HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-10-18, Page 5t I 6 1 THE BRUSSELS POST 0fs1NNoNNoNs400 +440o14.M +P, 444 4, 444444444e444v4.sooesSo s0 9 is ,M1$.o .44 2 OLD LO y, P'ICES ON NEW *.LL ERCHANDISE WE WERE FORTUNATE IN 'HAVING HUGE ORDERS OF FALL AN D W 1 NT E R MERCHANDISE PLACED BEFORE THE. WAR STARTED AND BEFORE THE PRICES AD,VANCEP, WE ARE PASSING THEM ON TO YOU AT THE SAME LOW PRICE, WE ADVISE YOU TO BUY MOW Ai STEWART BROS. WIENS 40ts0444444+►604y544 e,aQotJV T�iai�se���i e1���0111N��N4Nea1�N�'�Ne�vNeNO TWO PANT S 1 TIfigh qunllty f+7nlsu.1. user; Excellent value nt Faultless nuN na.{Y tn,tyen¢lc ,thn,les Ir,It11t1CNN tnlloring I3aaluslve Styling25 MEN$ WINTER CO TS 200 New Gouts Bought Before the Priee Ghat QUALITYWORK QUALITY •L,OMET SHIRTS CODES ALL WOO L OHK SOX $15."To SSS. Grey or Brown Shade, Military I3'inneJette Coat Style Si.0 0 TWIN We can't even boy these today, Alueh less nt these prices. 'they're n Bargain tit 35c 3;fo r $ 1.00 HEAVYilenther shade JUMBO VOR( SWEATEFth llonareb Kit R�erl: Swe„ters KNIT old low prices rEzzossaiwaramomakwaft HEAVIEST Vavy, Bed, Wine, QUALITY 1KSflHTS Green, Style Blue, DOESKIN MESTIMIEGZSEEEMERIESSEEIEMEI 12-4 BEI( B.AlKETi SIZE -r , „soar ,_.:.. ':t r...< )11,4„1 tc-'ut' M AW,- ilii=4V°E F[ANE[TTE ENGLISH NEW FALL FULACINES WINTER COAT'S These low prleeN will 110t Inst long $1.95 $1 59 $239 • Par 19e & 25c yg The last word In .style, ,lu„ lity and value All sizes $*} 95 s 9 D We strongly ndvlse you to Nee these gorgeous new ,vh,ter Coats. You'll never hay them cheaper 1 .5® THIS STORE IS OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTER CONS F?A949Ai'4.0444$4*,S'9.4006.0?0P9-R0s9P..4®G9,0dOJOE0.444.400A'990®'V' 0040@0090-0000 SEAF i' TH 1 4004.4400400044004444000400444040000004 ►900000..010044040000440440404044000044004 NOTICE superintendent of the Japan Metho- dist Church. Rev, C. H. Dickinson, Book Stew- ard of the United 'Church Publish- ing House, anti Rev, A, R, Stone, one of the best-known rural evangel- istic missionaries in Japan, will this Sunday begin a. series of meetings in the Huron Presbytery. Mr, Dickinson is well-•knonvn by many in the Huron, Presbytery, He is a forceful speaker whose message will be looked fomvard to with keen antcipatlon, Rev. A, R. Stone was born on an Ontorio farm and has carried his practical knowledge of rural conditions Into his work in Japan. He has also served as The Itinerary of these United Church leaders begins in Wingham, October 15. Mr. Dickinson speaks at Wingham in the morning and at Blyt his the evening, The follow- ing day both men speak at Hensall where a round tribe conference for enlisters and church officials has been arranged and a public meeting in the evening, On Tuesday, Oc- tober 17, a program has been ar- ranged for Brussels,. Wednesday Ootober 18, will bring them to Auburn. They will also visit Palmerston and Harriston, .Iund Trip OCT. 29-28 From rgain Vales lsseis to Toronto Also to Brantford, (1 tlmin, Goderich, Cuemph, Hamilton, London, Niagara Fails, Owen Sour.:, St, Catharines, St, Mary's, Sarnia Stratford, Straibroy, Woodstock,' To Stations Oshawa and East to Cornwall` inclusive, Uxbridge, Lindsay, Pet.erboro, CanlpbelM'ol'd, Newmarket, ('oliinglvood, Meaford, Midland, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury, Calve); and west to Beardmore, See handbills for conBllete list of 'destinations. Tickets, Train Information, Beton Dimits front Aganto, ASIC P011 HANDBILL CANADIAN NATIONAL ALWAYS USE CANAbIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS Inquest Held At Atwoed Finds Death Of George Bell, Meaford Baseball Coach, Was Accidental Atwood, Oct 17.—An open verdict was returned at an inquest here last night into the death of George Bell, 23, ,coach of the aleaford baseball team, killed October 4, in a level crossing crash at ,ylonkton. Three other bleaEord men, Arthur McAfee, driver of the car; Roy McGee and Gordon Sohn- ? stow, were injured when the onto - mobile was demolished' by a C.P.R. freight train, M(Oeoch and Johnston bath testified at the probe, conducted by Coroner Dr. C. E. Thomas, Atwood. McAfee, the oar driver, is still 111 hospital at Stratford. Other witnesses included J, Ateer, of Toronto, engineer on tae train. Conductor, R. Henderson, London; Fireman Herbert Crosson, Toronto; Provincial 'Constable T. V', OldileRl, rAs towel, tvho handled the police investigation, and sev- eral Mankton residents' who saw the car going through that village, Dr. Monkton, Both engineer and conductor said tile whistle on the train had been sounded 115 they approached tits, crossing,: The jury verdict was that Hall same to his death from a fractured s'kttli. 1 WEDDING ** * p00K—TH0MPSON A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Pres'biyterian manse Brussels, when .A.nna, d�augbter of •Airs, Thompson' and the laky Archie Thompson was molted in marriage to Cecil, son of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Crook of Winghatn, Rev, Mr, Herr officiated, The bride. wore a wine velvet dt,•ess'with matching accessories and carried sweetheart rosesandfern. The young couple were 'attended' by Mr, and, Mrs, Wilfred Willis, Brns'sela, F0t'Lou^ing the 'ceremony a wed. ding dinner was served to several friends and immediate families of the bride and groom. • Mr. and 'Mrs, Gook motored, to Toronto, Niagara Palls and Buffalo. For travelling the bride donned a wine coat with grey squirrel fur brimming and accessories to match.{ They will reside in Wingham. Harris—McLennan A quiet 'wedding was solesnnzied at Knox Presbyterian Church Lis- towel, istowel, Rev, W. E. Kelley officiating, when Evelyn Ruth McLennan, only daughter of 'Mr, and, Mrs, W. J. Mc- Lennan, 'Wroxeter, became the bride de Howard G. F. Harris, Younger son of Mr, and Mrs, E. A. Harris, Fordhvicht The bride wore a floor length dress of plum velvet and a corsage of Richmond roses, They were at- tended by ,Clair Harris and; Mrs, B. Carswell, brother and sister of the groom. A dinner 'was served for the im- mediate families at the home of the bride. Later the couple left on en ex• tended motor trip to Huntsville, Ottawa and places north, the brads traveling in a blue sheer dress, blue coat, trimmed in Persian jamb. On their return they will take up residence at Fordwich.. MAN DELL.—ELDER An autumn wedding of great In- terest in Tilsonburg was solemnized on Wednesday, Sept, 27th afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at the home of Rev. and Mrs. H, S. Cobb, Harvey St., when Phyllis' Theresa, only daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs, H. C. Elder, North Broadway, was united in mar- riage to Starnes Henry Mandell, B.Sc. son of Mr, and ,Mrs, Harry Mandell, North Broadway. Rev. Mr. Cobb minister of Avondale United church, officiated, The ceremony was performed be- fore the fire place in the living room, which was, beautifully decor• ated with autumn flowers, The Bride was charming in her Red Mill jacket, frock of wool with black accessories, She wore a corsaga of orchids and lillies of the valley, Miss Lola Aldrich, the bridesmaid was gowned in Royal blue sheer with matching accessories and wore a corsage of pink roses and lillies of tre valley, Allan Aylnwort9, B.'Sc., of Napanee, a college t:hntu of the groom was groomsman. Following the cerembny a re- ception was held at the home of the bride's parents for the immediate families after which Mr, and Mrs. Mandela let for a honeymoon trip. On their return to Montreal they will reside at Apt. 6, 1433 Stanley St. The bride was formerly secretary for the Borden Milk 'Co,, Tilsonburg, The bridegroom is a graduate of itt, Ontario AgriculturalCollege, Guelph, The bride is' a grani• "aughter 08 Mrs W. A. Cunning. ham, Morris Tw21, BLYTH On Saturday afternoon George McGowan, Concession 3, East Wa- wanosh, suffered a serious accident while picking apples. While operating on extension Intl• der by some means the ladder dill not lock and with itis hand cattg'it' between the ladders be fell to the ground 'causing r, piens injuries to the hand. He was taken lc' an X-ray which revealed broken bones 1n the ieft hand, Services were held in 'Gritted Church here Bentley, At 1110 nn'n. Ing service, Rev, Gordon Ilaz wood oaf Nile had sparge of the service, Rev, Mr, Dickenson of rsited 'Church Publishing House hid charge of ilio service, At the morning seiwice Stanley Sibthori sang a. ge1o, Oli Sunday service was held in Miss Isatbell Cumming sang' an appropriate solo. Mr, and Mrs, S. 13. Watson and 'WI, DN10377A'Y' OOTOB ill 18t1, 190 UPERIOR STORE salvia, SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Strawberry Jam 32 oz. , ... • . . , .. ' . • • • .. per jar 25c Rolled Oats, fresh Eddy's Red Bird Matches 1%lcCorfnick's nutter Sodas l's 2 Th for 25c Maxwell House Coe perPer lb 5 Gin er Snap Biscuits • • • • • • • .lb Heinz Spaghetti 16 oz 2 tins for 27c Fancy Chintz , • , .. per yd 19c Ladies' Suede Gloves per pr 25c Men's Dress Shirts, collars attached each '75c Men's Wool Sweaters each $1.50 Women's Shoe Rubbers per pr 25c QUALITY ,,. ,, ,,,. 4 RI for 19e. 3, boxes for 21c WM. •ZIEGLE) HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS Phone 22-11 .Ethel, Ont. CLASSIFIED ADS, FOR SALE - 35 Rock Pullets, 31.10 each, phone 43-r-10 Selwyn Baker F'GR SALE- A number of chunks of Pigs, a young Sow, due Oct,. 23rd and a team of young .horses. phone 34-r.16 J.Earl FOR SALE - 12 'Chunks of Pigs apply to dames W. Riley, S r/s Lot 25, Con. 7, Morris. FOUND— A yearling Steer on Lot 14, Con- cession 12, owner can have same by paying etspenses, phone 75-r-13 Lorne Cameron WOMEN WANTED- 1t71AKE MORE MONEY THAN ESEg, BEFORE, We are looking for ambitions, women who are FREE to work and MAKE IMIONEtr in an independent business, Our line includes over 200 daily neces- sities, • Many valuable territories now ;available. No experience necessary, For FREE DI1:TA1L,3 and CATAUOGUE INQUIRtE TO- DAY: Parallax, 570 St. Clement, iMOaNTREAL. FOR SALE— Mrs, W, M. Sinclair will be in the •vil:nge this week and wishes to dispose of her house, FOR SALE= Hand Picked Snow Apples 75c per bushel, vbone S5 -r-17 Glen Eckmier FOR SALE— A quantity of Soft Dry Mople, Phone 40-r-13 Ross Stevenson FOR SALE— Range Stove, good as new, with oven. Price 825,00. phone 53-r-23 Hugh Docket FARM FOR SALE OR RENT - 120 acres, mile east of Walton, Lots 4 and 5, 13th Concession, town- ship of Grey. Large bank barn, frame house, excellent gravel pit, Agrply to hiss E. Jean Turner. family were at Ford,wict on Sun da . On Sundaip, service was held in Anglican Church with. Mr, Houscn, a lay reader of Wingham in charge. The rector Rev. R. M. Weekes, was of anniversary services in Belgrave. FOR SALE— Quantity of feeding turnips in field So par bushel, Soc delivered, Stan, Alexander, Bthel, WILL TAKE— Wood, in exchange for good bogey in 65 ])b, tins. phone 71X. Robt. Wartfiolc GARS PAINTED Does' your ear need painting? If ft does have it done with. Dutux Auto Punish at Fischer's• Paint Shop. Dial= is made by Canadian industries and covens with one coat, SCOTCH SHOR1OIUHN SALE— At Elmandorph Stock Farm, on Tuesday, October 10th, at 1,30 p.m, 26 head, all ages, For catalogue write Clifford FI. Keys, Proprietor, Varna, Ont, FARM FOR SALE— One hundred acre farm, all till- able land, now seeded to pasture, drilled, well: and windmill, barn on property. South 1,?,, Lot 5, Conces- sion 3, Morris. ? apply to Henry Sanderson, R. R. 1, Blyth,, Ont. Executor of the James M. Smith Esitate, FOR SALE - 100 acre Farm, lot 29, concession 3, Morris Twit. ,goodbuildings, also 100 acre grass Farm with some bush lot 30, concession 3, Morris Twtp. Executors John Bowman and John Yufll, #411't Lf Marriage Prohibited Without a proper licenser It you Issue Marriage Uc- eases,. telt the young folks about itjin ourClassitied Ads. • They afi'know a license is nwessary. but they don't all know %Imre to get one. This paper Is popular with the young people. r When in Brussels Doing Your Shopping Stop At THE BRUSSELS DAIRY BAR For Ice Cream Try Poxt, I "s and you wBUB eat no : like r ALSO Those Satosfyhig MILK SHAKES Those Generous ,TASTY SUNDAES THY ARE GOOD