HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-1-10, Page 4NEWS OF THE DISTRICT Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents CRANBROOK The W. M, S. of Knox Prf'slbytor. Ian 'Church met at the home of Mrs. M, Angel, with the president, Mrs. D, Huether, preslding. The meeting opened with a. hymn, The Scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. James Cameron, Roll ,Call was answered with a verse of scripture, A. much enjoyed story was given by Mrs, i0, Olmstead. A, number of interest, ing current ,ebenas were read by Mi, J, Huather•, Mrs. A. Cameron, Mrs. H. Hunter, foilewed by a h.ssna, Mrs, J. Huether led in pray- er, The topic .from the study book was read by Mrs, R. Scott, The secretary read this minutes of the Previous meeting, Mrs, D. Huether invited the ladies to her home for the next meeting to be held Fib. Car of Screenings About January 18th Concentrate For Hogs and Poultry GSM. On Hand PURINA- 32% Concentrate for Hatching IIMMINOWOONAM Molasses - Harness - Etc. Do not overlook our stock of . . Work Shirts and Overalls D. M. McTavish FARMER'S STORE PHONE 64 BRUSSELS 9th the World's Day of Prayer. A hymn was sung and Mrs, 1t, IC, IY0eDonald closed with prayer, Dur- ing a •social Mout, lunch was s'er'ved by the hostels, The annual meeting of the Plat Uwners5i cif the Cranbrook Ceme- tery will be beld in the Conrm'unity Hall, Cranlbroak on Friday, Jan. 12th at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. All thiseinterestedd are asked to attend. John Schnook, Sac.-Treas. ETHEL John King who suffered a severe heart attack 10 days age has not rallied as was hoped for and his vitail ) is gradually lessening. Harvey McClelland reiturned to the village, after some time spent With friends in the country, but has been unable, owing to weak heart conditions to leave his apartments in Mrs. Gill's house since his arrival. B. F. •Carr W,an. Zeigler, Mrs. Geo Bateman and Mrs. C. F. Han - said were among the number of per- sons who unfortunately were on the sick list, during Christmas holi- day, and consequently missed' out in many pleasures, usual in that Period. Thankts are due Doc and Mrs. werdlaw for entertaining some guests for New Year's dinner, who ofsenlwise would have been out of luck. Monday was an extra busy day C EVROL THE T RUCIL S OF flhIpLZ SAVINGSSaye• ®n purchase gas and oi/ Price , ..Save on EvERY Chevrolet Truck• • Saveon da upkeep cosy low operating E'er through unequalled earns fig way, mile b eP money on Prue t ng cost an h teeb ,cos of mile and d to Prices when you choose maintenance costlow first Trucken oil, are much low a Chevrolet You save z'ruc Chevrolet lower �11s year. 'for all Chevrolet oil,quality becausemeanYou save one famous Valve -in -Read the save on gas tion, today, no longer life with Pwermaintenance lain e asehH o t high , there is yr matter how large or bills. t I939 Ch a Che of evrolet Truck et exactly suitedl o your truck opera - and 97% / I of all trucking requirements. ee covers all she major needs. The Engine Ton 1 quire Jor hauling Sake, Dump ous '� °£ Pick -Up Tom 2 on, 2 2 ToTake nd your choice f Its Stake, as requirother modes ..Delivery, Sedan Delivery, and axle arrange as a d y, today .. wheelbase, fire axle See the new Chevrolet best nru for air demonstration .Panel, Truck of •Trucks Motors monthly payments le Savings!" "The convince yourself that your insta111ent n .Plan. the Genera/ larestraad Chevrd/' i pri ion Slake rNtek with 7NE NEV r1'rclr. TO LOWER IPICK-UP DELIVERY SEDAN DELIVERY PANEL MODELS STAKE MODELS DUMP MODELS CAB -OVER -ENGINE MODELS tit TON 3/4-1 TON `11I2 TON „2 TON 21/2 TON 2k TON C.O.E, T MILE Costs CT -s98 FOR LOW COST HAULING THE BRUSSELS POST Par tMoDone14. and an at Ethel Cl, N, R. stook -yards, in assembling and loading live shock, Frady, .Jan, d, Ethel W, I. amonaar- ed a euchre and 'dance given 1n Grey Pwip, hall, which WAS well pat- ronized conglderinig the condition of roads and other social activities at nearby :places on the senate date. The young People are enjoying skalting on good ice on the river. A. hockey Practice game was played Saturday ,afternoon, the flrat of the season, here. 'Friday, Dec, 12th will be family night at. Grey Twat, Hall for Ethel W. I, gVou>, where supper will ;be served -and interesting entertain-' meat giben. A good time is antici- pated, At •the meeting held Thursday night of last week at the parsonage for the reorganization of Ethel Un'ite'd 0hunch Sunday School, ei complete executive was elected. Rev, Mr, Snell ,presided. It was prosese l by Mr, Snell that a Teach- er's Training ,Olasss for the circuit be orga•nizeld. This was, approved of. 11Tts's Dorothy Wright of Brussels who is quralifying for a public school teacher, spent her trial teaching week in. Elfhel school in Miss i7, Fears room, The fnetial gathering la S. S. no, 6, Grey Twit/. for community social we'ifere wall held at the ,school Fal - day night of last week, Dec. 5th. ht was unanimously agreed to have been a pleasant occas'ian,. The funeral of Mrs. Livingston was condiucted. Monday p.m., Jan. 8, from Walton to Mt, Pleasant ceme- tery, Ethel. Mks. Livingston was wife of the late Robt, Livingston', formerly well known relslhden;t on Con. 1, Grey TwP., and as reeve of the municipality, whose death oc- curred' two years ago, BLUEVALE ..ori..,,. The annual meeting of the United Church Sunday school was held' on Friday afternoon, The pester, Rev. C. Taverner presided. Encouraging nebonhs' were heard from the secre- tary and the treasurer. During the year' the sum of $28 was sent to mis sions, Mrs, M. L. Afitkin tendered her re:de-nation as superintendent, as she expects to be away from the village for a time, It was not ac- coated and Mr. W. J. Johnston was appointed acting superintendent with W. J, Peacock as .assistant. Other• cifirers elected were: Secre• terv, ( " "e Hetherington; assist- ant secretary, ,Steheart McLennan; treasurer, Margaret Curtis; Ubra- ian, Robert Shaw; pianist, Margar- et Gurtks; missionary secretary. Mrs, J. Wioleslted; tenvperan:ce sec- retaep, ,Spence McKinnon; class teachers~ Class 1, Mrs, W. J, John- ston. Mrs, SPaelling J,ohnston'; class 2, Mrs. George Thomson, Mrs. James Johnston; class 3, W. J, Pea- ceek, George Jollmsiton; class. 4, Ed- ward Johnston. Ross Smith; dulls 5, Mrs. R. 3, McLennan, Miss Ru- ms Johnstone class 6, Mrs. E. John- ston assisted Dry class members; to 7 .Robert (Shaw, assisted. by °lass memibers; cradle rail superin- tendent, Mrs, S. N. Gallaher, Rev. 0, Tavenner preached in; the United Church, on Sunday morning and conducted Communion service. Ait the morning service in Knox Prerrryter'i'an Church, Donnas • Me Donaldof Lueknow, a Knox Col lege student, occupied the pulpit, The regular monthly meet•lug of thr W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church was held on Thursday 4fier- 0en-3 et the. home of Mrs. Peter S. MaeEwen,. The president, Mr's'. 3- J. Elliott, presided. The opening devotional .period was conducted by Mills Florence Fowler and Miss Olive Scott, In tire study of Miss seonary Current Events. Mrs. Mac- Ewen spoke chiefly on the s hoots that are maintained 'by the 4r,M.'S. funs Mrs, W H. McT0.hnnay lied charge of the topic 'from the Riney book "Moving; Millions," The chapter dealt wlitln Hinduism in itsvarious tours and how the nlJisslon- arise are gaining ground and win - nine the untouchables which com- prise the lowest caste in India. Tho school here reopened on Wednesday with a good attendance. Most of ,the children whostuttered rat nfit ack of ecarieh 'fever` are back to siehool and no new cases are re- lented, So tluah'si the baby," said Uncle I,hn "Yes', said the 87.051 fattier, 1 hope you'll bring him up to be a eres.cisa1io0ss upright young. matt." 'PM father shook Me head. "1'111 e?roil 'that'll be rather difficult," he rr;illed, "Pahawl'- snapped, Uncle J.idn; "as. ;the twig Is bort the tree to in:14muh" "Yes„ 'but• the 'ttvlg is bent nn 'heh'g s. girl, and we are in. °lined. to let it go at that." 1 MID -WINTER Clearance Sale .11.11.n4.m.e11rne(..roe,Inp(1.01.04011, e114M.11.1.0neaea.n4.Mn0.a...11./.p.0(.,11•„.1111 68 Fur -Trimmed and Untrimmed Coats • going on sale WITHOUT RESTICTIONS Ml sizes from 14.46 In the lot. Every coat,, no matter what the ,price, has'two guaran- teed 2 -season linings and chamois at no extra coat. YOU PAY for alterations, ,Lot 1-15 FUR -TRIMMED & UNTRIMMED warm Winter Coats sizes 14-38, old price from $12.95 to $16.95, out they go at one price CASH price $9.95 Lot 2-19 FUR TRIMMED COATS; good boucle materials, long. wearing furs, sizes 14.44, old price 519.95 to $22.50, out they go at ................GASH price $14.50 Lot 3-22 BETTER MISSES' AND WOMEN'S COATS, half sizes included, satin linings, first class furs, squirrel, wolf, coon, marmot mink, opossum, Persian and Bombay lamb, old price $25 and up, all (they cost you during this good old sale CASH price $18.95 Lot 4-12 ONLY FUR TRIMMED COATS, the very cream of our entire stock, mostly Women's sizes, but also a few good Misses' Coats, extra fine furs of Persian and Bombay Iamb, Silver Fox, squirrel and mink, old price $35 to $69.95, each coat individually reduced AT LEAST $10. OR MORE. All prices strictly CASH. No approvals, exchanges .or returns. $3,1)00 Worth of Dresses TO REALIZE $2,000-A SAVING OF $1,000 Clean, new merchandise in such a 'wide variety of styles and ma- terials that it is impossible to describe. them in detail. PRICES SLASHED to clear them quickly. Group 1 -ONE LOT FOR BARGAIN HUNTERS mostly Misses' sizes, extra good value $1 Group 2 -FORMER VALUES FROM $2.95 to $4.95 sizes from 14 to 40 $1.98 Group 3 -BRAND NEW TAFFETAS in bright colours of red, cerise, green, black, navy and royal blue, sizes 14-20, also dozens of plain crepes, and ney Springs prints, all sizes from 1448. 111 Dresses in this group, honest values 52.95 Group 4 -THE BEST VALUES YOU CAN GET ANY- WHERE. earring none, this is absolutely a give. ! away. Unless you come and see these values for your- self you just can't believe our story. 179 Dresses in all in this group. All sizes including Half sizes. Necklines, sleeves and skirt to suit every figure and taste. AN EXCEPTIONALLY good value on Which we stake our reputation as first class merchandise, ..Taken from reguar goups of $6.95 end$8,95 Dresses. LEAP YEAR SPECIAL $4.95 No charges, approvals or exchanges. YOU PA alterations Y for Group 5-66 EXTRA GOODMISSES AND WOMEN'S DRESSES former values from $8.95 to $10.95, including some of 'the finest garments of our dress stock $6.95 Group 6-A RESERVED SECTION of less than 35 of the very best and most recent arrivals, former values from $10.95 to $14.95, Individually reduced'and shown only on request. .,,e e ei„e„e„e e„e„e„„e„e„e„e„e .,e„411•.,,„e,,. Leap Year Sale of Millinery 50 LOVELY WOOL FELTS, Misses and Matron styles, reg. values $1.95 and $2.95, to clear quickly, each 98° 24 ASSORTED FINE 'FUR FELTS, VELVETS and VELOURS, reg. valises from $2,95 to $4.95, out they go at one price.. $1.49 ALSO ONE GROUP OF LEFT -OVERS, some slightly shop worn, regardless of cost and value, out they go, each 25c On the Bargain Counter Too many items to mention in detail. Come early before they are i picked over. Here are some of them: Crepe and Satin Dance Sets, reg. $1,50 to $1.95 to 'clear 98c I Slips and gowns formerly $1.50 and 11.95 to clear 98c Angelsktn Slips, white, mostly size 38, reg. $1. to clear ...... 79c i Neckwear, Collars and Cuffs, reg. 75c to $1.25 each, to clear 50c Dozens of lovely Flowers, reg. 25c to 75c, to clear IOc, 25c KAYSER Novelty Knit Bloomers and Panties, reg. 75c to 95c, S,M,L., Tearose only,. to clear • MERCURY Nightgownsand 'Pyjamas, S.M.L., reg, $Z95, to clear 49c $1.98 BETTER ALL WOOL DRESSES and 2 -Piece SUITS, sizes from 12.18,. to clear et HALF former price. Ski Suits, Melton cloth Ski Jackets and Slacks, incomplete assort- ment of sizes, to clear quickly at greatly reduced prices. Children's Dresses, sizes 5 to 14, 14x $1.95 to $2.95 e„e11e11®..- e11e11ee.,� Leap ®Year Sale of Weldrest Hosiery I The price of hosiery advanced this week from 79c to 89c a pair Ifor Chiffon and light 'service weight, and from $1.00 to $1.15 a pair i for crepe. As a feature attraction' during this sale we offer WELDREST and G'OTHAM GOLDSTRIPE as follows: CHIFFON and LIGHT SERVICE WEIGHT, all sizes, all shades, pair 75c CREPE, all sizes, all colours, pair 980 These prices are GOOD ONLY during THIS. SALE. No more than two pair of any kind to 'a customer. v yaw.®a... , ° 11.•(.11eoa.. o+.nen .. We're off for the biggest sale of this month. Try and be here and buy all you Wish. We 'don't care how many bargains you pick, The more the merrier. If you come from a distance give your friends or neighbours a ride, Bring them along. They Will thank you for it. YOURS .FOR BIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS IN 1940 sae e.w1111.•as11e11.•n.•„eos11ene11e11.•oe11ei,e11.•11ePARIS LADIES' SHOPPE -LISTOWEL'S LEADING LADIES' WEAR STORE- LISTOWEL Phone 399 ' WALLACE ST. maw