HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-12-13, Page 1the 'Pruggelg POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, December 13th 1939 Shop With Santa 'Use The/Post Read the whole paper 'from front to ]back The 'pages are .crowded "wil1I Christmas 'messages trout anerelmate who have all kindle of seasonal goods from Whtuh you can fill all your 'Christmas requirements. Neawis neons ell interest to our read- W111 e td•vvi11 .be rewind on the inside pageu of this paper as well, as ou the front page, Dont just'ecan the front gage, reads them all An' la- 4tonmation and profit. PUBLIC, SCFPOOL CHRISTMAS CONCERT BRUSSELS TOWN HALL THURSDAY, DEC 21st 'Rhythm Band, Choruses and Recitations from the Primary Room Operetta "What Happened to Santa' by Intermediate -& Senior Rooms ADMISSION —25c CHILDREN FREE CHRISMAS CONCERT .FRIDAY, DECEMBER. 22nd Ebenezer United Church 2 SHORT PLAYS MUSIC—DIALOGUES ETC; ADULTS -25c CHRISTMAS CONCERT FLOE'S UNITED CHURCH WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20th EXCELLENT PROGRAM Silver Collection. SUNDAY SCH'OOL ENTERTAINMENT Melville Presbyterian Church FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15th EVERYBODY WELCOME The United Church REV. 1-1, J. MAHONEY, t3.A., B.D, PREACHER CHRiSTMAS SERVICES 11 a.m.—God's Christmas Gift. 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p,m.—Christmas, A Holiday or Hofs Day Tuesday, Dec. 19th—Sunday School Christmas Concert at 8 p,m. Curing these services the congrega- tion will sing Christmas Carols and the Choir will contribute special musical numbers. WEIGHTY PSOBLEM "Bow many ounces are there in. a pound?" asked the teacher. 'W.ell," replied the boy, ":Alother Stye 11 depend on where-you..deal." MEN & WOMEN WANTED— No bigger line of household neces- saries anywhere. Prices got busJ- neeem- Quality assures repents. High commission and plenty of ad- vantages. Season at its height. If you are interested in a permanent work, gtentl:y pay end a good future. investigate our Plan at once with- out obigation, 1PAIMTLE\, 570 St_ Clement, Montreal, REGENT THEA TRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING 'Gene Autry Smiley Burnette Roving Tumbleweeds MON., TUES., & WED. Corinne Luchaire Edna Best Barry Barnes Prison Without Bars Tearing the veil .away from the evils of the prison system Next Thursday, Friday Saturday George Raft Claire Trevor 1 Stole a Million Dick Fonar Joseph Sawyer Destiny dealt him a queer hand and hb played it out to the Inevitable end—Death COMING» Gloria Jean IN « The Uinder Pup *, 5 Obituary I: m ,t, .. :r. ek it t * * Mrs. Earl J. Inman • Word was revolved last weep by rel itivnr, that Lirzle A'ltTiangall, wife of lilaarl J, Inman•, had pawed away Nov, 29th[ at her booze in Oak. lands Calif, She was The youngest daugh•ter of the late Donald and M,s. Mk'Douga.:l. former residents of this.loca1tty. Married 39 years ago at Denning, Wash,, elle leaves to trtourn tier and demise her husband, two daughters ISarlene and WO/ell and three sons. all of Oakland, Calif., .also 5 :sesuters and one brother.Mwot J. ].ave' o1 Walton, Mrs. It. Nte eoxl, NOM Westminster, Mrs. A. McLeod, Sedco Wool- ley, Wash; Airs. J. 1). Hinckley, Seatortb and Ad41s, W. J. Stnatlldon, (nnubrocrlc; Ales Mcikntgail, St. Thomas. JOHN EWEN The funeral nt the Tate John ][:wren took [].love from the resldetu'e, Jaime St., Brussels. on Saturday, Dee. 11th, with Rev, S. Kerr of Mel- ville Presbyterian church, of which the deceatsed was a number, con- ducting lire services,. Pallbeatt•x were: Messrs. John Grant, George Muldoon,. James, Mc- Fadzea.n, ,las. Lawson, D .N. Donald and anti John Logan. The dee h of Mr, 17weu, [which iiv• cured at his home here following a short illness, was learned with regret by friends and acquaintances, of long standing who had a stinrere liking and respect for him, Born in, Dung Buntline, Seo tlanti. he came to Hibbert township front that place, Seventy-three Years ago he came to the 16th con., or Grey :township where Ile ,farmed emit 1913.when he i'euired to Inns - sine when he had since been 0 wood- worker. He leaves to nlouru his death a cousin Miss Margaret Ewen who kept house for him for the past four years, also nieces, Mrs. James Farquharson and. Mrs. Wm. Farquharson of Provost, Alta.; Mrs Walter Davidson, Walton; Mrs, Al', Barr, t$tran ori A'll's. 21s. 100 Ran. Alitieheil cud, 2105. Duncan MicKellar of Cromarty and two nephews, Thos. Teller, of Alta,; and John Scott of Cranially, ,BRUSSELS, ONTARIO No Cash Stolen And All Records Are Recovered' PEOPLE Vv KNOW Lt CAL NEWS ITEMS week Mtnher daughters Margaret ,tiro Hannah !n London. BLUEVALE Mrs; ROM, Almheaon of Ripley visted witk Mr. and Mrs, Ro'bt, Sc- Cieanan and family last Monday. Airs, leirid Nichol visited with friends in Toronto last week. Miss Doris 1110Clennan of Grey spent a clay with her uncle, ennl and cousins on the 15t line. Air. George hlathera wee suffering with a very sore toe, glad to hear 3t is. getting better again. Dir. and Mits. Lee Breekenrlth e and baby antlt Mr, and Mrs. George Wheeler visited on Sunday with the brotber''s daughter and son-in- law Mr, and Mrs, Jack Wylie's., of Newick. ' Mr, Wilbert igniters and Helen of Dublin spent Wednesday night with his father anti Miss Hazel Stamper, ,. MOs; Eliza Jane Gill and Mrs. Jos. Breckenridge visited for a few days with ,lir. and 'Mist Wm. Thuell and Mr, and Mrs, Dr. Ross Tatman , of Blyth. Mrs, .Win. J. Scott and baby carate' hoarse from Wtngltten hospital last week, 'both. doing well Rev. Charles A, Mullin of West lrlamboro, preached in Xerox Pres- byterlan Church on Sunday, using The text "To him that knoweth to do good, anti ddoeth it not, to him It is 5. sir," to point out the wonderful Influence the professing Christian would have in the world if he could r'efr'ain 3nom wrongdoing, .Allan Ramsay sang a solo, Rev, C. Tav truer used the, text "This command- ment t give unto yonn, that ye love Ops onetime" at the ]Horning ser- vice In the United Church. A trio Ross Snttth, Will Peacock and Carl Joiuieton, sang, 'Have Thine Own Way, Land." Bisltonls: Miss Marie Wettiaurer of Blyth, Mi'. R, Winters, Tlisott- burg, with Air, arid, Mita, J. W, Wett- iawfell MSS Jean 'Scotts .Seaforth, with Misch Florence i'onvler, Misses R. AleGnegor anti Alice Reeding, Winghann, with Wiles Black, Mr. and Mn'sa Wade, 13eigrave, with Mr, and Airs. Lloyd' 'Purvey; Miss a Alba Mosbray, Luckuow, wiltit , Mr, and J1rS'. A. D. Smttk, '1 ill' CARD OF THANKS We wish to 'thank theiieiglibottts and friend% and all ot11015 who were so kind .by 1cord and deed or the Lime of the -tllr o,z0 and death of our u11cle, John P.wan, Special thanks to . Rev, S, Herr. Nieces and. Nephews, Engagement Announcement The eugaga'nnent of Alice Marie. only daaghter of Mr. Charles Pope HO the, hate Mrs, Pope of Brnss'cls la announced to Lyle Wesley Brothers, youngest son of Mrs, C. Y. Ferguson find titre late Mr. Wesley Brothers at Harrisiton, The, mar- riage to take: place the latter part of Decemlber, ' Say It With Flowers Flowers for Christmas! What' would he 1110.50 than a graceful bouquet of cut newers to grace the trams at Christmas time. You can always be sure of Fresh Plower.; Potted Plants in lull bleorn ,when yon visit our store. pelves are :reasonable at all times. phone 7 MRS. M. BALLANTYNE a—:t — St. John's Guild and W. A. The regular meeting of the Ladies Guild and W. A. was held Tuesday In the Vestry Boone of the Church With a fair attendance, The Guilt] meeting Wats r,•r•eaed with the Lor'd's prayer in unison. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the seer'etary. Final arrangements were made for Bake sale and Tea hold December 9. Tire election el officers took place: Pres„ Mr's. G. Davis; Vice -Prete., liis. Roy Thuell; Sec„ Mrs. H. Stratton; Treas., Mrs. H. Bryan. The W. A. meeting apen- ecd with the member's prayer in unison A passage of scripture was read by Abe. Bryan, The president Mts. Hendry took charge of the meeting. The meeting was closet with prayer. —e—:s_ Bride -Elect Honored. Leola; Edna and Mary Davison entertained at the home of Airs Sant Davison about thirty girl Wends, in, honor of Miss Alice PoPe. bride -to -he. The house was beanti- frilliy decorated with pink and white streamers; and white hells: An in- teresting feature of the evening was a mock wedding ceremony; the groom, Mrs. D. Davison; the bride, Mrs, D. Hemingway, looked clamm- ing in\a hoop skirt; the minister Miss Agnes Davidson performed the ceremony, after which Miss Al, iiaruiss sang "The Wedding of .Iaelt (mal4 .7111." A haslet ]tiled with many beautiful gift& was presented to Miss Pope who although taken by minimise, made a most suitable re- ply: The evening was spentin games and a tasty lunch was served by the hostess. Notice— q., meeting art 1110 Twp. Ilall, Morrie, on t'riday, Dee 1.61h, ut 4 lin the afternoon. Judge, Cos- tello will preside over the court of revision on the voter's 1101, Alex, 11actdwen, Clerk. —5.0,-- MAC'SCigarette and Pipe Tohacco A mild, pleasing blend for Par- ticular smolter•s, The price is only 15a for 1=5 ib. Start to -clay and enjoy your smoking, Buy Mae's tobaec11 at , A. GREWAR'S St. John's Guild Held Successful Sale A 511ceessi10l home baking sale sponsored by the Ladies' Guild of St, ,John's church wos held at the public library an 'Saturday after - n0011, 'Peer was also a c'andy:. booth and a number of aprons, etc., also offered for 'sale. Alfternaon tea was served, '1`hoae in. charge were pleased with the proceeds realized'. Church Services Services In Melville Presb3'teriau Clench on Sunday morning was con- ducted' by FJsrl Moore in the absence Of Rev. S, Ken•. Al the morning service George Northnv-rod sang the antlrenn, Holo. All anthem was &so ;igen at the evening service, Services 'at the i nite dChnrc•h on Sunday were (cidnc•terl by the minister, Rev. H. J, Mahoney. Christmas Carols were sung at the morning service and Miss. M. Gar - files. eontributeet a solo et the even- ing service. S=raHees hi St, John's Anglican (°hnr0h were conducted by Rev. Mr. Watt, el London, in the trh- ,•"nce or Rev. 11. J. Hendry throngh illness, Officers Are • Chosen By W. M. S. The W.M.S. of the united church Held their Christmas meeting on Friday afternoon With Mrs, William Proctor presiding, •Airs, Mahoney rein the scripture lesson, AIrs. Proc- tor lett in prayer. Mrs. J, E. Smith had the topic '"Christmas at Madras.' which was very interesting Miss., L. Downing gave a report of the nom- inating committee as follows: Presi- dent, 'Misr Mary Skelton; 1st vire- president, Mrs. Wilidam Proctor; 2nd vice president, Mrs. R. Strclt- an. Rad vlee-president, Airs, Peter McArthur; treasure, Mb, R. J. Mc- Lanchlin; tn'ording secretary, Mise P., Downing; Pres ssecretery and eorreapmlding secretary, ]tins. Speir- an; literature, Airs. ID, N, McDon- ald; saphiy secretary, Mrs. R. S. lianrlitou, Mrs. 11. Brow] and Mrs. Il Al, McKinnon; temperance sec- retary. Mao 1. E. Smith; steward- ship and financ5, :Mrs. A, Baeker; !nine helpers, Mrs A. Am' iga:roue and MU'.r, W. -Cardiff. missionary monthly, Mrs. R. Downing; strang- ers secretary, AI1s. E. Bates; mis- sion band, Mrs,. H. Thomas. 4:4+�a 4:•t'V404.sCO 4,:41.0OnO0:*44+:*444 4:40.4. b,0 4:04:4 Oaf Santa Claus Is Corning To Brussels on Saturday,Dec.16 at 2.30 p.m, iSaturtlaY, Dee. 16111, is the clay, A11 kiddies of the village and corn- mutiny orn-mutt ty are urged to be on Iran 9 to welco]10 the good St. Nicholas when he arrives here Promptly at 2,3.61 on Saturday afternoon of this. 'week, A ^Cltristnnes tree hlte been erected at the utaln' intersection of the vil- lage and has been deem -Med with colored lights, making ; it Trite at- tractive. . Santa will be greeted by the,Brus- s(1s 13anu1! and Null] dis•Il'ibrae Gandy to the tchildn'en•, , a♦4♦4N♦444♦0441*,404:x4.444.4-41.44 -40-44-44,.. 04++ 4-4 MMM. Florence 'lassell reterned hotzti♦, on Sunday after :attending a A ntunber tofs Iiruesels. friends motored i0 Forrest tele eveutug last week to visit with Air. and Mrs. rn. whu 111,aod there recently. Found in East Of Walton Godorteh, I)ee, 11--4/fdiden In sums shrubbery Itz a [telt] orf the caubottibe trcaeu Me• Cattri11 nail daughters of 1(i1lwpttt7 and unUreyary townsToadhips,. tlu•ee Port Eigie were. `t'neatley visitors and a half miles' east of Walton, a 51111 her .parents, Air, mid Mrs, D. tramper yes4erday'fonncli 11hie hatter" 1McDonald, eta cute of Dnnrghel'ty 1dogs., lo1a1m ' r.,,.n their gato.ke at,. Tilyui .onm the. * omoruurg of Deremibert 2, Thea. Galf railit Rala Stables ' dtipsad anoalle01'5: r weecarloadk. Of horses The door at Use. safe had been to M-antreal 1]hammered red and pried o11' with ttWa sledges and a crowbar stolen from at x Rev. 11. .1, and '.Mrs. Mahoney en- *tOilittued os their guests on Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Graham, St. Marys and Dir, and Mrs. W111 Howe, Dorothy and Ames, of Cutler. woad. M * * Mr. Clarence Millburn of Windsor Or:':one..:gent the week -end. the guest of his sister Miss'F;orenre 11t•- Nxug'lrton, • Air's. 1•Catlltu.e Pa::-k'oe and daugh- ters Alarion and Evelyn. returned to their home at Oshawa, Tuesday nturnlug caller visiting with the former's parents, \ir, and Mrs. D. R. Cunuirrgliarn fur a few days, e * Ido. and Aim L. E. •Admams, St. Catharines, were wee'k-end visitors with iricials iii Brusoels and Walton. Ii ♦. i Mr, ]toy McKee. tt former member of the Canadian Beak of Commerce et til' here, now of Beanlaville, was 111. 101511 on. Sundae% Rev. Jno. Graham, 'Airs, Graham and c1111dren, Ba) field. were Brus- sels visitors on Friday. CRANBROOK The annual Cin ='[mons Tree Enter- tainment will be held in the Oran - brook (t:nrmuttity 13x1.1, r'riday eve - Mug, Dec S3tid. The congregation or hnox P -es' byterian church and community ex- tend a hearty welcome to Rev, and Mrs. 3, E. Taylor and daughter. formerly of Markdale. to their new home in Cran!brook manse. Tile in• duction will be un T uartiday at 2,3e la the afternoon, . The services on Sunday will be conducted by Rev. J. E. Taylor. An enjoyable time was stent 111 the Cranbrook hall last Friday evening. The community ctnb ,larsored a social evening. The (-veiling was spent in dancing to the music el the "Huron Corn Huskers. After a lunch was served the lucky tickets were drawn, They were as rollouts: 1, Lloyd Pease; 2, Ira Ale - Lean; R, Ary, Robb; 4, (]urian Pnight; 5, Mervin Mc('a.nlley. 6, Sam Fear; 7. Airs, A. Heath; S. Alice Iltietlter. 9, James S. Palmer; 10, Lawson Wartl; 11, :Are. \Vni, Perrie. Ivor Williams of Valelt'r wek end with Harold Huether and blends in the ('Onl,llrttnily, The Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian' Clunrclr held their Deo, meeting Wednesday after- noon at the hone of Mrs. John Huether, with a large attendance. Mrs, 1) Huether 1st 'vice -ores.. pre- sicicd, owning the meeting with a hynnn. Mrs. A. Cameron nave the scripture lesslonr, The s'ecre tary gave the minutes, of the 500v- tous meeting, Alas, Harvey Hunter gave a very interesting story follow- ed by the roll .call A hymn Was sung and Mm. D, Mettler led lit prayer. Topic' woe token by Mrs. M. Engel, Mrs( .b, Huether in'o- noutteed the -Benediction, 'Mrs, R. Ii, AneDontetdy Honorary president took change of the elec- tion o1' officers 'for 1949, T'itey are as follonvs;- Fiotl. Pres., Mas. K, Ii. McDonald' Pres, Mrs: la: Hueth•er1 lot vice pies„ MI's,. R„ Campbell; 2nel vice-pree., Mrs: H, Keys•; Sec- retary, Mrs, 1N'. Engel; Treas., Mrs. G. Evans; Press Sec„ Mrs. J. W. Fischer; SutBply ,See,, Mrs. H, Hun- ter; ddadc Tidings& Seo., Mrs, S. Porter; Plating, Mit', C, Olmsteatd, Asst: Pianist, ;Ma's, .111. MtDoual1 Ait(litors, Miss . A, Forrest, Mrs, C. Olmstead, Mils, •M, Engel {halted the Jannary meeting• • to be Veld at her hams, Alias: R. H. McDonald closed the meeting with brayer, Dining a social hoot' Innen , was served by .1110 hostess, th e cad The toulhouae at Walton, r•.tine ni,;ht. Valuable' books recorcls- were found intact, safe contained no money, . MUNICIPAL NOTICE 1 hereby give notice that the .Nom - matron of Reeve; and Four Council- lors; to serve the Township of. Morris during. the year 1940. will be held at TOWNSHIP HALL, MORRIS at 12 o'clock noon FRIDAY, DEC. 22nd, 1939 If demanded a poll will be opened at the following places on. MONDAY, JAN. 1st, 1940 Polling Sub -Division No. 1 At School House S,S. no. 1 Polling Sub-Divielon no. 2 At School House SS. no 9 - Polling PollingSub-Dlvision no, 3 At School House S. S. no. 2 Polling Sub -Davison no. 4 At Township Hall Polling Sub -Division no. 5 Stone School House S. S. no. 7 Polling Sub-Divislon no. 6 At School House S.S. no 10 Polls to be opened from 8 o'clock to 5 p.m. A. MacEwen, Clerk, Returning Officer Bluevale, December 15th, 1939 MUNICIPAL NOTICE 1 hereby give notice that the Nom- ination or Reeve; Deputy Reeve and Three Councillors: to serve the Township of Grey during the year 1940. will be held in the TOWNSHIP HALL, ET•HEL At 1 o'clock p.m. FRIDAY, DEC. 22, 1939 If demanded a Poll wit be opened at the following places an MONDAY, JAN. lst, 1940 Polling Sub -Division No. 1 At School House S.S. no. 4 Polling Sub -Division No. 2 At School House, S.S no 1 Polling Sub_Division No, 3 At School House S.S. no: 2 Polling Sub-Divlston no. 3A At A,O.U,W, Hall, Walton Polling Sub -Division no. 4 At Community Hail, Moncrteff Polling Sub.DIvision no. 5 ' At Township Office, Ethel Polling Sub -Division no, 6 At School House S.S. no, 5 Polling Sub-bivision no. 7 At Community Hall, Cranbrook Polls to be open from 9 o'clock a.m. to 5 p.m. J. H, Fear, Returning Ofgcer Ethel, December 15th, 1939 MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notice that the Nom- ination of Reeve, Four Councillors Three School Trustees, one member Of the Hydro Commission to serve;''" the Village of Brussels during t tr year. 1940 will be held at the COUNCIL CHAMBER AT THI7 TOWN HALL, B.RUSSELf At 7 o'clock p.m. '18 FRIDAY, DEC. 22nd, 1939:;- All ntminations tobe In by 8 If demanded a Poll Will' be open. at the folowtpg places on MONDAY, JAN 1st, 1940 Sub -Division No. 1—Wm, Bell, D.R. Poll Clerk—Robt, Petrick Sub -Division No. 2—E, plum, D.R.O. poll Clerk -'H. Sullivan Polls to be opened from 8. o'olock to6pm. R. S. Warwick,, Clerk Returning Officer