd'raulic brake sYSitetn, Wheels— 'Short, four"spolto steel dist typo. _A-lilple clearance far lgtrap-on ciralne, Body-' All steel, reinforced Turret 1'op Body by Fletier, New ,box girder sill construction with nlelW box see. tion root malls provides complete box girder superstructure around all doors, Heavy interior body braces. "U" channel steel bows. brace the top, Flanged channeil section members' reinforce steel -ribbed floor's wdiioh are melded into the body .ills snaking unit of steel weldi- ed to steed. Doors are of dual panel cons'trnsltion and completely rubber insulated. Entire body is• insulated against heat, cola and noise. Solid, non -glare "V" type windshield with. visual area of 641 Se. in. Large one- pieee rear window. Safety glass throughout. Semen. cowl ventilator. Fisher No -draft Ventilation. Grained and timed: instrument panel, Ad- justable front seat, Rear view mirror, Inside hardware chrome- edn icd. Doors lock without keys, Illuminated trunk comtpartnuent. Concealed trunk tool compartment. Sedan type seats with divided backs. in all Town Sedans, Lights— Sealed-team headlamps. Separate parking lamps• in fenders. Three rear lights on all mnodele•. Doane light. Instrument Panel— Safety guide Speedometer with large figures, ,Illuminated ignition look. Headlamp beam indicator. Heat indicator, Large glove com- partment om-partmen t ayith lack. Provision for radio -head controls and speaker. Two windshield defro,eter openings. All instruments are indirectly light- ed', (Rheostat control for dimming or turning off instrument rights by ^stating light switch knob. Equipment— Five wheels and tires, front and rear bumpers, tools., rubber pedal Pad., grader deflectors, dual Wind- shield wipers, dual horns., dome 'ieht slwiteh on pillar post except Copes arid 'Cabriolet, ash trays in rear seat arim rests (on Town Sedan) and front -seat -back ash tray foe sport Sedan), inside hood lock control, Tires - 6.00 x 16, pressure 26-28. Wheelbase - 113 inches. Tread— Fr'ont-57 17-3'2 ins„ Rear -59 ins, Overall Length - 192.% inches, Overall Width - 72 inches,, WINTER DRIVING HINTS Mr. McTavish offers the following four simple nu1es for safe Winter d'rivdng:- Tlle arrival e't' Winter mamas a critical Period for these who are learning to drive. In sounding this watmr,ng, C. E, McTavish, Di- rector of Parts and Service, General Motors. Prc,ducts of Canada Limited, Points out that with modern auto- mobiles, the driver's control of bis ear is just as complete in the Winter as at my other time, but it fre- qu'r,61y requires greater skill to ex- ercise this control. The new driver contends. Air, McTavish, should be pyrticu ally 'cautious, during tete season when frequent rains, snow, slush, ice, and period's of hazy weather complicate the task of driving. "There is no better safety advice than. the rule that is now almost axionnat'ic," says Mr, McTavish," Always drive in such a manure- that you can stop In the clear space blind, A m•otonlet has thought he was obeying ,this rule only to find that the, stopping distance on, wet or icy pavement was something quite different frons! 'the stopping distance on bard, dIry concrete,' 1. Keep to a speed at .,which ,.yott can stop with a margin ..of ,-safety no matter what the conditions ,un. 2.. Apply the brakes gently and in- termittently at first, with the engine, still Ili gear and let the inertia of the power -plant slow you down. 65 3. "Feel" your way to a stop, re- leasing brake pressure at the slight- est tendency to slide, and reapply .rakes gently as 'the whets turn again, 4, If the pavement is very slip- pery, shift into second .,gear „when the speed Is slackened to eight or ten miles an hem', and then bring the Car to a stop, 1/ Hydra - Matic Drive' Starter Started The newly, perfected `EJiydra- Matto Drive," offered as' optional equipmet on the Oldsanobile for 1940, does away 'with eluteli and clutch •pedkM entirely, tis liquid coupling, which replaces then is saidto be waterproof and to make it impossible to stall the engine under any eonditione, "Cold Stove Cooking Over .a 'period of two and one-half years, avproxlmateiy 5,000 eggs have been fried on the induction,- .furnrace "ootid stove" featured in the stage presentation of marvels of science at the General Motors parade o5 Progress which, carried on a fleet os 0weutyasix mighty stream -lined tr'alleribtucks, has been touring the Uniteid States and Canada. Women Dea'e4opinent of the self-starter is generally regaoided as the greatest single advallcequetut to pima auto- mobile driving to Women, Mention of the starter aleo focuses attention upon a numbear of automatic and semi-automatic dervieets lfound on tox day's cars which many drivers, have become accustomed to take for granted. General Motors engin• ears state that among the moat impolttant of these devices • are the choke and epaa1k contr'o'ls, both of which eliminate manual operation and', at the same ,time, increase engine etflcieney and economy, Many improvements have contribut- ed to today's fully autcanatic engine temperature conitdo7, while electri- cal syistem advances .have made as important contribution to Dare -free driving, a00•N°N•N♦N•N♦N♦N•N•N♦N♦N♦N♦N♦N•N•N♦N♦N•N♦N♦N•N♦N♦N♦N•1 •2•, :2: Thingsto : :2: remember . 1 .:Z Y ,2. 1. That your car has been carefully e2e .2e greased. q%, 2 CompIete'•♦2+•2• 2' + A to Z Greasing;. 3.•• ♦2e ♦2 ;t, combined with the work-" 4. manship of a competent; °2♦ mechanic affords this. °.-♦ 2 4 2. That Genuine Parts are always used. ♦2♦ v. ,2• Is Genuine ,2; 4, General Motors Parts :i: ;24. are always used by us. ;; 42♦ •2• y 3. That your ;work is done by a licensed?, � 2; mechanic whose workmanship has::: •2• been approved by the government. 4 2 2 :2: Robt. Gemmell, licensed;. 2 2, Y mechanic on all makes oT:i .2• cars. 3• ,2; 4. That you buy the proper fuel and X 4; . lubricants and receive value for your.. ti `,.$ money. ♦♦ •2; ii:v NU-BIue' Sunoco:1 .. Gason and SU :,.tiOCO OILS will give beter results Equals or excels premium - priced gasolines in road per f ormance ♦-4 ♦2. ♦24 42♦ ♦20 4♦ O♦ ♦t♦ ,Ze ♦2♦ ♦2i ♦2♦ 2i Novy is the time ♦2♦ to haveyour.2. car overhauled 2;, 2i CALL CHAMPION'S�2j ♦_. 2 I ♦_♦ GARAGE •2. ♦2♦ 4 "hone 8 Brusses:�� •♦ ♦;4 • •♦4 •••N•N•N4N♦N•N4N•N•N•N♦N+14•N•N•N•N♦i1•N•N•N•t• t••N•�