HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-10-25, Page 1Vie POST PUBLISHING HOUSE !TU1tIf .,._..�....,_._._..__.._,r._-.—,.._....sBRUSSELS,•••0 ... . Wednesday, October 25th, 1939 II�t Harvest Festival At St. John's Anglican Church The Harvest Festival of St, J•o11A'u" Anglican 011U11et was held at both morning and' evening services on Sunday last, Lange congregations attended these thanlcsteiving services', parte cularly in the evening when the Melville Presbyterian and the United phurch services were with- drawn. Rev. S. Kerr of M•elvitlo Church and Rev. H. Mahoney (A- ttlee United Church assisted: at the evening service, A celebration of the Holy Com- munion was held in the morning with Re.,, Herbert Naylor of Lis- towel officiating. He delivered a splendidly appropriate sermon for the •occaeion. Rev. R. Weekes was in charge of the evening ser vice at which he preeehed an, els- quent sermon. Music by the choir inelued special chants' for the .occasion and the anthems "0 Clap Your Hands To- gether" with Miss A, MQMu'ray singing the solo. The church was, as is customary, beautifully decorated with the fruits of the harvest, flowers, grain, vegetables and fruits. On Tuesday evening tbe annual Fowl Sapper, in connection with the ,Thanksgiving services, was held. Fowl Supper Well over five Minded People enjoyed the delicious supper served under the auspices of the Ladles' Guild. The supper was followed by an interesting .play, "Simple Simon Simple" presented in a fine manner by a group of young people from :Seaforth district. In the ab. sense of the rector of St. John's due to illness, Rev. J. Graham of Bayfield was chairman for the evening. Between acts the Walton ghrl'g guartette, composed of the Misses M. T unnphn'eys, R Shannon, M. *Sellers and E. Shaw, contribntei• much enjoyed guitar selections. GOOSE DINNER KNOX UNITED CHURCH BELGRAVE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd Dinner served from 5.30 to 8.00 p.m. -SPLENDID PROGRAM— A DM ISSION—Aduits ROGRAM—ADMISSION—Adults 40c Children 25c REGENT THEA TRS * l• fY * * >f: * PEOPLE WE KNOW * i, .1: :1; * * . 4 * ,1 1 MaJor M. Wheeler, Montreal, is the guest, 01 ltei" 'sister Mrs. Wm. Wright, SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Hugh Herbert Joy Hodges The Family Next Door Roy Rogers Mary Hart Come On Ranger MON., TUES., WED; Maureen O'Sullivan Henry Fonda Ralph Bellamy Let Us Live The cry of everyday people—A love story that sear your heart Paramount news bring the first pictures from bombed Warsaw THUURS., FRI., SAT. Gene Autry Smiley Burnette June Story In Old Monterey An army man who had to pose as the fightingest govepuhalh'er In the West COMING - Love Affair • Mr, and Mrs, Albert Jackson and Teddy o1 • HarristOn spent 50ndey with Mr: and Mrs, A. R. Wheeler. 0 * * MIs, Earl Brodeur a Toronto was a weelk-end visitor ' with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Burgess. * * * John Stiles, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Stiles is -111 with . Pneu- monia, • • Mrs, George Lott of Wingham 13 visiting relatives and friends in town. Mr, and Mrs. Richardson, Sarnia, visited at the homep1 Mr, and Mas. S. Walker, .over the week-eud. Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Humphrey, Sarnia, spent a week with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. Walker. ,k tk * Rev. ,Tao. Graham, Mrs. Graham and children, Patrick. and Monica 01 Bayiteld. attended tbe Fowl Supper o1 St John's church, • * * Mrs. Ella Legg of Morpeth, re- turned home after spenddng a couple of weeks with her aunt alas. A. Leitch. * • • • Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Deadanan ere turned home atter spending the 521011151 in Merlin, judge UMcFadden rialti of Cbat- ham has-been visiting in team to see Ilia sister Mrs. David Walker, 6 Y * Mr. and Mrs. ,Fames Moodie of Bruoefield spent Wednesday of this week with Mrs. John Robb. W. - Roes Wheeler of London Technical School spent the week end•at his lather's home. * * * Miss Rebecca Shurrie who has been spending .the.last number of months in Stratford has returned Irene fora visit. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS HALF HOLIDAYS OVER The stores will no longer remain open Wednesday evenings .and tiie .f business places will not be .closest on Thursday, afternoon. •commence ing next' week. - CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neighbours andfriends for their kind :words and deeds during the recent illness and death of a beloved husband and lather. Winnifred Edgar and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Humphrey and MIs. S. Walker visited with Rev. and Mrs. J'eilvitt, Owen Sound, for a few hours on Saturday. .k * * * * 5 * * * * Mr. Wm. Wright suffered' a weak spell while attending the funeral of 'James Grant on !Saturday' et las;. iweelk. We hope he soon regains' hie visual good health. • i • M•r, and Mrs. Albert Jackson, Grace and, Teddy of Harr'islton were recent guests of Mrs. John Robb who returned with them to spend a week at their home. *** The meeting of the North Section of Huron Presbyterial was, held 'la the United church, Belgrave, en Friday; Get. 20th. The ladies who attended Brom Brussels W.M,S. were .Mrs. W. J. Procter, Mrs. H. J. Mahoney, Mrs R. T. Strachan,, Mrs. R. J. McLauchlan, Mrs, P. McArthur,, Mrs, McKinnon, Mrs. J. E. ,Smith, Mrs. S. Walker and Misses May 'Skelton and Florence McNaughton, EUCHRE AND DANCE Under the aupices of the Belgrave Women's institute ,will be held In FOR'ESTER'S HALL, . BELGRAVE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27th Music by Leitch Orchestra ADMISSION -25C Melville Presbyterian Church ANNI VERSARY SERVICES Sunday, November 5th 11 a.m..—Rev, J. N. McFau!, B A. St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Stratford Annual Convention Convention The annual convention of the Huron Temtperance Federation will be held in McKay Hall, Goderieh on Friday afternoon, Oct 27th, AU pennons' interested in Temperance are Malted to attend. At the Churches Service in the United Church on 'Sunday morning was conducted by the minister, Rev. H. J. Mabouey, who spoke on "Tire Never Failing Well,' Evening service was with drawn' ma account of Anniversary service in St. John's Anglian Murch. Morning service in Melville Pres- byterian church on ..Sunday was condnrted by the minister, Rev.. S. herr. Mrs,' J. 0. Scott sang a sato No service was held in the evening —0-5— Thomas W. Bone, of Morris Dies of Heart Attack There passed away suddenly at his home on the 3rd concession of Morris township on Monday alter - noon, Thomas W. Bone, in. his 73rd year. Death resulted from a healt attack. Born near Bluevale, he had lived all his life in this vicinity. Ole was well known and highly res- petted. His wife, Flora May !Cochrane, passed away a year ago. He leaves to .mourn their loss 'one daughter, Ruby, and one son, Cecil. The funeral will be •held! on Thurs- day alfternoon under the auspices of the A.F. & A.M. lodge at 2p.m, In. terment will Make place in Brussels cemetery. Morris Township Man , George Edgar, Passes Wingham, Oct 19.—George Edgar died in Morrlsr Township Wednes- day, in his 161st year. He is sun vived by his wife and four children, Mrs. John Murdock, of Toronto. Bruce, of Toronto, and Francis and George, at home; also by three bro- thers, Francis of Wingham; Ar- thur, of Morris, Township and Bert of 'Culross Tewntehip, Funeral services WIN be held on Friday af- ternoon at 2 o'clock and was conducted from the Edgar borne on the second concession of Morris Township, by Rev. A. L. Sanderson, of Belgrave United Church. Inter- metn will 'be in Brandon Cemetery. Women's Institute The Bruaselsi Women's Institute will hold its regular meeting on Friday, October 27, at 3 o'alook in the Pubic Library. :This is to be our •Grandenother's Meeting and each Grandmother in the commun- ity is given a cordial invitation to attend. The Roil call is "Old fasuioned Elays of entertaining or an old fashioned expression." Our motto:—'"In Youth, we learn; be Age 'we understand" will be taken by Mrs. A. H. McDonald, The Topic "Ways a1 gladdening : a Grand - another's heart' 'is' to be given by MIS Wen. Procter. We would like Mtn to invite all the ladies o1 the Community to attend as Red °roes activities for the district ase to bo disowned. A social hour will be held at the close Of the meeting. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all our kind Mods and neighbours for kindness shown and sympathy expreslsed at the time of -our recent bereavement. The McFarlane Family, Mrs. H. McKinnon Celebrated Eightieth Birthday Mrs. H. McKinnon celebrated her eightieth birthday on the 10th of October, when she was at home to her many Wends in the afternoon and evening, when she received their congratulations and best wish- es, She was the recipient of many Cards ,and gifts, The rnmily' ore- sented her with a beautiful boquet of yellow mums and a handsome floor lamp. • All wished her many happy returns of the day. ,k * - * ..* * ,l. * * * 7 p.m. --Rev. J. N. McFaul. V Special Music by Music the choir Everybody Welcome.. •oM1•NNoaoN•boNKHN1NfoN+iNNNONNoNNo•oN4 WEDDING * * * DOUGLAS—BEIRNES On Saturday afternoon, October 21se, at the United church parson- age, Atwood, the marriage teeth place of Mildred Louise, youngest daughter of Mr. W. F, Beirnes, fourth concession of Grey, and the late Mrs. Beirnes, to Mr, Ralph Leslie Douglas., eldest son of Mr. and Mre, George Douglas, of the tenth concession, 1 lana. Rev. D. A. MacMillan officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas will reside on the teeth concession, Dime, after ' a honey- moon trip to several places in On- tario. —'5--5— Bielby — Strachan Lucknow—A marriage was solem- nized at the United Church parson- age, Lucknow, when Miss Anne Strachan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Strachan, of Port Elgin, became the bride of George Gordon Bielby, son of Mr. and Mrs, George H. Bielby, oP Niagara Falls. Rev. R. C. Todd officiated. The bride wore a frock of hunt- ers' green with anatclling French hat, gray fur jacket and corsage of orchids and lily of the valley. Mr. and Mrs. Bielby, who are both graduates of Toronto University, will make their home at Fergus, Ont. The United Church REV, H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., B,D, PREACHER, 11 a.m.—The 'Secret of Power. - 3 p.m. -Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Talking Motion Mature of "THE WAY TRIUMPHANT" which Is ,a dramatic portrayal of the Life of St, Paul. Monday, Oct, 30th at 8 o'clock Y. P. ,U. in charge of the new'presl• dent Halbert Keifer and the new eeecutive, hTersday, Oct. 26—Union Prayee meeting in United Church, SMITH---MrCALLUM * * * * * * * * * ; Lon Illness Obituary a Of D. .114, Scott Ends In Death James Grant. Death called another of: our -cit!. zees Thursday in the person of James Grant who passed away in lits 80th year at his home, Married in 1900 to Margaret Perrie who sur- elves, he lived for a number el year's in Grey township where he fanned before moving to town in 1033, Mr. Grant was a consistent ebristian and an elder in Melville Presbyterian church for 32 years: He leaves to nicu a their loss his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Camerae Adams of Wroxeter and one sister Mises Margaret Grant and one brother John of Grey township, and three grandchildren, 0 ,1 The funeral wee' held Saturaoy afternoon, Interment took piano in Brussels cemetery. '-'A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday afternoon at the United 'Church manse, Belgrave, when Rev. J. B. Townend united in marriage Mabel, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mna, J. F. McCallum, of East Watvanosh, and Mr. George Smith, Brun of Robert Smith, of Morris Township and the late Mrs. Smith. The bride wore her travel- ling suit of navy blue with Japonica bat, shoes and accessories, also grey fur. The attendants were Miss Jean McCallum, sister of the bride, and Mr. Garfield Smith, brother of the ,bridegroom. Following the cere- mony, the wedding party returned to the home 01 the bride's parents where the :wedding dinner was served, alter which .Mr. and Mrs. Smith left for their honeymoon to be spent at Milton and other placate On their return they will reside in Morris Mrs. Geo. McFarlane Following an illness of the las: few months Mrs" Geo. McFarlane said farewell to the concerns of earth and passed Peacefully away to her reward on Wed., Oct. 18, 1939 in her 71st year at her home 7th con.. of Grey. The deceased was favorably known throughout the community and had a most kindly and cheerful manner, devoted to her home and family, Her maiden name was Mary Ellen, the eldest daughter of the late James and A- nes Milne Turnbull and was born on the 3rd concession of Grey, where she grew to young woman- hood and was married to Geo, Me- Farlane and lived on, the 2nd coir. for some time and came to her pres- ent home several years ago, where her husband. passed 'away 9 years ago. Kinsey—Leitch Norwich --The marriage was, solem- nized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John 5, Leitch Monday of their only daughter, Miss Bessie Marie Leitch and Dinald Woodrow Kinsey, young- else son Cf -Mrs. Kinsey and the late Samuel G. Kinsey, Norwich, Rev. A. D. 'Boa, paster of the ;United 'Church, wee, the 'officiating mia-. dater, Mrs. William' Ziegler of Ethel, aunt of the 'bride played the Wedding music, The bride wore a gown of white net, and necklace of - Pearlsv the gift os the' groom. Her Well was fingertip length and she Carried roses and. litlies,of--the• valley. There were no attendants.. A reception followed. Later in tb: slfteneoon Mr: and Mrs, Kinsey left on a short motor trip, the bride travelling in a hobby wool coat at teal bice with dress of enutborry red, end hat of teal blue, with gloves, purse and shoes et black, On their return, the couple will reside in Norwich, Tbose who are left to mourn the loss a1 a 'loving mother are: Millie and Roy on the homestead; Jas. on the Sth con. and Mary Lou, a grand- daughter. Also three brothers, Jas. of London; Jno. G. and Wm„ Grey; and one sister Mrs, Doig, Listowel. Besntifui flowers were also given by friends and neighbors in loving memory. Ml's: McFarlane was a life long and consistent member o1 Melville Presbyterian Church and a firm believer in its divine dootrine. Tire palllbearens were Wm, ani Nelson Cardiff, Stanley and Gus Wheeler, Stewart McLauchlan and Chas. Davin Friends were present from Lon- don, Paris, Michigan, Kincardine and Listowel. The funeral was held Saturday silternoon, Oct. 220d, service was taken by the Rev, lir. Kerr. In torment took place in Brussels Cemetery. NOTICE ! All dogs In Morris' township must be tied up. No dogs are to be al- lowed: to run at large because of rabies. A couple of cases of which have been reverted • in the township, By order of The Board Of Health. Well -Known Auctioneer Succumbs in General Hospital Became Bailiff of 9th Division Court: Dealer In Antiques D. Mackenzie Scott, bailiff of the ninth division court and widely known auetIOneer, died on Saturday evening at the General 110spital, where he had been ill for several weeks. He was 64 years of age. - Mr. Seott was also well known in insurance circles here a quarter of a cemture ago, having been dis- trict manager of the Northern Life Assurance company, .Born in Brussels, Ont,, son or the late Finlay Scott of Brussels: who was also an auctioneer, Mr - Scott attended the Brussels public and high school.' and at an early age became - interested in life i,i- surance as a career. Subsequently, he went to Western Canada, remain- ing there with headquarters- in Regina until 1932, when be returned to Hamilton and engaged in the auntioneering business, dealing principally with antiques, In 'January, 19;13, Mr. Scott succeeded John A. Atkinson as balite of the ninth division court. f Past President of Native Sons Prominently identified with the Native Sons of Canada, Mr, Scott had made a host of friends' in this city and district. He was the im- mediate mmediate past president and had the distinction of holding the office or vice.lpresident of national council Of the organization, , The deceased also belonged to Acacia lodge, A.F. & A.M., and Hiram chapter, R.A.M, and many years ago in Brussels Joined Western Star lodge, LO.O.F. He was a Presbyterian, and an - elder 01 MacNab Street Presbyter- ian resbyterran church. His favlourite recreation was shooting, and he enjoyed this pastime along with his: associate members of the Hamilton Gun epee. Mr. Soott supported: _ the Liber'il party, and had been an active worker for a umber of years„ and had addressed meetings in . many pants o1 the province. Those Surviving Besides his wife, the termer Georgina A. Nicholls Scott,.. he leav- es eavees a sister, Mrs, George Semis, and a brother, Walter, both in Brussels, and three nephews and two nieces. The remaens,rested at the funeral chapel of Blachford & Wray until Tuesday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, when they were conveyed to Mac- Nab Street Presbyterian church for service at 1.30 o'clock. Interment was made in Brussels on Wednes- day ednesday afternoon. --Hamilton Spectator. Huron County Council to Meet The next meeting of Huron Coun- ty Council will be held in the Coun- cil oupcil Chambers''' Court House Goderich commencing Tuesday, November 14th 1939, at 2 p.m. All Accounts, Notices, of Depnc talions, Applications and - other business requiring attention of council should be in the hands of tbe clerk by November 11th. J. M. Roberts, County Clerk. Goderich, Ont. e•••••+4••••+•~` • •••04:•♦♦•«.•*. • e~a •♦~♦~♦••~♦~••4•~♦N♦~♦♦~• ♦ ♦ ♦~♦~♦ ••• ATTENTION WARNING! Take notice that any person or persons causing any damage to property during Hall'owe'en will be held strictly responsible and their names sent to Goderich. Damage to outside closets not only has been costly but inconvenience in putting them back in place. Committee would appreciate receiving the names of any persons seen causing any damage. BRUSSELS COUNCIL .0N•4•4*«P�H4N4N4.4•Ne���•���1� 1~�*~4~wH�+Kj!�~4~A^I,S