HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-10-25, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST THE LARGEST �,MLOT'HING STOOK rEminvirnsumeniipmsaymmumasimmissmon IN THE COUNTY AWAITS YOU HERE! wommaimixtvolognavattarrepodatimaimmormwesimmonma tNith Large Assortments --- High Quality Lvw Fr:tes — This Store Is the Place to. Shop --- We Cannot Advise 'You Too Strongly To Buy Now. As Prices Ave Advancing Rapidly, We Have Largo Stocks at the Old Low Prices -- :Hurry to Stewart Bros. 200 s ,` ARTi" NEW OVERCOATS Whether you want a raglan fitted style, guards or sena- tor model, we can fit you here. The colors Include dark grey, green, blue, brown, and many new sport tweed and plain effects, Exquisitely tailored by Can. ada's best manufactures In a wide variety of mater- ials. Fleeces, Velours, Alysians, Meltons, and Barrymore cloths in plain or checked patterns. Moderate priced coats at $15"to $25° OTH.;vR INCLUSIVE LINES TO $35.00 200 ENGLISH WORSTED SUI ■ S Here men, is the largest and best assorted stock of new stylish suits in Huron County. If you want the newest greens or blues in novelty styles or a standard stripe suit we have it. You need look no further than Stewart Bros. for your clothing needs. OTHER SUITS FROM $15.00 UP TO $29.50 MEW MUFFLERS New plaid effects, Paisley Wool foilles, silks, and plain crepes. 5c {.►P .00 WITH T W O TROUSERS LINED GL . VES Good quality lined cape skin Gloves in grey, brown, or $Sy 5 black. Stip-on or domed style. 0 Ail Sizes OTHrtR LINES $1.00 to $2.50 its WOOL HOSE All new fait stock—plain shades, clocked patterns or bright checks 3 These are wonderful values and cannot be duplicated at this price c NEW FALL SHIRTS Ever thing is stripes this year. New style tab collars, fused, regular soft or separate collar styles. Sizes 14 to 18%2 in stock, Y $1000 1050 109S sesimelsremitiorri..l: s."sa `�"L,�na�+rs�a rttf. 13PX.. STEWART BOS., SEAFORTH INF }ler way to attend. the Confe'r'ence At. Madras. Else snouted us glimpses a the living ebunetr a1 .Sshrialt 'Attlee. The Atrtcaus are for insinuation, .the need 'is': gifeaf'r c but 'the workers Etre few, 'Ip Sndta the situation is ohniiar, t fire Madras Oonfereuce It was Iglutlna- sizecl; that the world will bp.rvon tr Chr'istian'4t7 bY• the witnessing of the •ordinary Christian. Deeds a$ tdeil as wordis' are need: 7.',w us as Christians much hese been given therefore mush is required. A solo by Fro, W. B. iticCool, of Wingham, waa urueh aplrrepiated. M'r's, Tavener, of Bluev6le, intro- dhtced the rrew study book .."Moving Millions," in a most ip.terestin; manner, Mrs. Gardiner, the president, gave W.1003\MSPAY, '0'1!&11' 1 a helpful message, urging ail to put practice the inspiration and help re- ceived diming the day, ' A very interesting Message from '; the London Branch Suramer School, held: at Alma College in, August, was, ;t, JOIN THE LADA STAMP CLUB • For ten cents and the label end showing the teapot trade- mark, from any packet of SALADA TEA we will sand you e Beginner's Outfit of g 1-64 page Stamp Album, 2-100 ell -different stamps, 3^ -Big Ilst of thousands of stamps offered Free in exchange for SALADA labels. SALADA STAMP CLUB - 461 King St. W., Toronto brought by Miss McGowan. )' Ms, N. Keating, of Belvrave, fav- oured the convention., with o'' piens•.' Ing solo, The. closing 'words, ineludlimg• e vote of thanks to the }3elgra.Vit.' auxiltaryq and to those taking pa':t in titre pt'ograan, were given • by Mrs. R, Coulters of Brick Church, MPs. Chas. Boyd; of Wingham„ was e1e0 ed, to the nominating com'ntt and Mrs. Charles .Slitel, of Brick Ch'ur'ch to the Finance cotnmittee. A member from Belgrave is to at, tend the Branch convention. The invitation trorn Gerrie the 1940 convention was accepted?' Rev. J, B. Townend pronounced• the Benediction. CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE— r.� W, M. S, Group Meet at Belgrave Northern Sectional Annus Meeting of Huron Presbyterial Society The annual Northern sectional convention of Huron Presibyterial society of the 'United Church, hell in Belgrave, on FrideY, Oct. 20 was a moot successful one. The vice president Mrs, R. G. Nay, of Fordvrtch, conducted both sessions. "Lord, tench me to prat," was the theme of the inspirational worship service led by Mrs. 17. Schultz and Mrs. G, Gillespie of Whitechurch, at the 'morning session. :Mrs, J. B. Townenti, of Boigrave, extended to the visitors and delagat- eh a hearty welcome which was' res• pettded to by Mrs. W. Procter, Brae- sels. ponce. Some helpful highlights in these were; numerous calls on the sick, Christmas cards sent 1.0 •shut•tns, children from the city en- tertained, junior organizations en- tertained, a cot donated in a mission hospital and associate helpers eon, dusting one meeting in the year. Mrs. MacKenzie reminded us of our slogan, "An auxiliary in each cangregatton;' She pointed out that our work is still greater as now we are citizens, not jtret of a country, but of the world, Mrs, MacKenzie also had charge 'of the Mission Bend roll call, ,Site stressed .the tmlpontau'ce of having a Band wherever there is an Au.ttliary, A new Band at Bluevele was reported. Besides interesting regular meet- ings tlto various 'bands reported such special events est Peace and World Day of Prayer programmes, work meetings, and Easter . page- ants Tho value or lantern elides in teb ,missionary education of the children was pointed: out. Tho rolls of the Mission Circle and 0, G. T. T. Groups were tailed reepeetivo- ly by Miss Clare McGowan and Miss ,Caroline Wsllwoocl, NI the Bobp Bandl department interesting feu• tures were "Molted, particularly the promotion. service from Lite Baby Band to tite Mission Band. Mrs. Johnston, of Fordnvich, acted as secretary and called the roll 01 tate Afternoon Auxiliaries, while. Mrs'. It, E, Macltenzie, o.1 Egmontt• vilie, did likewise for the Evening Auxiliaries. ':lie Secretatriesi of the various auxiliaries, represented :bought splendid reports, in res - New : Plates Arrive The ,plates, Por the vehicles of the Crural mail carriers have arrived at the post office and were distributed recently. These plates, similar in style to a license plate are made of metal, with white letters "Rare.: Mall" on a black backgound. The coat of arms also is on the plate. These .plates are a measure of pro. tection for the rural carriers and will vitiate to tbose following they are carrying mail and will be going from one side of the road 'to the other. They are on hinges and may be turned over to expose .a blank side when the carrier is not on duty. Five Octave Doherty Organ, 'Easy" electric washer, phone 36 Miss Grace Stewart LOST— A red heifer, about 600 lbs, from Lot 4, Con. 6, Grey, 'Phone i1 -r-6 Roy Sellers FOR SALE - 1 Shorthorn Bull, 9 months old, also 11 Pigs, weane, phone 80-r.4 Roy Bennett, Walton Notice Voters' List 1p29, Municipality of the Township of Grey, County of Huron 'N0111011 is hereby given that I have complied with Section 7 of the Voters List Act and that I have posted up in my office in Ethel, on the 20th day of October, 1939, Voter's the list of all persons entitled t.i vote in the said Municipality at Municipal elections and that slush list remains' there for inspection. And T hereby call upon all voter's to taste intanediate proreedings to have any errors or omissions cos. rected according to law. Dated in my office in Ethel this 20th day of October, 1939. J, H, FEAR, Clerk, Grey Township. A period of discussion fo11owed the reports. „Several of the Presby- terial, s,erretaries spoke on their work, Mrs, 8. D. ,Coiqulroun, o1 Sealtorth, displayed, and explained the literature which she had on her table. hliss Maty Milne, of Blyth, the treasurer, gave the financial report which showed em' increase during the first half o8 the year over the same period last year, The 011110- tiau Stewardship secretary, Miss L. Young, of. Londesboro, urged: each aubiliary to have a budget, She Pointed out that giving is a grace in itself that cultivates other gratWi and 'asked if each hag considered what it 'really means to be a Christian steward. Mrs. Stocks o4 Wroxeter, cla5ea the morning session with prayer. The devotional period which open- ed the afternoon session was 000' dude by Miss. Clare McGowan and Mrs, W. A. Gardiner, president of the Presbyterial. Mrs 11. D. Taylor, %oreigu miss- ions Secretary of the Dominion I Board was the guest speaker, Mrs. Taylor gook us In imagination to the niie,'dolt Beide of Angota and Central India, which site visited on Vi Model44BT-1 ,\\ An 1104 VICTOR On y $29.95 Complete with Batteries e Lowest price —• fice of Vt lowest operating costctor quality. ity. Thth no e The revolutionary battery radio that looks different —is different. • Entirely new circuits -- costs much less to operate, • Permanent magnet 'dynamic speaker. • Modern new style cabinet of lino walnut veneers. 0 Genuine Ever ready batteries included. Come rat. See it — hoar it al our store. FOR SALE— One set of Single Driving Harness in good repair, also 1 Cutter. 1110G6 7S-r1a :Martin 7ie34 1l -.4141 R. R. 3, 13russele FOR SALE— M White Rock Pullets, 5 Months old. apply to phone 16-r-9 Harvey 1VlfeCutcheon PIAN'OS— The Mildmay Furniture Store 1155 for sale a new Semi -Grand, a new Upright, a new Miniature Piano. Also a large shock of reconditioned pianos $21:50 up, J, F. Schuett & Sons, Mildmay FARM FOR SALE - 100 acres, brick house, bank baro, 2 good wells, good clap loam, S d Lot 211, Con. 6, Morris Twp, Price reasonable, apply to J. H. Scott, Seaforth, Harvey McCuteheon, R.R. 1 Brussels FOR SALE..., Quantity of feeding turnips in field 8c per bushel, 10c delivered. Stan. Alexander, Ethel, WILL TAKE— Wood, in exchange for good ho0eY In 66 1b. tins. phone 7121 I obt, Warffick FARM FOR SALE.,,, One hundred acre form, all till- able land, now seeded be pasture, drilled well and windmill, barn on property. South 42, Lot 5, Conces- sion 8, Morris- 2 apply to a Henry Sanderson, -"••»o-t" R. R. 1, Blyth, Ont. ' tecator of the James 24. --,,�Smith Egtate, ...._.... , HONEY FOR HEALTH— No better sweet than homey that has been well ripened by the bees. We could get more by taking it from them sooner but not as good. We can fill your own container or can supply. G. A. Deedanat, GET YOUR FALL PERMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLESS THERMIQUE End Curl $1,00 and $1.50 Including Shampoo Permanent $1.75, $2.25, $3,00 and $5.00 including finger wave and shampoo Dried Finger Wave 25c . Shampoo 25c Telephone 55X for Appointment IRENE PEASE over H. S. Alien's Drug Store for appointment Telephone 55X WOMEN WANTED— MAKE E MORE MONEY THAN EVIYR BEFORE, We are looki'ig for ambitious women ` who are PREM to work and MARE MONS 1 111 In an independent business. Our line includes over 200 daily neces- sities. +Many valuable territories I now available. No experience necessary, For FREE DBT'AILd and CATM80G ITE INQTARIEI TO- DAY: Familex, 570 St, Clement, MONTREAL. • exAit3 AGO peopio nand to comae Overmans ave. Foe a rd br aho,stloyt' Cram. ,l:m ;,•mace' tops re. rric,A bees Co -deo re•m oroald prenonty have to op, -nine before Rentorai lnto4, t, inau,aitr. stow-A-oAvs 41,e baolooto men sage e', 0' [,"fns t.Rwlx. a..01..1.•10a .. o.,... W hen in Brussels Doing Your Shopping Stop Al THE BRUSSELS DAIRY SA For tee Cream Try Foxton"s and you will eat no . t a- e " ALSO Those Satisfying rMiLK SHAKES j hose Generous TASTY SUNDAES THY ARE GOOD