HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-1-24, Page 5e"rrtrasso .. r Palace Bakery Support your home industry by Buying Breads Made in Brussels. BREAD CAKES COMES DOUGHNUTS TARTS ALWAYS A FRESH SUPPLY OF "TA'STY. PASTRY" - c Select Oysters 35e jar Fresh Greens— Every Week -end --- r W., WILLIS - PALACE BAKERY PHONE 32X BRUSSELS Want.. Ads. FOR SALE— 8 Young Pigs, ready to wean, phone 47-r-5" Harvey Hulley WANTED- A Gaudier. lrhone 26-r-10 Hartwell SPelran at, R, 3, Brussels WANTED 1'O RENT- 50 acre or 100 acre term for 5 years math option of buying, apply at The Post. CUSTOM SAWING— Will the clone earlier in Brussels this year, so bring your logs in now. 4 James Steveson .FOR SALE— Yorkshire Pigs ready 'to wean- also eanalone 1 good 6 -year-old Driver, or will 'exehange on a young heavy horse. ;phone 55-r-6 J. R. McIntosh FOR SALE - 3 good 'Cutter% Set at Sleighs, in .goodshape; a tele young Colts.' phone: 79X or 41 Galhraath $alert Stables FOR SALE - 75 aero Farm, rt mile trona the matin street of Brussels: 5 acres of 'hush; lots of water; good buildings. phone 51-r-10 Ed. Pollard CUSTOM SAWiNG— Any person having logs to sell -kindly got in touch with Duncan Johnston, phone 19-r-6 Walton Saw Mi112t WANTED - 20 cords of body hard Maple wood -in 164nah preferable, to be' deliver- ed at S.S. no. 10, Grey, not later than March lat. Tenders received up to San. 27. W. H, $peirau, Sem-Treas. FARM COLUMN TENDERS WANTED— For 16 cords of body wood Maple and Beech, 16 -incites long arid 2 cords of Cedar, 16-imehes long, to be delivered at the srlltool house at Ethel. Tenders to be sent to the under signed on or before Feb. 16101940. W.m, T. Spence, Sea-Treas., S. S. No. 11, Twp. Grey Box 13, Ethel, Ont. T RAISE MORE LIVESTOCK Increased livestock production in wartime was 'recommended. by Sion, P. M. Dewan, Ontario win'- ister bf agricul'ture, int an address to 750 students' taking short tours' ss of study at the' Ontario Agra cultural College, "'I venture the s'tmtennew't that whether or not a farmer succeeds 'over the newt decade will depend almoa't exclusively on the farm sit - nip or program which he .adepts end cleNelops during the newt two years,' Mr. Dewar' said', sate to advice the greater produotion of livestock and live latoc6c products, I re'fe'r %peccant' to hogs, sheep and cattle." "PURE.BRED" IN AGRICULTURE • The pure-bred in agriculture re-, presents the efficient animal ma - Chloe. lit is the resat of gener- ations of the most careful selec- tion and breeding. The pure-bred is the cumulative result of imi• prevenient. In the ,pure -bored we find the present source o0 highly .developed qualities in domes- tic animals. Frown no other source may we expect so great improve - anent In so short a time. The more widely the blood of pure-bred ena- mels can be disa-.tibated and nttng- lecl with the common blood of the country, the more profitable will be all live stock operation's, MEN WANTED,— ARE, YOU THE MAN? You can have a solid businee, establ5isbed tvtthia three months If you are tired of worlriug to earn profits for some- one else OWN YOUR BUSINESS a and ewloy amazing Innate every ]roar selling 200 guaranteed neces- sities used in every home, NO OBLI- GATION. BLIGA'PION, Get details and catalogue FREE. 1 t.MPL10X PRODUCTS, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. "What are those spots on your lapel—gravy?' "No; that's rust. They said the suit yould Gear like iron." COSTS LITTLE Accomplishes Much A two cent stamp does a lot fpr very little money, but it would rc- qutrethcusands of two cent *tamps and personal letters to make your wow known. te as many people as a aye. investment in our Clarified Want Ads. o' aaartimatraan WESTERN CANADA SPECIAL BARGAIN EXCURSIONS FROM TALL STATIONS IN EASTERN CANADA GOiNG DAILY FEB. 17th — MARCH 2nd iN,CLUSIVE (RETURN LiMIT 45 DAYS) TICKETS GOOD IN — COACHES at fares approximately 1-1-80 per mile TOURIST SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1-8.80 per mile STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1-5.8c Per Mile, Cost of aoommotiatlon in sleeping cars additional (Baggage Checked. Stopovers at Port. Arthur, Armstrong, • Chicago and west. (SIMILAR EXCURSIONS from WESTERN CANADA to EASTERN, CANADA DURING SAME PERibb Tickets, Sleeping Car Reservations and All Information from any agent y t ASK FOR HAiNDBILL T.28 uron County Continued from Page 1 PO; 'constables, '$30; .court so'ltottorr $800 a total 00 21,07$. Committees Are Struck The +following report was brought in by the Striking Committee, and ipiresented 'by Reeve Gilbert Frayiie Executive — Reeves Treowartha, Wagon-, Weir, Hetherington, Red- mond; Leglslative—ReeivaS WNW', Me - Cann, CGamble, Tuckey, Ratz; -- Reeves Watson, Rath- weal, tShaddidk5. Duncan, McDonald, Edtroation, -^ 11eelvee Redmond, Whitmore, Bo'w'man, Webster, Rath - well; rdopart9-0iteeves Brown, Leiper, Weir, Watson, Webster; 'paunity Home—Reeves ISbaddtck, Dorranee, Frayne, Turner, 1vStNai1; Children's 'Shellter Reeves Tre- watttha, Whitnnare, Feagan; AgrioulLure—Reeves' Gamble, Wil- son, Passmore, Redmond, Weir. Palace—Reeves Mm'NalI, Wilson, Hetherington; Aioport--.Revees Frayne, M cDon- meld, Turner; Warden's 'Committee — Reeves Bowman, Trewa.ntha, Gamble, Ratz. Duncan; Criminal Audlit—Judge T. M. Cos- tel3o, H, A, Keys, J. M. Roberts; Good Roads—Reeves' Grain, J. H. Scott, Aitrong; Equalization — Reeves Watson, McDonald, Shaddidk, Tuckey, Mc - Cana. Tickets, Train Information, Return Limits from Agents. ASIC FOR HANDBILL CANADIAN - NATIONAL ALWAYS USE CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS County Home Report. An interesting apera'ting state meat of the hog industry at the. Courap Home in 1939 wassulrnaitted by Treasurer A. H. Erskine. Hogs on handl and 'muneha sed at the be- ginning od the year were valued 8.5 $1.14+617. Grain and butteranillc cost $395.55; concentrate's, 5,10'1,15; chop- ping and mixing, $56.31; .tracking, 38;50; vere'tinany, $8,05, Total cont, $1,715.73. Receipts from the sale o't hogs, $2,106.29; hogs on, hand, $154, Total, $2,260,29. The profit' for the year, $544.56. School Inspector Reports. J. H. Kinkead; public school in p,,r"t,;r for North Moron, gave a concise report. The number of '01ihOls yith new teachers wast for tv4our and the number with, pre- vious experience, 20. Music wa well taught in. most schools an. hie in- spectorate and manual training . is being recogniz5ed. During the year S. -S. No. 6, In Ashfiekt, was !closed as' theboard decided it woul& be an economy to send the children to Dungannon. Three. schools' will be 0303184 in one section as there are not enough children to make a classi. A great number of tames worn planted, many oaf them most sncceIss'fu•I.ly. An officer of the 'Salvation Amoy so^ke in snnapert of a request for 11 giant -for the Army's rescue and war work, "`The service of the 'Salvation Army' to the meat at the Croat its the hat war was second to ' none," said' Reeve George McNall .a veter- an of the. Great War, A motion by r, «q Mt'Nall. 'seconded' by. Reeve E. D. Brown, another returned man, that an eattra grant be given to the Salvation Army for its war winos wee sent to the. Executive rrinnittee. Two acholoe,. No, 4 T3ullett and No. 13 'Stanley, where the ,-enrolment. wars' blot roar or -five pupils, ,yore oioaed Aanth the •eh41drait Sent to neighboring' adhool0 with no. hard Jtegalenity ar wttendaU0e and the earpoluitlneut cif •ccun'petotut attend= ance ofl1Geals were stressed' by' Dera,com, A slight change was mode in at• ten:donne grants' this year.' Formerly the grant ranged, 'from $1,60 to $3.00 Par pupil tm average aeten1anoe de-. perdir,g on the elzeof tire eeotion andl the attendance. The figures. vow vary from 21.75 to 25.00, Mlanual Traiinrn; cud Home Ec. aniomlcs are now features of all the unbars schools; excelpt Mensall in the Inspeictoratte, 1NlOOIt a it fs. taken im High Schools' by arrangerpent., Zurich equipped two rooms in its public school. Wednesday, January Okla. 1940 EYE51HT SERVICE EYES EXAMINED tr GLASSES FITTEl7 MODERATE PRIDES Brlusser Reid,B. pM ■ Miss Hingstonr s Store Eyery Wednesday Afternoon 2.00 to 5:00 p.m. PHONE 51 - BRUSSELS Sight Specialist for Over 20 Years 21 Downie St.,' Stratford Transportation Grants Given Wilson. Turner: That a grant o't $300 be paid, to the, AgriculturalTransportation grants new paid 'Representative's office; "$300 to the by the Department of Education 'Junior Eaatenslon Fund and $15 in Wave aroused considerable interest. each of the school Oalrs.-19xecu- Rlwo or more rural .sa'hool boards tive. whish combine to provide tra'nspor Wil¢pm�Vvedrt That a grant of Won to High'iSchool or C'ollegia'te Inatitutetsi are given grants of 60 per $150 be given bhe Canadian Tnati- cent. of the cost of ;transportation, tate for the Blind.—Executive. Turluea'JBawman: That a grant o0 the remainingbthea tionsty Per cent, to be; $250 be given the Salvation Army. Paid by thet'se+otian�s conceimed,-tExecntive. Another grant of 5100 per school, section per year alit be pal& when Brown.Scobt: That grants off two or mare sections .combine ander $800 each be gives to the Goderich Win'ghamt; 'Oliinton andiSeaforth hos- • pitaie.—Cam+ied, Brown -Whitmore: That a grant o¢ $25 be made for the upkeep of Sotwee •bedLe around the Court House. --Executive, Passanore-Duncan: That a grant of 580 be given to the Huron Plowmen's Association.—Exeentive. MlcCannI6tettz: That a county con- stable be appointed et Grand Bend, one-third of the cost to be borne e.acli by Grand . Bend, Laanbton Countgt and Huron County.—Police one boaed. Appreciation Of the support given. reitoraketation by the Coiwtty Count - ell was voiced yby Mr, Beacom. SS. No. 3, Hallett, secured, a plot last Spring and have their trees' alreadty planted. Two other Section, No. 11, Godericb Township and ND. 15, Hay and Stephen have purohasel plata. To tweets interest in the planting of trees and to commemorate the visit of the, King and Queen, each pupil in the rural schools last M'ay was supplied witch five trees for planting at home. In this Svay an interest in reforestation is being ins , Committee. culcated, Trmtvarlha"Rat]nwedl : grant of $100 be made Spring Fair. Few Teachers Available The number of teachers Di. llnble Eor vacancies in the inspectorate is very small, Inspector D. C. Beacom; South Hnrony stated in an address' to the. County council .at the Wed- raari'ay morning sesolon. Grand Bend offering a salary of 51,000. has' been .without a 'teacher ein'ce. Christmas. The average steam In the rural s'ch,00ls this year is 5750. au. increase at 232.00 over 1938; the lowest'be- intg paid* in the rural aelueol5 Is 5050 and the Itighelst 51,060, For the ur' ban schools the average Salary is $975. He anticipated that salaries moll s'ltow o tattier increase it; ,rut- al sditoals as It is telt that hoardIs Will be required Ito pay a salary of 5750 to $800 to secure the eel!v1Oell of competent teachers, In the . inspectorate during the Autumn term there• were 78 rural 1111141 five anban schools hi operation In which 118 teachers were regular - .1,v employed!, The May enrolment id South Marron. feet, Year yas 52.904 of whom 1,8.70 are. rural and 1,034 urb- an•, Classes Are Decreaefing More pupils are continuing 'their education atter Entrance, than pre - Sahel Fair regulationshave been. being reoretd as having stopped. School Fair regulations bove beet altered to eliminate home help, and the dislvely-a last year were the work ea .the pupils aotualiy drone at school. Appointments Are Made Charles Asquith was appointed representative on the Godericb( ol- legiate Institute Board; Wiliiatit J, Mendeasson for three years and S, R. Spittal ;for 'tyo years; and 'T. H. Gibson for one year to the Wingham. High School - Board; J. F. Daly to Se;eforth Collegiate . Ino statute -for 1940; George Lawson to_l. the Exeter Board of Education for`:' three years, R. A. Creech Ser two Years, William May for one year to Exeter Board! of Education; R. Turner to the Goderiob. Hospital Boar&; Fred Davidebn to Wingliam Hostpiital Board; E. Paterson to the Clinton Gollegafte Board for three years'; 1'. ringlets& for two 'yeti's and Col. bombe for one. year. Motions Sltaddtelo-Anntsttrong; That a wr'lr," of 580 each be trade to Sea - forth, Hennsull. and 'Clinton -Spring fait's. anal $5.=5 to Hewett Seed Shaw for 1940 —Carried, Gtuttn-Wlbester: That the`o usual grants be given to the Women's Inttatitutes of Huron County.—Re- ferred nu ty,--Re-ferre'd to executive, Leit,er.MCDor^1'?, That the grey'',: for 'Spring and Fall fairs be the same as last year.—•Carired Tu0ke'y=Passanore: Tbat -the county assist the village of Exeter to fustall cells for use in the .tillage by Constable John Ferguson' sta- tioned these.--,Referrell to Police Committee, Watson -Keys: That 'the *sms'] grant be given the libraries of the eomnty,--TReferred to executive. Ft", nn.5rrtDonlald; That a grant of 550 be given the Huron County Trastelee all& Ra'te'payers' Assetia- tiont--Referred to executive, Rerlmton.di'SV11,i'tmt-ore: That the usualgnanit of 55. be given to. The (i °Qritt,"10rLucia,tiortial Asaocia'tton..,, Carried. Brown-Posstnnre: That Ontario lie'tlorerltatian at41 Colise"vaiinn Aa.. soriwttan get Fame grant es last yenns. 'filxecative, Watson -Grain: Tian t a grant of 550 be given the 'Central. Agricul- tural Council,---Execnii.e, Rco'tt-Dorriittets: Thai a 'grant of $200 be made to :the Canadian, Na- tionOal Institute for the Blind for yPir 1640-Dxtictutive. 5, I3,' Scott -Turner; Dxpresaintq appreciation to 7:r. L1. Oardlit for That a to Clinton Reports Are Received Reporks Brom libraries', hospitals and school raids were sent to the executive committee, Winghem pnblie library showed receipts of ,21,2l4.951 and ibalance of 5166.24; Auburn, $179.27, balance 57.85; Exeter, $1,231.33, balance $45,46; Wroxeter, -586.08, balance 512.03; Dungannon', $179.50, balance $4.07; Brussels, $858.48, balance $33.40; ICirit'ton, 5295.64, balance 430.681• Luciknow, 5820.50, balance $303.61; Clinton hospital receipts, 514,964.42, balanioe $484,40; Belgt'ave school fair, necebpts, $371.39, balance 5107.59; Mensal' 5146.26, balance 586.45; Hawick, receipts $250,52, bal- ance alance 583,52. Little Ted was saying ria go -to -bed Prayers in. a very loo voile. "I can't hear you, dead," his moth- er whispered. • "Wasn't talking to you," ,the-. small one enstwere firenl9. . LOOK AT YOUR LABEL ,..--,aka — USE MORE APIPLES OF-ALLKIN DS 70t EATING andOOKING 0 "'Each year is showing nu aver- gift of 'apples at Tuesday session, age decreaseed enrolment of 100, —Carried. A delicious healthful food for dessert or lunch McIntosh, Spys, Snows and Tolman Sweets AIso.good cooking apples at 75c per hamper FOR SALE AT East Huron Produce Emporium Phone 66 Brussels