HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1940-1-10, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, January 11th, 1940 , Brussels Red Cross Society Meets Thousands of young Canadians Slave offered their lifelblpod to safe- guard! your home and your comferts. Hanldeeds will return from the war maimed, blinded or mutilated to spend a life of misery and train. Hundreds' will never return - to Canada again and will be buried in a foreign land, All this has ,been offered without sibint to preserve your comlPont and your 1•ibeety. What are you willing to give int return? How much are you willing to pay? We request that you ask yourself these question* when+ determining your contribution to the Red Cross. At a meeting of the Red Cross So. clety of Brussels: on Thursday last a vigorous easspai'fus for contribu- tions was, decided on—pur objective is to raise over $1000.00 In an- other tens daypcanvasses will call ,. at your homes. Every Person mast give till it hurts', 'Contributors wdli receive membership cards making each an otlicial member of The Red Crass 'Society of Canada. Let's put Brussels over .the ,top. For those ntboni the canvassers mtay net reach and who wish to con- tribute, ' arrangements have been made to accedrt 'donations at the following places in Brussels: Dun- can N. McDonald, Dr, T. T. McRae, Elmer D. Bell anti A, Wood Brussels Red Cross ,Committee R. G. McCracken Passes Away There passed away at his home in Brussels on Sunday morning, Rob- •ert George, son of the late W. H. end Mrs. McCracken in his 62nd year. educated in Brussels schools he watered for ,his father, also worked in Walkerton and Clif- ford atter which he went to. the 'United States, where he worked first in Rochester, N.Y.,' and. later in, Min- neapolis and St. Paul where he was in the real estate businege - with great 'success until his health 'railed' and he returned home about, five years ago. He spent a rouble of summers In New Liskeard for the benefit of hie .health, He leaves to mourn their lose one brother, W. J. anti, three sisters, Amanda and Eva at home and Carrie a teacher in To - routs). A 'private funeral was held from the home on Tuesday after, noon with interment ibedng made in the family plot in ,Brussels ceme- tery. Pallbearers were Wm, G1'fleadie, Harry Ohatttpdon, Douglas Warwick, Russ, Carrie, Orwell Elliott and Walter Lawler. Dominion of Canada 1940 First War Loan Ottawa, Jan, 5 1940—In prepare. Von for Canada's first war loan ef. ,foi'l of the new world war, a National .War Loan• 'Committee and a National Slibe1ct'ipitiom Committee are in .process of foimautiou across Canada; and will be " organised in time for the initial effort on the economic war 'front. The National War Loam Com- mittee, under the chairmanship of the Hon. J. L, Ralston, K, C, M, P,, Mindster o1P..E'lnan'ce; will •be corn - Posies' or five former left -asters ' of Finance, Caniada'* nine Provincial Treasurer's, and snare titan; 200 representatibe citizens, residet from coast to coast, The five former Ministers of Finance are: the Rt. Hon, Sir Thomas White, the Hon. Sir Henry Drayton, the Rt, Hon, R, B. Bennett. the Noor, E. N. "Rhodes and ,the Hon, Chas'. A. Dunning. The nine Provincial •Treasurers are: Hon. Thane A. CaaniPtbell, P;Ela Hog, Angus L. Macdonald, Nova Scotia;; Hon. C. T. Richard, New Bru.ns:wilds; Hon, J. A. Matthemeon, puef,rol Hon, Mitchell F. Iieeburn,' Ontario.. Hon, Stuart S. Garage, Manitoba; Hon. W, J, Patterson, Sasl>ca'tcherw✓ran; Hon.' Salon E. Low,. Alberta; and Hon. John Hart, Brit- let ritleb Colunilbia. ,Mr. Dunning ltaa also accepted the chairmanship at the National Subsontptton Cammdtte'e which will assist the National War Loan' Com- mittee, and. will be conlcerned with the securing of larger subscriptions of a national obaraoter. It will be responsible" dor organizing the Work of canvassing the larger in- s'tltutk ns and conpormtions, int adtai- tion to stimulating the broader sale of the bonds ,to the .public. This committee will have the active eo- oPeration of in,vesttnenit dealers throughout Canada, a number of whom have already done consider- able work in tbe preliminary or- ganization. The First War Loan will provide Canaldians, as a whole, with their. first opportunity to participate in Canada's war effort. To enable everyone to subscribe, it is indi- cated' that bonds will have denom- inations as low as $50 each for smaller subscriptions. In announcing the acceptance by Mr. Dunning of the chairmanship of the Natioal Subscription 'Commit- tee, Mr, Ralston saki, "Canada is indeed fontunate that Mr. :Dunning hate agreed to undertake this im- portant task. His experience as Mindatter of Finance and also in connection with the Victory Loan campaigns' during the last war make him the ideal man, , for the lob." The Annual Meeting of East ;Huron Agricultural Society will be held at the Public Library, Brussels Saturday, January 20th —at 2 p.m. M are invited to attend. • Jas. ,'Bur'gess, Pres. REGENT THEA TRE SEAFORTH Local News Items Notice— All aclonmts owing the estate of the .late A. J, McTavish must be Paid by the enol of 'January. YES WE HAVE Large Fresh Crislp Head . Lettuce and Celery Hearts. They are Fresh you can be assured. We have Fresh Sel'ec't 'Oysters; New 1940 Crop of Oranges, Try those M'ar'sh See'llless Grapefruit at Grewars, Stop that oold, Leanne 25o dos. A. G:REWAR CASH AND ,CARRY WE SELL FOR LESS NOW PLAYING Joel McCrea .Brenda Marshall Espionage Agent Mon.,' Tues., Wed,. Jean Arthur • James 'Stewart Mr. Smith Goes To Washington —with Claude Rains Edward Arnold The 'human pulsing story of a boy with Ideals Next Thurs„ Fri., Sat. Allots Faye Tyronne Power Don Ameche Alexanders Ragtime Band Ethel Merman Jack Haby The thrilling. true story :of oho 0f America's greatest musical men Irving Barite COMING— Bsrbars IStanwyck ,Adolphe Mathieu In Golden Boy. , •, ._*_-*— Norrnalites Teaching in This Vicinity Our Meal girls, who are attending Stratford Nonoral 'School were teaching in schools in the district since 'Christmas as follows': Misses. Jessie LM:tle at Cranbrook, Marie King at S. S. no. 2, Morris; Mina Bryan at S. S. no. 6, Morris; Isabel McTavish at Shine's 'School, Grey; Dorothy Weight at Ethel and Betty Best at Walton. Annual Meeting The 56th annual ineeting of the Policyholders, es the Elmo, Farmers Mntual• Fire-Insane:nee Co., will be held in the Forester's' Hall, At- wood on •'Tuesday, Jan. 30th at 2 pin. tor the purpose- of receiving the Directors' and Auditors' reports. and disposing of the same. The elec- tion of officers and any -other busi- ness that may come before the meeting. DIED Int Toronto on Thursday, January 4th, 1940 Chrilstina Janei McKay, beloved wife of the late Robert Livingston, le her 78th yeah. Funeral service was held from her late nesddence, iv Waltoni on' Mon- day, January att. Servi ' . art 2. p• an, lutes -meat was mad In Ethel 'Cemetery. The United Church REV, H. J. MAHONEY, il.A., B.D. PREACHER 1e a.m.—The £Conquest of ithe World 3 p.m.—Sunday School. Bring your Passports 7 p.m.—Mlasionary Lante-n Slides Monday Y. P. 'U.—Social. Bluevale Y. P. will be our guests Wednesday, Jan 17th— Congregation 1 Meeting. RE ACTIVITIES 'THURSDAY , Skating from 8 to 1/' o'clock FRIDAY— Open f night, for Skating Partes Hockey Matches, Carnivals. SATURDAY.— „Skating ATURDAY„.Skating from 8 to 10 o'clock Skating Saturday afternoon for Chltdren just learning. TUESDAY— Skating UESDAYSkating from 8 to 10 o'clock WEDNESDAY,— Open night [ ! µ l i 1 Reception 'Held Mrs. R. B. 'Cousins a newcomer to Brussels received on Friday a!tennooa of last week, from three• thirty until six o'clock. Mrs. G. ,Semis received with Mrs. Cousins„ Mrs, D. N. McDonald poured tea and was assisted. in the tearoom' by Mrs H, .J; Mahoney'and Mos, D. A Bann. The tea room wale lovely with pink tapers ands 'bowers. Little Miss :Betty. Cousins was the door attendant Notice— 1"1, The Laddee Aid of Melville Cleirch intend; holding a sale of horse -made' balking and candy in the Library on Saturday, January* Mailing List Corrected ' Please look at your label, Our mailing list has been, corrected up to date 2f there are any errors please notify this ootfice .as soon as Possible, Is your label shows• that you are in, arrears aa early settle mert would be greatly appreolated. We wish to thank all those who bays renewed 'their subscription. MAC'S, THAT IS IT More satisfied) customers are us- ing Mac's Tobacco every day. It is the !product of the carefully selected leaves' and blended unto a tobacco that makes a really fins smoke for either cigarette or pipe users,' It sells, for 1-6 lb. for only 25c. AT A. GRRWAR'S Temperature Took 'Big Drop The thermometer dropped to a new low for this district on Satur- day aturday night. ,Several unofficial re- ports stating the mercury as law as 2S below at 7 o'clock Sunday morn- ing, it being the tolde*t night of the winter to date and Monday night being only a few degrees leas cold. Without knowing the exact official reading we would venture 'to say that it was ,plenty cold enough for anyone. _,_*—*— United Church Y. P. S. The Young People's Society of the United Church met Monday evening. The meeting was in charge of ferias Barbara Michie„ Ohciistian Missions. 'Convenor, The Scripture reading taken from Luke 7, verses 11-23; was. read by George Baeker, after 'which Harris Bell read, a comment on ,the Lesson. Miss Barbara Michie led in Prayer. Misses Helen Backer. and Margaret Garniss sang a duct,, Lois Plum read a poses 'entitled ''Darkness and Light” Jeanette Sanderson took the Topic. During the 'buslimelss pant of the :meeting it was decided ,that the Young People wnuid hold ,their Skating Party en Feb, 14. The 'meeting was closed with the Macbeth Benedictions. i GREY The 'people of this vicinity were shocked to hear of the sudden death de Mrs, Robert Livingston in Taron- to last week. She was a life -song resident 'of Grey townshi t and a daughter of the late Mr, and Mss. Alex: McKay of Monesie!. She leaves one daughter, Mrs,' Niebel of Toronto. . The manly Yriendts of Alrvde Sohn, - sten of Walton are glad* to hear than she ats improving Ithaca her operation, In Seatorth hospital, We have plenty of snow now to 'suit nearly anyone. Most of the ears are alt the roma at least the back roadie, but our energetic truck- er, Wm( Maclurn, is 011 the road every day and: Most of the night. The •Carmtohael brothers have rented" their grass farm to SeLwyn Baker for the coming teras, It is a goad' tarn, lots of gr=atis, sh'el'ter and water. 'Miss• Deity Best of Stratford Nor - mai .School Who was• a pleat of Mtg. Ceoal Robinson, duriang the Christ - mar holidays was at the Waite% School lest tweet. afro, Perdue of Detroit spent 's 'foie days of last Week 'With her daughter, Mee, Stuart Evans and her ran, Everett returned,. to Detroit. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO PEOPLE WE KNOW * * * a Y: Mr, Alec Woodrow was, a week- end 'visitor an Toronto. Janne McCurdy of Bluevale a'nent the week -end with Fred Hunter. Miss Mary Lott was visiting in Lucknowlast week wite bee sister hire. Ferrier. * * Miss, Jennie Budd left F'ridey morning for Winnipeg atter recely-. Mg word that her sister, Mrs. Eliza Carson is critically 111. Mr. Frank Mitchell, who is em- ployed at the East Huron Produce Emporium, shaved and fell breaking his shoulder bone Mr. and Mrs Lyle Brothers of Harrlston visited in town on their way hone from their honeymoon, trip to• New York. * ` * Mise Carrie McCracken of Toron- to was borne to attend the funeral of ha • b:oher R. G. ld Crabken. Miss 14anda McCracken reurned with her to Toronto; W. M. S. of Melville Chinch The regular montbly meeting of the W. M. S. of Melville church was held os, Friday afternoon, January 5th with .the, President, Mtns', Harold Parker in t'h'e chair. The President opened, the meeting with prayer. Psalm selection 74 was sung. The Treasurer's report was 'given by Mrs. Robert Thomson, and this was a most encouraging report, showing thet'the society had gone over the top with its budget allocation. The Secretary, Mrs. Meadows, read, her repost. The chair was then taken by Mrs. Alex 'Strachan, who had been appointed, earlierr to carry through the installation, of the new officers. This rwes done. Atter the Inaba/lateen the President for 1940 Mrs, Harold Palliser took the chair. '` Mre, McKelvey, a valued member of the. W. M, S, was' given a Life Membership 'Certificate before Chrladsnas. At this meeting the Sec- retary 'Mrs'. James Armatorng read a message of thanks. from Mrs. Mc- Kelvey, Hymim 69 was sung. The, Bible reading was, taken by Mrs. Deadman followed by prayer offered by Mrs. Nelson Cardiff. A solo emtitld "My Cathedral" was sung by Min Mar- garet argaret Gareiss, The message for the Nenv Year was brought by Mrs. Parker. It was, divided into three s'ections:. Going forward to Kpow- Iedtge. Going Form/end to Higher Life; and Going Forward to Fuller 'Senhice, The closing lnyhnn wets sung, and the meeting was closed by repeating the Loads Prayer, * * * * * • * * WEDDING 0 * e 5 s Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Deadman leave today for Vancouver for a three month visit with their two daught- ers. aughtens. One is May the wife of Rev. I, J. Hind a baptist minister and Kate the wife of Dr, Wilbur Watson a dentist. Mrs. Hinds family commies Rath and Ross who are tencltdng and Ian who is Studying for the ministry, BLUEVALE Meeting of , Brussels Council '\, -_ + Jan, 8th, :84L.ar • , i..V The regular monthly meetint;1 dile Bruseeks' MiuniciPal Council bald In Wei Pudic Ldbrw,rY ou above date, An risen hers lIM A, present with the exception os, 1'- Samir, a. The minutes of 'the last eseeblag being read it was shoved by Ii, Bows ler, mecondedi by W. 'Cameron that the minutes be adopted, --Carried. The following bilis were Presnted: Bruelse.s Hydro, street light108:00 Hall lighting 2.30 Grant to Library •••+ 500.00 A. A. Lamont, Court Clerk ,44,00 Dan Denman, Bailiff 44 R WC Kny, '''tinting - D, 'C, Wearwicnedk, hall piano 26 ,.,, R9.0051 Colored 'Bulbs 12.60 A. Campbell, wiring tree ,,,, 1.60 Geo. Campbell, Deo. salary 6.25 Dr, T. T, McRae; medical alttention. 12:51 M, 0, H, esmens,ea 1,11 Ed. Henderson, avow -pia wg Relief for Deceanber 14 57 Moved by H. Bowler, se'cond�ed b'S H. Champion, that the accounts ar read, be paid Cara-ied Moved by W. Cameron, seconded by H; Bowser that the following be, the contanittees for 1940: Finance and Relief— H OhamPion. and H, Bowler Streets' & Roads -- W. ,Cameron' and F. .Saints 'Slaved by W. Cameron. seconded by H. Chasnition that Rev, Samuel Kerr be appointed member of the Library Board for the neat three years --Carried. The matter of the parking of oars at night an +the streets, and roads during winter was discussed and the public are asked' to sere that cars arc so left as not to interfere with tret fie, MGued by H. Chamrpion•, seconldei by W. Cameron that we adjourn t meet at the regular meeting dt February. —Carried, The newly elected, President, Wil- liam 'Blackmore, presided at the regular meeting of the Y. I', 17, in the Unitedt Church on Friday even- ing. The scripture Jes'aon was read by 'Spence McKinnon. The financial repomt oS the banquet was gneseated and accepted. The so - Mete accepted an invitation. from the Y. P. U. at Brussels,. to attend their meeting on January 1'5tb, pro- viding the devotional part of the program. W. J. Peacock presided for tate latter portion of the meet- ing. Rev, C. Tavener offered praY- ea Mrsi C. Taymyr continued the talk on Iter visit to the Old Land', her impressions of London, in particular She told of her visit to Birmingham Palace, a conversation with a guard and seeing the lean - testes Elizabeth anal Margaret Rose. The meeting was most intersting, Bean Supper Planned Mrs. 0, Tavener was the hostess foe the monthly Meeting of the Woman's Association o'f the United Church. The President, Mrs, S. N. Gallaher, presided and eonducted the opening devotional exercises. 'Pita principal item of business to be discusised was' the serving of a bean sapper onthe evening of the annual congregational meeting to be held near the end of January After the business meeting a social hour was endoyed. when Mrs', Earl Hamilton and Mrs. George Thom- son assisted the hostess in serving refreshments, * * * * * t * * * * L'OG AN --STOREY A quiet wedding took place at St. And3rew's Presbyterian church, Iiitehen.er, at three o'clock on Sat- urday aturday afternoon) • w'hen. Miss Martha Mary Storey, daughter of Mr, and Mts., Thomas 'Storey' Seat'onth, nob united in marriage to Mr, Alvan James Logan, son. of Mr. and, Mrs, John Logan at Bru3's,ele, Rev. Vim lay Stewart officiated. The bride wore, a mass leaf green crepe dress wills ntatithdng aceeissordes; ,Site watt attended his Miss 'Sheila Hilda brand, wearing a woollen afternoon dress In 'Maroon shade with match- ing aceeaseriee. Mr. Delbert Knight- ley was, 'best main. Latter Mr, and Ma: Logan left an a honeymoon to Windsor and Deitrott. MONCRIEFF The regular meeting of W,M„S. and W. A, took place in the base- ment of the church on' Wedvesday, Win Opening Game Here Defeat Wroxeter by - the Score of 8-2 The local lade got off to a go start defeating Wroxeter by •t large store of S-2 in a fast, clef game bere oat Friday night wit barrisiter Bell receiving the out penalty of the game. Brussels opened' up right fror the sltiart with Jack Lowe and Ne Rutledge banging in a goal apiec in the first Period, Ned Rutledge name right back 1 score another goal in the Zed peace With Jack Lowe also scoring b second goat of the evening. In the third 'Period' the local pressed even harder, Goosing goals, The goal getters were Ru eel Fox, Harry Workman, Ned, fir ledge and Jack Lowe, Despite the large score Wroxet fought hard and gave the Brunt boys plenty to worry about, The Wroxeter scorers were ei los aesited by Bill Martin and Paulin; Reg. Rabinnon. siesdstell Bill Marne. When the boys play here aa: turn out and help the local hock, San. 3rd, with Site new presidents, teens win. lW u'amely, Mns, Kenneth McLean' for Tire line up: - W, M, S. and Mss, Orval Harrison Wroxeter - for W. A. in tbe chair. Twelve ladies Goal --,C. Gibson were Present befenlce--N, Carr S,'Meilees 'iVre W, 14I. 'S. opened with Hymn Centtei--+Retg. Robinson 360 followed with prayer by Mrs. L. Wing -Bill Misrtin V. ln,gldm IS'oripture lesson. Mike R. Wing—J McTavish' 15:1.10 was read by Mrs. Wm. Scabs,--,Narylar, W. Paulin Smith andthe detvotional was Gerrie, Gibson, O. Paulin\ J. Dues taken by !Mrs. Inglis, The Brat .Myl1LNice Boys :Wearing and iast verses of Hyatt 486, . Jesus ensign of Heermhall's Wheat Bens keep me near the Oros% Vita sung in their eiweatests, and a receipt. for A Happy New Year Rruslsds-- wee read' by, Mr's. Baillie end a Boal—D, Lawlesis poem lay Edna •Sntntth and New Year Defenrce--E, Belli, Jack MoDon; Resolutions were given, For'wartdsl—Ii, Workman, Ned F The ,business part of the meeting " ]edge, Rua, Fox, was ithem taken when plans for the Alternates—O a.owe, Don, C.. work of 1940 were 3na,do, Mli the rte, Roes Duncan, ladies eve asked to Savo obppetea for 'three months far W. M. S. pur- poses and plans were eSade for the rnaking of Idisislenary Malts, The W. A, opened Willi Ityarat 404, and the work ddscueisedr pians were made for a pot loch 'snapper to be nerved at the annual Congregattiooal • Sub—antis Workman meeting in the near future, ale eregra'rn committee of five Were Pointed to not for January, 1N*W ary and March, The meeting c' ed with 'prayer,