The Brussels Post, 1940-1-24, Page 4IC[beSNAPS-IOJ GUILD1
'{Vetllleaday. January 29itl, 't944
THE' BRUSSELS POSTves, y 2 tt ....—help to ^'
bin when he Game it",
report d in IMaY This 41°41°7'8 YYYY�ppppi SU )'ERI 1r STORE
was read and adopted, also ■
the reiponto of the Ladies' Guild,
A,Y:P,A and .S'uaclay Seheol, e'act?
Meowing fair balanee'e,
Written for the Post By Our Own Corz.espondefta
doctor%hare with the flu,
,rnpted R. N. D. servioe on many
`Y1�T arrr, Garnet Dale, who lase been grout ithis inlloeedlate areaty and net
' " � ��
quite 111, etas! been in the Seeforth r i i lel
lto,plt%1, ;} areas centres' tluwugluout the peo.
The Ti. F. W. Q. 'nesting was, heldfor the
M. Alex. Murray has been' ,int? the i Wince, The mail went �tarough
iSeaforth hoettetal. . s .li, 1, Ethel, every
entire weak, throughetbick and thio,
Stanley Wlleon was among the
number who experienleece rii•E 1cultiee
in gabbing along the mow filled
resale with motor car and +trailer at -
Saturday of last week John King Cached lm whichh a live shores gWas
Itluffered a relapse in his slokness `loaded, but after metre exertion
and eaaitinues in' a very very weak
reins. -led with patience, peeespirehion
and periseberance arrived e'arkely at
the dred+ destination.
A;.sueply ori coal arrived the past
week' ter J. H. Fear and 'was d'ese
trilituted to village °uetarere by
Nelson Sledghthotm and Alan Ham-
The death-occured of Mrs.
Miohaee Kreuter on SKonday, ears.
lath, The funeral was 'held+ Jana-
ary 1'8, from the family home an
ou Wednesday, Jan, 17th :at the
tomo of Mra. Natty, Mtltutes uP
hest rneeting were read and adopted.
The February melting 'Will be held
at the home of tans, A. Coutites, Ex-
ceilent reports of the Silver Jubilee
I'armet''e -Convention were read by
'Vbs. coulees, and Mrs, W, Turnbull.
pragran1 ,C'tminiittee are Mee. A, D' e.
Gall, Mrs. Marshall anal Mrs. Camp -
bell. Mrs. Turnbull read a fine SuSeti ing from a ass'e's cord of
paper on "Rorty the busy 'mother
pan so budget her time that She nearly two weeks duration, Rev,.
gets ,the most out of it for herself Mr, Snell, 'pastor of Ethel United
and her family." Those who were- •Church was advised not to attempt
sat t at bhis meeting missed some his work at Roe.s and Union alp -
very good thongs. A deldty lunch pointments dos last 'Sunday, 'but
was' served at the Blase. couduoted'1.30 ,in. service at tithe,.
Mea. Smell presided at the organ, -in
We are sorry to report that Mr. the absence, through sickness' of
Joseph Bennett, is not improving at- ,Mrs. R. ylr{'1bee, the choir argWnist Lyon. 8, Grey Twee to Mt. d'leasan
ter his recent illness as his friendsDue to udfavorable weather and Cemreltesy, I+3the1 1 2:30 p.m. Ser-
vices like road 0ondltions there was -only .: a vices weer conducted) by Rev, Mr.
Fourteen ladies responded to the small congregation present, Taylor, minister of Ethel Presby -
roll call at the W.M.S. meeting on The function which wee sbeing. tartan Church minister
which the deceased
onsored: by Ethel W,I, dated for was y consistent mamlber, W. H,
Jan. 1Dth, Rev, Gilbert installed the $'slay Jan. 19, to be prese[uted'in Love, was funeral director,
•officers for 1940. Miss Knox presid-
,ed, A detailed report was Present- Grey Twp hall was postponed , in
The tillage Trus'te'es' Annual
meeting called for Jan, 18, did not
ed by the treasurer, flea'. W. David= d�hool teachers and.- students convene due to unfavourable weath-
ltelsorrs were adopter as read. The
son. tans. Gilbert offered Prayer. home for the week -end returned
ere ConsequeniNy another date
, lionady morning by .timin to :-their Will halve to be chasm and another
etude' chapter was'"Mlle Miracle of several destinations.
no -
charge at the Ma , ads later,
Modern India,"
Officers Are Elected
The eleotiote of officers resected
as .follows: uesctoere warden, Robert
Peuldre RObent Mui d ebael, A, 3,
,select, ',teary, Flank Earle, Lorne
Kaake, We,tstey' Paulin, George
Feeble, Robeet x P ichael, delegate
Hooper and Ale
to epnn(1, Lorne ICake; s'ubretitute,
George Peulin; eecre0aaystreay+urer,
Mrs. H,. 'Wailer; efdcseeee, 31..
Waller an George Paulin, audltt-
ore, Lorne Kaake and Robert
Pante; auditors for AY,P,A, and
Sunday School, M•es, Kaake and
Mrs, Paulin. When the meeting ad-
journed, the ladies) servedlunch,
Mrs. Howard Weide and son
Jimmie are visiting Mrs. Wylie's
eleter in Toronto.
11Tr. and Mrs. A, Gould, Toronto,
are visilleg at the hoarse of Mrs. 19.
+Peelle; Miss Jeanette Adam, Toron-
to, with Mr. and Mrs, A. Wearying;
Cliff Denny, Toelonto, with Mr, and
Mrs, Ves,ae; Denny; 'Mars, Fred Dick-
Isou and sou Jackie, Toronto, with
iMr, a'ndl Mrs, Phil Duret; Williams
P1arlra and Clifton McDonald of the
:R..A.P, Toronto, at their respective
in traffic 'vas tied up con-
K{stop gr'o'up, Mrs. Reid, ,elm. Motor this locality at the., first
,Marshall and Mee. Coatis, A letter
pletelly in
from Mrs'. John Buchanan expressed of the week, Live -stock Por sip-
rent by train was brought in. add
4he alas for 'the, gift of a hymnary. milk deliveries to the various fee -
The closing hymn was 239, tortes were made with horses and
We are sorry to report that Mrs. sleighs,
Hugh Shannon has been under the The continues week's, storm, dis-
The •annual vee'try meeting of St.
James' Anglican church was held
to•the school room Thuiudiay even-
ing, The abtendance was small
owing to Stormy weather. The rec-
tor, Reb. J. L. Bali, addressed the
The rector read a lebter from
the bishop con>cerndnig the oritica'1
condition of the Church due to the
war and after some discussion it
was decidiedl to get monthly en
velop 3, proceeds of same to go
tow ard+ the budget.
The rector's report was read and
adopted. Bir.. Ball in his, remarks
thanked the +people for their co-
operation. He also paid special,
tribute to Robert 'Paulin, who as
rector's warden., had been of great
for lCt.
oosoQUALITY srDtaiz lh 0204 00emodoisimpoikwi>t' los
>� Thursday, friday and Saturday
Specials forMa ` he5 , 3 boxes 21c
Eddy's ena;sn Matches , , per pack 15c
Aunt Jennima's Pancake Flour 10 lb for' 64c
Sugar „ .. , t • , , per lb 1 O,
p'ean'uts, hash roasted' • • • • • :'
� 1b for 25
Hillcrest Shorteningup ' • for Folds • • • per btl ,19c
Suns Cough SySyrrup
Sunlight Soap • • • • per cake • Sc or • • • • 10 cakes for 49e
5 Men's 'Suits sizes 37, 38's • • to clear at $4.95 $2.95.
Boy's Suits • to clear at •• 75c
Boy's nicker Pants ,. • • • •''.'' , . c
pr. 35
Ladies' Silk & Wool 'Hose three shades69c,
Men's Fleeced Shirts ., • • • ' , . ' , ' • • ' • each
Men's ILumbermen's Socks ' ...... - - • pr 750
Ethel, Ont.
Phone. 22-11
nold a cleating party on Wedme8day, Parents Don't
January 81, in place of the regular I
�7Always Know
seals) evening, f
A. meeting of the Executive of the I Avenge Parent Not
Reed Cross Society for Belgrave and Competent to Advise Son
surrounding territory was held pu on Career- He Should Choose
Wedlnesdaq afternoon of last week. The average parent is not crepe
Plane were made too proceed witrb, a )tem 10 )alga the future prospects
regular eotnvass' e,4 every some in his son or to advise him ids
arbetwean the limits o1 'the 1st anal 19�h e,areer. Dr.. Cameron chahmsanon of
ofthe Februaryea, The i the Railways• Aepartmeet stile
area to be covered are no` yet final- Board, told the Commetecial .Educe-
ly elstablisshed and the full list of tions Society cd Auatnalda,
oanvass+eas will be antslweresl' at a ( He arrived+ at this. conclusion, He
later date fI Said, rafter Interviewing +hundreds
Amrrengemewts were made 30r of youths who told hem they were
Mrs. 'Chas. Johnsitan has been
laid up with the flu, glad she is
getting better again.
Mr. W. Blackmore spent the week,
end ass his home at Lietawel.
Mr. Henry! Mathens and family
receive;dl the sad. news their cous.
in Mrs. Wilbert •Shepherd had pass-
ed away on Thursday near Burling-
IMiss Marjorie Hall spent the
week end' In Wingham.
We 'are glee to hear Mr. Anson
,Shaw is gabbing better and able to
s..eliite•e•-•:+se•0-0;39•,J46y44-4•:+444:see4t:4.1e•ie•••••ioyoi+.a•te+:444446444h4444-4NjN444+44.4•44••O •:+eteee•-
4y i4
Brussels Woman's
0,4 ' '4•' rale „=r. ... .....
Patriotic Circle
the 'Wank roam together with.
!breed by their parentis to attend
patterns of articlels to be made eb courses for w3alcb. they had no in -
that a sleet can be made in these , carnation. or were, quite unfitted.
activities at an early date, '
A coeuunieatiou was received from
iheadquarteee saying that the
Chanter wee! now being engraved
and would be sent on as soon as .
Appllcaiblon has been made for i
the necessary supply of Legal per j
mitts, retieketb, :publicity material,
etc„ 46r the subscription! campaign.
be out some,
'Glad to hear Mrs. Blanch Costello
is able to be, up and walk some,
On arena e,4 the bad reads and
stormy weather the school at
Batowntown was elbeed for a couple
elf days and no service on Sunday.
'afternoon at Ebenezer Church.
The Y.P.U. of the United church
'enjoyed a good meeting on Monday
"ereening with th•e president Wi1liaan
Blaelrmore conducting the. opening
exercisers and opening •session. The
scripburg message was read by
Mies Emma Johnston.
IIiussisell Barnyard presided for the
last part orf the meeting. The topic
"Our Parliament" was taken in a
meet iwtereeting fashion by Mese,
W. J. Johnston, She compared • the
English parliament with our pres-
ent parliament bringing out strik-
ing examples, schen+ let{ a discussion
in the form of glaciations.
Former Resident Dies
Word wee received hare recently
Support and Buy
A Lucky Ticket
Watch for Further Particsallm
Next Week
the Ladies your
Estate Agent, Conveyance,
and Commissioner
General insurance i.
Main Wareet, -- Ethel, Ontario
of the death of a former resident
of Bluertate, Edwin Bailey, Me.
Bailey was born ,in Biuevafe and
lived here until a young man when
he went to the -Canadian Wet. it. LIE
passed away at bis home in 'Cal-
gary, Alberta. One brother, William
Bailey, of the civil service at Ot-
tawa, survives.
Dies In England
Mrs, Rev.) C. Tavener received
wand' this week that a brother had
passed away in England, •
The W. M. S. of the United
Church Belgrave, heed their first
meeting of the new year on Wad„
Jan. 3rd with tlhe Presldeut, Mrs,
11. Wheeler presiding. After a
lengthy diecuslsion the . tvonship
Peeled followed !with a reeding. "A
New Year's Resolution, by Mrd, l3.
Wheeler, Preparations are being
made regarding the World Day of.
Prayer, which la to be held on Feb.
The i,hemle of the meeting
was "The World Outlook of Jesus."
One of Ge,orge Pringle's true and
meet inted'esldng antesionary stories,
"Aclvenntur'e' m SeLa0e" wee given
by 1SOns D. Andersen. Meeting
closed with 'trite Loed's Payer rs-
peated in unison,
A .meeting of the Young People's
Society was held he the school -room
of the United Chime)) on Wedsnessday
night witths the cetiiiensahep commit-
tee in charge. Clemente Y•uill pre-
sided with Freda JOrclan at the
oi!gan. The musical feature of the
evening wee a solo by'C11Eton Walsh,
'I'he topic+ of the evening'octets-test
of an address on "Good Roane* and
.stair influence os. thsaracter and on
they life of the Community,' The
address was: well .given andl than.
ougltly enjoyed. A reoreai.tonal per -
led followed. Ditms weer shade 10
4N4�.N4N4NN4�4N44N4N4j.4N4N4N4H4N4N4 ••• ••• j�µ�N�N�N�N•N•N•N••4•NfN*41•40•N•N•d•O<
r4N4 44...1•'►•4444.4_4..♦ 4..4,:.4_4,.4..,,•
End Curl $1.00 and -1.50
Including Shampoo
Permanent $1.75, $2.25, 03.00
and $5.00 Including finger wave
and shampoo
Dried Finger Wave 25c
Shampoo 25c
Telephone 55X for Appointment
over H. 13. Allen's Drug Store
A "created" picture—the photographer spilled the milk, and the kitten did
the rest. Develop natural situations to get more interesting shots.
IT'S fun to loose for picture oppor- Such a figure adds foreground intor-
tunities — but it's morefun to est, and directs attention to the
scene beyond. In picturing snow
create them. And many of the finest scenes, tramp out a path leading into
plain'schances are created delilier the scene where it will help the oom-
ately by the photographer. position of the picture. Such devices
If you wait for things to arrange often add better pictorial 'quality
themselves for a picture, you're just to your shots,
In taking action shots, don't trust
trusting to luck, and you may have
a long watt. But if you take a few 'to chance. If possible, arrange with
steps to create a situation, you'11' your• subject to have the desired na-
ffed it easier to get just the picture tion take place at a chosen epos, .
you want when you,want tt. Then you can focus in advance, and
For example, look at the picture be all ready to shoot. For example,
above. Is there any point in waiting to get a good shot of a sled spill,
for such a situation to occur natur- arrange for Johnny to flip his sled
ally!? Not a bit. It's much simpler to over at a selected spot near the bet -
spill the milk right where you want tom of the hill, This idea also works
it—place the kitten whereyouwish for many other sports—summer and
—and shoot, A kitten knows what to winter.
do when he's Face to :face with milk. Table - top photography is of
There are many 'such occasions course Outright creation you build
whore a little arrangement is a big the subject completely before Moot -
help. Use a bait to tempt a pet to tlYM ing it. That's why "table -topping" es
best spot for 5picture, Give the so much fun it allows plenty of
baby an amusing toy --or plate an room for imagination and original•
automatic music -box beside him- sty. Still -lied pictures are also a mat -
end he'll pose, completely unaware ter of arrangement • • and your skill
of the camera. Provide some action in composing the subject -matter de-
ter a
e-ter• art older child le carry cut—Os termines the quality of the picture,
doll to dress, a book to read, a model Never be a lacy photographer.
boat to work on, The action provides Don't 'lot well enough alone," At+
a theme or story which improves the ways try to improve the picture—or,
t.icturo, get a first shot of the subject as it
In shooting outdoor 8051108 or is, and then try to arrange it better
landscape pictures, try having a one, What's the way the finest p10•
friend stand in tate foreground, 1o0le teres are shade.
in g at the scone you plan to picture, 264 dolrn van Guilder'