HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1939-10-11, Page 6THE BRIISSEI$ POST
1st Ply
2nd Pe
'3rd Pt
In loving
Who pa
Six years
How we
That ai
No one
Or 'Wli
But God
Has g
ever t
Completing the Picture of a
Mrs. Allen Quickfall, of Bridgeport, Ont., had just
arranged a huge bouquet of Chrysanthemums, their
Golden Wedding Remembrance from assembled chil-
dren and grandchildren, when the telephone rang. It
was a call from Kindersley, Sask., and the voice of
Roy, her son, greeted her, What a surprise on such a
day! Mrs. Quickfall writes: teWe like to pass on to
other sons and mothers the value and satisfaction to be
obtained through the medium of telephone contacts,
particularly so when the dear ones are
scattered over the country."
• Why wait for a Golden Wedding? Next
time there is a family celebration call
up by Long Distance. Make it a real
surprise. And remember this, it costs
so little, you too, will be surprised!
The patrioti0nt and common sense
o lithe Canadian people are to be
tasted during the next two weeks
by the sugar situation.
The facts as set forth by the War-
time Prices and Trade Board are
simple, Briefly, tbere is just
enough reserve stock of sugar in
the country at the present time to
take care of the norma; wants of
the Canadian people for two weeks,
,By the end of that t.tme it is
expected. that the arrival of raw
Sugar supplies from outside and tate
coming on the scene et the first
Canadian beet sugar of the year
will end all danger of a shortage.
The critical period is the coming
fortnight. There is ample sugar '
to carry the country over so long as
the Canadian consumers are con-
tent with a sugar supply on a day-
to-day basis.
As the Board points out however, '
if they start another buying panic
of the Labor Day week -end kind,
they will succeed in a short time in
precipating an acute shortage that
for a brief period at least will
cause considerable distress.
There is no need or any such
*shortage emir/ping. The whole
thing r'eeta on the shoulders of the
people themselves, 11 they are
satisfied to buy merely enough
sugar to carry them along until the
supply ha$ been replenisbed there
will not be the slightest dirnculty.
On the other hand if they start
madly running around to all the
grocery stores trying to Stock up at
this critical moment they will make
the situation awkward far every
A good many of them, of courbie,
should have enough' sugar stored
away to take care of their needs for
r1 "."ar... a s•^:?tint Etc'
pito - Brussels, Otaf
Licensed Funet'td Direct r
and Embalmer
Phone 36, Brussels
long thne to come,
the September distribution of re-
fined sugar in Canada was 40,000,-
000 pounds greater than n the same
month a year ago tells its own
Story, The huge jump in distribu-
tion indicates that vast quantities
of sugar were taken out of circula-
tion is the first fenv days of the war.
—*—* —
This land would he in a bad way
vete it not for the church. Take
her away tram Cicada and Canada
would, be headed for the frogs and
lice and pitchy darkness of Egret.
Rightly supported and wisely lead
she will give us heart and in these
the ltnoaxer. `*ilii
A Knocker its a two -legged animal
wile a .teoelcsceenp Saul, a water,
soaked hratu, fwd a eaatineation
backbone of jell?, and glue. Where
other meu have their hearts he car
ries, a tumor of deoay'ed Principles
Where the knocker comes dawn the
Street, hone -t mow tura their balite,
tate angels in heaven week), anti; the
devil shuts tight the icor ofheli to
keep Mont out,
Therefore don't be a ltsiocker, You.
can't saw wood with a hammer,
The fact that
There are' a few sample rules in
regard to the prevention at fires
that should be. remembered es 13rue-
eels along -tette other Canadian
communities, prepares for the an.
nual Fire Prevention week. There
is nothing new in them. They have
been brought to attention frequent -
],y and probably will be republished
often in the future but Just at leis
time they may be helpful.
In the first place use electricity
safely. That means that all elec-
tric wiring one equipment should be
installed In accordance with the
recognized code and that repairing
and installation should be done by
kettle -it workmen. Amateur electric
work has always been recognized
as one of ares best friends.
Smotke n safe places only. That
goers for pour home,your office ,the
factory in which you work, for the
otl,tdoore and evertyM1vetere eiise.
Carelessness with matcbes and
smearing materials deseroys mil-
lions, o+f dollars yearly.
Reimein3 er that great fires were
email firest to start with. Proper
building construction, plus good
fire protection, would make it pos-
sible to prevent almost any lire
from seriously spreading. Fire
breedla in oily waste—keep all such
waste in a cloned metal container.
Cnreleesnesis and ignorance are
'n'1?eat the cause of explosive fires,
Here is a rale especially applicable
to workers in industry where doing
the wrong thing may be a danger-
ous and expensive operation.
Cleanlineae of caurae is a great
aid to fire prevention, Keep your
basement, garage, attic and closets
clear of litter and you will be go-
ing a long way toward ensuring
racier daye ahead for members of
the fire. department.
The whale thing of course de-
peo,dis upon the individual, Oue
careless act may offset the beset et -
forts of a whole organization seek
big to attain salty from a fire view-
apnea 19,0 Ir whet,
VAi,wo ee• ,L•. e•oked"
Round Trip Travel Bargain
From Brussels
OCT, 20.21 TQ CHOCAG'O $12.50 (Plus Exrhanee)
Just call the whole thing ofl and the
iota gabber nations, Gervr any and
Russia, Will Rx thilte% lift so there
cannot ",3osiaibly be sue more
trouble. Sutler will week his
handle in the tits basin and ail will
be well
Pravaply therewill be coneddela-'
tem given to,hisl proeoatls, but it la
eltfi'oell to . the paint of being Cm
Possible to •believe .that there can
be any aegree of .Sucoese attend-
ing such consideration. In lesser
events officials of the law do not
make team e, with rabbet& and cram•
finale, ands the same general poltoy
would, be effective in the high
councits of nations and in the
minds, of decent people the world
days when our Empire is. working
at the hardest task that has ever
confronted her. So go to -church,
Speak well of her, She is yours
and your country's best rirend
Staying away Dom her is affording
aid and comfort to Hitler and
Parte years ago we were busy
with our tasks in school, Of course
we resented being kept to our
leer; ons and told clad that this was
a practcial world ,where theory
was of little weight, 'The old
gentleman, at lease we thought bim
old, told ne that the men of the
future would be characterized by
brains rather than by meisole. He
told us that the machine was right
on hand. He told us that our busi-
ness was to get our lessons and, to
get thein well or tce'd hear from
him. Well, the fine old gentleman
was right, The .machine panne
and mere brawn stood no show.
What dad saw forty years ago .is
more obvious every day wb live,
For twenty-five years, ?itis world
has been run by propaganda, an-
other 'word for brains, Britain, is
cowine harts re Germany knee deet/
with the Mete of the present situ -
seem. ,'resident Roosevelt is
dominating the United States by hle
More than over, school benefit; are
seer in this matter, As the schuui
te:teher lit SO will the chlieren of
this province grow, As our Coi
leglat° in t itutes and i'raver411k'e,
en will he the Caanda of 13 years
hence' It's ?into we were waking
1 up. The. Wee, of five years age
are already obsolete.
After God bred created the bus
easel, the st.alte, the eterplen, the
rnetie . and all other repulsive,
r leeme creatures whieh are put
on earth or in ire waters to make
rl ^.cut mortals thankful that they
nee net colt as they he hail a
l.ttte suboance left which was fin
in' 010akahly vice that it could not
he tueerpcn'atcd in anything else
which Ile had Yet made so Be made
Adolf Hitler leas made another
siteecli to the Reichstag, ant in it he
has pointed the way to peace.
Leave natters to Hitler and Stalin
and they tell work things out all
Hitler days 1t is difficult, perhaps,
intimeeible, .to, consider tenni of
pence amdst the roar of battle.
Therefore, it would be better to have
no battle while his peace terms are
discus:seri, No doubt there will be
consideration giveu to anything lie
has to say. Tre powers opposed to
Hitleri,em are not fighting just for
the pure joy of fighting; they are in
arms to rid the world of Hitlenism,
Strange that the man did not
think of discussing pence when his
army was turned loose on Poland.
His own guns and his own bombs
trade so much noise then that bis
own kind at clascussion could not
well have come under way.
To use a homely illuetratton—
Hitler is today something in the
position of a man who has, robbed
a hank. Ho laid his plans, well.
he has succeeded in entering the
premises olid taking out seine
thousandet of dollars, The only
rouble itt that the officers of the
law are on the scene and fine have
succeecled in 1°eating the guilty
party, Ttigb•t there and then the,
burglar would be glad t.o 0011, 11,
would .probably bit p.spared 1u
p11111 e 11,21 nett ;.r.a:,e wnnld be
go androb n hank nt' atething also,
lr lite aflhrre of the low and of -
Meals of the e lee ti teeth were eine
i -
Went In cell off the week" bit Mee:
:1 toned be fatten fs,• t.iatcd itt
either would 1'11 in h'r. , lie meth'
even be mous d to e. , :11.1 .,, a
peceectlinge would bt elmetily right.
Hitlt' 1s to thatpueitinn today—
Te,. t lt'-',,' tt'a lei -1 i1ed into
ferbitlern tie ra'sy. :..:t. I.'.
war machine over Poland, snuraiterl
it tellies, kited its popple and then
:shared the spittle with itu€.slat it.
miter words—lie robbed bis bank,
Now he desiret to •keep ibc
spells. Ile does not want the Oflace
offietee doing anything about it.1 '/Sin kereet. -.- Ethel.' uteric
OCT. 21 1TO WINDSOR $4,16
Equally low fares from all adjacent C. N, R. stations For train
service going and returning ase randblils. or cornett Agents.
*.4 Para, Rctunt Linder, Train herewith*, Tickets, comsat nearest Agee. See Rendbtdt.
Rams Aro Items Takc, Profit
Mt of the Pest of I
It mod U Year. Ago
Herein says Britain flyers did not
pasts over that city, That only
means- of course that Berliners did
not see theta.
Some et those Western line -
plunge's would make good candi-
dates for the tank battalions.
A stony says that Von Ribben'
trop used to play a violin "divinely"
when he Lived In Montreal, He is
still doing a lot .of diplomatic
fiddling, we notice,
The United, Stotes has, refused' to
recognize' like partition of Poland.
The Gentian propaganda factory ,is
likely to soft pedal that devoloS-
Load Tweedsmuir has been in-
specting the Royal Canadian Air
Force and it is a safe bet it would
be no mere purfnectory inspection.
Politics are to be barred from the
Canadtan army, Hon, Norman
Rogers announces, That is a pol-
icy with which no one can surely
find fault,
—. s—ae—
The middleweight championship
was fought out between Cejerino
Garcia and Fred Apostali. Where
are the Irish fighters of yesteryear?
The Swiss im- itation of the Nazi
Party has decided not to ,partici-
pate in the Swiss elections this fall.
The decision is not 'without its
Be gentle with - rough children, an
authority advises. But what he -
comes of the old slogan shout
"Sparing the rod Etc."
Toronto alderm- an who has been
active against the Meds has ireen
receiving threateninv letters. It is
to be hoped the police will be sun -
easeful in rounding up the writers.
*aliens aro said' to be cold obout
possible pat -toleration in the war.
Possibly the courtship between the
Nazis, and the Soviet may have
something' to do cith that feeling,
t)f eom'se small municipalities on
Ontario highways cannot be blamed
for trying to make conditions safer
for their citizens against ,spending
A 50-asear-old S- udbury span bas
made a. solo ainlplane flight after
eight hours' instruction. Of couttso
many folk da'ive auto -mobiles with
out nearly that lunch training,
Two Greek craws at Vancouver
refused to run the ii -boat tisk in
the Atlantic and an being sent
home, No medals for bravery
were handed out, we understand,
Toronto Poles expect le raise a
utilitat;y unit °f 2,000 men and the
Quern City papers are probably
hoping that they will not be nslted
10 'Publish till the *tames,
A training school for firemen is to
he opened at the University of To -
rent°, 11 will include, we 11ssetine,
Instruction in-'hoy to dodge all the
nttiomebiles thul fry to beat, the
apparatus to the Ilre.
Estate Agent, Conveyance
and Commissioner
General Insurance
of tine bride's parents on Octet)
7th, 1914, by Rev. Mr. Hoyle of B
grave, Mr, James Michie to M
Jennie L., daughter of Mr, and M
A. T, Cole, all of Morris townJsh
Two o3 D. McTaggart's boys we
gong to the bock end of tit
25 YEARS AGO father's ,fatim leak Friday and we
;much astonished and alarmed
BLUVEALE eneounteeim-g a large black be
eno McCutcheon returned from whichi grouled angrily two or thr
the 'West last weeg. • times oar seeing them approach,
• • • 1
Peter McJSwSn jr„ who has silent Michael Fox and wife, 10th ca
the past four menthe in British .left on Monday, 7th inst., for
Columbia visitet7 at his home in extended visit to 'Callender, La
Turuberrt.. for a few drays before Ntpssing and North Bay,
resumting, bis; studtets ttt Toronto
University. BRUSSELS
• • 4 Capt. Ogilvie, late of Mt, Fore
C, and Mre. Moffatt visited friends Was .assumed aheege of the lBrusde
in Holstein last week. contingent et the Salvation Arm
1 * * *
MONCRIEFF We deeet if W. H, Mdcrack
Geo, Hanley bas returned home has anequal in Huron County as
from Owen Sound. prize winner at Fall Shows.
• • • attended five Fairs and capt
Mise Winnie McNaught, Monk 163 prize tickets,
ton, is visiting her friend Miss
Pearl Harrison,
,t, * * * A * :tc * * *
Wmand Mns. Pete, Aliso Mina
Pete and T. Henderson motored up
from Hamilton to Joseph McKaY's
on Monday,
* Last v, -eek Wm. Baillie, who live
east of here was injured by being
upset from his buggy by the cut-up
of his horse.
* *
Mrs, Detweirer, WinntDeg, is a
welcome visitor with her cousin,
Mrs. H. Tyermran, Wcet gravel
Miss Annie Menzies took 17
prizes. in Fancy Work out of 20
entries at Attwood. Fair.
The hoesebold�effects of A. Mc-
Donold were sniped to Stratford
this week. The family will fol-
low in a few days,
Miss. Era McCracken and Miss
Arnie Menzies were viceitore at Ford
wicb over Sunday.
* * *
11, Maunders of Stashone,
Idoro, who has been visiting here
for several weeks, left for Detroit
where he will tarry for awbile be-
-fore going home.
Mrs, Harvey Keys and cbtldren
arrived back from Saskatchewan
Lost week and Mr, Keys le on his
way hornet now,
Michie---Cole—At the rosidene
%/ Model 948T-1
Only $29.95
Complete with Batteries
Lowest price — lowest operating
cost with no sacrifice of RCAVictor
quality, The revolutionary new
battery radio that looks different
— rs different.
• Entirely new circuits — costs
much less to operate.
• Petamanent magnet dynamic
• Modem new style cabinet of
fine walnut veneers.
• Genuine Ever -ready batteries
included. ,
Come itt. See it —
hear it at our store.
When in Brussels
Doing Your Shopping
Stop Al
For Ice Cream Try Foxton'
and you wi61 eat no other
Those Satisfying MILK SHAKES
Those Generous TASTY SUNDAES