HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-10-11, Page 7kt ,kelt, 1»30
on October
Boyle of Bele
;hie to Miss
Mr. and Mrs.
rris township.
-t's boys were
met of their
ay andwere
alarmed on
black (bear,
two or three
fe, 10th con.,
net, for an
lender, bake
,f Mt, Forest
the (Bruaaeis
-ation Army.
County as a
Shows. He
re captured
T-1 \\
nary new
— costs
abinet of
TIIne' a!ue of a Paor of Glasses
genas entirely an
the Skill and Integrity of the Person supplying them•
That is why we do not supply Glasses until we have
accurately measured every function of the delicate
Eye Mechanism v£ your Eyes.
This enables us to accurately diagnose your Eye
Condition and to supply corrections that will correct the
Errors without upsetting the narrntal fun tioning of the Eyes.
1 expect to he at my Bron tis office in Miss Bryan's
Home all Day.
T URS A S, C 'Cm 12d
to give Expert Scientific Eye Examinations and
fit Lenses where required.
EVERYONE should have their Eyes Examined at least
Every two years.
Eyesight Specialist
Phone 118
Ku'... atxaet
, ax
Brussels, •
Phone 26X
IN 1940
During the Wor of 1914.15, the
Dominion. Entomological Service
adopted' a slogan e'Crop Protection
Means Crop Production," In the
present crisis, it is equally import-
ant that every effort be made by the
farmer, the fruit grower and all
others who grow crone to realize
the importauoe of protecting grain,
fruit, vegetables and other- com-
modities, from damage by insect
pests, observes the Dominion Ento-
mologist. Cooperation in fighting
inseats is eseentuily in any effort to
Produce more and better crops. In
time of war particularly, all who
are concerned with -the growing of
crops, or the handing of crops al-
ready harvested, should realize the
enormous losses which may be pos-
sible from the ravages of destruc-
tive insects, There small creatures
have extraordinary powers of dee-
truction. When in outbreak form
they devestate fields, of growing
grain, orchard treesbearing promis-
ing crops of fruit, forest and shade
trees, dried products kept in, store;
in fact little; belonging to man
escapes injury from some kind of
insect. For the people in Canada
and those n -ho levo in the Allied
amies there must be a continuous
supply of wholesome rood . As has
been stated previously, insects can
be ptnotically as effective as enemy
submarines' iu destroying food sup-
plies. Like submarines they are
insidious in their operations, They
must be sought out and destroyed.
It is particularly necessary these
days to take every means to Pre'
vent these losses, the annual total
of which in Oanada is enormous.
During the present autumn,
wherever possible, remnants of
crops and other refuse should be re-
moved and burned; otherwise such
refuse will serve ae breeding places
and hibernating quarters for many
insects. undoubtedly yor gardens
will be established through. 'Canada
in 1940, The land for these should.
be worked' over this autumn so as
to be in better condition for Our
ther cultivation in spring.
During the whiter months all pre-
parations should be made for next
Year's offensive against insect
pests. ,Supplies of insecticides
should be obtained; spray and dust
equipment sihoulti be overhauled,
cleaned and oiled, in readiness for
spring and summer requirements,
and seed of tall kindle kept in
store should be watched from time
to time to see that no peat develops.
Dominion or provincial entomolo-
gists are employed in -every prow
Ince of Canada.Their services are
available at all times Letters ad -
'dressed to Dominion Entomorogist,
Dominion .Department of Agricul-
'cure, Ottwwla, will receive prompt
Pro °swtion Of
Quality acorn
Wheat and Oats Most
Suitable For Bacon Hops—
Corn Used to Fatten Them
In the feeding of swine, barley,
wheat an doa.ts stand out as being
the most suitable for the produc-
tion of quality bacon. Corn, how-
ever, may be fed advantageously
to faltering hogs and even to the
growing of pigs, if asufficient am-
ount or protein is added to bring
the ration up to the necessary pro -
ten Bevel. I-lomny meal, a milling
by-product of corn, is similar in its
feeding value,
In all instances better results
will be obtained from feeding the
ground grain than from whole
grain, The milling by-products 01
wheat (bran and shorts) may also
be fed to good advantage in re -
lions, for specific purposes,
Sources of Protein
Dainty products are the most sat-
L:1°actory sources of proteins with
which to balance the ration of a
bacon hog. They gree rich in miner-
inerale, particularly calicum and pltos-
prorus, If these dairy produces are
not available, tankage, meat meal,
fishmeal, oileak ,ear soya beon oil-
meal may be used to bring about
the necessary protein level for
whatever age or ciasts of pig that
is being fed: Of the protean feeds
mentioned, combinations of two or
more of then make or greater
variety and give better results
than any of theme fed singly.
Canada Won't
Preparation For Games In
Finland Has Bees Discon-
tinued Here.
Canada definitely is out of the
1947 Olympic Games, F. S. Mul-
queen, chairman of the Dominion
Olympic Games has announced.
Mr. Mulqueen said a meeting of
the oomtmittee was held at Hamil-
ton and the =miters decided to
discontinue preparattion for the
games in Finland as well as the
winter games in Germany. The
war was given as the reason.
The committee's dollar -for -dollar
'oaai paign to raise fund's tor parti-
'cipation at •Canadian athletes has
been "dropped cold," said Mr. Mul-
Not Cancelled .Yet
Alt Heledngfors Finland's Clyne.
plc Games organization committee
suspended for three months Pre-
parations for the games, which
have not yet ofdoielly been cancel-
Firs,t Gossip: "Does 'Miss,
bride have her owft way?"
'Second. Gossip: 'Imes ahel
she writes her own diary a
ahead of time."
removed promptly and efficiently.
Simply phone "COLLECT" to
No Election
•This Year
Premier Mitchel Hepburn at his
farm home in South Yarmouth near
St Thomas ren-nty said there will
he no general election in Ontario
this year,
%1'":b the c:llling ai' a general ale --
tion in Quebec for next month, it
was suggested the Ontario G,overu-
ment would do likewise. Prettier
Hepburn said the Ontario govet:t-
ment would spend no money on an
election this, year when it could be
Put to much better use.
Officers' Dress
Now Simplified
Breeches and Spurs Left
Only With Cavalry and
Veterinary Corps In the
Canadian Active
Service corps
Amended dress regulations for
tate Canadian Active Service Force
simplifying officers' uniforms es-
pecially, have been tested at Ot-
tawit by the. defense department.
Breeches and spurs disappear
from all arms of the service except
the horsed ,'avalry and the Royal
Canadian Army Veterinary Corps.
Trousers without cuffs and ankle
boots will be worn by oftice:s of
all branches egcetit the two cited
and Highland and Scottish kilted
regiments, Officers will not be re-
, bu.red to provide thmselve,s with
New -
will come to your home every day throng$
An International Daily Newspaper
29 records for you the bond's clean, constructive doings. The Monitor
does notexploitprime or sensation; neither does 'It ignore them,
but dosis correettvelr with them, feature' ter hues men and all the
family, lnoludieS the Woekl' Magaelne Section..
The Christian Bafence Publlehing Society
One, Nervier Otroct, 8oeton,AMadeechueette
Please enter my eubseriptlon to The Christian Science Monitor for
s period M
1 mfr 112.00 a months 10,00 ] mouths $3,00, ] month 11.00p
Wedneedee issue, lnoludlng Masashi Motion:1 %ear 12:40, a blues ]0.
;ia+Ota t:ey est
No Distinguishing Patches
Officers of Highland and Scot -
tier regiments will continue to
wear present authorized service
dress but officials of Scottish treev-
ed regiments. will wear drab trous-
ers instead of the plaid, foam-flt-
ting trews, Officers with breeches
or trews' already may continue to
wear them for the time being.
Wound, stripes and service chev-
hewrons may be worn but dinstinguisr-
ed patches as worn during the
World War will not be worn.
Must Prepare
Now For
Winter Eggs
The Secret of Getting Eggs
In Winter Lies In Performing
Careful Work Months
Ahead of Time
Many believe that the secret of
getting eggs, particularly inn Win-
ter, is in the feeds given and In
themethod of feeding, ,others be-
lietve the whole problem is in the
breed, variety or .strain; while
still others think that the housing
is the problem to solve, All these
are important but the main reason
for poor results is a hack of careful
work performed month before the
eggs are wanted, While you are
collecting the hig+hepi4ced Wdnter
eggs, you should be making careful
plans to secure the crop of pullets
for the next season,
Use Early - Hatched Pullets
Where Winter eggs are wanted,
mite early batched pullet is, without
doubt the one to depend upon.
The age at which most pallets be-
gin to lay is, from six to seven
months. Some lay at four and one-
half to five mouths and others not
00411 eight or nine months of oge,
This means tlto,t if a 50 per 'cent,
egg yield is avlantecl in ;November
the gullets should be batched dur-
ing March or April. May hatched
pallets will lay moderately well
but, as a rule, not over 40 per cent,
The government ate Argentina
has epened 500 stands throughout
the counitay to heap Its fruit grow-
ers sell 8;000 tons of peat's.
Vegetables; can become intoxicat-
ed, says a scientist. It's quite true
=lits or them are getting canned
Just now.
A. wise guy 'Stepping up to the
bus Its It stopped the other tna.rn-
ing said to the driver; "Well,
Noah, you've got here, is the .Ark
The motorman atswered bock:
"Nope, we need: one more maukey.
Came on in,"
E ib'Ayl 0
A marvel of tire engineering! That's
what motorists all over town are saying
about the new Goodrich Safety Silver -
town, For here at last is a tire that auto-
rnatically sweeps wet roads dry—so dry,
in fact, that after a quick stop you can
actually light matches on its track—
convincing proof that the new Silvertown
will stop you quicker, safer on a wet pave-
ment than you've ever stopped before!
Not only that, Silvertowns are also the
only tires in the world that give you the
famous Golden Ply blow-out protection.
Yet this double protection—against
BOTH skids and blow-outs—is yours at
no extra cost. Don't gamble. For safety
tomorrow get Silvertowns today!
• As the never-ending spiral bars of the Life -Saver
Tread roll over a dangerous film of water, they sweep
the water right and left—force it out through the
deep drainage grooves—make a dry track for the
rubber to grip—give you the quickest non-skid stops
you've ever had!
neAvGoo rich SAF tTYSive'gown
G. rd '•x p ai` erson's Garage
Phone 73x Brussels, Ont
* * * * * * * * * *
Wee Angus
* * * (By A. R. K.) *
* *
¶ Wee Angor, has a football team,
the strongest he has ever seon, you
ought to see them go; he says
they're Just atrite. thin, bike they
can scamper out and: win, for Angus
told me so.
He says they have a set of signs,
they worked! them out between the
lines,' ,they're secret as can be,
they are .so secret Angus said, they
keep theme all within their head, he
won'•t tell even me.
¶ We fixed him up for school this
year, got everything to match or
near, and dressed hint like we
should; when he marched off to
learn some more, he looked drestsed
better than before, appearing fair -
Mr. Henpeck (to boss) : "Sir,
I think it's about time I .got a
Boss: 'What are you talking
about? We Just put a raise in
your envelope last week,"
Mr, Henpeck :"Why doesn't my
wife tell me about these things?"
Alother;Why are you making fac-
es at the bulldog?
Small Child('wailing); He started
'There was very lithe doing in the
bank in the tiny Irish. village, The
staff arrived' in the morning, loofah
about, drank tea and' played, cards
matt three o'clock.
"1110," said the manager to rix
junior. "Three Run and close the
front doer."
The junior returned in a minute
or so and said, "M le closed, sir.
We didn't open it this morning,"
England now has over 4,000,000
licensed motorists.
ly goat
His team gets busy after four,
he doesen't hustle home no more,
he's late for supper too;es soon as.
he shoved up the latch, he starts
time talking or a patch, or else a
stitch or two,
¶ His knees are skinned, they're
black and blue, the heel is missing
from one shoe, a scab Oonmg on his
lip; his trousers: that were new
and neat, cell for repairing on the
sect, for they have sprung a rip,
¶ Of course he learns his lessons
too, he knows: that's yhat he's, got
to do, his learuin' does not stop; ,
Mit if on lessons he was lr?en, like
be le feeling totvard his team—he'd
land) way up on top.
ttARS AGO people awed to
*mho th.a.eiv.s h.r.rd ba•
el.outiog Croat the house top*.
If 7o. Mid that to-dos 500
wowkd preb.bb two* to mope..
before a sune.t .ion li.,insaolta,
Y NOM- -PATS the 1suNue+e
ream ruse lar W.:.t.nde.
t.,,irr,ur. •00 .'
_,_w � j/
Eliminate the fire -rick of old faulty wiring and
at the same time give your home plenty of
baseboard and wall outlets, smart new wall
switches and modern lighting fixtures. I.et us
look over your present wiring and give you an
estimate on a new installation that will enable
you to take the fullest advantage of the mar,
vela of electricity. Wiring and fixtures, of
course, come under the Home Improvement
Pian for easy financing.