HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-1-10, Page 5Ingrediments Used �� Are Allways BREAD CAKES COOKIES DOUGHNUTS TARTS ALWAYS A FRESH SUPPLY OF "TASTY PASTRY" Select Oysters • • •,' • • • • • • • 35c jar Fresh Greens Every Week-end— W. WILLIS - PALACE BAKERY PHONE 32X BRUSSELS BELGRAV The annual meeting of the Young People's Society was held In Bel - grave United Church on Wednesday of last week with a good attendance, Rev. J. B. Townend presided over the election of odficerg for the ensu- ing year which resulted as follows; President—Geo. M1lchle Vice-Presedemt--B'ordien. Scott Secretary—Lois MloGuire Treasure•—Jiimea Coulter ,Christian Fellowship Convenor— Marjorie Grasby Your Eggs Highest Cash Prices Paid For Eggs And Poultry F. M. SAMIS Phone 80 Brussels Missionary Coln,. --Kenneth Wheeler C;hris'tian Citizenship Convenor--2Olarence Yuill Social and Recreational— Harold Vincent Pianist --Freda Jordan Flower Com.m9ttee—Elaine Walsh Edith Procter It was deckled to donate $20.00 to local church ifundls, and$10.00 to Missionary Funds, The Devotional Period was under the direction or the retiring President, IIIiss, Anna Grasby and a recreational period was directed bySocial Committee. The Society, will coornbiue its meet- ing with the annual church meeting on January 23rd. The Historical Research meeting of the Belgrave Women's Institute will meet .at thee one of. Mrs, Clar- ence Wade on Tuesday, leeway 16, at 2.30 p.m. The convenors' are: Mrs. Harold Prooter and Mrs, Nel- son Higgins Roll 'Ca11, Name the first settler where you live, Currant events, Mrs. Gordon Iiigigus; Ad- dresis•, to be chosen.; Music By Mies Elaine Wlai,sh; 0.uioo1i committee, Mrs, R. J. MacKenzie, Mrs. Nelson Higgins, Mrs Clayton Logan. All the ladiets Of the community are cordially invited to attend Notice To Crediton • In the estate of Mary Jane Alcoclt late of the Village of Brussels In the County of Huron, widow, de- ceased, who died on or about the 6th lay of December, A.D. 1939. TAKE N'OT1QI6 that all parties having claims or demands again:it the estate of the ebove-menitioned deceased mueit hall particulars and proof of game etc Elmer D, 13e11 of Brassels on or belfore the 20th day of January, 1940, union which date the undersigned executor will 'Pro- ceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which he shall then hilae received. DATED at'13rusesds'this 30th day ot December, A.D, 1909. Frederick George Alcock Executor by his solicitor EIJME.R D, BELL, Brussels, Ontario Notice To Creditors In the estate of John Ewen Date of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, gentleman, de- ceased, who died on or about the 7th day of December, A.D. 1939 TAKE NOME that all parties having elaim,s 01 demands, against the a ibavermentioned. deceased must mail particulars. and proof et same to Elmer D. Bell of Brussels, on or before the 20th day of January, 1940, upon which date the undersigned executor will proceed to distribute the assets' with regard only to those claims which he shall have re- ceived. DATED at Breeze's tai; 30th of December, A.D. 1939. George Muldoon, Executor. day 5.14• +4:ie 44:e4N4.M:e♦:N4:N:♦• Of ceuree, rem people believe in signs, but a Hartford, Con., hearse 11as a license slate bearing the designation The next meeting of the Huron (County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich commencing TUESDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1940 at 2 P.M. Alt accounts, notices of deputations and other business re- quiring the attention of Council should be In the hands of the County Clerk not later than Jan. 13th. J, M. ROBERTS, County !Clerk, Goderich, 'Ontario. 1 1 GET YOUR PERMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLEAS THERMIQUE End Curl $1.00 and -1,50 Including Shampoo Permanent ,$1.75, $2.25, $3.00 and $5.00 including finger wave and shampoo Dried Finger Wave 25c Shampoo 25e Telephone 55X for Appointment IRENE PEASE over H. B• ,Allen's Drug Store .°♦4°♦♦°♦♦ �►♦�♦♦♦P♦°♦♦♦N♦♦♦1N••�♦N♦♦1�Ne♦•+�•♦•O♦�•♦••♦�'•°°e•°•N°N°N°N`,♦°°N� 4. ♦ti ♦2• • ♦. ♦_. ••2♦ •2♦ •. ei ♦a; O�• a4 1 ♦♦ ♦;i egg •• ♦2. ♦I♦ •r♦ 4,422 i. I2♦ •• 4♦2, there ANY NEWS 1- your • .♦ Is- 2 neghborhood. �r �� Your Brussels Post r♦� •• iZ: Is Calling For It •• • ♦;• fly y4s�N�N�N�N�N�N�N�N�N�H�N�►♦�N�N�N�♦4e♦+e•4o•!i}•...•�N�♦♦�N�N�N+N°♦♦.••N.•.N�N* ♦1 N THE BRUSSE14 POST Lorraine Hingston __ .. .. Lew Oakley'` 'Bride Wears Blue Boucle 'Crepe in Pretty Ceremony at Home The +marrla ,e took place at the home of the bride's parents' on Sat- urday evening December 30th of 'Mlos Mlargiaret Lorraine Hiagaten, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Charlee ltingeton, to Lew 17, Oakley, son of Mr, and Mrs. I•iarry Oakley, Rev, A B, Rainsoni officiated•, Miss Clare, Riadium played the wedding. music. The bride Was given in marriage by her father, and wore a frock of Acadia 'blue honcie crepe with inm,tuhing tuiiban and chart veil and consage of rosea. Mrs, Kennett Vass was her siste e only atten- dant, mild wore rosewood: moss crepe with Wank accessories, black velour pillbox and corsage of roses, Ar- thur Thomson was groomsman, At the reception, held following the ce-remony, the bride's mother re- ceived wearing ,rust jacquard crepe with corsage of roses, Following a short motor trip, .efr. and Mrs. Oakley will. reside In. Windsor, For travelling the bride choee a rust crepe dressy with black haft, coat and acceisseeies, Miss C. Hingston of town woe' present. Want Ads. FOR SALE— A lbunch of Chunks. phone 58-r-23 Thou. Pierce FOR SALE - 12 Chunks of Pigs. phone 24 -r -S Robert Tyea'n an Please Send In The News i ,youhave any visitors, ,.ap- penings out of the ordinary, about the f arm, hone or in town it will be appreciated if sent in or merely phone 31. '_is your local paper; establish- ed to convey the news of this locality to you and your neighbour. FOUND— A. FOUND— A Muff, In Brussels, owner maY have same by calling at the office pif "The5 Posit" and paying for this advt. ` FOB SALE - 10 Pigs; ready to wean. phone 55-r-9 C. 0, Ellaoatt FOS SALE - 13 Pigs, Chunks. also a hayloader. phone 56 -r -1S P. N. TYerman W3D61$DAY, ZAN., 1Oaii, 1941 SUPERIOR STORE QUALITY SERVICE. cis 9tlr+ e2h1 4.10001bowati2o l3 cosi ntzrpiailzra'a&amei lath tlamPtuiui+i Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Lexia Raisins with Seeds 2 Ili for 23c Good Black Tea, loose per lbs 59c St. Williams Strawberry Jain 32 oz. • • per jar 25c Crown Brand Corp Syrup 2's , , 18c 5 ib tin 39c Campbell's Vegetable Soup • • • • • • • • , • • • • 2 tins for 190 Hepfer's Honey on Hand at low prices Special Wool Blankets, with candy stripes • • , • • per pr $6.95 Economy Batts no, 1 • • .. per batt 35c Newton Yarns, all colors . • • • per lir 98c • • • • • per skeet 25c Little Boys 2 -piece Wool Suits each 75c Boys Winter Caps, wool • each 49c Men's Wool Socks • • .. •. , 25c Dii3t n jib't Tz'izozis9r:Ylzsersztzi`3'r�dlrsi'�t+ ' emzist i" t7't ` ir` z6 mai+ `r ffii-Ditremo WM. ZIEGLER HIGHEST PRICES 'PAID FOR PRODUCE Phone U , Ont. i WANTED— Girl wants housework for winter. Helene Smith, R.R. 2, Brussels FOR SALE - 7 Chunks ot Pigs. phone 47-r-15 J. M. Bray Lot 29, Con, 15, Grey- FOR rey FOR SALE - 6 Portland Cutters, 1 horsehide robe, set light slelglls, mail box. W. 3'. Patterson. phone 86-r-6 or phone 49-r-11 CUSTOM SAWING— Any person having logs to sell kindly get in touch with Duncan, Johnston, Phone 19-r-6 Walton Saw Mills, FOR SALE - 6 4 -foot Cutters, 1 horsehide robe, set light sleighs, mail box. W. J. Patterson, Phone S6 -r-6 00 Phone 49-r-11 WOOD WANTED— — Sealed tenders wanted for S.S. no, 3 Grey, 16 cord Hard Maple body wood, 14 -inches long. Tenders re- ceived until Jan, 19th, apply to Jas. Denser, See.-Treas. FOR SALE - 1 set 2151135.2 r•--" pitelrr.:•s and dell pitcher; good sideboard, nearly new; 1 good Stand; 1 good Lounge, Sale bo be held next .Monday at 1 pill apply to Hugh Deckett, R. R. 2, Pineville WANTED - 20 cords of body hard Maple wood in 1G -Inch preferable, to be deliver- ed at 5,5. 110. 10, Grey, not later than htarcll 1st, Tenders received up to, Jan, 19. W. 11. Speirau, Sec,-Treas. A b0 CTO R URGES • ••.• •••• +••• e ''EAT FISH RAW" ♦ •• ♦ • • Weil -Known Halifax Declares We Lose Real Good In Fish By Cooking Nova Scctiansu Canada's leading Blakeman, were given some adviee last week on bow to eat the cam.- modity of which they are such pro- lific producers. 'Rat it ratio," was the counsel giv- en to memnbens of •the Nova Scotia Economics Association, by Dr, H. B. Atlee, Halifax physician, Lots of Vitamins -"The trouble with our fish is we cook it," he continued. "We should eat it raw," Raw fish and a little bread and butter would give us lots if v7tamins. You lose the real good Physician the TENDERS WANTED— 'Con• 16 cardia cal body wood :Maple and Beech., 16 -inches long and 2 corns, of Cellar, 16-inehes long, to be delivered at the sphooi house at Ethel. Tenders to be sent to the under- eigne ' on or be ere Feb 1St,1940, Wei, 5, Spence, Sec Tieas., 5. S. No. 11, Two. Grey Box 13, Ethel, Ont. F. F HOMUTH Analytical Optometrist guarantees you the \..Best Eye Service Harriston, phone 118 Brussels (Second Thursdays) Phone 26X • • t • • • in fish by cooking it. This, province, endowed as it is with an abundance of 'fish and ap- ples, is capable of producing the ! healthiest rano in the world from a dietetic standpoint." WILLIAM SPENCE WHEN in Wingham doing your Shopping or after the show .. . Call In at FOXTON'S DAIRY For a Delicious Milk Shake or Sundae —and a delightful place ; for a tasty snack and 44. refreshing drink. i� A ♦ p Estate Agent, Conveyance? ! Fresh Products and Commissioner c General Insurance Office ♦♦♦♦e♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Allain Street. — Ethel, Ontario +♦•♦♦•p•♦♦•e +♦°°e°4♦4♦♦♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦N♦N♦e hasp" GoodLNew Years Resolution Courteous Service Start to -day Feeding Sun -Ray Concentrates to your Poultry & Hogs Sun -Ray 35% Concentrate with your, own grains for better Egg Production. SUNRAY PIG -STARTER and SUN -RAY HOG CONCENTRATES with your own grains for faster growth and Bigger Profits. Enquire about these feeds to -day also free literature on feeding for profits. F. M. SAMIS Phone 20 Brussels naLattitlanlanginThRingESMIEMBEZOBBIZMESITEMESIREV sl itis jug. like summer at home, diacs}., y dependable tvarinth insurance in Easily adaptable to weather There's deP heat tor the changes—plenty Coke. o£ reserve smokeless, nDustless' s bok ess, minicoldest m snap. Today' el bargain-mcall your local dealer ,Y i Ask your carderabout the new YIAMCO IiAMCO Ij:to( tomAFT CONTL and HOT WATER TER Two o vonnt tencen. saving con HAMCO $ties Oltt HAMILTON 6YMItaDUCT 404 t OWNS UMiito