HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-10-25, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST
An OportunitY Your Personal plablelns, too, in O 11
lidenee, Addr'ese, MISS Barbara
7►9!�� r � 1 TQ Co-operate
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W'LC/G �./[.elJ' -G .:h z
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Canadian Apples
The apple is the king of fruits and,
its food value is high, one largo
apple alone providing 100 calories.
Under ordinary circumstances, the
annual average export of apples
from Canada is, approximately two
and a quarter :million barrels oat of
an average annualcrop of more
than 5,000,000 bares. This year's
crop le estimated at 5,135,000 bar-
rels, but awing to the probable
L9lin, let% 715, Station B„ Montre~a!
In oonllection with the marketing gee,
of the 1930 crop of Canadlen apples
the tollowitIOI etatelmenti heal been
made by Hon, James (>l. 4ardlns,,
Dominion Minlelter of Agriculture: -
"We hose been potted that cm a
result el cop1ltlone brought about
by the war, the normal quantity ori
apples will not be Imported Into
Great Britain . t¢rom Canada this
year. Orr a crop or not more than
16,000,0010 bue'bels about 50 per
cent isusually exported. I0 le Port/
PrC9csed to diePose of halt of the
usual export in Canada as train
Fruit ands to airy and can the remain.
Ing 26 per cent.
''The Government of Canada hall.
already announced its plan to pur-
chase and imeees's a substantial.
pant of the apple crop and oleo
proposes through the DominionDe-
partment to carry on a nations,'
merchandising and advertising cam
aign tor the purpose of informing
the public regarding the availablity
of this excellent fruit and of stimu-
lacing home consumption. The
grading regulatione have been 8o
amended that only the better qual-
ity apples will be available as
fresh fruit.
"In this connection, it is believed
thateveryone in Canada, and per-
ticularly the housewife, win be
willing to co-operate to bring about
a larger consumption of this excel-
lent Canadian fruit during the next
few months. This would solve the
Sweater Blouse
Beautifies Suit
'Simple High Neckline is
Background for
Elaborate Jewelry
The perfect basic blouse for fall
suits is intioduced in the form of
a new sweater blouse with simple
high untrimmed neckline on which
may be worn wide necklaces or el-
aborate costume clips. Casual and
drastic curtailment of shipping at a Informal, they may gain beauty and
result of the war, 1t will cense- formality for dressier •Suits.
quently be necessary to find a Sleeve Interest Too
larger market for apples in Canada. I Tailored blouses with the new
Apples' ere good rood at any time fib'ehop slee,ves.," are popular in all
either as fresh fruit or cooked in tiro the dark tall cobra.
variety of nays they can bo used In
the diet, ;Following are some re•
capes taken Irram the pamphlet
"Canndlan Grown Appes'" a copy of
which may be obtained by writing
to Publicity and Extension Division,
Dominion' Departanent of Agriciil-
Canned Apple Sauce
Any amount of apples may be us-
ed, In making the sauce, use ,h
cup of sugar and Ye. cup of coal
water to every ten apples. Wipe.
Duarter, core, and pare tour Caned -
len -grown apples, add the water anti
cook lentil the apples• begin to grow
soft; press- through a strainer. Fill
in hot sterile gals jars; seal
tightly. !Sterilize 5 minutes,, This
apple sauce win keep as well as
any other canned fruit. Sweeten
when using,
Baked Apple ,Sauce
Fill a two -quart earthen pudding
dish with alternate layers of sliced
tart Caandiangrown nipples and sug-
ar; cover with water, place a cover
over pudding dish and bake in slaw
oven two or three hours, • being care.
int to add a little water if required.
Apple Chutney
12 sous Canadian apples
3 Pepper's --'1 red
1 pint Cider vinegar
% cup currant jelly
juice of 4 lemons
14 teaspoon cayenne
1 mild onion
1 cup seeded, chopped. raisins
2 cups sugar
1 tablespoon ground ginger
1 tablespoonSalt
Chop the apple% onion, and peppers
very tine, add the vinegar and jelly
and let simmer 1 hour, stirring of-
ten; add the other ingredients and
cook another hour, stirring con:
stoutly, Shore as panned fruit.
Deep Apple Pie
Line a deep dish with paste.
Pare, core, and chop 1 quart .of
tart apples; mix with then -1 cup
granuleted.sugar mixed with 1 table
spoon bony and a pinch of salt and
811 the pie die'b, Dot with smnli
Dimes of butter and .sprinkle wish
cinuninon, Lay ifs inoh strips of
pastry across ;the 'top, eressing
therm in eilainond shape, Melte 1;,
moderate oven until the alpples'ere
New fitted cocktail and dinner
blouses are shown in luscious met-
al and woben silks• :Shirring& and
darts give them the feminine -soft-
nese popular this season, and high
necklines make these, too, perfect
backgrounds Cor jeniels. Sleeves
may have the new Gibson Girl top.
or may be simple and sleek fitting.
Howick Council
Garda, October 18t11, 7.939
The Council met in the Township
hall, according' to adjournment, the
members were all Present, Tee
Reeve 111 the chair.
The minutes oQ last regular meet-
ing were read and en motion of
Strong and Weir were adopted
Moved by Balcer and Strong that
the Report of the School Attend-
anoe (Weer be accepted and placed
on tile, —Carried,
Moved by Baker end Weir that
the Clerk be hereby inetruoted to
give MT, H, Ferguson a release of
the lease held by the Township on.
gravel pit, on his prapertY, ae all
or the gravel hes been removed.
Moved by Weir and McCallum
that the Township Engineer, /F. A,
Edgar, 'be hereby instrected, 10.
examine, and have necessary re-
Pairs made on the Dietz Branch of
the Bolton Municipal Drain, the
wol'k to be done under Section 75
of The Municipal Drainage Act.
Moved. by Gamble and McCallum
that W. E. YanVelsor b's mefunded
the sum of $10,00 being $5.00 each
an the second and third pool tables,
for 1939, —Carried.
Moved by Strang and Baker that
By -lay No. 3 of the year 1989, as
read. the third time, be finally pass-
Npoved by strong and MrCallam
that. Fred A. Edgar be hereby in:
strutted to assist the Treasurer in
Preparing a Statement on the
Bolton Municipal Drain. —Carried.
Moved by Baker and Weir that
the fallowing bills' be paid,
Philip Straus, sheep killed
or injured 'by dogs
3. W. Gamble, selecting
Jeerers , ,
Milton Leonard selecting
Jurors ........... . ..... . .
Isaac Gamble, selecting
Jurors , , , 400.
H, D. Kaltman, sheep killed
or injured by dogs 25 00
Isaac Gamble, part salary
as Cleat ... 35.00
R. 11. McIntyre, salary as.
weed. Inspector .. 36 00
R. J. Hueston & Son, coal
for Merkis office 13,45
R. H. Carson, & Son, cleaning
'Pipe's in Twp. Hall 1.50
Henry Hartung, sheep killed
or injured by dogs 10.00
William Welton, sheep kill-
ed or injured by dogs 15,00
Wm. Musselman, load of
poles for transients. 5 00
John Hyndman, taking
Harper girl to London 5 00
W. E, VanVelsor, refund on
License on pool Mores ., 10.00
Men. World, suppiies for
Clerk's office
Wm, Whitfield, bulb in
Gerrie Shed
Isaac Gamble, preparing
and beeping by-law for
S.S. No. 17 25 Olt
J. W. Gamble, mileage, trip
to Goderich re Co.
Equalization 5.00
3. H. Rogers, supplies and
postage - 3,20
Howirck Agr. Society, grant 150.00
S. H. Rogers, preparing and
issueing debentures,
S. S. no, 17 10.00
Relief 10•90
Road Expenditures
E, W, Bolton, welding
3. W. Hyndman, trucking
weed killer
George Leonard, trunking
bridge plank , ... .
,Folin Dickert, Sodium
Joint Finlay, repair
to celve19 , •+
Thoe. Douglas, repair to
henry' P'lnlay, repair
to enlvert
J, T. Sheen, blaokemitblug
11, 3, Huaston 4 Sea,
Bridge plank ...
1l, H. Carson & Son, gas
and 011 ,
Clarence McCallum, .tom-
pe1lsaltian, wire fenoe . „
Pert Mann, brushing. . , , , ,
Treasurer Co, Huron,
aspllatlt en dtgravei 5.00
Wni, Mann, gravel 170 90
Moved by Welr and Baker that
this, Council'' do now • adjourn to
meet in. the United Church Hall,
Fordevieh on the third Wednesday
in November, or at the call of the
Reeve, —Carried.
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
The Late
Peter F. Doig
On Friday, GetoDor 13tH, death
clahned another well-known and W Johnson oonducted the se as Inst wits
esteemed resident of this camurun- 3, search forknowadg'e w
Ity In 1h -e person of Peter F. Dolg, vices, M•essms, Austin Stinson and o, sharp 0 knoosd'ty killed the cat"
Three yearn ago he suffered a stroke E. Sauso sang a duet "Thee Valle9P or „You'll understand all when you
O�al1)Pearers were older,
WAIDN ^ DA, , O'V+r'OW3111 rich, •' �,
Round. Trip Bargain Fares
OCT,. 27-28 From Brussels to Toronto
Also to Brantford, i:irlthem. God8riel1, G'uallnb, Hamilton, Irandon,
Niagara Fa11s, Owen. Staudt?, St, •f,,atharinee, &t, MarYa, Sarnia
Stratford, StratlireY, Waodsteek,
To Scetlon< OMutwn and East to Cornwall Inclusive, Volbridger
Lindsay, Poterboro, Campbelpford, Newmarket, Golliugwoed,
Meaford, Midland; North Bay, Parry Saund, [Sudbury, Copree
acid west to Beaedinore,
See handbills ler complete list of destinations,
Tiokets, Tran Information, Return Limits from Agents, ASK FOR HAND$3F
of Molesworth, Ross of Fordwiah. Your Children's
Tile on In dt rbl•DtliOr, Paul, died 'a Eternal -Why?
London In June of this year. after Wise Parents Feel
The funeral, held Monday Wise
eibie Questions
noon from Fordlvlch United Church, Demand a. RepiY
was very largely attended. Rev.
i Gone are the day's wh'ea a childs
which affected his eight consider-
etbly, This condition gradually, im-
proved, but never returned to
normal; and three weeks ago 00 -
other seizure, rendered him abee-
lutely blind. 6.1 is 'believe& further
attacks: preceded his. demise.
Dolg was born May Sth, 1369,
on tot 32, concession C. Howick, the
eldest son oP Andrew Doig and Mar-
garet Patrick, ,0n January 27th,
1997, he married Mary Ellen Gibson,
of Fordevieh. They resided in
Grey Township until 1900 when 'phos
moved to lot 17, concession 4,
Hawick, where he remained until
his death, Mrs. Doig predeceased ,
him in 1913.
He tools a keen interest in mail-
9.00 cleat affairs', 's,erm'ing in turn as
councillor, deputy -reeve and reeve
4,00 of Howiclk, In 1921 he was chosen
warden of Huron.
4,00 The family consists Of a eon, Her-
old, an the home farm, and one
daughter, Lillian (Mrs, George AO -
ton jr.) of the 7t,• concession, Hoy-
lek, Also surviving are one
sister, Mrs, J. M. IGincaid of Lis-
towel, and four :brothers.—J'obn of
Listowel, Robert of Clinton, Andre'v
• Barrister, Solicitor, Etc,
Phone 201:. Brussels, Oath
Beautiful hands and ernes ere
among the most effective weapons
of any woman's battery of beauty.
Here are some helpful hints on
their care and 'grooming.
Id you have angular arms, Mas -
env, them with turtle oil every
night. For heavy or fatty arms,
try a vigorous pinching 'massage,
using tale powder,
To keep your wrists supple and
slender, try this exercise daily:
Hold the right arm firmly below
the wrist with the tett hand. Rotate
hand and wrist in a wide circle,
without moving the arm, which
suet be held firmly. Change
hands and repeat.
'Phe elbows should be white al'i
s'ctftly rounded, Whenever you
acesm. your, dace or hands, dab a
little auto your ellb.ow% This helps
enormously .to smooth them. Dark,
rough elbows can be transformed by
giving then' 'a nightly scrub with n
bland' olive oil and Warm water,
then, apply peroxide and fivally
masauging with cream.
Give your hands a. coating of
1010011 juice ..once a .week. And to
belip keep your hands and amts
smooth and eat, wash them relight).
ly with gentle soothing palnlolive
soap, which 'is a beautifying treai-
meeit by itself.
Any tendency to gooseflesh caus-
ed by cloggng pores eau bo chased
away with a flesh breeh and, erten,
following a good massage' wlttl
walrru olive oil,
Write for a co'iy' os my new bonla.
let on Beauty Care Which 1100ere
most beauty problerns, enclosing
four one.cent stoups, Ask about
A:1'ien Griffith, brushing , , , , 12.0.1
Richard C•rriiffith, brushing , 10.80
Harry Ferguson, 1124 yds,
of graved 56.20
Oan. Industries, weed killer 230.11
Jelin M'outgoinery, freight
on blades' .50
:Sawyer'Massey, blades
For grader , ,,.,,, , , . , , 8.96
Roy Vegan, brushing and
hauling gravel
A, H, Dietz, repair to
bridge 9 20
henry Kattfseen, timber for
bridge , 15.0'1
Norman ,McLeod, to Ids. gravel 1.55
Nelson Gowdy, operating
power grader 57,:10
Thos, Strong,; brushing ,,,, 17.20
Wait, Wilson, repair to
' bridge
Wray Cooper, trucking
gravel 10.50
301111 Montgomery, roadf
' evperintentlent , , , ,,. , 70,70
Richard Watters, drawing
gravel 16.00
Win, Sotlterab, 27 yds.
gravel 4,05
of Peace
Mestere A. E. .Cooper, William
Hatw3ksbee, Thos, Lovell, August
Keil, Ernest Harris, John McLeod.
Flower -bearers were six nephews—
Campbell Gibson, Tom MoClement,
Andrew Doig, Lawson Doig, Arnold
13aig, Gordon Doig,
—The Forduich Recerd.
Remembrance Day
In Canada To Be
Observed As Usual
In the midst of war efforts citi-
zens of Canada will pause again on
November 11 to pay trtbute to the
memory of those who died in the
last war, Across the Dominion
people win 'pause for two minutes'
silence at 11 a,m.
There has been considerable spec,
irlation 00 to wether or not to clay
would be observed this year, but
official circles have now decreed
that it shall be. It is included in
the list of statutory holidays,
though its observance has never
been compulsory.
Nowadays wise parents feel thA'
sensible questions demand a rePIY
giving .sufficientintormation to be
grasped by the young intelligence.
Admittedly one. must build up
knowledge step by step, but once
the child has shown any desire to
have his knowledge satisfied in a
certain direction, he shouldbe.
guided on to the path which will
lead to full knowledge later and
should never be headed off on to
But the problem of the "eternal
'why is a real one, as these
questions often require earefullp
considered replies from parents.
'Yru'll be my little lamb, won't
you, darling?
"Yes, if you'll be my 'shepherd."
"What do you mean?"
"You herd me."
Estate Agent. Conveyancer'
on I Commissioner
General Insurance
• Main Street. — Ethel, Ontario
This new kind of tire sweeps
wet roads so dry you can
`, II2E safety is our specialty, And when we say this
7d I new kind of tire will give you the quickest non-skid
'r stops you've ever had —we've got the FACTS to prove 191
Because it is a fact that the windshield -wiper action of
J ;0 this Life -Sever Tread so efficiently dries wet roads you can
light a match on its track. For the sake of yourself—and
everyone who rides with you—come in and let us equip
a{ld your car with this new Goodrich Safety Silvertown. There
e4 is no extra cost, And, remember, the famous Golden Ply
t= blow-out protection is another great life-saving feature
ipjl34 you get only in Silveftownsl For safety tomorrow get
? ter
Silvertowns today/
,scirt, .,GFET _ #, , Avert {` wn,
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Phone 73x
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