HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-1-24, Page 1the Pr nose to POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Ladies' Aid of Melville Church intend holding a Sale of Homemade Baking & Candy in the Public Library on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 27th at 2.30 EDUCATIONAL PICTURES Town Hall Frdiay, Jan. 26th, at 8 p.m. Robinson •Cruaoe Ways of the Wild The Story of Coal Comic Ski Trails in the Rockies Admission—All children FREE Adults -25c The Annual Pancake Supper under the auspices of St. John's ,Ladies' Guild • ' wll be 'held an the Church Basement is on Shrove Tuesday ti February 6th Supper served from 5.50 to 8 Admisison 25c and ,15c REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH• NOW PLAYING Deanna Durbin Robert Slack First Love - MON., TUES. and WED. Sonja Henle Tyronne Power Second • Fiddle Rudy Vallee Edna May Oliver The brightest stars of all Hollywood and the music or Irving Berlin NEXT THUR., FRI. and SAT. Edith Fellows Clarence Kalb Five Little Peppers Dorothy Peterson Ronald Sinclair They haven't much money but they have a lot of fun. Also— Charles Bickford Jean Parker Romance of The Redwoods The story of a man who returned PEOPLE .WE - KNOW ** * * * * * * * Mrs. H, L. Humphrey.and son, dr Sarnia are Waiting her parents, S. and. Mud. Walker. 4 * , D. 0, Walker •of Windsor and D. 0, Walker of Regina vietted, with their parents' S, and Mrs. Walker for a feiw days this. week, * Airctradternan T. A Prest, R;C.A.F. Trenton and R, H,.Preret of the Can- adian Bank of Commence staff, Dub- lin, were week -end guests with their parents Mr. and; Mrs., T. L. Prest. * ., * The B.rua,sei;s Woman's Patriotic Circle Grand Carnival in the Arena, Tuesday, Feb. 6th. Watch for further particulars next week. Give the ladies' your support. • • • • fllirs, W. J. Hendry and family have moved to London, Miss Ruth Hendry will remain in Brussels me til the end •of the present school term, SEND IN THE NEWS. ...elf you have any news or personals Just call the Post . 31 or send them In. Good for evil COMING '• -- Good Good Girls Go to Paris The United Church REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., B,D. PREACHER ' 1 a.m.—The Great Apostasy 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m. -Evening 'Worship Monday Y. P. U. at 8 p. m. — -Betty ,Currie will be in charge Thursday, Jan. 25th, 8 p.m.— Annual p.m;Annual Congregationol Meet- ing. Reports and Social. • • ARENA ACTIVITIES Wednesday, January 24th, 1940 Local News Items CARD OF THANKS Michael Krauter and family wish to express their grateful apprecia- tarn le their friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral tributes and kind expressions of sympathy tendered; also for motor ears furn- 'heed during their recent sad be- reavement. THURSDAY— Skating from 8 to 10 o'clock FRIDAY— Open night for Skating Parties Hockey Matches, Carnivals. FRIDAY, FEB. 2nd— MITCHELL at BRUSSELS SATURDAY ,,.Skating from 8 to 10 o'clock Skating Saturday afternoon for .Children just learning. TUESDAY- - Skating from 8 to 10 o'clock WEDNESDAY— Open night Huron Old Boys' Association, Toronto The annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys' Association of' Toronto, will be held at :the West -Ens, Y.M.C,'A„ College Sri., and Dover- count Road, on •Monday evening,' January 29th, 1940, art 8.30 pm. All +fonm•er Huron•ites are cordial- ly invited to be present, R. S Sheppard, Secretary, Phone LL 4134 Calling all Hockey Fans to the Brussels Arena FRIDAY,, FEB. 2nd—MITCHELL Vs. BRUSSELS MONDAY, FEB. 5th-MONKTON Vs. BRUSSELS Rally Round and Help The Boys Wins BEST FOR JU'^= '.1-', ''Sunkist" on the skin Menthes the top quality California Orange*. Taste •the rich i:---oured :golden Juice of Sunkist Oranges, sold at Gretwlar's. We have crisp, Oran Bead Lettuce, Crisp Celery Hearts, they're fresh—ask the person that buys there. Quality and Freshness is cur Motto for better fruit. Buy it for Cash and 'Save—Carry it and, save More. • I CASH AND ,CARRY A. GREWAR Phone 5 WE SELL FOR LESS Agricultural Society -Meeting- The Meeting -The postponed meeting of East Huron Agricultural will held in the Brussels Council Chamber at 2 p. m., on r "'SWUM Saturday, Jan. 27th Jas. Burgess, Pres. Frigidaire System Installed At Brussels Dairy The Brusdysls Dairy has installed a modern cold storage room with ample space for milk, cream, butter, etc, This will assure the custom- ers of dairy products kept under un- to -date facilities that assure their being strictly fresh at all times. _*_*— Huron County Junior Association "The Huron County Junior Associa- tion of Toronto be holding a Bridge Party at Haddon Hall at 310 Bloor St., West on Friday, February 2nd. A good crowd is' expected and a very sociable time anticipated The Huron County people are cordially invited. Further particulars may be obtained from, any member of the Executibe Committee. Melville ' Y. P. S. The Y. P. S, of Melville Presby- terian Church held its weekly meet - —*—a— St. John's A. Y. P.' A. The regular meeting of A. Y. P. A. was held in the vestry room of the church. The meeting was opened with Hymn 619 and the President led, to the opening prayers, The minute elf last week were read and adopted. Business was ddsicol sed The 'Scripture was read by the Prersidenit, - .Pian. Davie gave an In- teresting talk on, "The New Year and the Seconal World War.'' Hymn 783 was sung.. 'Games were enjoyed under the management of Ken. Hendry. There is to be a social evening next ,Monday night. The Presidem4 closed the meeting with the Benediction, Mrs. M. Krauter Passed Away Monday, Jan. 15, 1940 Had Been 'Resident of Grey Twp., over 40 Years In Slxty.first Year ing on Monday evening -with the president, Themes Mendizean, in the chair, Helen Reilly .gave the Scripture reading and prayer was offered lay Thomas efsFedzeen, Rsv, S. Kerr gave the topic. Next Monday evening there will be a Scotch night, with a •Sdo.tch pro- gram and Scotch lunch Of oat cakes' and scones. A very enjoy- able Rime is expected. , BRUSSELS, ONI ARXQ r — 2 Annual Meeting Is Held By' Church at Brussels The annual business meeting of Melville Presbyterian Church wee held' Friday evening at 8 o'clock Renewing a poet -lank sapper served in the basement of the church by the ladleb, of the congregation. De- votional exercises , were conducted by Rev. S, Kerr, the paster, Dr. W. D. S. ,Tamleson prenided at the meeting and A. A. Lamont anted as secretary. The repave of ',the vagi - nus organizations were presented and officers were elected for the ensuing year. The mendbership of the congregation is ndw 344. Dur- ing the year !bhe 75th anniversary the founding of the, church was 'held, after the church had, been re- decorated. These services were at- tended, by many .former members and adherents of ,the congregaion and marked red letter days in the history of ,the congregation, The guest speakers ,were Rev. F. G. Feeler of Vancouver, a former Pastor, Rev. J. G. Inkster, Toronto, Led Dr. Palmer, of Pairne:et:on. The following is a summary of receipts from the ..arious orgnaizations: con-• giega on gi ngs to decorating fund, $672.37; congregational giv- Ings' for general fund 'account, $2,7- 82.55; congregational giving's for budget, $513.63; Ladles' Aid, $485.- .30; 485:.30; W, M. S, $353.70; !Sabbath School, •$149:22; Y.P.S. $143.61; Mis- I adore Band $32,54. The retiring ananager& for the ' year were: Williams Spier, George E. Northwood, J. 0, Long, John Yuill and A. A. Lamrov.,t, They were re-elected• with the excerption of George E. Northwood, who had re- moved from town and John; Mc- Nair was appointed a member, of the board for three years. At a meeting of the board held et .the close of the annual meeting, W. C. Kerr was elekated chairman to suc- ceed R. J. Bowman who had asked to be relieved of this; owing to his 'many other duties, A, A. Lamont war re -a poinited Secretary . trees - 'urea' for 1940, The . ushers and steward's' appointed for the morn - Ing service were Duncan McDon- ald, Dr, W. D. S. Jamieson, D. Me- Ta.vish and W. 0, Kerr, with John Work and• John Yuill as alternat- ives. The pastor of Melville church, Rev, S. Kee -r, B.A., B,D„ was inducted on August 18, 1938. United Crurch Y. P. S. The Y. P. S. of the United Church held its weekly meeting -on Monday evening with Mr. Elmer D. Bell in Charge, when the young people put OR, a mock parliament. The char- acters were: Speaker, Lloyd;'Sander- son; clerk, Elmer .Bell; governor- general, Percy Mitchell; sergeant - at -arms, Harris Bell, premier, Hal- bert Keifer; leader of opposition, Mary Backer. This was cleverly done and much enjoyed. Imogene Sanderson conducted worship and arrangeiments were made for a Skating party. An esteemed' resident of Grey Township for over fority years pass- ed, away an Monday, Jan 15, in the person of Mns. Michael Krauter had 'been in poor health tor several years and had been confined to. bed since, Chrifsitanas' with a heart con- dition. Deceased whose an'a.iden name war Emily Lavinia Attridge, was born in Moraington, Townlship, Feb. 18, 1870. When a young girl her parents moved to the 12tir con„ Grey. Here she receded until the time of her marriage to Michael Krauter on, Dec. 28th, 42 years ago. When they located on' the 10th Con„ Grey. She leaves 'to mourn her loss, her husband, one daughter and two sonic, Welland at home; Mrs. W. 0, Campbell, Grey Township; Leonard of the Bank of Montreal Staff, Mttehell and one grand- daughter, Shirley Ceneibell, Also surviving are, her mother Mrs. Wan. F. Schnee, 'Lietow ll; six edaters and one brother Mae E. N. Phillips, Mins. C. A. Young, and W. N. Schnook, Flint, Mich.; Mrs. L. B. lcig'hniey, winery, Mich; Mrs. - Geo. Manny'. Lunde r; Man, ; 'Mrs. J. D. Mc- Ewen and Mrs, M. Abram of Listow- el. The deceased was a member of dere Presbyterian ,Church, Etlr,ell, and the Ladies? Aid. Rev; Mr, Taylor conducted the funeral servies at her late residence, -8th Con„ Grey, on Wednesday • afternoon!. The pale bearers' were; Joseph Cooper, Dan- iel Heather, Wang McInnis, W. C. Stevenson, John 'Mclntesit, George Menzies, There Were many floral tributes 'nom relatives, the Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian 'Church, .Ethel, also from the Mellen Mean- ie Lodge, the Bank of lefoutreal Mitchell, ;Interment woe' made in Ethel cemetery, Relatives 'were present from Flint S0iginaw, leetowel, Atwood, Mlivonton, Winghtum and Donegal, $7,627 ,Surplus Shown in Report Of Treasurer . s Committees Struck And Figures Given On Cost 'Of Appeal Against Assessment Equalization County Treasurer A. H. Erskine, in sulbmittieg the 'provisional esti- mates for 1940 to • Huron County Council last week announced; an es- timated rate ce 3:25 miles on the total asselsemen'b ob $54,258,666, plus secondary school costs for town- sihips, Last year the rate was 4 mills, Tho acitual surplus in 1939 -was $7,627 the auditor's report showed. The ap'p'onitmrent is as. follows,: 1,46 tor Current Account; 1.55. County Highway and .24 Provincial Highways. These are subject to revision in June. „The Highways subsidy was esti- mated, $3,000 too high at .the time of the audit, Mr. Ereikin said in pre- s'enitink the auditor's report, "Anter d'ed'ucing this, anoint, the actual surplus is $7,027 onl the year's oper- ailons," The estimated expenditures for 1940 were set et $92,500 and the es- timated revenue at $92,634. Tbere was a sunplus of $134 in the general aecbunt. Hockey Games Lost Thursday evening iBrusesis lost the first game of the season on their own ice when the snappy At- wood team defeated' Brussels by the score of 4-2 in the O•R.H.A, league. Both teams were evenly matched in the first period. - Both checked their men ,hard 'so the game was mostly plSped, on the centre of the ice, C. Gordon of Atwood scored the first goal forr the visitors on a scramble in front df the goal after 12 minutes of play. About 4 minutes later Ned Rutledge, far the locals, picker, np a Loose puck to even up the score, Both ,teams seesawed up and down the ice at a fast pace to end the first period. Atwood opened, up again in the second pe'rsiod, F. Gordon raced in after a rebound to score the second goal of the game for the visitors. Brusselei miesrd several nice chanc- es to score but it waa 'Brussels off night and their passes: 'failed to click with Atwood breaking through on numerous occbaione. In the last period Atwood scored 2 more,gbala with the locals' getting one to end, the game Attwood —4 Brvseels--2. THE R In anlower to a enquiry from Reeve Watson, of 'Stanley, Mr. Ers- kine said the salary and' eapeneels of Traffic Officer Lever for aha year were $-2,067,28, Hospitalization of Indigents. Reeve Trewantha, of Clinton, ask- ed for a comlrariso2i of the hos- pitalization of indigents in the var, louts hospital& and: was given the following figures by the treasurer: Clinton, $3'47,00; God'esfic r, $2,412.- 05; Seadorth, $1,9281'2; Winghaar, '$773.35, - Aaked regarding the costs of the Equalization, Appeal '3ount,'Mr, Ers- kine said, the Godlerieh members' of the tribunal received $140 each; the outside Judge, $256; count reporter, $112; court clerk, '$40; court crier, Continued on inside Page NATURE'S COLUMN Why would a bird, which lives chiefly on small fish such as shiners and' chub, which it catcheel nodes' water with lightning -Bike darts of its slender neeak and sharp beak, bother to come near B'nsegel's in January--iBrugseia the place where A TRIP TO THE ROCKIES they gat enough snow; in a week Editor, The Brussels, Post to last for a 'w'hole "winter, 'Maybe Dear Sir; this special bird, which was found I ;wouldlike to give you a few near the river 'ten days ago, thought impressions et a resent trip I that December caln would never took tb British Colunrbia in the hope cease. that it may be of interest to the At any rate, a Horned) Grebe was readers of the Post. picked up, indured, lay the bridge I .have never travelled very much wii6tever the cause. He and other in my day so on: the first of Jhme I members of his family, of which the started out for Nelson B, 0. I was Pied -Bill' Grebe occasionally, found, ticketed through by the Station here in Ontario are variously called Master at Seeforbit and got there by such nacres as Hell -diver and and, back sere and sound, Devil -Diver. This is a. result Of Nelson is a very pretty place their ability to dive quickly and situated in the' centre of the Rockies syilm under water for a long dile- on Rooteny Lake, between two tance. mountains on whose tops the snow In 'winter the, Horned Grebe is a never melts there giving the atmos- ds -ab ooliour, with a grey brela5t and, phere a nice 'fresh feeling where blas r back. One distinguishing marls flowers' and fruit grow in abundllance .is the .white bar on 'lower part of and where the scenery Is beautitrul, the wing. In emanmer, odd, as it I was there for over a week with seems, he sports buffy, white ear my brother WI11, whom •I hadn't muffs, or tufts, above a black, puffy seen ,For a good Many years'. Altho' head, in adklition, to which the fore - over seventy, he nevertheless fills neck is chestnut, hie place intire saw mill there ;as . His nest is, a slovenly -built Pile el itor'eman• of a gang of workmen and vegetation', floating on stagnant wet' does a lot of work besides, He hats er in the western: pairries. We bee' a beautiful garden of flowers and him during migration to and front vegetables. his winter hoane en the Great Lakes I met a lot of people who came to the eolith and open water in U Sr, - from Ontario and all were very Watch for this duck -like visitor in ti anxiou9 tq' talk about the old prece spring, but don't expect to see a ince, I ran acmes Andrew Park, duck bill or webbed feet, Each toe ant old Cdroesemaker in, the Win- has' a web of ,bs o1nan, throe factory and his wife, (nee' Maratha Bulkiest) wiioan I went to Wheel with, I went up to sea them and when I went in I asked them IT they knew me. They said take off your hat, yes, 'they knew me. They said it wee easy for they had been, the item in the Nelson News that t was' there. They have a nice comfortable Line-up— ATWOO'D, Goal, J. Inglis; R. De- fence, J. Gorden; L. .Defence, , J'. Vallance; 'Genera, F. ,Gordon; B. Wing, C. Gordon; L. Wing, E, Han- na; 'Suite, Greemrsido, Cole and Wright. BR'U'SS4OJS, Goal, Lawless; R. De- fence, McDowell; L. Defence, M. Lowry; Centre, N. Rutledge; R. Whig, H. Wonloman; L. Wing, R. Fox; Subs, F. Rutledge, d. Lowe, S. Wtorlonan, D, Bell, J, McDonald, 'Referee—dreg, Kerslake, WEDNESDAY NIGHT GAME Brussels -6 Trowblodder-4 Art the end of the regulation game ,tire seers wast 4-4; fill 10 minutes overtime B'ruseeis scored two $09.15, SEND IN THE NEWS. 1f you have any newt or personale just ca511 the Post • 21 or send then' In. Continued on Page molt Editor's note—On. mention of this bird called, "Hell Diver" ro'miedg '0* 't Of , a duok.shooting party long Tiheretagiving, When theft. bind • ; Were refer'r'ed to as being auth'0 ripe dusbks, d.Crme 'to either rants the are hard to hit, they ,seem to div with tate pull et the 'trigger an, appear many fiee't awAY with jus, their near and bead above water.